Daily Mail: Putting The Crook In Crooked Hillary

All I can do is laugh at this country. And weep.

I think I finally might have come across a compelling argument against racism: quite honestly, the corruption of Clinton, Inc. is on the scale that you expect to read about in a distant Third World sub-Saharan African country. Remind me to never again poke fun at Mobutu Sese Seko and the worshipful Congolese media!

“The extent to which Hillary Clinton’s key advisers are now the focus of major FBI investigations is becoming clear.

The Clintons’ long-term inner-circle – some of whom stretch back in service to the very first days of Bill’s White House – are being examined in at least five separate investigations.

The scale of the FBI’s interest in some of America’s most powerful political fixers – one of them a sitting governor – underlines just how difficult it will be for Clinton to shake off the taint of scandal if she enters the White House.

There are, in fact, not one but five separate FBI investigations which involve members of Clinton’s inner circle or their closest relatives – the people at the center of what has come to be known as Clintonworld.

The five known investigations are into: Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin’s estranged husband sexting a 15-year-old; the handling of classified material by Clinton and her staff on her private email server; questions over whether the Clinton Foundation was used as a front for influence-peddling; whether the Virginia governor broke laws about foreign donations; and whether Hillary’s campaign chairman’s brother did the same.

The progress of the Clinton Foundation investigation and that into McAuliffe was first reported by the Wall Street Journal.

The FBI does not generally comment on investigations, so it is entirely possible there are more under way.
Here are the advisers and consiglieri – and how the FBI is looking at them …”

Where would we be without The Daily Mail?

By the time the Clintons are finished milking this country eight years from now, I can’t help but get the sense that they will retire to their own personal Gbadolite. Perhaps it will end for them in the same way it ended for Mobutu?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


      • Strange you mention that. I saw and enjoyed that one. Many years later I watched a really gross (literally nauseating) movie with Bruce Willis called The Jackal. Parts of it looked familiar, but I couldn’t place it until, near the end, I suddenly realised it was a remake of Day of the Jackal. Practically unrecognisable. Updated, Americanised, dumbed down and trashified for American audiences. Oh, yeah, and negrified – the Assistant Director of the FBI is played by Sidney Poitier.

        Instead of that cool rifle, his weapon of choice was a heavy machine gun in the back of a van. And the target of the assassination, instead of Charles de Gaulle (who dat?)… Hillary Clinton.

  1. Those Clinton grifters will not commit another 8 years worth of crime and corruption out of the White House. There will be another civil war or something to stop them.

  2. Hillary is connected to the abortion-selling-baby-body-parts horror ;

    “PAY TO SLAY” :


    If link doesn’t work, use Search Term :

    “WND + Hillary Linked To Baby Body Parts Scandal”

    Also : The Clintons were in charge of billions of dolars meant for Haiti to rebuild Haiti after the devasting hurricane in 2010. Haiti Reconstruction Aid. The Clintons stole billions of dollars meant to rebuild Haiti. Only about 25 million dollars made it to Haiti, the Clintons walked away with billions of stolen dollars, billions.

    The Funny Thing Is : The mainstream media and Hollywood are always very deeply concerned about blacks, always watching out for any possible injustice done to blacks ; Yet, the Clintons steal billions of dollars earmarked to rebuild Haiti, a BLACK RACE OWNED AND BLACK RACE POPULATED country, and the mainstream media and Hollywood which is always looking out for possible injustices done agiants blacks, and gets real angry when they find injustices against blacks, even though they make up stories about injustices against blacks so they can bash us White working-class Americans, are very deeply concerened and troubled by Racism, they have NOT WORD OF PROTEST AGANIST THE CLINTONS FOR STEALING BILLIONS OD DOLLARS EARMARKED TO GO A BLACR RACE COUNTRY TO HELP THE BLACKS REBUILD HAITI.

    if Trump had stolen the billions of dollars earmarked to rebuild black Haiti, the mainstream media and Hollywood would be screaming every day about how VIRULENTLY RACIST AND HATE-FILLED Trump is for stealing billions of dollars meant to go to help blacks rebuild the black country of Haiti. But the Clintons steal the billions meant to help blacks in Haiti, the MSM and Hollywood not only never protest what the Clintons did to the blacks of Haiti, the MSM and Hollywood support Hiilary Clinton. They never label the Clintons racist and hate-filled for stealing billions of dollars from blacks. If Trump stole the billions meant for black Haiti, they would be reminding us of The Massive Theft, the Virulent Hate-Filled Racism of The Massive Theft, every day.

  3. The Guardian piece about Gbadolite was very informative, Mr. W. You might be interested in a somewhat-related piece at the following link:


    As you’ll see, that’s called “Democratic Republic of Congo: Lubumbashi to Kinshasa” and is at a website called Expedition Portal. It’s about a trip through Congo by two young Belgians, named Frederik and Josephine. When I was first reading it, I thought the entries were being posted daily, as the trek was taking place, and I was thinking the young couple might not survive. It turned out the trek had taken place in 2008, and the material wasn’t posted at Expedition Portal until 2010.
    Road problems like the one in the upper-left picture below occurred frequently, sometimes more than once in a single day. The pictures at the upper-right and lower-left are from the account’s pages 35 and 36 and show the couple with some locals who helped them through a particularly-difficult situation. You might be interested to know Frederik and Josephine were unarmed, by choice, through the whole of the trek.
    “Radio Baobab” is the ID that Frederik uses when he posts the entries. Because reader comments appear throughout and after the account, the entire piece runs 95 pages, but Frederik wraps up the account at pages 53 and 54, I think.

  4. Having enjoyed that Guardian piece you linked, Mr. W., I’ve thought you might be interested in a somewhat-related piece, at the following link:


    As you’ll see, that’s called “Democratic Republic of Congo: Lubumbashi to Kinshasa” and is at a website called Expedition Portal. It’s about a trip through Congo by two young Belgians, named Frederik and Josephine. When I was first reading it, quite some time ago, I thought the entries were being posted daily, as the trek was taking place. I was thinking the young couple might not survive. It turned out the trek had taken place in 2008, and the material hadn’t been posted at Expedition Portal until 2010.

    Road problems like the one in the upper-left picture below occurred frequently, sometimes more than once in a single day. The pictures at the upper-right and lower-left are from the account’s pages 35 and 36 and show the couple with some locals who helped them through a particularly-difficult situation. You might be interested to know Frederik and Josephine were unarmed, by choice, through the whole of the trek.

    “Radio Baobab” is the ID that Frederik uses when he posts the entries. Because reader-comments appear throughout and after the account, the entire piece runs 95 pages, but Frederik wraps up the account at pages 53 and 54, I think.


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