Jamelle Bouie: Government By White Nationalism Is Upon Us

Jamelle Bouie is always a reliable source of laughs:

“Before the election, when Donald Trump was still just an unlikely presidential nominee, a conservative under the pseudonym “Publius Decius Mus,” wrote a remarkable essay in support of Trump. The pseudonym alone gave a glimpse into the writer’s thinking. The real-life Decius was a Roman consul who sacrificed himself to the gods for the sake of his embattled army. And in the same way, our internet Decius called on conservatives to embrace Trump—to back the vulgarian who mocked their ideals—for the sake of saving the country as they knew it. “The ceaseless importation of Third World foreigners with no tradition of, taste for, or experience in liberty means that the electorate grows more left, more Democratic, less Republican, less republican, and less traditionally American with every cycle,” he wrote, hailing the real estate mogul as the only figure who understood the stakes, who would beat back these “foreigners” and preserve America’s democratic tradition as Decius saw it. Not a tradition of pluralism, but one of exclusion, in which white Americans stand as the only legitimate players in political life. A dictatorship of the herrenvolk. …”

In his latest article, President Trump, Steve Bannon, Steven Miller and Publius Decius Mus are White Nationalists who represent the latest iteration of the “dictatorship of the herrenvolk.” This means nothing less than “government by White Nationalism is upon us.”

As with everything Jamelle writes, this article says more about his own mindset than his subject. Even if you tried, you couldn’t find even the most innocuous statement in support of White identity in anything Bannon, Miller or Publius Decius Mus has ever uttered or written. I mean something as harmless as “it’s okay to be proud to be White” or “White people have interests too.”

If Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller and Publius Decius Mus are White Nationalists, they must be deeply undercover. They must be hiding it. Their commitment to White Nationalism must be implicit. There is nothing in their language that reflects explicit White Nationalism. There’s no talk of the Jewish Question, a White ethnostate, White identity or anything of the sort.

MILO is a Jewish homosexual who boasts about having sex with black guys. He is a troll who bathes in blood. He is proud of his clothes, not his race. And yet, Jamelle Bouie believe MILO is “a racist and misogynist provocateur who delights in Nazi iconography and other fascist kitsch.” Multiple commentators on the Left have insisted that a gay Jew who has sex black guys is a racist and White Nationalist. Jamelle goes even further and implies that MILO is a Nazi.

Anyway, you can read Jamelle Bouie and Ta-Nehisi Coates and see how we have arrived at the debacle at Berkeley. Everyone who isn’t a leftist is now a Nazi, a fascist, a white supremacist, or a racist redeemer who wants to impose the “dictatorship of the herrenvolk” on pure, noble, innocent People of Color who are merely fighting back in the tradition of Nat Turner and Django.

Yes, it isn’t true, but that’s the perception. That’s the feeling that exists among “The Resistance.” Trump is Literally Hitler. Bannon is Goebbels. The Republican Party is the NSDAP. Trump supporters are Nazis. We’re basically living in Nazi Germany and another Holocaust is imminent.

About Hunter Wallace 12421 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Trump is Literally Hitler. Bannon is Goebbels. The Republican Party is the NSDAP. Trump supporters are Nazis. We’re basically living in Nazi Germany and another Holocaust is imminent.”

    The propaganda against Hitler was just as outrageous. The “holocaust” is a phony story and the Nazis didn’t eat little children. The truth is that the Nazis have been slandered and vilified by the Jews exactly in the same way as Trump and White Nationalism are now being slandered and vilified by the Jews.

  2. Ta-Nehisi Coates is taught in high school classes. The strongest opposition for any Trump Cabinet nominee is being directed at Betsy Devos,Trump’s Education Secretary nominee. We need to wrest control of public schools from the leftists. Many white people are brainwashed from the age of 5 and go through their youth reading white hate like Coates.

    Its telling that that the Democrats are working their hardest to stop Devos’ nomination. Devos’ solutions to education aren’t even the right ones, she favors charter schools and vouchers which will essentially ruin the remaining white schools by allowing minorities to crash the party. But Devos is opposed on principle because she is a conservative Christian woman. We on the Alt Right must not forget about the culture war that occurs for young minds in schools. The left understands this, and doggedly works to protect schools as their indoctrination centers.

    • If the Muslims ever take over France they will only be interested in the Department of Education. They would broker away everything else because very other sphere of domination emanates from that source.

      • What Trump needs to do is withdraw all federal funding from University Education Departments. Ed Departments are the absolute bottom of the barrel in academia. Education majors have the lowest GRE scores, that’s right, the dumbest college students wind up as teachers. See a problem?


        ED Departments also focus on bullshit pedagogical fads they cycle through every several years rather than do their job of producing good teachers.

        Math teachers should be taught by older math teachers with master’s degrees, the same with history, science, foreign language, elementary Ed, etc. Older teachers are also far less likely to engage in educational fads that harm kids.

        • “What Trump needs to do is withdraw all federal funding from University Education Departments.”

          He certainly needs to do that. What’s needed is a decentralized system without any intervention from the federal government, or even from the state governments. That would make it more difficult for the crazy education theories to be forced by the Jews upon the teachers.

          But to achieve that goal, you will need to do a little more than simply withdraw all federal funding from University Education Departments. I’m sure the federal government has many other ways to interfere in how schools are run.

          • Simple, eliminate Common Core and return state Education Standards back to the States. Abolish the Federal Department of Education.

            I do think states should have some control over education because local school districts are the most inefficient, corrupt, nepotistic government agencies known to man. There has to be some oversight of the school districts.

          • Public education, private too, is little more than anti-White brainwashing. College is the icing on the cake.

    • [Betsy Devos] “favors charter schools and vouchers which will essentially ruin the remaining white schools by allowing minorities to crash the party.”

      How would charter schools and vouchers help minorities to get into White schools?

      • “How would charter schools and vouchers help minorities to get into White schools?”

        Black student gets voucher to leave his majority black school and go across town to the high performing majority white school.

          • My intuition is that the amount of the voucher payment will be just enough to send the Blacks to White schools, but not quite enough to send them to Jewish Schools!

        • I guess this is because Black students are usually in free public schools, while most White parents pay to have their children in mostly White private schools?

  3. We have finally reached the point where it doesn’t matter what you believe.
    Y’all who read this, are a Nazi.

    Whether you have black friends, whether you relate to blacks equally in the workplace, in academia, or even in the ministry, if you hold that your race and your Western/European ( and most explicitly) Christian culture has any merit whatsoever, you’re a Nazi.

    Well, if that’s how they feel, we might as well embrace it, and go full on, and reclaim our land, our people, our children, our wives, and our nation from the Darkening Hordes.

    We have been enjoined in the battle, Gentleman. It is up to us to save Christendom.

    by Rudyard Kipling

    It was not part of their blood,
    It came to them very late,
    With long arrears to make good,
    When the Saxon began to hate.

    They were not easily moved,
    They were icy — willing to wait
    Till every count should be proved,
    Ere the Saxon began to hate.

    Their voices were even and low.
    Their eyes were level and straight.
    There was neither sign nor show
    When the Saxon began to hate.

    It was not preached to the crowd.
    It was not taught by the state.
    No man spoke it aloud
    When the Saxon began to hate.

    It was not suddently bred.
    It will not swiftly abate.
    Through the chilled years ahead,
    When Time shall count from the date
    That the Saxon began to hate.

    • And how is that a good thing? Black people are not fit to rule anywhere. Face it, embrace it, you’re a White supremacist. I know I am.

  4. HW, I forgot to congratulate you and your lovely wife on the birth of your son. I certainly hope that the Trump Effect results in a new White “Baby Boom” like the one America had in the years after WWII. The Trumpenreich can create incentives for this to happen.

    • They hate whitey but, like parasites, they won’t leave whitey. They won’t go back to Africa. Ain’t no free shit in Africa.

  5. “As with everything Jamelle writes, this article says more about his own mindset than his subject.”

    I don’t know him. Presumably, he wants the same thing the Jews want: a nation for everyone, except for White people. The right for everyone except the White man to belong to his own racial community.

    But at the same time, by supporting immigration out of hostility to White people, he works against Black interests too. He should think about that.

  6. And yet… A viciously enforced taboo on separation and the perception of irreparable dysfunctional relations is made even more pathological.

  7. Arm Up America!!! For when our Pres. Trump, the Great Change Agent of America, is set upon by the Forces of Evil and they try to take over our Government by violent force then we as good rightful citizens must be prepared to act to save our Constitution.

  8. Maybe this tidbit he threw in explains it all: ““The ceaseless importation of Third World foreigners with no tradition of, taste for, or experience in liberty means that the electorate grows more left, more Democratic, less Republican, less republican, and less traditionally American with every cycle,” perhaps a Freudian slip? Finding a way to play good cop with the rest of his more “moderate” rantings, yet letting the effective “bad cop” argument all Americans should hear get through. Americans need to stop seeing Immigration as something that “just happened” some sacred unstoppable tsunami they have to bear like Jesus’ fate and instead as a massive leftist plot to steal political power from them by knowingly towing the Trojan Horse into the city. A giant hateful act of vandalism by the left, and worse, bringing in THEIR army for their intended progressive civil war.

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