The Lügenpresse is trying to act like President Trump’s refugee ban is being poorly received in Europe, but Europe’s nationalist and populist leaders are praising the move:
What @POTUS is doing on the other side of the ocean, I'd like it done in Italy. An invasion is underway, it needs to be blocked. #Trump
— Matteo Salvini (@matteosalvinimi) January 29, 2017
"Ce qui gêne les médias et les politiques, c'est que #Trump respecte ses engagements et applique son programme." #MLPTF1
— Marine Le Pen (@MLP_officiel) January 28, 2017
Well done @POTUS it's the only way to stay safe + free. I would do the same. Hope you'll add more Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia soon. https://t.co/wR7omIx7Fv
— Geert Wilders (@geertwilderspvv) January 28, 2017
No more immigration from any Islamic country is exactly what we need.
Also in The Netherlands
For islam and freedom are incompatible.
— Geert Wilders (@geertwilderspvv) January 29, 2017
Farage has backed Trump over immigration controversy by telling protesters that they need to 'wake up' https://t.co/cllCGKU5CC
— RT (@RT_com) January 29, 2017
Marine Le Pen is the most popular politician in France. President François Hollande, who isn’t running for reelection, has a 4% approval rating after Charlie Hebdo, the Bataclan, Nice and Rouen. Merkel’s disastrous immigration policies inspired Britain to leave the European Union. The Left no longer speaks for Europe and President Trump is more popular in many countries like Hungary and Russia than Barack Obama.
Jews kvetching about the US not taking in Jews-as-refugees during WWII would be like Japanese and Germans bitching that the US didn’t take in Japanese and Germans as refugees during the war. After all, tons of Germans and Japanese were being killed in the war.
The fact is Germans and Japanese were culpable because they were instrumental in triggering the war. And, this goes for Jews too. Jews had a huge role in the events that led to WWI and WWII. Jewish bankers played a significant role in WWI, and Jewish role in communism pushed many conservatives to the far right. Jewish communists(in cahoots with gentile communists) smashed innumerable churches and killed millions of Christian Slavs and Muslims in the USSR. Jewish communists dominated the dreaded Bela Kun regime in Hungary. And the failed communist putsch in Germany was dominated by Jews. Also, Jewish financial capitalists did much to undermine the economy of Europe and America. And Jewish perverts degraded culture and values in Germany and elsewhere. And if Americans grew wary of Jews in the first half of the 20th century, it had to do with lots of Jews dominating anarchism and communism in the US.
So, it is lowdown for Jews to act like perfect little victims like Anne Frank when, in fact, so many Jews back then were more like Sarah Silverman and Emma Goldman.
True, Jews who died in the Holocaust were victims, and many were innocent(though I suspect many communist Jews with blood on their hands were killed in the East). But this goes for German and Japanese victims too. Many of them had NO say in the wars and didn’t even support them. As such, they were innocent. But they were killed by Allied bombings just the same. All the babies that died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki had no say in the war but they were vaporized too. And the US did nothing to spare or save the innocent ones from mass bloodshed(even acts of extermination as in carpet bombings and use of atomic weapons) during the war.
So, what happened to the Jews was unexceptional in this regard. It is true that a lot of innocent Jews did get killed, just like innocent Germans and Japanese got killed in the millions as the war turned crazy on all sides. And if the US didn’t take in Jewish refugees, it didn’t take in Japanese and Germans who were being massacred too(by the Allies). And the US didn’t take in any Ukrainian refugees of mass communist killings carried out by Lazar Kaganovich at the behest of Stalin. And the US didn’t take in Chinese refugees from WWII or during the bloody Mao era.
Anyway, just like a lot of Germans and a lot of Japanese were responsible for supporting regimes that ignited WWII, Jews as a people were also responsible for steering historical events from WWI to WWII that led to the rise of Hitler, who was an extreme reaction to the madness created by the threat of Bolshevisim, parasitic finance capitalism, and cultural degeneracy.
Even though, as with Germans and Japanese, we can speak of innocent Jewish individuals, Jews-as-a-people were one of the major guilty parties in the horrors that gripped Europe from WWI to WWII.
And if we fast-forward to the end of the Cold War, what did Jews do to Russia in the 90s? It was even worse than the robbery of Germany after WWI. And what did Jewish control of foreign policy do to the Middle East and North Africa? Some of the violence is on par with the horrors of WWII. The great irony is that Jews, who never tire of reminding us of the evils of the Germany(and Japan) in WWII, never seem to realize that they are the ones who are acting most like the New Nazis.
Today, Jews never look in the mirror, never reflect on their own history and misdeeds. They just pontificate about Emma Lazarus and Anne Frank and wallow in the moral narcissism of caring about ‘refugees’ when, in fact, it was Jewish-dominated policies that led to so much horrors all around the world that led to this massive refugee crisis.
And look at the state of our degenerate culture in movies and TV and music. Who were behind that? Just how did rap and Lena Dunham became the posterchild of ‘Western Values’? The state of current culture is even worse than in Weimar Germany. Massive degenerate homo parades are the mainstay of American Culture. We have women whose idea of political statement is wearing ‘pussy hats’. We have quasi-pornography promoted even to kids. Kids are told that there is nothing wrong with Nikki Minaj ‘twerking’.
The madness of Jewish Globalist pathology can be seen in Madeline Albright, the cold-blooded witch who said it was worth it to kill “500,000 Iraqi children” but now yammers about registering as a ‘Muslim’ in an act of solidarity.
I wonder if such moral blindness is cynical or genuinely delusional.
1933 NYT headline: Judea declares War on Germany. That’s strange
After our Emperor and Czar Vladimir save Europe they should liberate Constantinople!
Putinism is a mirage and a delusion.
He’s a man that can be worked with, someone we can make mutually beneficial agreements with, but not one that should be trusted.
Vlady Puty poo is a hunny bun and a kissy face snuggle bunny.
I’ve wondered what it would be like if the Byzantine Empire had never fallen to the Turks.
We would have had about 100 less horror films about Dracula.
How would getting involved in a foreign adventure like that have any benefit for the citizens of the United States? Isn’t that the kind of thing George Washington warned us about? Yes it sucked that Islam was allowed to grow like a cancer 1000 years ago, but are we really going to kick the Turks out of their homes and cities and have a rerun of the Palestinian issue on steroids?
The People will speak and silence the Left.
Open borders for Israel!
What a great idea and for some reason, Israel is much nearer to all those people who currently need Humanitarian Aid too. It’s a perfect match
It is indeed a compliment in an era when the truth has become anti-semite.