Steve Bannon: The Lügenpresse Is The Opposition

Steve Bannon more or less declares the Lügenpresse is the enemy of the Trump administration:

“The media should be embarrassed and humiliated and keep its mouth shut and just listen for awhile,” Mr. Bannon said during a telephone call.

“I want you to quote this,” Mr. Bannon added. “The media here is the opposition party. They don’t understand this country. They still do not understand why Donald Trump is the president of the United States.” …

“The elite media got it dead wrong, 100 percent dead wrong,” Mr. Bannon said of the election, calling it “a humiliating defeat that they will never wash away, that will always be there.”

“The mainstream media has not fired or terminated anyone associated with following our campaign,” Mr. Bannon said. “Look at the Twitter feeds of those people: they were outright activists of the Clinton campaign.” (He did not name specific reporters or editors.)

“That’s why you have no power,” Mr. Bannon added. “You were humiliated.” …”

We need to adopt the same attitude.

Now that Bannon is chief strategist to President Trump, we need to become the media. I will have more to say about this soon. I’ve got a big speech to start writing tonight.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. HW: Your Twitter feed is on fire:

    1) No baiting of the “alt lite”, but some retweets

    2) Promoting Trump’s style as the answer for Europe “Make Europe Great Again”

    3) I could go on and on, but you get the point. The main reason the alt right was in a death spiral was a certain untrustworthy individual who I shall not name, but who thought stirring up shit with the nearest neighbors on the political spectrum was a good strategy, and that gassing people, burning people, and seig heiling was “good optics”.

    Now that Occidental Dissent has literally ascended to the top of the Alt Right, we are winning and are going to win: right makes might!

      • I really love the work you’ve put into this site (it’s my #1 source for pro-White American news).

        But if you could find a couple other writers willing to contribute articles every now and then, it could help take your site to the next level. You could easily turn this place into an Alt-Right version of Breitbart.

    • OD is till denying the reality of the Psy Op state. One aspect of a Trump administration I’ve been particularly curious about is whether or not it continues to fake shootings, etc.

      • Although I should add that the Murphy bill is now law so it’s not the legalizing of Stasism the government needs. It’s the $$$$ to pay for it and build the bureaucracy.

      • I felt those mass shootings would end after Obama and his Chicago gangsters were removed. Will be interesting to see what happens.

      • I’ve been wondering something similar.

        In my opinion there is little doubt that these shooting news hoaxes are now a thing of the past, my question is will the public notice the change in news occurring with the change in administration?

        My guess is no, considering how few have been willing to admit it even happened. And it’s not like they pulled these stunts all that often. Usually they occurred in the early part of the Christmas season.

        Note we didn’t have any this past year.

    • Did ‘Jew’see who else was asked to resign?

      “Victoria Nuland, the State Department’s assistant secretary for Europe, was also not asked to stay on.”

      Forgive me for saying it, Lord, but that fucking Jewish bitch who created the war in the Ukraine… has been given her walking papers.

      Donald Trump-czar of the new America.

      Slava Slava Slava!

  2. There has been no true “freedom of the press” for many, many decades now. What we have now is just a consolidated propaganda effort masquerading as “news”. So, so nice to see the Trump admin going to war against them. They’ve lost so much credibility already just since the last campaign cycle; they’ll only lose more if they keep attacking Trump.

    If the investigation into election fraud reveals anything nefarious, that might be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. The cable news pundits have been wringing their hands over that one all day.

    • election fraud IS the biggie. Kennedy would not have been elected except for the Daley machine in Chicago, and NIxon refused to investigate because the repubs needed to do the same later. do people really believe Arizona wanted McInsane back in office? vote fraud is EVERYWHERE. Americans dont want to believe it.

    • Them falsely winning the popular vote is what the media are using to incite violent revolution against Trump.

  3. Remember guys, our opponents do not give up easily. If they have truly been wounded by Trump’s actions, they will strike back.

    So we need to be ready for that.

    We need to use the respite Trump is giving us to get organized, make connections, get our movement’s affairs in order, build logistical networks, engage in public networking, etc.

    I’ve heard that Kyle Bristow is organizing a pro-Nationalist law office. That is, imo, awesome news. If you are part of a pro-White organization, I’d recommend talking to him or another like-minded lawyer. You might need them in a few years.

    The left may come back to power in four years and, if they do, they will be out for blood.

    • If Bristow is doing this, and it will be the counterpart to the ACLU, every white blooded American should donate $100 to it and crowd fund it. This is a war, ladies and gentlemen, and it has been going on since Good Friday. And we must win the battle.

  4. Case-in-point: FaceBook has changed its trending algorithm so that stories appear based on how often they are reported on by selected sources, not by how many people are talking about them (the common sense definition of “trending”). They claim that this is an effort to fight “fake new” but, as expected, virtually every item that appears in the trending list is anti-Trump propaganda, brought to you by the same sources who covered his campaign.

  5. With the first week of Trump’s presidency consisting mostly of minimal executive orders I do like the recent tone and rhetoric. Hopefully concrete legislation will follow.

  6. One of the things the Trumpenreich needs to do is nationalize social media platforms like Kikebook and Shitter and turn them into public utilities. Millions of users have had their accts arbitrarily shoahed simply for exercising their Constitutional right to free speech.

    • All social media should be declared a public utility. The anti-Whites must bake the cake or suffer money punishments.

  7. Hunter I hope you and you buddies have great financial success in your new endeavors. You’ve all been wading in the weeds for so long. I think it wise not to push the Confederate flag in a USA Nationalist site. It’s not the place for it. Just like I wouldn’t expect it to wave over New York’s State house.

  8. What relevance might Freudianism have today?

    Isms change meaning over time. Marxism itself went through many variations. Russian Revolution violated the theory of Marxism, but Leninism was promoted as advancement of Marxism. And later, Marxism became less a formula for revolution but of critique. So, a Marxist intellectual might focus on class issues without believing in necessity or desirability of communist revolution. “Cultural Marxism” is a strange creature, and I’m not sure those labeled as such would accept the title.

    Freud’s core theories about childhood are no longer taken seriously. And psychoanalysis isn’t considered a science, if it ever was by the hard scientific community.

    But Freudianism is the most important ‘ideology’ today because of success of capitalism. Marxism’s appeal had to do with hardship. During the Industrial Revolution and rapid urbanization, most people were too poor, tired, and weary to think of pleasure. They had to focus on basic themes of survival: wage, bread, roof over one’s head. It’s like the movie THE GOOD EARTH. When the farmer is poor, he thinks of family and survival. Later, he grows rich and becomes immersed in pleasure.

    For most of history, only a few could really indulge in pleasure. Most people had to toil from sunup to sundown. So, pleasure was seen as sinful by religious moralists and social revolutionaries(who saw it as the piggery of the rich). Marxism spoke to a lot of people for whom malnutrition was a daily factor in their lives. Even in the US, a lot of people didn’t have electricity and running water even by mid-century.

    But the success of capitalism in the US made hunger and survival no longer core issues. The problem is HOW TO MAKE THE POOR LOSE WEIGHT. Look at FAT young black women acting like they are oppressed. The welfare state made it possible for even the poor to live pretty well by global standards. Many ‘middle class’ folks around the world don’t have it as good as poor Americans. Yet, because US sets the standards via Hollywood and Music, even poor folks look to American standards as the universal ones.

    The scene in Oliver Stone’s HEAVEN AND EARTH where the Vietnamese woman comes to the US and sees all this food and Big people and big everything is a culture shock most Americans wouldn’t understand.

    Freudianism, for most people, simply means that human behavior is driven primarily by pleasure, at least if one’s basic needs have been taken care of. Because the modern world pretty much got rid of hunger and provided housing and warmth and basic comfort for everyone, people began to focus on Pleasure as the main thing in life.

    Moralists warned against the Rise of Pleasure. Some said Pleasure is sinful, especially among religious folks. Some said, Pleasure can lead people astray, especially among social critics. In the 80s, the cocaine-addicted monkey was on TV all the time. This is why Michio Kaku, aka Much Cuckoo, is a promoter of trash pop culture. He knows that much of modern economy is driven by addiction to pleasure. People work mainly to earn money to CONSUME. Global person is the Ikean Man among the affluent and Walmartians among the hoi polloi. That drives the economy and provides funds for scientists. I like Russian emphasis on national morality, but like communism, it has a way of suppressing the Pleasure Drive that incentivizes people to work and work to get paid to get laid, real or via fantasy of entertainment.

    So, when people now say ‘Freudian’, they mean a society organized mostly around pleasure. And that is the state of our culture, so Freud won BIGLY.

    Aldous Huxley foresaw this in BRAVE NEW WORLD with its soma and orgy-porgies. Orwell’s vision was a kind of Marxist anti-Stalinism. He was a socialist who dreaded where socialism may lead. Socialism is about serving the people, but its moral purism and logic of power may create a new kind of tyranny more frightful than any kind. Norman Mailer warned that ‘leftist totalitarianism’ is the most dangerous kind cuz it’s done in the name of people, justice, and progress.

    For Orwell, the future might be a drab dreary concrete tyranny over mankind in the name of collective virtue. Orwell feared Stalinism, the cancerous outgrowth of Marxism. Orwell feared how the very righteous force rebelling against tyranny could spawn a newer tyranny far more total. (There is still this side of the ‘left’ in the elite’s approval of the physical attack on Richard Spencer.)

    In contrast, Huxley feared a kind of future-Freudianism where the System would scientifically calculate, manipulate, and control the ‘erogeny’ of mankind. Huxley figured that technology would produce enough basic stuff for people, and it may even lead to cloning and other such means. A world without hunger and want can do two things: uphold a life of culture, philosophy, arts, and intellectual for men freed from toil. Or indulge in wanton pleasure in the infantile mode. Given human nature, Huxley figured most people want fun than meaning.

    Now, too much fun can lead to social chaos and breakdown, so the state would have to figure out a way to scientifically manipulate this Dionysian nature of man so that mankind would be beholden to the System. System would find orderly ways to dispense drugs and orgasms so that people will remain loyal and obedient.

    Jews understood that the way to gain control over the goyim was by controlling the Pleasure Principle, especially after the failure of communism, an extreme Virtue Ideology. Bernays was a key theorist of the uses of advertising as propaganda. Once capitalism provided people with basic stuff, it can only grow and expand by offering more and more pleasure. Pleasure of food, music, sports, vanity, sex, and etc. With pleasure being the main obsession of life, those who control the Pleasure would control the world. Look at Sheldon Adelson.

    And to sell this dream, advertising is key. No wonder MADMEN had such cultural currency for so many viewers. It’s about men who manipulate the illusion of the dream.

    Now, Freud may well be appalled by how society turned out, but the populist view of Freud is, “the guy was for ‘boing’ as the path to truth and power.”

    And this was the big challenge for Jews because the power, unity, and solidarity of the goy world owed to morality, sobriety, discipline, and self-denial. The Anglo race was a great warrior race, as seen in Anthony Hopkins in THE BOUNTY. But this required tremendous discipline and self-control. If British soldiers acted like American soldiers in Vietnam, the Rock n Roll War, they couldn’t have commanded the empire. US certainly lost the Rock n Roll war. (But then, given what has become of new Vietnam according to Linh Dinh, maybe the Empire of Pleasure won.)

    Also, for goy men to keep control over goy women, they had to be moral. Men had to be good husbands and fathers, and women had to be loyal wives and mothers. Anglo sexuality is about balls and wombs, not puds and poons. Sex is supposed to serve a purpose. Family and children. So, even though sex may be fun, the man is supposed to sow seed in the woman so that the child would be born, and the kid would be raised to be a good man or good woman. THE SEARCHERS is a womb-war movie.

    In contrast, Jewishness came to fixate on the pleasure of sex. The orgasm of the pud and poon(or clit). So, the Anglo view put purpose above pleasure. In contrast, the Jewish view put pleasure at the center.

    Now, Jews were fearful of this Pleasure Principle because, as the saying goes, the dealer must not get high on his own supply. It’s like Tony Montana snorts too much of what he is selling and he goes down too. For Jews to have the power, they had to control themselves while peddling the pleasure to others. This didn’t meant that Jews shouldn’t partake of the pleasure but that they should never let the pleasure take control over their lives. (It’s like the movie producer in Woody Allen’s CAFE SOCIETY isn’t the most moral man — he leaves his wife for a young shikse — , but he does it in a way that maintains his reputation, position, and power.) It’s like the Deniro character in DENIRO loves to gamble too, but he watched over the whole operation. And he makes sure bets. In contrast, the masses of dummies are throwing the money at him. Hump the shikse whores but don’t let your own daughter turn into a whore. Many Jews know this lesson, but given the likes of Dunham, Winehouse, Shia Leboof, and etc, it seems like some Jewish kids are getting overdosed on their own junk. Anthony Weiner certainly did. He had a promising political career but threw it all away cuz he couldn’t control his boingery. And now, even pervs see him as a moron. I mean it’s one thing to have an illicit affair discretely but sexting pics of his dong with his son next to him on the bed? Yikes.

    Anglos were especially mindful about controlling sexual urges since having an empire meant the whites could go native and lose their cultural essence. The men might fall for Polynesian babes like in THE BOUNTY and, worse, women might catch jungle fever and go savage with the Negroes. Well, look at the state of our culture.

    So, it was in the interest of Anglos to focus on the balls and wombs than on puds and poons. Balls and wombs would be about family, race, ethnos, and continuity. Puds and poons would be about doing it with ANYONE for instant pleasure. SEX AND CITY lifestyle, but even that is relatively classy compared to something like GIRLS and the adventures of Emma Sulk.

    Because of Anglo balls-and-womb-centrism, the Jews had to break down the resistance by making the Anglos admit that they wanna do it, wanna do it, wanna do it.

    Mel Brooks HISTORY OF THE WORLD is like a primer on Pop Freudianism.

    The very opening scene sums up the entirety of mankind from rise of civilization to modernity.

    We see apes standing upright. Beast becomes noble man. And we see ape-men stretch out their arms to the heavens as if in spiritual quest. But then, their arms soon lower and they begin to realize that it feels good to touch their own groins and fixate on nothing but pleasuring themselves.

    It’s like Western Civilization’s theme going from search for God and higher meaning to obsession with ‘boing’. Communion had turned into cum-union. Women in America used to gather to revere God. Today, we have 1/2 million women in DC with pussy hats yapping about their pussies, though oddly enough screaming about Donald better not grab it. (I guess there is a bit of puritanism left in the puerility).

    HISTORY OF THE WORLD is a nonsense movie, but it also reveals the Jewish strategy of power via wit, humor, and manipulation of the pleasure principle. Not for nothing do we see Brooks join forces with a dancing Negro — Gregory Hines — to drive the goyim nuts.

    Consider the Power of Weed to demoralize and disorient the Roman military in pursuit.

    Today, the US military is fighting for what? Homo parades around the world and to spread ‘western values’ like rap and celebrity news about Kardashians? Opium was used on the Chinese certainly to break down the resistance. (Moral Anglos said ‘enough of that’ and ended the trade, which was masterminded by a Jewish guy.)

    The most instructive segment of HISTORY OF THE WORLD is The Spanish Inquisition number with its screaming irony(but then Brooks was never subtle, as Allen could be if he tried).

    Though ostensibly about the Spanish goy Christians using their might to convert the Jews with PAIN, it is really a celebration of how Jews converted the goyim with PLEASURE.

    So, the real title of the scene should be the Jewish Acquisition. It’s about how Jews won and acquired the world by controlling the Vice Industries that have addicted to goyim to the orgy-porgies of hedonist-entertainment.

    So, goyim might laugh at the suffering Jews in the musical number, but the real joke is on the goyim. Even though Brooks seems to be mocking the terrorized Jews, he is really avenging them by celebrating the fact that Jews ‘converted’ and conquered the goys’ eyes, ears, mouths, butts, and genitalia to the opiate of the Jews. Marx said religion is the opiate of the masses, but Pop Freudianism’s keen understanding is how opiate could become the religion of the masses. The final image of the number says it all. The nuns who turned into aryan aquatic nazis emerge from the water as Hanukkah candles.

    Jews learned that they need God to remain together as a people but they need to use the golden calf to gain power over the goyim. Moses got it half-right. Yes, Jews must stick to Yahweh. But in having lost the other five commandments, he forgot the lesson of “golden calf is for the goyim”. Use it on them to milk them.

    Though mostly forgotten, Houdini should be seen as a key figure. He was not a man of ideas, but his feats serve as useful metaphor for Jewish strategy of survival. He would put himself in ‘impossible’ situations but emerge alive. And this can said for Jews throughout history. A combination of real feat and trickery.


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