Remember Pussy Riot?
The artists known as Pussy Riot were the “strong and brave young women” who Hillary Clinton said “refuse to let their voices be silenced in Russia.” They made international news when they stormed Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Russia and put on … well, this vulgar performance below.
Great to meet the strong & brave young women from #PussyRiot, who refuse to let their voices be silenced in #Russia. pic.twitter.com/7JVkZ9TYx3
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) April 4, 2014
So listen to this:
“According to Tolokonnikova, “This song could be considered an answer to Trump. But I believe the idea of powerful female sexuality is much bigger than any populist megalomaniac man…Vagina is bigger than Trump.”
Pussy Riot is BACK just in time for the election with this riposte to Trump’s misogyny. It’s called …. “Straight Outta Vagina.” Enjoy!
Chaser: Amy Schumer went topless and beached herself on Instagram to promote #StrongerTogether.
Note: Since the return of Weimar conditions in the West has already stirred a revival of the National Socialist concept of the “Lügenpresse/Lying Press,” could we see a similar revival of Entartete Kunst/Degenerate Art?
I’m not a son of the south, but love the constitution and even the confederacy, but my Granddaddy came here on a Russian passport.
I’m thinking I’d rather live under Putin than Hillary. Actually it is a no-brainer except for the language and moving. The Russian Orthodox church has endorsed a total ban on abortion.
Due to Russia’s comparatively weaker currency, moving actually isn’t that hard (almost any American can afford a Russian house). There’s also an American expat community in Moscow so it’s not too hard to slowly ease yourself into the local community.
If I was in your situation, I’d definitely look into saving up and buying a house over there.
I understand that Moscow is insanely expensive.
Moscow (and St. Petersburg) are the most expensive Russian cities, but only in the downtown areas. Once you get a little ways out they’re not too bad.
I’d rather get a farm with a big 4WD Kirovets tractor. Seriously, if I were in my twenties, I’d consider New Zealand, Brasil or Argentina. Europe might not be any safer than North America.
I hope you screen captured Larry’s exploits before he was deloused.
Don’t be surprised if you see a large Russian outreach program set up to convince Americans and others in the West to bring their money, trades and skills to Russia. It may or may not be indirectly supported by Putin or other high level members of the Russian government.
What better way to counter a belligerent American government that is promoting degeneracy and importing ignorant, third-worlders than to siphon off the pissed off Americans who are intelligent, hard-working people and people who value something resembling a civilized society.
Imagine if even ONE genuinely pro-White country existed and welcomed Whites from all their former White countries. The amnesty crowd wouldn’t have any trouble building that wall then. Not to keep 3rd worlders out but to keep Whites in and kill us if we tried to escape.
That was Czarist Russia. And man did the Skypes do a number on that rather pro-white people.
Ayn Rand was Russian, and there’s no reason Galt’s Gulch can’t be in Russia. Russia could even get a tiny stipend from the productive that would double their GDP.
Also it appears Russia might ban Abortion and otherwise become a far more Christian country than the USA.
Alyssa Rosenberg was a Kike.
I like Kike – at least if they fight stupidity of the largess of the state.
Which direction do they point the gun, and whom do they shoot at?
My brother Larry’s twitter acct got lampshaded by Jack Dorsey so I am taking over for him.
I think it’s pretty obvious that “Pussy Riot” is being funded by Darth Soros and/or the CIA in order to undermine all enemies of ZOG, including Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump.
We will miss Larry.
Oh, the outrage over Russia’s treatment of Pussy Riot! What heroes of free speech! We must stand with Pussy Riot against the evil “literally Hitler” Putin.
If they had done here what they did there they would have had big problems. Could you imagine a similar group here attacking a prominent church (how about the National Cathedral or Martin King’s father’s church) and disrespecting it and calling for the death of Obama? Think they would not have been arrested? Would they have been praised instead? Yeah, right. This place is full of s***.
Putin used hate speech laws to defend the church.
No he didn’t.
… the band members were incarcerated in Moscow under penal code 213 for “hooliganism” that was “motivated by religious hatred or hostility.”
Putin did not have them arrested. And the motivation aspect of the charge is secondary to the fact that Cunt Riot are hooligans. They weren’t incarcerated fit ‘hate’, but for their actions.
I smell word play. Are you Jewish??
You’re demented.
I’ve thought that a better translation of the German term is Retarded Art.
“Anti-art” is also good.
They all hate Christ and Christianity. Hillary and Pussy Riot are the same.
That is a sure fire winner for Clinton, they need to run with this I am so trolled, the outrage that Clinton and her ilk could celebrate an opening act to a youporn video is just off the chart.
HoHum, or basically spoiled white girls with a sense of entitlement far outsized to what 6 billion poor people of color think is warranted. Id sell em to the muslims, sorry white knights, yes I would sell them to the muslims.
I’d look the other way if you did.
MANY of those wymyn are Kikes.
I would still sell them to the muslims, days of white knighting are over.
A girly translator was stupid enough to go with a stupid reporter to the Jungle in Calais, France, she got raped. Me shit happens, can’t help stupid especially if she is not my tribe.
I agree 100%. An I’ve been suggesting that these twats – and that is what and all they are – should be sold to Afghani goat farmers, for some nice goats, for YEARS.
when the rotherhamistan gets set up in jewyorkshitty, we can start selling them right here at home!!
Public floggings, marking, and burning at the stake are “corrections” that need to be re-instated.
They will all be reinstated, madam. It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that repealing the death penalty has done nothing to make this a more civilized society. If anything it has become much less so.
I can think of one particular individual for whom the Day of the Rope cannot come soon enough:
This is part of Hillary’s anti-Putin shtick, using these SJW useful idiots. Her (((masters))) hate Putin and want to risk starting WWIII over it.
Putin should have kept them in Siberia.
I loved it when they got whipped in Sochi.
Stump broke for Hillary!
If these jewgirls would stick to harassing mosques and islamic embassies it would be a lot funnier. (((They))) have ratcheted that down.
It seems odd that Lady Ga Ga didn’t have something to do with this.
Detain and punish them.
That sultry-looking brunette on the left needs to be punished, good and hard.
lolz. you must be durty ol’ deplorable like me.
Pussy Riot is just another name for women’s suffrage.
Pussy Riot is REASON ONE why many men feel at times like being physically violent toward women. You see this sort of acting out, you resent it down deep into your soul and you just have this revulsion in you that wants to do something about it. When the Cossacks were whipping I said yes thats cruel but at the same time they deserved it.
The problem is men have since the Suffragettes been ordered by the Rockefeller/Illuminati/Jewish cabal to put up with this crap and I believe when you see MGTOW and stuff like Anglin writes, you are seeing that men have had it and arent going to take it anymore. From Anyone
They are in need, as is society, of corrective action. Public flogging is the straightforward, direct, and efficacious action. After a few sweeps of the lash, we will see how deep their commitment is.
Desecrating the Holy Orthodox Church is an offense that mandates pain and suffering in such quantity that the perpetrator would not even THINK to repeat such a vile action.
Russia believes in “blood and soil”, Russians believe their country is sacred, hence “Mother Russia”. The United States needs to expel and execute millions, like a good sh*t, in order to jump start the White birthrate with quality DNA and ancestral genetic and congenital inheritance.