The Left Debates The Legitimacy of Political Violence

Yesterday, I woke up in Charlotte and drove home to Alabama. I wasn’t in any position to respond to this jaw dropping article in the The New York Times on the legitimacy of political violence:

“Is it O.K. to punch a Nazi?

That is not a brainteaser or a hypothetical question posed by a magazine on Twitter. It is an actual question bouncing around the internet after an attack on a well-known far-right activist, Richard B. Spencer, in Washington after the inauguration of Donald J. Trump as president on Friday. …”

Is it okay to initiate violence against the enemies of social justice? Please note that’s where the Left is at less than a week into the Trump administration. We’re called “fascists” by these people, but we are not the ones opening a public debate on the legitimacy of violently assaulting our political enemies.

Richard Spencer was assaulted on the streets of DC:

Gavin McInnes, the leader of the Proud Boys, was attacked outside the Deploraball:

Frank Luntz was attacked at the DC Marriott, doused with red paint and denounced as fascist:

Elsewhere in Washington, DC, a random Trump supporter put out a fire started by anti-fascists in DC, called for peace, and was promptly assaulted:

Someone was even shot at a MILO event in Seattle:

I launched the following tweetstorm while I was on the way home:

A few hours later, I learned that federal prosecutors were launching a crackdown on antifa violence:

Can you imagine the reaction from the Lügenpresse if WE WERE THE ONES calling for violence against our political enemies and thousands of people were endorsing it and giving it a big thumbs up? In the eyes of the unhinged Left, everyone from Richard Spencer to Gavin McInnes to Frank Luntz is a “fascist.” How long can this “climate of hate” continue before someone gets killed?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Violence is the point. Civil war is the goal. The trend is toward increasing violence. It’s all part of the plan.

  2. What’s strange about the left embracing violence is the shoe is now on the other foot. Instead of the feds being behind them as with the Obama DOJ. The DOJ now belongs to Trump. I believe they are picking a bad time to take it to the next level.

  3. “Of course when the Right starts fighting back in self defense, the Left will play the victim. They cry out in pain as they strike you.”

    A perfect demonstration of the incompatibility of Southern Nationalism and white civilization. That remark—“The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you”—was the best-cut stone in the whole treasury of anti-Semitism rhetoric; and now, a Southerner, who wasn’t even entitled to put his paws on it, casually picks it up and sets it amid his trite anti-liberal discourse.

    Go survive somewhere else, crackers, far from the haunts of white men …

  4. “Of course when the Right starts fighting back in self defense, the Left will play the victim. They cry out in pain as they strike you.”

    A perfect demonstration of the incompatibility of Southern Nationalism and white civilization. That remark—“The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you”—was the best-cut stone in the whole treasury of anti-Semitic rhetoric; and now, a Southerner, who wasn’t entitled even to put his hand on it, casually picks it up and sets it amid his trite anti-liberal discourse.

    Go survive somewhere else, crackers, far from the haunts of white men …

  5. Which Polish peasant came up with the line about the “as he strikes you” Chutzpah? Doesn’t he know he’s just a dirty Pole without Jewish swindlers telling his white ass what to do?

  6. I think we should use the force of law against them. They don’t hesitate to use the very Cops and Courts they claim to hate, when the tables are reversed.

    Of course, their little street pawns are always continually shocked when the judge refuses to recognise the social justice of their cause, and dismiss the case.

  7. The idea of Frank Luntz getting attacked by the enemies of civilized society is too funny for words. A little bit like rain on your wedding day, or something like that.

  8. When your enemy is making a mistake, don’t interrupt them (with asinine concepts such as right wing safety squads and armed gangs).

    Remember that the real explosion comes later when the deportations start. Personal preparedness is a must. Relationships with local politicians, sherrifs, etc is a must (everything the “alt right” ISN’T doing).

    If someone would like to do Mr Spencer a “solid”, remind him that there is a God, and it isn’t Kek/Pepe.

    • Hiding behind the machinery of state is critical at this point. The scale of revenge can be infinite.

  9. The exchange rate is something like 200-1 on this protest inauguration. How many activists on their side will now have a criminal record?

    When the extreme right switched over to information warfare instead of street theater it must have looked like total defeat for whites. Instead we now have a fully integrated information battlefield. Add that to the power of the state that has been captured by the Trumpenreich…what looked like a leftwing Juggernaught is shattering on first contact with organized resistance.

  10. Be interesting to see if someone tries to punch a concealed weapons permit holder. The reason that the Left can get away with all this is that there is no blowback.

    For years we have seen CCW advocates and preppers and militia and — let’s add — vanguardists on the Right. Yet they do not seem to be taking any action in self-defense. Any thoughts on this?

  11. The left is all about violence or the threat of it in order to achieve “social justice”, “civil rights”, “anti-war”, “anti-cop”, etc. Same thing happened in the Sixties. The authorities lack the will to put it down because counter violence is inevitable, and God Forbid!, someone might be called a “racist” or a “Nazi”.

    The screamers and thugs aren’t going away. Will Trump deal with them effectively or cuck out like all of his predecessors?

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