“On Thursday, Florida’s Miami-Dade County became the country’s first jurisdiction to abandon its “sanctuary city” policy in response to an executive order issued this week by Donald Trump. Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez ordered county officials to comply with “detainer requests” from the Department of Homeland Security, which ask local law enforcement to jail suspects without warrant until they can be picked up by federal immigration police. …”
Do you think President Marco Rubio or some other worthless cuck could have accomplished this? I don’t think so! Look what can be done with real leadership!
Another triumph of Civic Nationalism!
By the way, AltRight.com is essentially OD now: with the right men at the top, we will win.
There are a score of people who want to write for AltRight.com. We’ve got to get them set up so we can generate more content.
When will Richard Spencer not lisping like a faggot?
I mean, you dropped 150 pounds, Hunter. Where there is a will, there is a way!
When will Captainchaos be seen in public in the Pacific Northwest? :p
…and where are Trainspotter, Wintermute, and Alex Kurtagic?
Note that Gimenez is a Spaniard, not a Spanish speaking injun.
They must all bend the knee!
With that New Testament phrase, Michael, you’ve revealed more than you intended to. To Southerners, that’s all that Jesus is: a chief, like Trump.
It’s a start!
I am very curious as to how things will go with the mayors who resist the order. Just how hard will Trump push them, and by what means?
We shall soon find out. Those “sanctuary cities” are in OPEN DEFIANCE of the law.
Just went to altright.com and confirmed my suspicion: that your posting of this entry there would not include that Confederate flag.
I’m still mulling over how to manage and update three sites with new content.
Other than the appalling lack of a Rebel flag the site looks pretty good, HW.
An Italian wants the Christian man to adopt a losing strategy. So, so typical.
What’s the losing strategy? Posting the Confederate flag there, at altright.com?
Still waiting for your answer. I’d like to know what was the losing strategy you think I wanted Mr. Wallace to adopt.
Still waiting—for your answer, you insolent Bible-thumper …
It’s very good news.
I hope that the six such places, in The Tarheel State, are quick to follow.
I’m fed up with them trying to skirt what we, the rural and smalltown Tarheels, have set up for our government and culture.
Damned ironick for a Confederate to look forward to The New England Government to bust up cities in his own state, but, I’ll live with the irony and look forward to seeing this oversized governing edifice actually mitigate some of the execrable effuvia they’ve evincet.
President Trump is from New Amsterdam, sir, not New England. And many of us Manhattanites have always had strong pro-Southern sentiments!
Thank you, Mr. Kleinfeld.
Always good to meet a Copperhead, and especially the rare one from the land of Peter Stuyvesent.
Please, Herr Trump, don’t make me throw the Mezzicans in the Brier Patch – Talented Tenth Cuban.
My name Jose Gimenez….
That’s about how useful Hispanics are in the United States-and when I say hispanics, I do not need Spaniards.
I mean Meximidgets, Guatemalans, Hondurans, and all of the people that come from the Mayan and Aztec race who don’t belong in this country, and never did.
Praise God for Donald Trump.
It’s time to force these cities to secede from their respective states.
Awesome. I am glad that the wretched “sanctuary cities” are starting to obey the country’s Constitutional immigration laws. I wonder how mayor R. Israel Emanuel of Chicago will react? I suppose that there are (((people in power))) who are not happy about this.
I understand it is “holocaust remembrance day”. Perhaps I should cruise over to WND or some similar site and leave a few truthful comments and a link to the the Barnes Review! Probably a waste of time, but maybe it might start some Christian Zionist on a vendetta to refute me -in which he might discover the truth.
Trump said, ” What the heck is going on here?!?!”………Now. For the rest of you!………
Urbana Illinois just decided to become a “sanctuary city” in the last few weeks in response to the pinko defeat in November. A town dependent of a government funded University really bites itself in the ass with this bone headed move.