Marine Le Pen Arrives Unannounced In New York

Marine Le Pen has arrived unannounced in New York:

“French National Front leader Marine Le Pen is in New York on an unannounced visit less than four months before France’s presidential election, according to a senior campaign official.

Le Pen, who leads in the latest opinion poll for the presidency, is making a private visit to New York, her campaign chief of staff, David Rachline, said in a text-message exchange. Donald Trump had no plans to meet with Le Pen, according to an aide to the president-elect, who asked not to be identified without authorization to speak publicly.

“It’s not on her public agenda,” Rachline said, when asked if she planned a meeting with Trump or officials close to him. “We don’t communicate about private visits.” …”

She is clearly on board with the concept of a Northern Alliance:

“PARIS (AP) — France is partnered with the United States and Russia in a global battle against Islamic militants. Francs, not euros, fill the pockets of French citizens. Borders are so secure that illegal immigration no longer fuels fears of terror attacks or drains public coffers. …

“This page in the history of the world is turning. We will give back to the nations reasoned protectionism, economic and cultural patriotism,” she said last Friday at a meeting with the Anglo-American Press Association. She assured such an approach won’t stop a deepening of international ties.

Like Trump, Le Pen, 48, a mother of three and lawyer by training, envisions improved relations with Russia, which she and other National Front officials have visited. But she takes it further.

“I want an alliance to emerge between France, the United States and Russia to fight Islamic fundamentalism because it’s a gigantic danger weighing on our democracies,” she said at a meeting last week with the Anglo-American Press Association.

“Terrorism is a pistol in the hand of the guilty” and only an alliance can defeat it. “I don’t only fight the pistol. I fight the ones who hold it,” she said. …”

Let’s suppose we tear down the liberal world order. What replaces it? In an ideal world, the awakened White man starts to reconstruct his traditional culture and firmly push the barbarian out of his living space. That’s where this is going behind the smokescreen of “civic nationalism.” We’re aiming at the full repeal of the 20th century.

Look at where we were at around a century ago: on the eve of World War I, the White man ruled the world. America Was Great. Britain Was Great. France Was Great. Germany Was Great. Russia Was Great. Now look at what was lost as a result of World War I and World War II which were the greatest tragedy in the history of our civilization.

Dream for a moment that we could return to that world, but with an understanding that fighting among ourselves would only unleash a century of horrors and bring us to the precipice of an abyss in which our own homelands are overrun and colonized by foreigners. We’re facing a world in which our children could become a degraded, persecuted minority in their own countries – thanks to liberalism.

No, I am not idealizing the world of 1913. In hindsight, we now know the dangers of petty nationalism, which when taken to irresponsible extremes discredited the concept of nationalism. In hindsight, we now know that imperialism in the Global South led to rivalry between European states, which produced the conflagration that nearly destroyed Europe. We can be happy that states like Ireland, Poland and Serbia gained their independence. In hindsight, we now know the dangers of utopian fantasy ideologies like liberalism and communism created by crank philosophers which have become pseudo-religions that have replaced Christianity. The result has been death and sterility.

We’ve sobered up and tempered our worldview after a century of horrors. Generally speaking, we want a Northern World at peace with itself and focused on technological and commercial progress, which has rid itself of liberalism and become spiritually and culturally renewed in the process. Among other things, this would entail the end of the insane project (i.e., glorifying “diversity”) of colonizing the Northern World with Third World populations. It means the end of pseudo-moralities like political correctness which have been hatched in academia and artificially imposed on the West by the Lügenpresse. Nationalism now means fighting for France or fighting for Britain or fighting for Germany against international liberal elites and their genocidal project. We’re not fighting for Vietnam or Iraq or Algeria. We’re fighting for our own self-preservation.

We’re burying the world that was born in 1914.

Update: Look who is having a cup of coffee in Trump Tower.


About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yep, let,s hope that century of madness will be over. In 1917 it started and in 2017 in will be ended.

    But Western Europe is terribly cucked so that I don,t count very much on them. Barely month ago Austria voted for rape and terrorism and barely year ago after biggest terror act in France Le Pen lost local elections in every last district.

    I think that Western Europe needs some external help. Yep, Western nationalists are brave and making lot of noise but in the elections they getting their traditional 20%

    • No one and I mean NO ONE is going to vote our way out of this peril. You know what’s going to happen, and WILL HAPPEN. You KNOW.

      • Let’s keep our fingers crosst, Miss Denise – sometimes huge changes can occur without gunfire.

        One example is The sudden fall of the Soviet Union.

        If the New World Order cannot begin to win elections, they will, over the course of the next decade, lose their grip, and that will be that.

    • In both elections the right-wing styling was clearly the reason why they lost. Right wing styling is baggage.

      For comparison, in Italy, the referendum was trounced; you might also add that Trump is not right wing, but a centrist on many issues. He certainly doesn’t style himself as right wing.

      • In France, the establishment parties can join forces in the second round of voting. I believe that’s what happened in Austria as well. Hofer won the first round.

        BREXIT and the Italian referendum were single issue campaigns. They are like our ballot initiatives.

        • Happens in preferential voting systems as well. Conservative/Left and every other minor party preference against nationalists to ensure no loyal White can get power. If they don’t get over 50% of the vote they can forget it.

    • ‘Western Europe is terribly cucked’

      Juri – you are very generous and restrained.

      To my mind, Western Europe is not ‘cuckt’, but, just plain Bolshevik.

  2. It’s happening. We don’t have a choice. The Rising Tide of Sewer Garbage does not give us a choice…………

  3. France is going to need someone a lot stronger than that Le Pen broad if they want to survive. At best she can be a transitional figure. But a transition to what, a restoration of the Bourbons? Another Napoleon? National Socialism? There are a lot of different ways this can turn out.

      • There is the Spark, the Fire, and the Ember. We all serve a purpose. It is necessary to find our position in this. Most of us are Embers, while men such as yourself are the Fire. Then there are men such as Micheal Hill that are the Spark.

  4. ” we now know the dangers of utopian fantasy ideologies like liberalism
    and communism created by crank philosophers which have become
    pseudo-religions that have replaced Christianity. The result has been
    death and sterility.”

    Add into that National Socialism.

    • I’ve always thought of National Socialism as an outgrowth of early 20th century German culture. It wasn’t a universal “ideology” that was meant to be exported abroad.

      If memory serves, Hitler was against the idea and thought that Germans living abroad should return to the Fatherland. NS was rooted in blood and soil which is why the idea that someone else could adopt it was preposterous.

      • Hitler was against the idea because he believed that liberalism weakened opponent countries and he was happy to have them weak. Public statements about NS “not being for export” seem to me simple diplomatic maneuvers to preemptively diffuse any needless tension with countries with large German minorities (like America).

        • He was copying American Eugenics and Race Laws along with Immgration restrictions when his public health bureaus put the Racial Hygenics into law.

          In many ways he was as American as Apple Pie. There’s very little he did that the admissions committee for Harvard wasn’t already doing.

  5. Francs, not euros, fill the pockets of French citizens.

    I heard for a few years after the EU formed., that people in France and Germany were hoarding Francs and Marks. I also heard that those respective governments kept plates on hand in order to start printing Francs and Marks again, once the Euro was gone.

  6. Meanwhile, at HuffPo:

    “Anti-Immigrant French Candidate Marine Le Pen Visits Trump Tower.”

    A header guaranteed to stir up the anti-White Whites and the never Trumpers.

    Apparently, they’re still beating the dead, Russian horse. One commentator said the following;

    “Her campaign has openly accepted financial aid from the Kremlin. Peas in a pod.”

        • The ultraorthodox are far and away the fastest growing segment of Israel’s population. Israeli secularism is dying.

        • The Amish are the fastest growing religion in America and not through conversions, but from having White children.

          • My parents use Amish people to do their lawn, along with Mexicans. The Amish people will follow the letter of the law, but will look for a loophole. They won’t drive but they’ll take a ride. They do indeed use cell phones.

          • The 2012 census was done of only Amish who are strict horse and buggy-ists. Average number of children per parents 8, double their population every 20 years, one new settlement every 3 weeks. I’m also told they are very wealthy too.

            What impresses me most about them is the self sufficiency. The world economy could crash permanently tomorrow, they wouldn’t starve.

  7. “Look at where we were at around a century ago: on the eve of World War
    I, the White man ruled the world. America Was Great. Britain Was Great.
    France Was Great. Germany Was Great. Russia Was Great. Now look at what
    was lost as a result of World War I and World War II which were the
    greatest tragedy in the history of our civilization.”

    Yes, but my God man! Niggers can vote and women can be sluts with the assurance they can get abortion on demand. Any decent human will agree those accomplishments were worth the millions dead and destruction of civilization.

  8. “We’re facing a world in which our children could become a degraded, persecuted minority in their own countries…”

    But we might have a One Payer health system where heroin addicts and welfare queens wont be turned down for pre-existing health conditions, and janitors $70,000 a year pensions after retiring at age 50. “The South is stupid for not voting Democrat,” says all the union bosses.

    • For once I agree with you Robbie, but still differ. The ‘heroine addicts’ will be ‘diagnosed’ with ‘bipolar,’ so insurance pools and taxpayers will have to pay for them. Addiction is just a symptom of an organic brain disease, dontcha know?

      • Yeah. I have been pointing out to some union guys, who have often flat out said their wallets are their primary concern, that they are in fact no different from the Gordon Gekko’s, except the Gekkos are far far better at it.

  9. Mon Dieu!

    We’re not fighting for Vietnam or Iraq or Algeria. We’re fighting for our own self-preservation.

    I’ve been arguing this for 20+ years. Exactly.

    We have our own wars of liberation to fight at home now.

  10. Of course, this could also be a trip to visit potential donors.

    I’m also hearing from sources that she’s planning a coup and asking Trump for military support.

    Strange days!

      • My sources said the same thing. They also said the deal was sealed with a golden shower and a roll in a truck load of elephant poo. Pass it on to Rick Wilson.

  11. I don’t know if she made an appearance at the Trump tower unannounced expecting an obviously busy Trump would meet her. Next time she should arrange a formal appointment. Makes me wonder if Trump would ‘disavow’ her like he did with the Alt-right.

  12. A return to the past would recreate a similar outcome if the economic system also returned to the past.

    If the economic system did not return to the past, then the return never happened.

  13. Most traditionalists will argue that imperialism is wrong but they support every other aspect of traditionalism. The problem is that a recreation of the old economic system would recreate the same problems. If you have feudal monarchs who think they represent God, you’re going to have wars between Europeans.
    The minute you say “fine, I’ll go back, but I’ll change the economics” you don’t realize it, but you’ve just rejected traditionalism.

  14. The French banks won’t lend her any money to campaign, so I figure she’s in NY hoping to find financial backers.

  15. I assume Miss Marine is arriven to ask Mr. Trump to leverage his position to France to leverage her into office.

  16. ‘We’re aiming at the full repeal of the 20th century.’

    A remarkable statement, Sir – not just for what it is, and portends, but, for it’s concentrated pithiness…

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