The Berlin Christmas Market terrorist is a Pakistani refugee:
“The driver of the big rig that barreled into a crowded Christmas market in Berlin on Monday — killing at least 12 people and injuring scores more — is a Pakistani refugee who arrived in Germany earlier this year, local reports say.
Sources told the German newspaper “Die Welt” that the suspected terror suspect came into the country on February 16, according to the Telegraph.
The man has been arrested in the past for minor criminal offences unrelated to terrorism, the sources said.
Another Berlin paper, Der Tagesspiegel, reported earlier that he was believed to be either Pakistani or Afghan.
Two senior German officials later confirmed to The Washington Post that the man was, in fact, believed to be a Pakistani national who arrived as an asylum seeker. …”
Of course it was.
The ax-wielding ISIS terrorist in Würzburg was an Afghan refugee. The failed suicide bomber terrorist in Ansbach was a Syrian refugee. In September, German police arrested a 16-year-old Syrian refugee for plotting an ISIS terrorist attack in Cologne. Just last month, a 12-year-old “Iraqi-German” terrorist attempted to blow up a Christmas market in southern Germany. A few days ago, German police foiled a plot by two teenagers who were planning an ISIS terrorist attack in Bavaria.
There have been other refugee and/or immigrant mass murders in Germany like the Iranian dual citizen mass shooting in Munich or the Syrian refugee machete attack in Reutlingen. In Angela Merkel’s Germany, we’ve seen rapes of elderly women in cemeteries, sexual assaults at music festivals, gang rapes of anti-racist activists in parks, rapes of young boys in swimming pools and young girls getting temporary tattoos to ward off rapists. The refugees have even been bold enough to post videos boasting about gang raping German girls on YouTube. After all, Merkel’s government teaches them how to screw their country.
That is only a short list of some of the most memorable incidents in Germany involving Muslim immigrants and refugees over the past year which started off with a bang with literally thousands of sexual assaults in Cologne and which is now coming to a close with this mass slaughter at the Christmas market in Berlin:
“These are Merkel’s dead,” Marcus Pretzell, chairman of the Alternative for Germany party in the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia, posted on Twitter, eliciting a chorus of rebuttals. Vice chairman of the Social Democrats, Ralf Stegner, called the comment “unbelievable and disgusting!”
Through it all, Angela Merkel has been there presiding over this slow motion trainwreck, which she inflicted on Germany by inviting over a million raw Muslims from the battlefields of Syria to settle there. In recent weeks, Merkel has been focused on the threat of “fake news” on Facebook and Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Apparently, she was so focused on “fake news” and Russia that she ignored the warnings from US intelligence that Muslim terrorists were planning to attack Christmas markets.
My guess is that the last 24 hours have been a clarifying moment for the German people. Their enemy isn’t Vladimir Putin or Donald Trump. It is Angela Merkel.
Danke, Angela…
I hope and pray that Germans retaliate !
The religion of peace has been exceptionally peaceful today.
If Merkel were a decent person and cared about GERMANS, she would step down and admit the immigration and multiculturalism have been disasters for Germany. Instead, all she cares about is her ideology and political career. She deserves a show trial in ill-fitting clothes and a swift execution. If the German elites haven’t betrayed their nation with immigration and multiculturalism, then there is no such thing as treason!
Merkel must go.
She’s half Polish and possibly Just possibly Jewish. Wachs is one of her grandparent’s names.
She’s a traitor wherever her grandparents were from.
The Germans who vote for her in vast numbers are traitors as well.
According to this artile she’s a Lutheran minister’s daughter – “The eternal Lutherans”
http://www.businessinsider dot com/how-angela-merkel-became-the-most-powerful-woman-in-the-world-2015-2/
I remember watching an interview with someone who worked with her in their party. He said all she cares about is power and she is
ruthless. That is mentioned in the article above. They also say she has
no loyalty to friends or other party members. She purges and fires her own party members without a second thought.
For the record: Wachs—first name Emma—was a great-grandmother, not grandmother. After marrying an Emil Drange, she had a daughter who had, in turn, a daughter, Merkel’s mother.
Merkel is the head of the Roman Catholic Party in Germany, the #CDU/#CSU. Merkel has the backing of the #Pope who is 100% behind her and the #CDU/#CSU. This is all a little hard for Americans to comprehend, having been subjected to Roman Catholic propaganda which is every bit as insidious as that of the Jews.
Merkel IS a Polish Jew.
I thought her father was a Lutheran pastor.
He “converted”. Oy vey.
Yeah…and Martin Luther King was a sincere Christian, just like Pope Frank.
Paternal grandfather was a Pole born out of wedlock but with no Jewish ancestry as far as I’ve ever heard. Fought against the Germans in World War I, married a German girl, and settled in Berlin in 1923. Eventually changed Polish surname, Ka?mierczak, to Kasner, which, thus, became surname of son, Horst, Merkel’s father.
If, in short, Merkel has Jewish blood on her father’s side, it would have to be from Margarethe, the German girl her grandfather married. Don’t know the maiden name or ancestry of Margarethe.
Grandfather was raised Catholic but converted to Lutheranism; thus, yes, his son, Merkel’s father, was a Lutheran pastor.
The grandparents …
Thanks for the picture, Bonaccorsi.
It does make me wonder about something though:
Both people in the pic look a bit odd for being either pure-blooded Germans or Poles. I’ve known many members of both ethnic groups, and those two just don’t fit the stereotypical mold.
They could be purely German and Polish, but during the late 1700s and early 1800s, many Jews in Central Europe ‘converted’ to Catholicism. So it’s possible that Merkel’s ancestors were some of these ‘Catholic Jews.’
I’d say you’re right about that, so I was probably speaking a little bit loosely when I said any Jewish blood on Merkel’s paternal side would “have to be” from Margarethe, the grandmother. The grandfather’s few ancestral names I’ve seen all looked quite Polish; but as you say, it’s difficult to tell what that means.
In this particular case, the question is further complicated by the historical switching of territory from Prussia to Poland—something I can never keep straight. Talk of Merkel’s Polish ancestry usually has to do with this Ka?mierczak, her paternal grandfather—as far as I’ve seen, anyway—but her maternal great-grandparents, Drange, whom I mentioned in the present comment section, seem to have come from territory that’s part of that historical switch and seem to have ancestry that’s German or Polish or I’m-not-really-sure.
Seems to have degenerated to a strange almost Dog Breeding Pedigree nerd analysis of Merkel’s bloodlines here. News is that it’s fairly normal for the peoples in that part of the world to have intermarried. My dad is allegedly of Polish decent, he’s got a cousin who is a priest and went to Poland to research the family tree. Turns out when you go several generations back into the 19th century suddenly there are Germans marrying Poles, particularly German men could marry a Polish woman in a Polish Village and effectively evade military service. So I take it that in the Eastern Parts of Europe that were sort of German-Austrian but also contained all the various ethnicities who got their own states after WW1 this thing may have been quite common and nationalities are more linguistic than purely “racial” as some imagine.
This is a good point.
From what I know, the rate of ethnic intermarriage depended on region. I’ve heard, for example, that the Volga Germans almost never intermarried with the Russian majority but the Silesian Germans often intermarried with Poles.
This means that there are many East Germans with names which are clearly of Polish origin. As a general rule, if a German name ends in ‘itsch’ it’s almost always a Germanized form of the Slavic name ending ‘ich.’
Making things even more complex, there were also many Polish men who settled in the Ruhr valley during the 1800s. You can still see the impact this had by looking at the locals. In certain towns, they often have stereotypically Polish features, and these towns almost always can be found to have received a dose of Polish immigrants in the 1800s.
Interesting, the itsch-ich distinction. Decades ago, as I think I once mentioned here, at Occidental Dissent, a Polish friend of mine remarked that the “ski” ending, generally, is Polish, whereas “sky” is Polish Jewish. Since I vaguely recalled knowing some Jews whose Polish-style names ended with “sky,” not “ski,” that sounded about right.
Even as I’d completed the last of my comments on which you’ve commented, Nightowl, I myself was thinking that the whole line of thought had gone off, as you say, into dubious notions of ethnicity. The main question—and with respect to this German-Polish area, even this question could probably be a vexed one—is whether Merkel is at all Jewish. One sees it said that she is, but I personally have no idea what that means.
PS Hold on a second, Nightowl: I’m going to adjust my previous comment, in which I sort-of-agreed with you that my comments above had degenerated into a kind of nerd analysis of ethnicity. No–my phrase “German or Polish or I’m-not-really-sure” indicated that I myself am finding the whole question, as pursued by the Germans themselves, dubious.
Consider the headline in the graphic below:
“Kanzlerin Angela Merkel ist zu einem Viertel Polin”
“Chancellor Merkel is one-fourth Polish”
In my comments above, I was essentially saying that I don’t even know the meaning of that “one-fourth,” which, as I indicated, seems to involve a focus on Merkel’s paternal grandfather, i.e., her most-recent-ancestor, it seems, with a Polish surname. My point was that Merkel has other ancestors who seem as if they, too, could be called Polish and that, in exploring the question of their ethnicity, one soon finds—as you’ve said—that it’s difficult to say what is meant, in this context, at least, by “German” or “Polish.”
Here’s the headline, which, as you’ll see, is from 2013 …
Or more correctly Polish German and Ashkenazi.
A Jew is a Jew is a Jew.
Just dissecting the loyalties she might have.
A Jew by any other name would smell as shitty
The organized Catholic community has done more to bring in ‘refugees’ than any other Christian group in America – even the Lutherans haven’t managed to import as many foreigners.
I used to have a chart on my laptop which broke down refugee resettlement stats by denomination, and it detailed all of this. Wish I still I had it.
No Catholic country ever founded a White nation. If you want to see what hell holes the Catholic Church creates, look at South America.
If no Catholic country ever founded a white nation, how do you account for Northern, Central, and Southern Europe being Catholic for nearly 1000 yrs. prior to 1517?
That is just blatant ignorance,the slave powers(England,Holland) took over Portugal in 1648,within 100 years the rest of mainland Europe was saying the Portuguese were born from the stink of a jews ass,they monopolized everything and instead of destroying the church like Holland and England, took it over and had used it as the first welfare dept.All fueled by the New stock market economy and New protestant religion.(chimped out low class whites)The power that shipped millions of slaves to Brazil.
Spain was also beat by the slave powers,first in Louisiana, where the catholics said,there going to breed us like swine,then florida and texas.The Yankees finished off the terror in central and south America,exterminated the Philippinos,(stole the Hawaiian kingdom)
Those were vibrant Christian countries that spain created,they did not enslave Africans.
“Remember the Maine”! LOL.
Go back to your synagogue you crypto Jew parasite and praise space homo.
What’s the Pope going to say one day when the ethnic Swedish Olympic Hockey Team is brown? Is he going to declare it a success? Would you?
The organized Catholic community you’re referring to is the liberal clique in the RCC. The same type of cliques are also in the Protestant churches as well. The traditionalists in these churches despise the clergy and laity that push this stuff. Thankfully, there’s growing opposition to this nonsense, so in a few years, this garbage will be history.
Trump’s electoral count is now at 268! AAAAGGGHHH. I can’t stand it.
Thank God President-Elect Donald Trump took the oft maligned position of standing firm against Muslim wave immigration that will lead to violence and death in America if continued.
Seemed like it was going to be a slow news day this morning. Then, you know, Islam happened again. Not the first time.
Apparently a pakistani.. Merkel leaves office next year, Insh’ Allah
“A Pakistani” ?
You mean a Syrian refugee from Pakistan?
No, they’ll re-elect her. Europeans always cuck when it comes to electing the right person.
There were lots of Muz stabbings etc. over the past few months, during the US and Austrian elections, but they were barely reported on.
Don’t kid yourself, those hijab and burka wearing women you see at your local mall want to kill you. Their Muslim mufti is a sign of their obedience to Islam.
Praise Kek. Lord Kek has bestowed the Sacred Number of 270 on His Avatar Trump.
Let me guess, the truck driver was named…..I don’t know, Mohammed?
Yet another massacre from “the religion of peace”. And yet another predictable response from the criminal idiots who want to destroy Europe:
You forgot “Issue warnings about a backlash.”
And it should be “Import more refugees so the terrorists don’t win.”
I believe Frau Merkel will respond by more persecution of White Conservative German Males over 18
The “religion of peace” strikes again. The only solution is to bring in more Mohammedans, so they won’t feel so unwelcome.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/562f3085eed4a140650194fe173ee44c8e370cb5b5874680bb5f14c00a879eef.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7b7ced6560fd0972e29e9c5e28449c1aa0335236e98fff1b044203936d907fad.png
Ah, good update of the car-crash jihad cartoon! (I posted the original before seeing your comment)
Here’s the odd thing about US politics.
Trump has Alt Right happy and the Jews(most of them) very upset.
But Trump has done nothing for Alt Right. There isn’t a single Alt
Right person in his administration. Only Bannon has slight indirect ties
to Alt Right. No one else is Alt Right by any stretch of the
In contrast, Trump is surrounded by many powerful Jews, and he has
appointed key Jewish figures in finance and strategy. He has come out in
total support for Israel.
But most Jews hate him.
So, that is the state of US politics.
The Donald has done nothing for Alt Right that remains on the fringe, but Alt Right is hopeful.
In contrast, the Donald, despite opposition from powerful Jewish elites,
has appointed key Jewish figures and has pledged total support of
Zionism. He even appointed two Goldman Sachs people to assure Wall
Street oligarchs. But Jews think they ‘lost’ and face doom.
I guess if you got NOTHING, even the hint of some politician being vaguely sympathetic is reason for euphoria.
But if you got EVERYTHING, even a limited setback to your overall agenda feels like end of the world.
A starving stray dog is happy with a bone.
A fat cat of the house is angry even the juicy meal on his dish if it isn’t fresh gourmet tuna.
The alt right is hopeful because it views Trump’s election as the prelude to a changing of the guard
Hes liberated the tongue. All bets are off…thanks to DT.
Here’s the odd thing about US politics.
Trump has Alt Right happy and the Jews(most of them) very upset.
But Trump has done nothing for Alt Right. There isn’t a single Alt
Right person in his administration. Only Bannon has slight indirect ties
to Alt Right. No one else is Alt Right by any stretch of the
In contrast, Trump is surrounded by many powerful Jews, and he has
appointed key Jewish figures in finance and strategy. He has come out in
total support for Israel.
But most Jews hate him.
So, that is the state of US politics.
The Donald has done nothing for Alt Right that remains on the fringe, but Alt Right is hopeful.
In contrast, the Donald, despite opposition from powerful Jewish elites,
has appointed key Jewish figures and has pledged total support of
Zionism. He even appointed two Goldman Sachs people to assure Wall
Street oligarchs. But Jews think they ‘lost’ and face doom.
I guess if you got NOTHING, even the hint of some politician being vaguely sympathetic is reason for euphoria.
But if you got EVERYTHING, even a limited setback to your overall agenda feels like end of the world.
A starving stray dog is happy with a bone.
A fat cat of the house is angry even the juicy meal on his dish if it isn’t fresh gourmet tuna.
It makes perfect sense if you look at the math. 85% of the Diaspora support Democrats or more radical left wing causes. The other 15% are neutral, conservative, or are Zionists who support Trump because he supports Israel.
Alt-Rights like Weev said they support Trump because they thought he would be destructive to political correctness. He has been to a certain extent, but there are still boundaries Trump won’t cross. For that you need to encourage left crazies like Hillary to do their thing, because the respectable right care more about looking good than winning.
Hypothesis: When the Happenings of the Summer of 16 were threatening to put Trump into the White House, (((the powers that be))) called off the dogs. Now that the election is over, resume Happenings.
PS Did anyone catch ISIS’s suicide bombing of Yemen? 50 killed! The SJWs don’t seem to care about that. I wonder (((why)))? We are dealing with true evil.
White self hatred is SICK!
Unbiased member of NY Electoral College casting his vote:
As Berlin is less than 20% German, I am downright surprised the Saracen marauder could find any Aryans to slaughter – or did he settle for a few innocent Romanian bystanders?
It was a Christmas celebration.
just another day in da hood. if one were to kill a bunch of interlopers in their own living space, hate proportion of hoomanity..
exterminate muslim scum
She needs to hang.
Cue a German Dylan Roof in 3…2…1…
Memes and bitching on the internet only go so far. Sooner or later someone is going to retaliate. While DR was wrong in his target selection, if 100 retaliations took place for every Amanda Blackburn, Jessica Chambers, Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian, we’d solve our problem overnight.
Say what you will, but I’ll send a little money to DR’s canteen fund and a Christmas Card. The moron had guts, and sometimes, guts is enough.
I’m not unsympathetic to the general idea of vigilantism, but c’mon man! Don’t you think the cause, and simple decency, would have been better served had he rolled into some shithole ghetto street corner and taken out 9 gangbangers with long rap sheets, and not elderly church goers?
Hopefully, this breathes some life back into Trump’s immigrant Muslim ban. Not a “country of origin” ban Trump used as his fallback position, but a ban on fucking Muslims!
If it’s only a matter of country of origin, what the hell are we going to do if the immigrant in question is a 2nd generation Pakistani from, say, France? We have to treat him as if he’s no bigger a threat than a white secular or Christian Frenchman? Bullshit! The threat is Muslims, and it doesn’t violate the First Amendment to do it if they’re non-citizens at our border!
Islam is incompatible with Western civilization. An immediate ban on Muslim immigration to the West is the only solution.
From your mouth, to God’s ears.
Forgive us, Lord, our sins and foibles. Confirm thine elect, Donald, and guide us into righteousness in these next eight years.
In Nomine Domini. Amen.
According to Microsoft news this morning the authorities aren’t sure if the arrested Paki did it. Rumor has it they’re out beating the bushes for a nazzee or a white soopreemacisst.
I would pay top dollar for front row seats to watch Merkel hang.
No, because when the trap door opens, a tidal wave of s**t is coming out of her.
And they’re still gonna re-elect her