Just brainstorming … I need to compile all this information in the OD archives, edit and expand on it, and publish it as an e-book called We Wuz Kangz: Great Moments in Black History.
DNA Test Results Show King Tut Wasn't Black #WeWuzKangz #BlackHistoryMonth
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 1, 2017
Emperor Bokassa's Coronation #WeWuzKangz #BlackHistoryMonthhttps://t.co/vzQhysAQtW
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 1, 2017
Le Vieux’s Ghost Town Capital #WeWuzKangz #BlackHistoryMonthhttps://t.co/aIrN27Sv1P
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 1, 2017
Liberia: The (Black) Land of the Free #WeWuzKangz #BlackHistoryMonthhttps://t.co/Qhk3RJFq90
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 1, 2017
"Greater Liberia" Goes Full Gangsta #WeWuzKangz #BlackHistoryMonthhttps://t.co/VaLOaFUd3B
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 1, 2017
Mobutu Sese Seko Nkuku Ngbendu wa Za Banga of Zaire #WeWuzKangz #BlackHistoryMonthhttps://t.co/lhkm4mIVMq
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 1, 2017
The Glorious Reign of Emperor Faustin I Soulouque of Hayti #WeWuzKangz #BlackHistoryMonthhttps://t.co/iOZGzVZCWi
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 1, 2017
Can The Negro Rule Himself? #WeWuzKangz #BlackHistoryMonthhttps://t.co/aK2rLZgCoz
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 1, 2017
The Plain of Cul-De-Sac #WeWuzKangz #BlackHistoryMonthhttps://t.co/OHE918cGqo
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 1, 2017
The Prophecy of Nongqawuse #WeWuzKangz #BlackHistoryMonthhttps://t.co/AinCcXHShG
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 1, 2017
Papa Macías, The Pol Pot of Africa #WeWuzKangz #BlackHistoryMonthhttps://t.co/JP9yQqX0hk
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 1, 2017
In the meantime, have fun sharing some of the above stories on Twitter!
Note: I’ve compiled many but not all of my articles on this subject under the Black History Month Resources page. I will get the rest of those up today.
Excellent. As per usual, White Men like you are simply better at everything, including ((((Black History)))
Oh yeah including being a limp dick husbands who can’t provide for their wives. Hahahah that is why you keep whoring out filth in the websites.
Hi rabbi faggot! Whatsa matter – Comet Pizza is out of slave boy children today? The heat IS nice and roasty! Report to the oven!
Sorry those are all your church pastor faggots sexual proclivities. Lol. Ask them to go to the oven, you filthy cunt.
King Tut wuz kangs. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/383986158af70859faa73fa2a4866af4ead6ceb8887fdbec361f0e8bbe121b98.jpg
Anyone who tries to tell you the only difference between Whites and blacks is “skin color” is either deluded or lying.
They have never lived in a black neighborhood nor have the experience of being around people of color in person. The television has provided all of this information for free, without subscription………and without personal experience.
Don’t forget Jean Zombi, he launched the franchise on a thousand B Movie genre movies! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/701e90cc8dc043c90982c308de0882cb8bff76076a860472fcdc41bdfe6adba8.jpg
How much you want to bet the Whites Jean Zombi killed were mostly poor Whites that were enslaved there just like the Blacks?
King Tut,
He’s my favorite honky
Funky Tut….
I think we need a small section for mulatto history month, or maybe mulatto history half-day, in which we document the very small handful of contributions to society made by those who could pass the paper bag test. George Washington Carver, Charles Drew, and Frederick Douglas and the like.
This would preserve Black History Month for highlighting the significant contributions of the pure bred dindu, which would stand in stark and entertaining contrast to the mulatto history half day.
Greg Johnson at Counter Currents said to spread the following and spread it wide. So, let’s do just that:
I’m stoked that the Black History Month Resources are back on the website. Whenever I was in the need for a good chuckle, I use to pull up one or two for a read through.
I’m getting a good kick out of mulatto history month. Check out pic of Frederick M. Jones, ostensible inventor of thermostat or something like that….
The man could give Shawn King or Rachel Dolezal a run for the money. I swear this pic looks like it’s been touched up to make him darker.
Concocted idea humans evolved from Africa,Chinese included..
People don’t care about history. People stare at Amnesia Rays radiating from TV screens for the FUN here-and-now.
So, black history isn’t the main threat. It is black biology. Because blacks got harder muscles, bigger dongs, and stronger voices, they dominate sports culture, pop music, and sex culture.
THAT is the threat.
HAHA. “…According to a survey by The Huffington Post,
based on condom sales by
the condom seller Condomania, the top three states for condom size are
(1) North Dakota (predominately white); (2) Rhode Island (almost no
blacks) and (3) South Dakota (again almost no blacks)…”
Linked from James LaFond our White ghetto warrior form Huffington post.
What the hell is the matter with you?
You keep pushing that BS.
Eddie Murphy and John Amos famous kings for two hundred
I wish I could say, Mr. Wallace, that this trite belittling of blacks is beneath you.
Behold, Negro aerospace technology:
Reading through the post on Hayti, I love this from the turn of the previous century:
“There is a proverb in this island which you may have heard – ‘In Hayti, there are only three classes who work: the white man, the black woman, and the ass.’ …”