Editor’s Note: If you haven’t already done so, check out our new hub site AltRight.com where I am posting a lot of new material.
The Trump administration has arrived in Washington.
We’ve been told that the meaning of Make America Great Again is uniting around “civic nationalism.” As the theory goes, we’re all Americans born in the same country with the same rights and freedoms, and we should value our American citizenship and find a new solidarity in the common bond of American patriotism. President Trump said in the inaugural speech, “we all enjoy the same glorious freedoms, and we all salute the same great American flag. And whether a child is born in the urban sprawl of Detroit or the wind-swept plains of Nebraska, they look up at the same night sky.”
Is that really true though? Do we all enjoy the same rights and freedoms?
“A small organization, which calls diversity “a vulnerability” and immigration — both legal and illegal — the driving force toward the country’s bankruptcy, was supposed to hold its first-ever national conference at a Northern California resort this spring.
But Tenaya Lodge, a resort on the border of Yosemite National Park, canceled the booking after receiving complaints about the organization’s views.
VDARE Foundation, a supporter of President Trump, describes itself as a nonprofit “journalistic enterprise” that publishes analysis and editorial commentary to “preserve and celebrate the distinctive culture of America.” …
But the conference, scheduled for March 31 to April 2, was abruptly canceled after two organizations, the Southern Poverty Law Center and Media Matters for America, a liberal research center, published two articles Monday criticizing the event and prompting complaint calls to Tenaya Lodge. Brimelow said the resort’s sales manager told her that Tenaya Lodge was being called a white supremacist “for doing business with us.”
I dispute the idea that we all have the same rights and freedoms. Instead, I say we have a Thought Police.
From where I am standing, it looks to me like the Alt-Right community has been denied those rights and freedoms for decades. We are subjected to harassment by our political enemies. We have to put up with employment discrimination. We are routinely denied access to public accommodations like renting hotel conference rooms for political reasons. We are denied the right to assemble. The Left has even recently taken to debating whether or not we should be subjected to vigilante violence in the streets.
Why should I believe in the concept of “civil rights”? The Civil Rights Movement was supposed to be about securing “civil rights” for the black community, which is to say, ending employment discrimination, vigilante violence like lynchings, opening up public accommodations like access to hotel rooms. Fifty years later, the same people who champion “civil rights” have changed their position, and now advocate denying our community “civil rights.” Instead of fighting against employment discrimination, they practice it. Instead of fighting to open up public accommodations, they fight to restrict access. Instead of practicing nonviolence and tolerance, they are thugs who beat up people, riot and smash windows in Starbucks. These people are plainly engaged in an open criminal conspiracy to deny their “fellow Americans” their constitutional rights.
Let me give you just one poignant example of why civic nationalism doesn’t work: last week, I traveled to Washington, DC from Alabama to attend the inauguration of the president of the United States, but the Left has become so violent and intolerant in this country that it was too dangerous to bring my son along. Those of us who attended the Trump Inauguration had to pass through several levels of TSA security. We had to be caged in like animals in order to be protected from our domestic enemies who were rioting in the streets of Washington, DC and violently assaulting random people. A mob of over 1,000 people attempted to violently shut down the Deploraball which they had planned to disrupt with butyric acid bombs.
A day later, the so-called Women’s March was held in Washington, DC, but the barriers that we had to put up with during the Trump Inauguration were torn down. Hundreds of thousands of women paraded through Washington dressed up like a set of genitals, but there were no Alt-Right or White Nationalist mobs rioting in the streets. There were no mainstream conservatives violently assaulting people or attempting to intimidate their “fellow Americans.” As far as I can tell, there was no effort on the part of the Right, whether in Washington, DC or elsewhere in the United States, to disrupt the Women’s March.
Isn’t it about time we discussed the real problem? The Left does not believe in civic nationalism. They do not believe that all Americans should enjoy equal rights to freedom. Instead, they believe that social justice requires that certain classes of citizens – this is the demonology they call the “progressive stack,” which privileges “oppressed groups” above the cishet White males who are the source of all evil in the world – should enjoy those rights and freedoms. Everyone else should be tolerated in a descending order with the Alt-Right and White Nationalists at the absolute bottom of the social justice hierarchy.
Let us dispense with the fanciful idea that there are mobs of Klansmen and Neo-Nazis hundreds, if not thousands strong, who are shutting down free speech on college campuses, blocking interstates, disrupting conferences or rioting in our major cities. This boogeyman simply does not exist. It is the Left that refuses to tolerate, say, a Ben Shapiro or a MILO speaking on a college campus. This is a problem which doesn’t simply affect the Alt-Right community. There are mainstream conservatives who are employed all over the country, particularly in academia, who are terrified of expressing their political views.
The comeback will be: the Alt-Right doesn’t believe in the liberal consensus, so what are you complaining about? Isn’t that hypocritical? Why should we believe in liberalism anymore though? The Left is no longer synonymous with liberalism. It has mutated and become something else altogether. It has been infected by nasty strains of Marxism, postmodernism, critical race theory, etc. What do you think the modern Left would have to say about Thomas Jefferson, a slaveowner, or even FDR, who never challenged Southern segregation? The modern progressive would likely find his or her liberal predecessors even more objectionable than President Donald Trump or the Alt-Right.
Let us review some of the things the modern progressive has come to reject:
- The taboo on political violence – Violence against non-leftists in the name of social justice has now become a legitimate source of public debate
- Free speech – In the name of ridding the world of various recently discovered human pathologies, an ever expanding laundry list of -isms and -phobias and privileges which are synonymous with sin and wickedness itself, which were unknown to God and the world’s greatest theologians and philosophers, we need politically correct speech codes
- Free inquiry – James Watson may be the greatest living biologist in the world, but we saw what happened to him when he stepped on the race taboo. It is too dangerous to pursue the truth
- Citizenship – It is bigoted to privilege the citizens of the United States over foreigners which means it is controversial to enforce our immigration laws
- Patriotism – It is even more bigoted to be proud to be an American citizen in light of our shameful past as a country, especially the cishet White males whose ancestors oppressed minorities, which we must atone for until the end of time
- Tolerance – We’re fine with tolerating any number of bizarre sexual perversions or people who don’t look like us, but someone who disagrees with us politically and morally is another question
- Civil Rights – The “civil rights” only belong to us, not to our political enemies. A “racist” should not have any civil rights. If a bigot is trying to speak in a hotel conference room, the “woke” thing to do is assemble a mob and threaten the venue with violence
- Law and Order – That’s a code word for oppressing minorities who are being victimized by the systemic racism of the police
- The Constitution – It means whatever we want it to mean and besides it is a product of Dead White Males who oppressed minorities so its legitimacy is questionable anyway
- Freedom – The federal government ought to restrict freedom to promote social justice
- Equality – We don’t believe in equal justice anymore. Social justice means treating groups differently according to their assigned position in our hierarchy. The cishet White males aren’t a protected class
- Peaceful Transfer of Power – We’re “The Resistance” now because Trump won the election
As I explained yesterday, Americanism used to be an amalgam of whiteness, Christianity and liberal republicanism. By 2000, the Left had already jettisoned the first two points of national solidarity. In the name of “social justice,” it has now thrown off the shackles of “civic nationalism” or liberal republicanism and declared itself to be a new orthodoxy which everyone on the Right must conform to or else. This is no longer even liberalism in any real sense of the term.
Witness this coddled brat:
I could keep this on loop all day pic.twitter.com/oaRvPSNpLd
— Easter Bunny Feng (@Fasdrak) January 26, 2017
So much for “reason.”
Civic nationalism is a failure because half of the “mainstream” has already rejected it. It is ironic that we are the ones who are being condemned as being beyond the pale for illiberalism. I’ve never assaulted anyone for political reasons, rioted, spit on or thrown garbage at anyone, broken the law, cried and demanded the censorship of the media, campaigned to get someone fired from their job, harassed a hotel hosting a leftwing conference, viciously slandered a police officer doing his job, conspired to harm others or deny them their constitutional rights or disturbed the peace of my community and the world.
In spite of what some mainstream conservatives like to say, there is no equivalence between the Alt-Right and SJWs. You don’t see AltRight.com trying to shut these people down or silence these crying snowflakes. We’re more than willing to engage with them because we can beat their arguments. If “civic nationalism” is going to succeed in this country, there must be an equal playing field though. As American citizens, we must be able to enjoy all the same rights and freedoms as our political opponents.
I hope the Trump administration is listening. All we are reasonably asking for is what should already be rightfully ours. The double standard we have endured for so many years cannot be allowed to continue.
The Abolitionists and New England supremecists destroyed civic nationalism in the 1850’s. Their ideological descendants, the SJWs, are merely carrying on what has been normal for them, since that time.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, William Lloyd Garrison, et al…..the North was already producing dangerous left-wing kooks as early as the mid 1800s.
Exactly. Today’s Left traces their origins back to those people, complete with their false love and concern for Black people. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/90cc727672926cea8289b72e8b0ca522d6fa88f10106eaf785eee93e809f6d8c.jpg
I’ve seen a few people up close throw away everything they have for niggers. It’s shocking stuff. Demonic even.
Yeah, all free-thinking women are dangerous.
She did it her way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fg-eXN8uxoU
Very true, Mr. Kleinfeld.
The Northern drive for nihilism is, I suspect, linkt to that very same bone in them that seems to push them inexorably forward.
During my long time in The North, I came to see how fundamentally they all believe in ‘progress’, and in the glorious hypothetical promise of the future, and, indeed, every manner of problem solving.
And, hey, look : they’re entitled to this.
It’s just that, being as we are, it’s a very very bad match.
Northerners tend to be dreamers, while Southerners are pragmatists – except at this time in history, when many of us, Southerners, are dreaming of getting away from them, so that we can get back to things as they are – not as we, or they, might wish them to be.
The biggest mistake the South made, was making what should have been a temporary alliance to defeat the British, a permanent one.
Washington, Jefferson, et al, actually balked at it. However, their fear of British revanchism compelled them to go forward, reservations and all.
Yes, Mr. Jackson – though, curiously, some in North Carolina were rabidly against a union with Northerners.
One such man was the Reverend Thompson of Murfreesboro – himself an native Englishmen, and, as head of the local Baptist church, the chief clergy in that town, at that time.
He believed that not only the union, but, the structure of it would lead to the subjugation of North Carolina.
During that period, many locals regarded him as a bit too vociferous on this point.
On that score, their ghosts have been eating crow since at least 1861.
Absolutely, Mr. Owen.
The destruction of civick nationalism, does, indeed, go back to where you state, and the agents of it, as well.
Thank you.
What we have is a Sanhedrin and it’s got to be quashed.
Great essay, should be required reading for every American citizen.
We never had civic nationalism and I’m sick of people pretending we did.
Has anyone checked out the cast of Hamilton (the Broadway hip hop show about the Founding Father who heckled VP Pence and his family during the election)? Even more outraging – and dangerous – than all the blacks playing people who were most definitely white men, is that Hamilton himself is played by a semite. And his main squeeze is an asiatic female.
While I’m at it, my blonde nordic nephew’s mind is being poisoned with lies about his own racial and gender group on a daily basis. Who saw that WWII movie that came out a few years ago Unbroken? The american hero soldier is an ITALIAN! And his sidekick is an irish american guy, from Ireland in real life, who looks, well, very pure irish/celt. Noticably not anglo or germanic. So not only were celtic men sacrificed at probably higher rates than the germanics (meaning american men), but when one is not the hero we have to pretend that the guineas were. What a freaking joke.
My irish great uncles WWII veterans used to laugh at the joke, ‘when you see a group of men running from battle…you know it’s the italians.’
Unbroken was a huge hit, 2014, the classic american war movie. Were there some italians who performed heroically in WWII? A few, yeah. Were they the bulk of fighters and were there many heroes among them? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
We never had civic nationalism. The jews don’t even want that. They want judo-roman supremacy.
Judo Supremacy Now! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e720791dd7213a0d42da3988d5f4cb204b8093eeb1e9e0e7a84638cbefcbac20.jpg
LOL I tried to catch the typo before you could chop me
Revert it back to the typo its cute.
Come now, there were millions of Italian-American GIs in WWII. In fact, one of the reasons Italy surrendered to the Allies is because the Italians could not accept the possibility of having to fight their own American brothers, cousins and nephews. Il Duce should have kept Italy out of the war, like Fascist Spain and Portugal. His alliance with Germany was a liability for the Reich, although Italian SS volunteers were great fighters on the Eastern Front.
Certainly hundreds of thousands. But as Catch 22 shows…
They have better things to do.
I love that movie! Too bad it wasn’t more successful at the box office.
You talk like a madman!–Garfunkle
But I live like a sane man–Italopimp
It was a good movie, but you have to wonder: when they put out the casting call for it, did they say “no gentiles need apply”.
Bullocks. How many men in your family fought in WWII?
Jewpedia has it at only 500,000, which means it was probably at last 1/4 less than that.
My late uncle Lou was a Marine who fought in the Pacific and my late uncle Bill was in the Battle of the Bulge. He served in the same unit as Rod Serling.
And were they experts on the italians somehow?
My people in the northeast were. And that joke came from men who didn’t even dislike them all that much. It was just the truth.
Best fiddler of Lost Indian ever. We are the Lost Aryan:
That doesn’t sound possible. Serling served in an army paractrooper regiment in the Pacific.
500,000…. what? Do you mean casualties? The US had millions of men enlisted.
The US sustained around 400,000-500,000 fatalities in ww2.
Half a million Italians sounds like decent turnout.
In North Africa, British snipers used to call out “waiter” when they wanted to shoot at Italians. Luigi would always pop his head up at the call.
So some rabbi is claiming Hamilton was a jew: http://www.tabletmag.com/scroll/218475/was-alexander-hamilton-jewish-a-cambridge-educated-historian-is-making-the-case
If he was part jewish, he certainly didn’t look like the yid playing him (seems doubtful someone looking that middle eastern could have achieved ‘whiteness’).
I’m undecided, his having gone to jewish school is suspicious. Lots of cryptos in the Caribbean and South America.
But there was a jew plot here regardless. Thomas Jefferson played by a mulatto and most of the cast colored (were any northwestern europeans)?
There’s no need to fear those spoiled, neurotic sissies on the Left. Their power is weakening fast and they know it. That’s why they are getting so hysterical and irrational. Just think of the Sturmabteilungen fighting the KPD on the streets of Munich, think of the Red Army fighting the White Army in Russia. Today’s Marxists/Antifas are a friggin’ joke who would not have lasted ten minutes with REAL Bolsheviks like these:
The Proles ‘R US
Bolchevik 1: “So do we exterminate every single last of these so-called antifas and social justice warriors?”
Bolchevik 2: “They are the most bourgeois, upper-class people I have ever encountered…”
Bolchevik 3: “… Yes and yes.”
Civic nationalism could work, in theory at least, with a homogenous population sharing the same cultural values. That may have been possible in 1960 but forced integration and 3rd world immigration put an end to it shortly thereafter. Trump would do better to destroy Political Correctness and to reinstate free speech rather than pursuing a false hope and dream.
Wait, isn’t civic nationalism something we used to have when this country was 90% White?
In a word, yes.
Not in the sense you people are using it. The Founders meant white as white! Not mediterranean, or slavic or anything else.
This is true. No one founds a country for other peoples.
White Nationalism is a tactic.
The brat might be a retard or an autiste.
Or a three year old in a teenager’s body.
No, just a typical lefty goof.
We remain the Silent Majority. However we’ll be a Minority in the coming years. We must work together for the survival of our People. WPWW !
Infancy stage of prediction .Trump is moving fast already implementation policies, by 2018 he’ll rescind affirmitive action,quotas,preferential treatment,hate crime,hate speech,etc .2020 it’s going to be huge cadre of leadership. Trump doesn’t think in abstract of political ads,rather getting the job done the old fashion way by favoring white people who gets the job done.
He’s a fascist.
You wouldn’t know a fascist if one curb-stomped your limey ass, you closet-liberal lickspittle. Stop posting. You clutter this site 24/7 with nonsensical disruptions equivalent to a retarded nigger talking over a movie in a theater. You didn’t vote for Trump, and your passport and green card are marked ‘United Kingdom’, so go occupy yourself with the goings on of your own country. Moron.
What exactly is it that annoys you about him being defined as a fascist? He’s doing many of the things associated with the label. Increasingly he’s provoking the left into a massive reaction.
I understand from your previous comments that you
are a NWF activist/promoter. Would like to
hear more about Washington/Oregon/Montana. Do you feel I’m undermining anything you believe in? Also would prefer to hear about whatever it is that you think ideologically.
Donald Trump is nothing like a fascist.
What you are seeing is democracy, where the opinions of the people matter. I know it’s hard to recognize it, because we’ve seen so little of it.
Antifa is the ISIS of globalists. Globalists supported ISIS against Assad. In a simiilar way, the likes of George Soros support Antifa Proglodytes against the patriots.
I don’t support civic nationalism because civic nationalism demands that white people, and only white people, not take our own side in the struggle for survival. That’s a roundabout way of demanding white genocide.
I blame the anti-spanking crowd.
‘I hope the Trump administration is listening. All we are reasonably asking for is what should already be rightfully ours.’
Sir, short of a reconfederation of this land ( into separate sovereign states) I do not believe that your request will, or can, be granted.
I’m sorry, but, things have gone irretrievably beyond that.
Wonderful though President Trump is, he cannot change the longterm reality that this country is headed for a break.
The only questions that remain in my mind are when, over what, and whether it will be rather violent, or less so.
I’m sorry for sharing this bad news with you.