I love these videos.
Murdoch Murdoch does great work. At the end of the day, all that matters is defeating these bastards. We can argue over the rest of our internal disagreements for a thousand years afterwards.
I love these videos.
Murdoch Murdoch does great work. At the end of the day, all that matters is defeating these bastards. We can argue over the rest of our internal disagreements for a thousand years afterwards.
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“Don’t ever call Abe Lincoln based. That bastard destroyed America.”
“Wait—so you guys support slavery?”
“No, R_The Donald, the American Civil War was more complex than just ‘freedom good, slavery bad’ ….”
No, it wasn’t.
Sure, saintly Abe and his Grand Army of the Republic were just fighting to free the poor colored people. No other considerations motivated the North. That’s what your third-grade teacher told you, so it must be true, huh?
It was always obvious that you are an asshole. It has only recently become obvious that you are also rather stupid.
Sadly I wonder if Lincoln was a Knobguzzling cuck and it was even simpler.
Some homosexuals claim that, but then they claim that about every famous person who is dead and therefore unable to defend himself.
One thing is for certain about Lincoln: that he was an incompetent and blood-thirsty nincompoop.
So you’re saying that the USA fought the War for Southern Independence ONLY to end slavery despite the FACT that they owned slaves in the NORTH? (Delaware for example)
That’s completely illogical.
Thanks, Laguna. Being unfamiliar with those message boards—or whatever is the exact term for them—I had no idea of the meaning of that character’s name. I copied “R_The Donald” from a comment I saw at another website.
“No it wasn’t.”
Dude do you actually read Hunters content and try to learn from it? Or are you just a troll and nothing more? I get trolling but at least try to add to the discussion a tad.
Dear Mr. Wayne –
Mr. Bonaccorsi is an independent and iconoclastick Northerner with a love of brisk conversation.
If you are a fellow Southerner, take it in that light, for he means no p’tic’lar offence.
Lol. Ok, thanks. So not a troll. Just a contrarion personality. I can deal with that.
Exactly, Mr. Wayne – in fact, when he is on the upside of his ‘contrarion nature’, he can give some of the most sublimely detailed analyses of the way things are, that really can be amazingly savoury and informative.
Have a good afternoon!
Missing the point…
It was certainly more complex than merely slavery, but the South was still wrong about everything and deserved to go down.
Your liberal New England opinion, (the whole world needs ‘the guiding light’ of the Northern Government) Mr. Silver, is exactly why we have to get away from folks like you.
And, if you happen to live in The South, you are no Southerner; something which you will regard as a compliment, but, which I would see in a thoroughly converse light.
Nonsense. The South was not wrong about everything. I would say that, on principle, they had every right to object to being treated like an increasingly junior partner by the North who could have avoided the whole damned thing by not trying to force the South to be little more than a colony of the North.
However, and this will tick off the Southerners a lot, the very labor they relied on proved to be their Achilles Heel when it came to pursuing autonomy. Just as their outdated farm equipment proved to be the poison pill that the Union as a whole ingested when the Union held onto the South by force.
Had the South stayed away from using Non-White labor and just imported European labor to be used in a share-cropping system that they ultimately had to implement anyway, the more productive and creative of these peasants would have formed a trade class and built factories and the South would have had not only a 100 percent voting (as opposed to 3/5ths for their slaves) to shore up their representative power in Congress. Tariffs would not have been an issue. The South’s own factories would have used the South’s own raw materials giving the South its own de facto autonomy without having to formally secede, risking war.
But we could take the time machine even farther back so that the original colonies would refuse any indentured servants or slaves from Africa.
‘However, and this will tick off the Southerners a lot, the very labor
they relied on proved to be their Achilles Heel when it came to pursuing
A great remark, Clytemnestra, but, I you will, please allow me to make a small tweak…
‘However, and this will tick off the Southerners a lot, the very labour
their upper class had imported and exploited to gain their affluence proved to be every Southern man’s Achilles Heel when it came to pursuing
autonomy, and, even after failing to attain that, the maintaining of an orderly and decent society.
In retrospect, John, you may well see it that way.
That said, when the Smithsonian is filled full of letters, from Yankee soldiers, decrying with every venom the Emancipation Proclamation, and clear evidence of ‘Northern White Supremacist views.
For me, I think Shelby Foote’s assessment, below, is the most accurate assessment of the event and it’s consequences that
I have ever heard – even though I do not agree with the fact that it is essentially deracinated.
Of course, I am not impartial, nor is Foote.
Still, the essence, in it’s politically correct complexity, and in it’s attribution to differing angles on the conflagration, is perspicacious…
Foote is one of my favourites.
That’s perfectly understandable, Mr. Owen.
Mr. Foote was a beautiful child of God, a fine gentleman, true to his kind, and possesst with a brilliant mind and a winning way about him
Have a great evening!
My ancestor was not drafted into the Union to emancipate and enfranchise the South’s black slaves. Yes, ridding the United States of slave labor was a big factor, because there was a belief that Paid Labor could not co-exist with Slave Labor. But the idea for the Negro slaves was REPATRIATION, not emancipation-enfranchisement.
That’s what the New York riots were all about. When those Irish gangs learned that the Negro slaves had been emancipated, they knew enfranchisement was just around the corner. They knew that they would be competing with the freed slaves for housing and jobs. Naturally, they were not happy about this.
Thank you, Clytemenstra for the confirmation via the personal testimony of your family.
I will add this to your interesting remark ; once our fieldhands started running up North, in 1865, Yankees began to realize the horror of what they had done, and, if I paraphrase my Philadelphia friend, John Bonaccorsi, are still ‘realizing’ it to this very day.
For me, John, the war was about the right of The Southern White Race to determine it’s own affairs without interference from aliens and or alien tyranny.
Slavery was a the primary trigger of that, but, it was not the reason.
Those who fought against us believed that we did not have a right to determine ourselves, without interference from alien tyranny.
Say what you will about their bravery and skill, I cannot see anything good about their fight.
Have a great day!
“It’s like I wasn’t alive until I found something worth dying for”
— I know those feelz.
“something worth dying for”
A good soldier makes the enemy die for His cause.
A good soldier does what he’s told and keeps his mates alive inspite of it.
A good soldier can follow orders as well as improvise.
I hate the phrase “A cause worth dying for”. It promotes a loser mindset.
Allied as long as we don’t sign a silly document saying, we’re joined at the hip forever. See how that worked out for Southerners and the US.
Southerners are like Jews in their inability to see their own faults.
It’s a human dilemma, Mr. Silver.
Since when is it the duty and right of people living north of the Ohio river, or on the Pacific Coast, to correct them?
Martin Schulz is the person most likely to succeed Angela Merkel.
Avraham Burg, 2014:
“Martin Schulz, the president of the European Parliament, is a close friend of mine. … He once told me, during a frank and stern conversation, ‘For me, the new Germany exists only in order to ensure the existence of the State of Israel and the Jewish people.'”
Shame for him Trump won’t deal with the EU. The UK and Russia will do the same.
All in all, Nyashmyash, it’s difficult to see the rise of Schulz, and the demise of Merkel, as anything more than a wrapping change to the same box.
“Angela Merkel is now the leader of the free world, not Donald Trump”
I reckon I think there is no one leader – but, a division betwixt Trump, Merkel, and Soros.
Putin to sue Fox News?
(Reuters) – The Kremlin said on Monday it wanted an apology from Fox News over what it said were “unacceptable” comments one of the channel’s presenters made about Russian President Vladimir Putin in an interview with U.S. counterpart Donald Trump.
Fox News host Bill O’Reilly described Putin as “a killer” in the interview with Trump as he tried to press the U.S. president to explain more fully why he respected his Russian counterpart. O’Reilly did not say who he thought Putin had killed.
“We consider such words from the Fox TV company to be unacceptable and insulting, and honestly speaking, we would prefer to get an apology from such a respected TV company,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on a conference call.
Fox News and O’Reilly did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.
Trump’s views on Putin are closely scrutinized in the United States where U.S. intelligence agencies have accused Moscow of having sponsored computer hacking to help Trump win office, and critics say he is too complimentary about the Russian leader.
Trump, when commenting on the allegations against Putin in the same interview, questioned how “innocent” the United States itself was, saying it had made a lot of its own mistakes. That irritated some Congressional Republicans who said there was no comparison between how Russian and U.S. politicians behaved.
Though FoxNews gives an entertaining and serviceable domestick news coverage, their foreign coverage is a point by point regurgitation of he New England Government view of the world – i.e. – ‘we are right, and, if you oppose us, you are evil.’
As to Putin and Russia, or the world, as a whole, I have to cringe when I listen to it.
I don’t know what all the complaining is about the naked pictures of Mrs. Carter and her pregnancy just made my gun store sales go up this weekend. I own a small gun shop outside of Wake County in North Carolina. A group of men came in from some farm family in Zebulon all black and bought about a bunch of guns for their wives. I saw some of the ladies too all very beautiful girls. I asked them about classes to use the guns but it turns out that these pretty black ladies knew how to shoot already. I am from “up north” .One of the men in the family told me it was different down south. He told me that pretty girls down here grow up knowing how to shoot and they own guns and pack and carry. I was really shocked. Then I heard them talking about how the Beyonce pictures had them worried for their women’s saftey and they were taking them all to target practice and going to make them carry guns all the time now. Thanks Beyonce! Down south you are going to have all the light pretty girls down here making me rich with high sales for my guns shop! God is good. The next day another group of family members came in. A week ago I did not know how I was going to pay the lease for this shop now I am set for another 9 months.
The Last Stand of Occluded Judaism.
Is that real? Lol. Omfg.
Real? Yes, just jewgle it. I didn’t put the link because then they’d get a “pingback” and send kiketrolls here. That was my experience at all my blogs.
Another one:
She kinda skipped over the part where they massacred Haman, his family, and about 10,000 of his people, didn’t she? And that they still celebrate that massacre to this day. They bake pastries called “Haman’s Ears” for Purim…
And celebrate they Passover and the near-genocide of Egyptian children.
nice SJW lexicon
“And celebrate they Passover and the near-genocide of Egyptian children.” ?
All Christians celebrate the Pascha.
* * *
And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt:
“[…] I will pass through the land of Egypt that night, and will kill every firstborn in the land of Egypt both man and beast: and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments: I am the Lord. And the blood shall be unto you for a sign in the houses where you shall be: and I shall see the blood, and shall pass over you: and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I shall strike the land of Egypt.”
And Moses called all the ancients of the children of Israel, and said to them: “[…] The Lord will pass through striking the Egyptians: and when he shall see the blood on the transom, and on both the posts, he will pass over the door of the house, and not suffer the destroyer to come into your houses and to hurt you. Thou shalt keep this thing as a law for thee and thy children for ever. And when you have entered into the land which the Lord will give you as he hath promised, you shall observe these ceremonies. And when your children shall say to you: What is the meaning of this service? You shall say to them: It is the victim of the passage of the Lord, when he passed over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt, striking the Egyptians, and saving our houses.”
And the people bowing themselves, adored. And the children of Israel going forth did as the Lord had commanded Moses and Aaron. And it came to pass at midnight, the Lord slew every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharao, who sat on his throne, unto the firstborn of the captive woman that was in the prison, and all the firstborn of cattle. And Pharao arose in the night, and all his servants, and all Egypt: for there was not a house wherein there lay not one dead.
It’s a new genre – Open Letters from Kike-Breeders to The Kike Trump
All the creativity and energy is with the alt-right/alt-White movement. The Left has become as old, tired and cranky as the conservative Establishment they used to make fun of back in the day.
They still have full control of almost all institutions. It’s gonna be a long hard nasty fight/
Your primary fight is not Jews, Miss Denise .
No, M’am, your right is with Whites to get them to embrace it, because, at this juncture, most believe that embracing it is evil.
If you can win the fight to get most Whites to have any racial feelings, whatsoever then Jewish influence will wither on the vine.
This is how I fight Kudzoo and Wysteria, on my property – snip it at it’s base, let it whither, and then – some months later, gently remove it from it’s victim – although, even that is just cosmetick, as the dead vine has ceaset to exert any influence.
They are using Jews straight up no chaser in the pressers now. This thing is on its last legs.
I hope you are right, Captain – because I am heartily sick of living in a White society that see it’s most important goal in becoming non-White.
It’s hard to cope with such patent absurdity.
Have as good day!
The Russians created Pepe troops https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2bc544632f4af0fed35e5a4c4532417dbdff5704c13be3190ac95d9870f447cc.jpg
From the Annals of 1970s comics… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1b02be0b255eab0eb87468ae431e753ac2f95a97eb8552887f200fb43709e81f.jpg
I think part of the solution is for everyone to have a place, to know their place, and to accept and embrace their place within the pro-White sphere. We all need to give other people enough room to make mistakes and grow and learn from those mistakes. We all need to realize that some manner of symbiosis and synergy is required to change the status quo.
What I’ve seen over the last decade or two is mostly divisiveness that is rooted in people not having a good sense of identity, and not having adequate outlets where they can channel their frustration and energy into a productive form of activism. People want to do something, but usually don’t have a place to direct that frustration and energy. That kind of bottled up anger/angst becomes caustic and eats away—physically, mentally, emotionally—not only at the individual, but also those in direct contact with that individual.
The time has come for a change in methods and a realignment of priorities.
Wow, were there a lot of blatant leftist TV commercials last night during the Super Bowl. One good lesson I think the public is getting recently is that Immigrationism is completely connected to the left. I don’t really think this was widely known outside far right circles, that these immigrants were brought here to outnumber and steal the political power of Americans to empower this hostile political class. Most people seemed to think Immigration just sort of happened, now it should be clear from these hostile leftist protestors and revolting TV commercials that Immigration is closely connected to all the other leftist projects and will make it even more distasteful to middle America.
Corporate America really is poison. It’s the bastard child of Bernays and Lady Gaga.
Captain – it was going on long before ‘Corporate America’
No, Sir – the corrupting power of money has always played a seminal role in small town rural Southern life – the upper class often acting more to the antithesis of White interest than the Negroes or the New England government they so love.
People with money seem to believe that they neither require the Lord of any membership to a club beyond that of rarified mutual exclusivity, and THAT … is a cancer with no cure.
Sir, with due respect: “the corrupting power of money”and”the New England government” are one and the same. Did you happen to notice the one-eyed costume adorning the puppet? The devil always shows his hand.
Mr. Coyote, I bow to the superiority of your comment.
It was a clear improvement upon mine.
I hope you and your kin are in fine fettle!
This was really good.
Murdoch, Murdoch isn’t with UncucktheRight is he?
The problem with Alt Right….
The problem with Alt Right Celebrities…is that the insist that the Native Born White American Working Class needs to master the finer points of IQ test score psychometrics in order to do battle with the race-replacement enthusiasts…
My great fear is that Comrade Richard Spencer on his college debate tour will unleash a bombing raid of IQ test score psychometrics on the college kids…..this is an excellent way to let the Asian “Americans” off the hook…even though Asian “Americans” are actively involved the destruction of thousands of years of NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICA TECHNOLOGICAL-SCIENTIFIC-MEDICAL EXPERTISE=GENOCIDE!!
Wouldn’t this make a great billboard in the bucolic |Shenandoah Valley!!!
What sounds would Sergei Brin make in a vat of car battery acid?…He would come out looking like geselta fish…..
Nate Silver?
That’s the best one.
Sam, Mr Duty seems to have confused White Supremacy for ‘Beliczek Surpemacy’ …
By the standards of today, Sam, that Trump cap in Mr. Brady’s locker is the same, to many minds, as a Confederate flag…
In the graphic below is part of an exchange I’ve had with “Texan Barbaryan,” in the Daily Stormer’s comment thread re this same video by Murdoch Murdoch. Having stated that the South is not part of white civilization, I’d been asked by Texan Barbaryan what I meant by the South. Once I’d made clear to him that I meant the Southern United States, he and I posted the following comments, in which I state things I’ve said here, at Occidental Dissent …
It’s a good point, John, because the White Nationalist inability to see anything more than a generally perceived European background, as a basis for group identity, is a serious flaw in the formulation of their Weltanschauung – something which everyone else seems to see, but they.
‘White Culture’ never was unified, long before this land was taken from Injuns, for the very reason to which you have attested.
Bill thought he heard the fat lady sing. He was wrong.
Bill Maher; “Good to see Belichick writing Trump another fan letter on the sideline. Like the way Falcons just ran over these motherfuckers.”