The GOP Should Suffer Carthage’s Fate

After what I saw yesterday, I don’t even care about the election anymore.

It was always going to end this way: either Trump would win the election, or failing that he would destroy the GOP. Either way, it is a good outcome. I did not anticipate an establishment an October establishment coup d’état scenario.

Trump’s base are not regular, church-going, suburban Republicans. Of all Republican voters, hardcore Trump supporters are the most weakly attached to “conservatism” and the Republican Party. Many of them didn’t show up for Mitt Romney in 2012 and John McCain in 2008. Many of them were already faced with the choice of voting for someone on their ballot who they strongly disliked like John McCain or Paul Ryan.

The coup scenario that we saw yesterday didn’t occur to me because I couldn’t imagine the GOP establishment being bold enough to insult and antagonize Trump’s base in such a provocative and unprecedented way. Even if Trump were to lose the election, it would have likely been a narrow loss and it would have been in their self interest not to antagonize Trump’s supporters in order to depress turnout in downballot races.

But now?

What is Trump himself thinking after Reince forced him to sign that loyalty pledge and endorse the likes of Kelly Ayotte, Paul Ryan and John McCain before their primaries? What is Trump going to say about the Republican Party when he goes on stage tonight? What are Trump’s supporters thinking about the downballot races after what they saw yesterday? How did that establishment coup d’état go over with Trump’s crowds?

I hope Trump goes on stage tonight and destroys the Republican Party and Conservatism, Inc. once and for all. He should tell his supporters NOT TO VOTE for #NeverTrump turncoats. He should explicitly lead his followers out of “conservatism.” He has the pull with the White working class to turn them against the GOP. The GOP is face down and dead in the water without the support of White working class voters.

Yesterday evening, Guiliani referred to Trump as “the populist candidate” and indicated that Trump was about to declare war on the likes of Mitt Romney and Conservatism, Inc. I’ve never heard any of Trump’s surrogates call him a “populist” before. I hope we are going to see more of that tonight and at his rallies in the weeks ahead.

The only proper response to the disgusting stab in the back we saw yesterday is to boycott the downballot Republican candidates.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I did not anticipate that the GOP leadership cadre would conspire to destroy their own party either. But here we are.

  2. Meanwhile according to Bump of the WAPO/FIX, no friend of Trump—there has been no change in the daily tracking polls.

    My take, Trump would not get the FemmiNazi vote anyway.

  3. Me either, I thought the Clintons blinked and used up their ammo to offset wikileaks and Trump camp’s allusion to Epstein Island and the rapes by Bill Clinton rapist.

    Now I am not really buying into the down ticket thing I don’t see a week of GOP stupidity helping that in the least as if now a whole basket of respectable weaklings will suddenly look to the establishment GOP and think saviors of all that is good and greedy.

    As of now I still look at it as a poorly thought out and executed coup and as of this AM Hillary is still giving Donald stage time tonight for DJT to give us his Rubicon speech.

    • After the Stupid Party stunk it up in the first half of 2015, with the flag in SC, the religious protection bill debacle in Indiana (hint: Gov. Mike Pence), and other things, I resolved never to vote for another one. And that has not changed. My only affirmative vote in 2016 is for Trump, both in the primaries back in March and of course in a month. The only other named Republican I filled in a circle next to was the alternate candidate for state AG in the Republican Primary, the alt candidate won big, because I work close to the establishment choice and came to distrust him that much. Otherwise, all I have to do in a month is Trump and vote on the propositions.

    • Sessions does not run this year, but the other senator from Alabama is. Richard Shelby. Do not know how he feels about Trump but he was all for obama giving the internet away.

    • I never planned on any down-ballot votes before this latest proof of GOP treachery. Burn it with fire and salt the ground. The hell with the uniparty and all cuckservatives. I don’t have the privilege of being a Southron by birth, but fully understand detesting Yankees.

  4. What is Trump himself thinking after Reince forced him to sign that
    loyalty pledge and endorse the likes of Kelly Ayotte, Paul Ryan and John
    McCain before their primaries?

    The #NeverTrump crowd is breaking the pledge, so Trump has no need to abide by it. When you’re a QB and have the ball in hand, and you see an obvious flag thrown on the defense, what do you do? Right.

  5. GOP establishment never felt comfortable with middle class whites. Used them then ignored them after each election. They can’t win without white middles but can’t stop abusing them either. Yes, destroying GOP is a good outcome.

  6. Yes, the corrupt Republican Party is about to disintegrate. It is long past time fro the party of Abraham Lincoln to say goodbye. But the democrats have been hopelessly corrupted -beyond repair. White Nationalist Patriots do not have a party in present day America. Modern 99% of modern day “conservatives” are not truly conservative -or they would be white nationalists.
    14 Words

    • The GOP should have never existed. I’m truly sorry John Wilkes Booth didn’t pull the trigger before Lincoln the Crypto took office in the first place.

    • “But the democrats have been hopelessly corrupted – beyond repair.”

      I don’t know about that. Texas used to be solid Democrat and I know that conservative Democrats did not play by the Marquess of Queensberry Rules when it came to the progressive Democrats. They did not hesitate to get down in the mud, grab them by the balls and twist for all they were worth until the progressive screamed uncle.

      The Republicans are definitely finished. Sam Francis didn’t call them The Stupid Party for nothing. The smartest thing they could have done was make a big show about enforcing party discipline and make any Republican who wanted to remain in the party swear fealty to and support Trump while quietly encouraging the Never Trumpers to switch to the Democrat Party.

      Instead they let the Never Trumpers stay on and only offered up a weaselly half-assed support looking to bail on Trump at a moment’s notice. The Republicans are too stupid to understand that, if Trump loses, their whole constituency will see them as back-stabbing traitors and will never ever buy that they will fight Hillary on anything.

      It’s too late now. I believe that since Trump’s support kept them from being primaried, many of them are going to be replaced by Democrats and any who switched parties after the election will find themselves primaried by the Democrat Party.

      In any case, I think we’ll see one party rule for a while, but I do believe that all those White Democrat male leaders who felt pushed out by the Anti-White male Rainbow Coalition are going to form their own coalition with both the disaffected Bernie Brothers and pissed off Trump supporters.

      It will be Democrat Texas Writ Large.

  7. The Bush family has a lot of skeletons in the closet which will see the light of day under a Trump presidency.

    • I certainly hope you’re right. Rumor has it that both daddy Bush and GW are cross-dressing faggots.

  8. If Trump loses, we will need to ruthlessly push the narrative that the GOP stabbed him in the back. It’s a simple message and one that anyone can understand.

    It’s the best propaganda message that I can think of. Nothing else is equally true, comprehendible, and polarizing.

    We always need to remember that the goal is to break the Conservative Establishment. They represent the weak half of the system upholding the Jewish elites. Once they are banished, the system will begin to breakdown at an ever faster rate.

  9. The GOP was built on the ashes of the Whig Party. Likewise the new White American Workers’ Party will be built on the ashes of the GOP.

  10. I’ve noticed that everyone who runs afoul of The Donald winds up paying dearly for it. Glenn Cuck, Shitt romney, Yeb!, etc. They all suck.

  11. It’s not clear to me, Mr. W., what has angered you and several of the commenters here. What coup d’état?

      • Evidently, that’s a coup of a type that’s invisible to me. The “Access Hollywood” material was damning. It pushed several Republicans, at last, to disavowal of Trump. That’s not complicated or surprising.

    • Isn’t it obvious? People despise cowardice and disloyalty, something #trucucks have just shown themselves to be expert at.

  12. No one cares. This election has the LEAST public interest I have ever seen. It’s October, where are the signs? The bumper stickers?

    No one is talking about it. I suspect folks a burned out. I certainly am. I knew who I was going to vote for last July. We need 18 months to do this? A bazillion “debates”? I’m not watching them since Cruz had a real shot.

    This election is a referendum on America itself; eniugh rank and file whites will have to realize that and vote Trump despite everything, or we turn the page of history to the next chapter.

    • You are right. Early talk of a massive turnout this year ignores the high negatives of both candidates. It’s a turnout election of the most motivated groups. Segments of each party’s base will vote at lower rates (e.g. suburban cucks and millenials).

      For me it has always been a referendum on this country and its people. It is worth bothering with or not?

    • Nonsense. You see few Hillary signs because nobody likes her.

      You see relatively few Trump signs since not many are willing to risk having their house or car vandalized.

      Few want to talk about it with strangers or co-workers for obvious reasons, it’s not wise to talk politics in public these days.

      • ‘You see relatively few Trump signs since not many are willing to risk having their house or car vandalized.’

        Undoubtedly true.

  13. All of these comments appear to be directly on target regarding the sources of our peril, yet their assumption that the internet can make billions of proles aware that something more must be done just now than cringe and complain, that without REAL regime change right here in the good ol’ JuSA, civilization will relapse into barbarism for everyone. Nor does “Election 2016” offer any avenue out of this fever swamp whatsoever. For the Hasbara’s 1/2 percent minority, which like the Mossad specializes in doing wars by deception, outvotes sites such as Occidental Dissent 100 to 1, the same way they did last century via their now-fading print mediacracy. With the money that’s behind them, an internet search for “White pride” will continue returning 100 “white supremacism” and “racism” hits for every straight answer. So let’s keep at what we’re doing, but ALSO give more support to the mere handful of straight and honest hardcopy newspapers jumping into that void slowly being vacated by those no-longer-relevant metropolitan rags. One such highly-readable “Southern agrarian” monthly, a 24-page tabloid, would be The First Freedom out of Silverhill, Alabama. It’s even online, for those too cheap to subscribe, at .

  14. Trump has been hanging out with politicians at least since the early 1980s. He knows a great deal. When he speaks of a “rigged system” Trump does not go into the details and name individuals and their actions. If he loses he should tell everything. The Bush dynasty, chummy with the Clintons, should be at the top of the list.

    I am hesitant to say that it should be now because the most evil government on the planet might physically harm him and his family. Hey, Clinton talked of a drone strike on Assange….

  15. As I read the posts of our host, Mr. W., and several of the commenters here, I can see how the Civil War began. All of this overheated rhetoric, as I suppose it would be called, about traitors, stabs-in-the-back, Julius Caesar, a coup d’état, rats, and so on. I’m not sure what Mr. W. or those of you who share his anger think the Republicans should have done in reaction to the “Access Hollywood” material.

    • I tried to answer your post’s query about the truth with several links. Basic rationality totally eludes many of these commenters, along with morality. I was accused of asserting something that was the opposite of what I actually posted, and then a regular here tried to justify the notion of raping a 13 year old girl by blaming the parents of the victim, as if their negligence or worse would in any way mitigate the rape of a child.

      I’ve made my dislike of your people’s (sicilians, italians generally) culture clear on occasion. Since I’m not a biological determinist or fetishist I should say that in general you observe a dignified demeanor, particularly when compared to certain people whose behavior is beyond shameful and embarrassing to me as a northwestern european and human being.

      Why someone who is capable of at least semi-reasoned debate would indulge such filth escapes me.

      I write in hopes that various parties learn something from what goes on here.

        • ‘Where were all the parents of the Rotherham victims?!!!!!’

          Poor muslims, they were just acting like men, y’know?

          Why is everyone such hypocritical prudes?

          ‘All the working class whites are just afraid to be seen with us.’

          Or let their wives and kids near you…

          • /// This just shows what a TOTAL dumbass moron you are. You flatter yourself that your are “intelligent” – but you are nothing more that a parrot, with NO ability to THINK at all.
            The KIKENVERMIN rulers of the JEWK brought IN Sand Nigger Muslim vermin, with the specific PURPOSE of using them as biological weapons AGAINST Whites. Shitskins are protected and enabled by the KIKES. Parents of the little girls did try to stop this, but THEY have been persecuted and punished by the KIKES. The SHITSKINS are REWARDED by the PEDO JEW DEVILS, for ding what they do. You STUPID bitch.
            Gold digging WOMEN pursue men LIKE Trump, and Slick GRIDS Willie, and any other wealthy men. Re: the Epstein rape plan – were those girls kidnapped? I don’t think any of them were 11. HOW did they get in the plane? YOU yourself keep citing the lack of proof that Trump raped a child – yet you keep blathering about it. Where’s the PROOF, you Marxist TWAT?

    • That should have done what the Demonrats do with every scandal involving Hillary which are ridiculously numerous.

      Circle the wagons, shut the hell up and attack the opposition.

      That is why they weather every damn storm and win.

      But of course, the GOPe want Trump to lose because thy are on the same team so they attack at him at every opportunity while ignoring Clinton’s crimes.

      • Thank you, Sam.

        You posted very succinctly the point I made and so much better than I did. Awesome response!

    • They merely should have publicly stated their disappointment and accepted his apology. By condemning him and pulling their support, they were simply taking advantage of a situation they had long been waiting for and hoping for. Trump doesn’t need the support of the Republican Establishment for most of his supporters. We are against the system itself and Trump is our message and vehicle of change. He is our path to wrestle control from those who are destroying us from within. On the November ballot, I am not voting for anyone other than Trump, at least at this time. I will cross out every other name on the ballot overwriting them with “Commie” or “Cuck” as applicable.

      • I see that your desperation, Fr. John, at the approach of an election that bids fair to finish the white race, has not improved your manners.

        • Not toward the pompous asses, no.
          I use the same manners for an idiot as I do for a nobleman, if the nobleman is a boor.

          “Answer a fool according to his folly, listed be wise in his own conceit. Proverbs 26:25

          • Having given your comments only very-limited attention, over the years, Fr. John, I’m unsure whether you are incompetent with respect to the Bible’s antique diction only, as opposed to English generally, but that should be “lest he be,” not “listed be.”

          • I would say to you Jerome, that the expression give honor to whom honor is due is something that you never observed not even in the breach. Because if you were to do so, you would realize that is a priest I am owed that on her. But then again I’m talking to a brick wall when I talk to you.

    • @J_Bonaccorsi:


      Until Trump answered for his comments. Which he did. Once Trump apologized and implied that his views on women had evolved since he started his campaign, they should have made a big show of accepting his statement at face value.

      It it not unreasonable for a somewhat intelligent person to go this route. I don’t think of myself as a complete idiot and I believe Donald Trump. I also understand where he was coming from when he made those remarks.

      Trump came of age as an affluent member of society at the height of so-called White Male Privilege, the Mad Men era, if you will. His standing actually insulated him from anything other than ornamental women. Many of whom were gold diggers who had no problem throwing themselves at a wealthy man. Since he was young and reasonably attractive, there would be no reason why they wouldn’t double their efforts, thus shaping his opinion of all women as sex toys who want to be objectified. So I think he can be excused, because he didn’t know any better.

      Prior to his campaign, I never saw Trump display any kind of affection or regard or pay any attention to any woman who did not look like a beauty queen or a model. Since his campaign, I have seen how close he has gotten to very ordinary looking women. I have seen his sympathy and compassion to women who lost their children to illegal alien crime or whose husbands lost their jobs thanks to these trade deals.

  16. Rather than sitting out the senate election in my state I have decided to vote for the Democrat since the incumbent GOP senator trashed Trump. If the Dem pulls it off will we even notice a difference? Nope.

  17. I’ll repeat myself and repeat myself often…..

    Why would I change my vote because of a few crude comments? He hasn’t
    changed his positions on any of the issues that have me supporting him
    in the first place. We need to stay focused. The whole morality of the
    nation has declined and we all need to be fixed in that regard. I
    would never consider giving up the 2nd Amendment, the proper treatment
    of our veterans, a wall with Mexico, stopping the Supreme Court from
    going full Marxist, no more illegal immigration (and hopefully no more
    legal), the jobs coming home, the end of nation building, little to no
    foreign aid, lower taxes, law & order, the end of Obamacare, and a
    good relationship with our former enemies among many, many others
    issues. As long as he keeps the same position on the issues, he will
    get my vote and the vote of every one of my family members. I’m not
    getting off the Trump train – no freaking way – go Donald!!!

  18. Thank goodness I did not vote early yet. I have time to write-in against every Republicuck on the ballot. Here they have all abandoned Trump.

    • Agree. That goes for anything else too. Either take it for our own or destroy so our enemies can’t have it. That’s exactly the way they treat us and always will, so we are morally justified in employing the “take or destroy” strategy.

  19. Brad, are you going to have a separate thread for the debate tonight? i’m wondering what readers think will happen and what approach Trump should take?

    Throw Molotov cocktails or do a Jimmy Swaggert?

    • If it comes up, he should apologize briefly for his crude remarks and spend the whole time talking about why America is in trouble and what he would do to save it.

  20. Just assessing the lay of the land at the debate viewing party I’m at, and just to give you a hint without giving too much away, it’s hosted by a former Republican state legislator, and attended by various Republican or -leaning apparatchiks of one sort or another, current or former or prospective this that or the third, and various parasites and hangers-on, the next civil war could break out just in this house any time in the next few hours and spread through the whole country. That’s how ice cold things are between we on the Trump side and them on the Never Trump side. It was nowhere near this bad when I was at this same house at the viewing party hosted by this same person almost two weeks ago for the first Presidential debate.

  21. I am wondering if Trump was set up for this by Billy Bush. The connection with the Bush family stands out, especially given that George H. W. Bush endorsed Hillary. The Bushes are connected with the CIA, and the CIA has assets working for the media. Sometimes a coincidence is just a coincidence, so we will just have to wait and see on this one.

    The full, unedited video is cringe-worthy, in my opinion. Bush’s behavior with the soap opera actress seems awkward.

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