2017 New York Forum

Last weekend, Greg Johnson was hosting the New York Forum while the Atlanta Forum was going on in Georgia:

“Last weekend, on Saturday, January 28th, Counter-Currents held the fourth meeting of the New York Forum in New York City. All told, 52 people participated in the Forum and/or the dinner after. I was the Master of Ceremonies, and there were four speakers: Emily Youcis, Jason Jorjani, Jerome Przybylski, and Paul Kersey.

The talks were excellent. Spirits were high throughout the event and during the dinner that followed. At one point we had exchanged fraternal greetings over speakerphone with the Atlanta Forum, which was being held on the same day. After dinner, some participants even went to troll Shia LeBoeuf’s “Heebs will not divide us” (or something like that) “art” installation in Queens, encountering Sam Hyde and a number of Alt Light people who were also trolling the installation. …”

Read the whole thing.

We’re already thinking along the same lines. Greg Johnson is going to be hosting a series of private, invitation-only meetings in the Northwest. I’m planning to do the same thing here in the Southeast. Every other month we will host an Alt-South meeting somewhere in order to expand our network. It will be like the League of the South’s various protests, but without the street action.

Note: The first such meeting will likely be on a Saturday in Columbia, SC in March. If you are interested, contact me through, Facebook, Twitter or send me an email. BTW, the extent we will be able to do this will have a direct relationship to how much money we can raise, so if you want to support real world meetups in the South hit the Donate button on the sidebar.

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Is that a graphic of Lady Gaga jumping? I heard she kept her politics to herself.

    Good girl.

  2. Not one of the speakers mentioned would be considered ‘white’ by the NYC jewish and black-led mob, except maybe Paul Kersey although since that’s not his real name and there’s no public photo of him who knows.

    Emily Youcis is a depraved, degenerate half guinea half slav attention whore and probable agent. Claiming to have lived ‘white female’ experience in NYC (or even Philly where she lives) could be her most outrageous provocation to date. Er, maybe not…anyone seen her videos?

    It’s very common in NYC’s environs for blacks, jews, and hispanics to construe their threats and even actual physical violence towards actual white women as ‘a joke.’ Emily’s ‘work’ clearly reflects her 100% agreement with them.

    GTFO fatass.

      • If she behaved with some modicum of decency and expressed even basic respect for white (and especially ‘anglo’) women generally I wouldn’t get so offended. But she has exhibits neither.

        • Serious question, how long was she actually a vendor at the Stadium?

          She seems to be slightly too talented to have been stuck chucking peanuts at cucks for very long…

          What’s the entire backstory here?

      • People need to start using common sense:

        Would any of us want our sisters to act like that? No. So then why is the NY forum giving this woman attention? She’s a negative asset and should be ignored. We need healthy and charismatic role-models for young Whites, not creepy gay dudes, whores, and oddballs.

        • Agreed, the fact that she is a woman is the only reason people pay attention to Youcis. Her videos and songs are truly weird.

        • The messed up part is that if white women were treated with respect by these people they would attract more wholesome, well-adjusted and authentic women advocates. Instead they act like assholes and attract and promote women who hate other women.

          Before anyone points some bent finger at me, I routinely defend the white women I consider net positive voices, even if I don’t agree or identify with everything they say or do.

          • if white women were treated with respect by these people they would attract more wholesome, well-adjusted and authentic women advocates. Instead they act like assholes and attract and promote women who hate other women.

            I’ve thought the exact same thing. And the sad truth is that no business, Republican clique, or social club that I’ve ever been part of has this sort of male vs female tension. The Alt-Right is, simply put, filled with a lot of people who seem bent on driving away talented and normal people.

          • I’ve met the type of guys you’re talking about and they’re normally weeaboo freaks / socially awkward nut jobs.

            The only real solution to all of this is for genuinely strong men to begin creating pro-White networks which:

            1) Refuse to let gay men into positions of power [as they poison the discourse between men & women].
            2) Ruthlessly drill young men into becoming the best versions of themselves possible.
            3) Use new symbols and ideas which speak to modern White Americans.
            4) Don’t tolerate weird / LARPy nonsense [purge the anime weirdos, purge the weeaboos, etc.).

        • I am helping to raise a close relative’s children, one of whom is a precious 13 year old very aryan girl. Trying to shield her from the utter depravity that is being foisted on her generation’s public consciousness is beyond challenging. Emily Youcis with her torture and scatology porn…the Alt Right’s celebration of violence towards white women and gay male pedophiliac supremacy…it’s gotten to the point where authentic pro-whites should be protesting this degeneracy and purposeful warping of our kids’ tender minds as they search out role models.

          I don’t think it’s spontaneous or organic. I think it’s all further proof that the Alt Right is controlled op.

          • I am helping to raise a close relative’s children, one of whom is a precious 13 year old very aryan girl. Trying to shield her from the utter depravity that is being foisted on her generation’s public consciousness is beyond challenging.

            That’s a hard position to be in and I commend you for helping your relative out. We really do need more folks who are willing to step up to the plate and look out for their families.

            the Alt Right’s celebration of violence towards white women and of gay male pedophiliac supremacy

            A lot of the rabidly anti-woman rhetoric in the Alt-Right actually comes from a gay clique which is embedded in the movement. I’m sure you already know this, but many gays hate women and the moment they have any sort of power they immediately begin bashing women.

            Gays also tend to gravitate towards ‘Fashy’ things (which is why a lot of the SS uniforms made by costume companies are sold to places like San Francisco…). My own personal theory is that they have a fetish for Fascism because the Fascist aesthetic itself is perceived as hyper-masculine, exclusive of women, elite, and extremely grandiose.

            Not to get too far off topic, but you are also right to describe gays as supremacists. They really do tend to view the world through a lens in which they are on top, straight men are a rung beneath them, and women are on the bottom. Many of the ones who are associated with the Alt-Right openly support pederasty and are gutter filth.

            All in all, I have to emphasize that straight men historically routed out gays from their movements for a reason. And this wasn’t just because of religious beliefs. Men used to realize that gay men are natural born infiltrators. Once let into a movement, they will always attempt to dominate it. And once they have any sort of power they quickly begin poisoning the discourse between straight men & women.

            I’ve personally been attacked by the Alt-Right gay clique several times after I began promoting what I consider to be a common sense approach to gender issues (aka: men & women have different roles but equal value, women are not evil and shouldn’t be bashed for no reason, this movement should be one that we’d be happy to see our daughters marry into, etc.). In every case, closet cases began showing up out of nowhere and tried to chase me away.

            I don’t think it’s spontaneous or organic. I think it’s all further proof that the Alt Right is controlled op.

            I’ve been involved in real-life Alt-Right groups and there are definitely folks with good intentions but there are also infiltrators / hypocrites / etc.

            For what it’s worth, I personally avoid having anything to do with one of the major branches of the Alt-Right because I’m convinced that it’s leader is a bearded gay man. I think it’s obvious who he is (how many straight men brag about ‘getting a Fashy’ for a haircut, associate closely with gays, and speak with a lisp?).

  3. It’s funny now that Greg Johnson has moved to New York, we don’t hear about “West Coast White Nationalism” anymore. Maybe he’ll bring up the subject with the PNW folks. How quickly things change. lol

      • Seriously. Only 5 or 6 years ago, all the big names in WN were based here in SoCal. One by one they’ve moved away.

        • Isn’t Kevin MacDonald still in SoCal? Or did he move when he retired from Long Beach State?

          I can see why WN leaders have left SoCal. Outside the wealthy areas of San Diego, Orange County, Westside LA on the Coast, Thousand Oaks, Montecito, etc, SoCal is a depressing place covered in urban sprawl and dominated by Mexican peasants.

          For people who grew up in CA and remember Gov. Pete Wilson telling illegals to get the F out in 1994, its incredibly depressing to think how White Californians were betrayed. We just have to work that much harder.

  4. Brad Griffin is now deleting my comments defending anglo females from the depredations of the ‘Alt Right.’

      • Oh, I thought it was your Alt Right that is in constant conflict with the normal white straight middle class and its women…

        I can name three prominent and/or public white women advocates (two of whom were listed in the top 100 (((Public))) Enemy roster recently published by some jewish alphabet group) who would totally contradict what you just asserted.

        Where are the truly, as opposed to jewish media staged, popular representatives from the demographic you claim to speak for who would vouch for you?

        And this wasn’t about me, it was about Emily Youcis’ ‘art.’ Trying to avoid the issue by distorting who I am is transparent and desperate.

  5. Nice graphics (the helicopter ride).

    I take it this is being turned into stickers, t-shirts, posters and cut-outs for spraypainting on walls?

  6. Hunter we had a mutual shout-out on conference call from the NY Forum. Also you would love Jason Jorjani (who can destroy a bottle of alcohol). He is remarkably Eurocenttric (as were all Persians!).

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