We haven’t written very much about Ron Paul, Rand Paul or Gary Johnson in 2016. It’s just reality that our readers don’t really care what these libertarian loons have to say. They’ve heard it all before and have rejected anything even remotely libertarian in presidential elections for 75 years.
We take great pride in destroying the libertarian presidential crusade of Rand Paul, who was celebrated on the cover of Time magazine as “The Most Interesting Man in Politics.” This was based on Rand Paul’s championing of the Black Lives Matter protests in Ferguson, doing photo ops with Al Sharpton, and speaking out against a “police state” that deployed the Missouri National Guard to quell the rioting in Ferguson.
We pointed out the rather obvious fact that riot troops were in Ferguson because black mobs were rioting. What happened to Jack Hunter, the “I’m no longer the Southern Avenger, I’m a born again libertarian,” after he lost his job working for Rand Paul? Well, apparently Jack Hunter is still around, but no longer a Rand Paul aide, and he’s writing very, very long-winded libertarian essays about the Liberty movement in the Trump era. We’re told that there wasn’t a “Liberty movement” until Ron Paul’s 2008 campaign, but the libertarian movement existed for decades before that. As always with American libertarians, after all was said and done, a lot more was said than done.
What about Ron Paul? What happened to him in 2016? What has he been doing with all those millions he raised in his money bombs? Did Ron Paul die? Is he selling silver coins somewhere? He fell off our radar screen. Apparently, he’s not quite dead yet.
Here’s Ron Paul’s 2016 educational video explaining that the West really isn’t in any ‘Clash of Civilizations’ with the Islamic world and Muslims can’t harm or even threaten us because, you see, Muslims don’t have a navy. This at a time when Muslim navies spent 2016 landing 2,000 plus Black and North African Muslim males of prime raping and killing ages on Italian beaches. That’s 2,000 every single day!
I’m old enough to remember the original Saturday Night Live show back in the late 1970s when the show was actually funny. One of my favorite charters was played by Gilda Radner – the hard of hearing, old woman Emily Litella, who would make opposing viewpoints on Weekend Update.
Emily would oppose things like “Chinese erections” and “Youth in Asia.” Chevy Chase would then kindly step in and say: “No Miss Litella, our editorial was opposing violence on television, not violins.” Emily Litella would then reply: “Oh, that’s very different. Never mind.”
I wish there was someone who would do the same for old, washed out libertarians like poor old, dear Ron Paul, or maybe we should consider… Youth in Asia/Euthanasia.
Libertarians argue that America had something close to libertarianism until about 1900. That’s mostly true, but any ideology works tolerably well when it is run by white Christian men and only has to deal with white people. Socialism in Sweden for instance. Mix in a few percent of low-IQ, low-trust, high-time-preference, dark-skinned immigrants, and any social system degrades to its lowest common denominator.
Ron Paul? Who dat?
Ron Paul is an important thinker on the libertarian theory of border control. It was Ron Paul that first pointed out that a state can’t have a wall on its border because a wall could be used to keep people in.
He’s got lots of insights like that.
Yes, Trump can’t build another Iron Curtain.
Some Muslims hit the bourgeois class. I don’t consider that “hitting us” when they select for those targets.
Both Pauls seem like nutjobs to me. Libertarianism, if it could be made to work, will only work in racially homogenous societies. Something both Pauls flat out reject.
I buy the nutjob part.
Ron Paul has a point:
It is not the ‘Muslim navies”, that are bringing Africans to Europe. European coast guard picks these people up at sea and delivers them to government-funded “refugee camps” in Italy and Greece. Refugees could never survive in Europe without government help.
Your real enemy is the regime, not Islam. The immigrants are simply taking opportunities that have been offered to them.
Many of the “relief” agencies operating off the Libyan coast are NGOs, not governmental agencies themselves. Libertarians have no solution to this, since any attempt to block such NGOs from bringing their pet refugees back to Europe would require some sort of border control or abrogation of “private property” rights.
Central European and Eastern European GOVERNMENTS are strongly resisting the Muslim Migrant rapist invasions. The poorer, ex-socialist White Eastern Europeans are much safer, and healthy than Western European “market” economies like Germany.
Eastern European GOVERNMENTS put up razor wire fences to contain the Muslim male rapist invaders. OK, in times of invasions, mass rapes by the nastiest Muslim male invaders, White European government intervention is a good thing.
This Libertarianism cult is literally resulting in the mass rape of our girls. We will expose this terrible Libertarian cult.
Jack, only you would blow the thick dust off of this subject. Could you not think of another subject? Give it a rest. The only one you should be carrying such a torch for is your Latin lover. You pick on the Ron & Rand Paul more than you do our real enemies.
Jack Hunter has a big new post that is being heavily promoted in my Twitter feed. It attacks the Alt-Right.
The point of this blog was to expose the race denying, Islam denying Libertarian cult that is still “out there”. It’s not just Ron Paul.
If not for the miracle of the intervention of a patriot, TV celebrity $ billionaire Donald Trump, Libertarianism in 2016 would be the main alternative to the worst cultural marxism, political correctness, anti White, Black ruled America, ZOG.
The case of Jack Hunter clearly shows that people on are side are viciously persecuted and many go for the Libertarian cult as the only place of refuge. Our situation is like something out of the Walking Dead.
I’m not beating a dead horse, because the open borders immigration, Libertarian cult isn’t dead – in so many places like Ivy League Universities it’s presented as the ONLY place a high IQ White person with any sense of what’s so terribly wrong in our world, the only place they can go.
We now know that this isn’t true. We have the Alt Right, Alt Light, we have President Donald Trump. We can compete and win great things and save our people, save our civilization. And please watch that 2016 video of Ron Paul where he’s pushing the cyanide in the Kool Aid – that we must not fear or fight with Islam. Don’t drink the cyanide Libertarianism in the Kool Aid.
Plus, I only wrote a couple of blogs on Libertarians in 2016, I just noted the usual immigration lunacy of Libertarian loon Presidential candidate Garry Johnson. I agree we/I shouldn’t waste a lot of time and effort worrying about Libertarians as this cult is at historic lows. Just be careful of any 20 something males you personally know that will go down with this cult.
I’ve shaped up Jack’s post.
Ron Paul and his libertarian lunacy was nothing more than a stepping-stone for Whites on their way to becoming red-pilled on race and the JQ.
His non interventionist talking points attracted me, then his open border banter lost me.
Ron Paul is one of the few to point out that the ‘anchor baby’ is a misinterpretation of the Constitution, but yes too many dumb ‘open’ border libertarians who can’t grasp that most of the low IQ world is unfit to function in such a manner.
I believe you’re right. I am so far beyond Ron Paul, yet, in 2008, he was the man.
Now he’s just a tired old fool, who has no relevance to the future of this country.
And his son? Total and complete cuck.
Say what you wish about Ron Paul, but he and Pat Buchanan prior to Trump who understood the importance of staying out of foreign squabbles. Whenever the US does this (well, pretty much 90% of the time) little or nothing gets done on important issues like immigration and trade. The overseas meddling serves two purposes. It is a distraction that benefits the ruling class by pushing its policies at the same time.
I agree.
A stopped watch has the correct time twice a day.
Libertarians are usually only capable of seducing the White, 30 and under crowd. With anti-White policies affecting this group most directly that’s apt to change.
From the Jack Hunter article:
The University of Alabama’s George Hawley described the movement in November, “the core of the alt-right is white nationalism — or, at least, white identity politics….”
OK, that gets to the heart of the matter. We can ask, why is White nationalism/White identity wrong? Black identity is promoted throughout academia, the government, the media and especially the capitalist-corporate world. Same with every other people-of-color(tm) identity. So why is it it crimespeak for White people to promote their own identity? Or for that matter, for White people to promote their own nations (which is exactly what White people did up until at least the 1960s)?
If one saw this new libertarian movement openly attacking NAACP, La Raza, the Muslim Student Union, et alia, as (pace Ayn Rand) “barnyard collectivists” you might score them a point for consistency. And if this new libertarian movement made it a point to “limit government” by shutting down all affirmative action programs, all minorities-only programs, all state subsidized ethnic “studies” programs, as well as eliminating the EOC and HUD bureaucracies, you might score them another point.
Well, I see no evidence of any of this being on the agenda. True enough, the new libertarians might criticize campus speech codes on occasion, but that is not getting to the heart of the matter. It is precisely because you have people-of-color(tm) identity groups dominating much of campus activism and politics that these codes are in place. The reality is that it is in the interests of people-of-color(tm) to silence White people, both on and off campus. And if not by speech codes, then by hatespeech laws and violence in the streets. By pushing Whites aside they gain resources, territory, taxpayer dollars and (as in Rotherham, Cologne, etc) access to White genes.
The only real counter to this is a White identity/nationalist movement which fights for the rights of White people. You can have a free society only if it is White dominated. We’ve seen the disaster to White life, liberty and property which comes from having a multicultic free-for-all.