ANTIFA Speaks To Infowars

Check this out.

The antifas embrace a philosophy of political violence. They are domestic terrorists. Their worldview can only lead to violent clashes with the police and non-leftists. Simply put, they are an organized criminal conspiracy who believe they have the right to initiate violence in order to silence their enemies. They don’t believe you have any rights worthy of their respect.

Note: Consider how much more radical this is than anything on the Right.

Even if you look at the most violent vanguardists like Dylann Roof or Glenn Miller, they are lone wolves. These antifas are masked gangs, not lone wolves. They engage in terrorism with impunity. They coordinate their activities online in full view of law enforcement which looks the other way. There’s nothing resembling a rightwing “hate group” that does anything like what we saw at Berkeley.

Violence is their calling card. You might say that White Nationalists are racist or bigoted, but only a small fraction of White Nationalists are violent. ALL the antifas are violent.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Whether its members realize it or not the antifa movement is really just the domestic terrorist wing of ZOG, there is nothing radical or revolutionary about them.

    • You’re right, they’re ZOGtroopers. ZOG’s enemies are their enemies.

      He lost all credibility when he mentioned the Holohoax not that we thought he had any to begin with but we gave him the benefit of the doubt.

  2. Anti-Fa operating in Texas. Not a Texan, not a Southerner. Why am I not surprised, and aggravated at all at the same time. It’s always non-Southern outsiders butting in. Interfering in our cultural and political affairs.

    • That non Texan, non Southerner Antifa guy needs to be doxed.

      Who is he?

      Let our Texas comrades get the word out.

      • Anne Richards was a Blue Dog, Southern Populist Democrat. She started consorting with Northern Leftists. Bush called her on it, and won the Governorship. The Bushes didn’t try to change Texas. They’re not radicals. In a political sense, they’re Texans, after a fashion.

  3. What’s the adage? “If your enemy is busy destroying himself, don’t interfere.” These silly commies are doing us a big favor.

  4. Interesting specimen. Note the ape-like mandible structure, miniature forehead, and degenerate sideburns.

  5. …the inability to resist Fascism causes things like the Holocaust in the late 30s and 40s, racial prejudice like in the Jim Crow era here in the United States…. Neo-Nazism inspires violence……

    ….[Steve Bannon] He’s openly condemned Muslims just for their beliefs… he doesn’t because he generalizes. He generalizes all Muslims as violent…..

    You have to be taught and encouraged to be this ignorant and hypocritical.

    • If the Holocaust happened according to canon it was a result of Wannsee conference in early 1942. Three years after Britain and France decided to go to war over Poland and right after the US entered and sealed Germany’s fate. It’s very much a consequence of the resistance to NatSoc. Not a result of failing to combat Fascism and NatSoc.

    • Exactly right Celestial. He’s a brainwashed kid who knows nothing of what he speaks. He’s just regurgitating brainwashed bullshit’s he’s been taught by his handlers.

      These younger non-whites have become more emboldened in their hatred of older whites. Just this past weekend I was at the larger retail store in my town. An elderly white woman (who was really frail and thin) was in her scooter buying groceries. You could tell she’s probably just been through the wringer (surgery or sickness).

      A young orc with her errand boy white b/f was walking past me. She bumped into me and said excuse me with a smirk. When I turned around to look at her, she realized she wasn’t talking to some stupid middle aged cucked white female. I gave her the death glare and didn’t say a word to her. My look said it all.

      A few minutes later I heard her tell her white cucked b/f, I wish you could push that old white lady in the cart out of the way, I’m sick of looking at her.

      I immediately walked behind her and just stood there. She could feel me breathing down her neck. Her GD cucky white idiotic b/f just walked away. Typical pussy. I was ready right and there to knock the piss out of her if she touched grandma in the wrong way.

  6. The Holohoax being the foundation of ALL violence against Whites, as per usual. We owe such a debt to the many Revisionists, many doing time and/or have had their lives ruined to shed light upon its lies.

    • I ve got excellent revisionist propaganda

      Shows a 6 year old Palestinian boy throwing a rock at an Israeli tank and the Jew York Times saying

      “Arab terrorists attack Israel Jews. 6 million feared dead.”

  7. I’m glad we are reuniting on the right (Infowars, McGinnes, Cernovich, etc); I question anyone who would want a rift between the alt right and their nearest neighbors on the political spectrum.

  8. The ultimate anti-white. All of his enemies are white. It’s hard to guess who his heroes are.

    Wait until they start encountering their real enemies head on. I’m betting half of them abandon their “dream” almost immediately. Who the hell is destroying our youth with such derangement? I don’t think you can fix this. No siree, it’s embedded. A free society can be a wonderful thing but this is the end result when there is absolutely no vigilance.

    “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” – John Adams

  9. If they are Communists, which they are, shouldn’t their colors be red and gold instead of the red, black, and white in the flags they carry

  10. The beautiful thing is so called “fascists, neo-nazis, white supremacists” used to mean anything from folks who want the same basic human rights for white folks that others already have all the way to people who want a homeland specifically for our folk (kinda like a white version of the ‘Jewish state’). These days though, according to the left “fascists, neo-nazis, white supremacists” are the US President, his top advisors, the GOP, the military, conservatives, Bible believers and anyone who doesn’t completely buy into the entire leftist authoritarian agenda. Life is great!

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