The Left Turns Against The Building Trades

If it were not for “conservatism,” the divorce would have happened a long time ago:

“Days after the inauguration, the leaders of several building trade unions met with President Donald Trump at the White House, outraging those on the left who want organized labor to lead the resistance to the president’s anti-worker policies. The building trades cited Trump’s call for infrastructure investment and their warm personal relationship with him as reasons to be optimistic about his presidency. As reported in The New York Times, Sean McGarvey, president of North America’s Building Trade Unions, stated, “We have a common bond with the president. We come from the same industry. He understands the value of driving development, moving people to the middle class.” Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA) President Terry O’Sullivan talked of Trump’s “commitment to creating hundreds of thousands of working-class jobs.” …

This kind of behavior is hardly new. The building trades have long aligned themselves with racist and exclusionary forces. The labor movement’s first major legislative victory in the United States was the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, which originated with California workers angry about Chinese competition. The trades consistently supported immigration restriction well after the Immigration Act of 1965 reopened America’s borders to the world’s tired and poor. The Congress of Industrial Organizations, founded in 1935 by United Mine Workers of America President John L. Lewis to organize the millions of workers in the nation’s industrial sectors, was necessary because the trades not only refused to allow women, Asian-Americans, African-Americans, and unskilled workers into their unions, but also opposed any effort by other unions to organize them. …”

What do the building trades have in common with the contemporary Left?

The obese, tattooed, blue-haired lesbians wearing vagina hats and screaming in the streets about misogyny? The Black Lives Matter radicals rioting in Ferguson, Charlotte and Milwaukee? The SJW snowflakes having meltdowns on college campuses like Mizzou and Berkeley? The effeminate, condescending Pajama Boy progressives who write for websites like

As Vladimir Putin said, FDR must be spinning in his grave. These people have wrecked the Democratic Party. Consider the Democratic Party used to dominate the Solid South. Traditionally, The Democracy as it was once known united the South with the Northern White working class. Trump’s coalition appears strange, but it is actually a reversion to an older alignment.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Pretty sure the left lost the building trades when Nixon BTFOd McGovern.

    Union leadership used to reflect their White ethnic membership. The AFL CIO was run by an Irishman, George Meany. Meany bragged about keeping N*ggers out of his union federation. The Teamsters were run by the Pennsylvania Dutch Jimmy Hoffa with the urban Teamsters locals directed by Wop Mobsters. In a sense, labor unions functioned as a sort of white ethnic networking to win higher wages and better treatment from companies. Companies like Ford mostly weren’t Jew controlled, so they were willing to bargain with the Unions.

    Now, unions are Jew run and undercut their membership by supporting illegal immigrant labor. Look at the Jew Andy Stern, 60s radical and longtime head of SEIU, which expanded and opened new locals by attracting illegal immigrants in fields like Hospitality and Janitorial services. Absolute insanity for a labor union to support illegal alien labor, even Cesar Chavez opposed Wetbacks!

    • The SEIU is a scam fake union. It’s workers get paid minimum wage, the union does nothing for them. It exists to enrich the mostly Jewish leaders and mobilize poor non-whites for left wing activism.

  2. The Left never cared about the working class. Like negroes, they’re just another resource to exploit for power and political gain.

    • The Old Left did care about the working class. The New Left as it has existed since the 1960s actually hates the Working Class of all races. Think of the Hippies vs Hardhats riots in NYC when George Meany’s AFL CIO beat up Jew organized Hippies in 1970.

      • Hippies are another group exploited by the New Left. Some of the old line Communists tried to subvert them, too. I think the Hippies ended up rejecting the whole lot.

          • Yeah, the 60s were disgusting and the cultural rot spread everywhere. To borrow a phrase from Marco Rubio, Marcuse knew exactly what he was doing. He also set up the education system in West Germany that used critical theory to teach German Gymnasium and University students to hate their parents because they were evil Nazis. You know, the same parents who rebuilt West Germany from utter ruin to prosperity within 10 years.

        • Hippies, and also the environmentalists. The Jews are good at redefining how White people see themselves. Many people think they have some connection to “the Left” because they are interested in protecting Nature. But actually, the Left doesn’t really represent a political persuasion or a set of opinions. No one knows how to define it. Today, it’s mostly a scam operated by the Jews. They are the ones who decide what is cool and left-wing, but they rely a lot on ambiguity and fuzziness. They will never say outright that their priority, as leaders of the redefined Left, is to wipe out White people.

      • “The Old Left did care about the working class. The New Left as it has existed since the 1960s actually hates the Working Class”

        It has been a gradual change coming from the top.

        Today, all the leaders of the Democratic Party are New-Left (=Judeo-Left). But I’m sure a few Democratic voters are still Old-Left and opposed to immigration.

        Likewise, until Trump came along, the leaders of the Republican Party belonged to the Neo-Judeo-Right and promoted race replacement, while their voters were Old-Right and didn’t want to be race-replaced.

        In short, the voters in both parties were betrayed by the top politicians, who had been co-opted by the Jews. This situation led to a lot of confusion because people did not understand what was going on. The jewsmedia were active participants in the fraud and the confusion. They would not allow White Nationalists to use the media to explain what was going on.

        Most people still don’t know that the confusion was caused by the Jewish hijacking of the political parties, news-media, and other institutions. But Trump is now re-injecting some intellectual clarity in the political scene. Anyway, today’s new divide is between Whites and anti-Whites. It’s simpler that way.

        I think the Left also had many politicians who were sincerely pro-working-class, but ill-informed, or too stupid to understand, or too coward to admit that the political confusion was caused by the Jews and their anti-White ideology, which didn’t mesh with left-wing ideals. Those useful idiots actually helped the Jews maintain the illusion that the hijacked Left was still the Left.

    • Reminds me of the Reds, who also claimed to be fighting for the exploited Proletarian masses but in reality only wanted power and control.

  3. Union leadership hasn’t represented the interests of White American workers for a long time because they’ve been more interested in lining their own pockets and pushing for nonwhite immigration to fill their dwindling ranks. I like how the Jew Republic condemns the actions of organized labor in the past for their failure to adhere to (((current year))) standards of political correctness. The shit-libs really believe they are the most valuable members of the most enlightened generation that ever lived.

    • One of the reasons Unions aren’t popular in Texas is that they make you vote Democrat, whether you want to, or not.

  4. “If it were not for “conservatism,” the divorce would have happened a long time ago”

    I thought the problem was that the leadership of the trade unions had been hijacked by the Jews. But now it seems a bigger part of the problem lay with the Republican establishment. They were the ones in bed with the Jews and blocking things.

    “The Democracy as it was once known united the South with the Northern White working class. Trump’s coalition appears strange, but it is actually a reversion to an older alignment.”

    But the adversary is no longer the same. Now it’s a genocidal Jewish-led coalition regrouping Jews, non-Whites, White traitors and White loony “leftists”.

    jewrepublic: “The building trades have long aligned themselves with racist and exclusionary forces.”

    By definition, the Left stands for the defense of the working class in the name of social equality. The Jews like to claim they are the real Left because they want to wipe us out in the name of racial equality. White people who want to keep existing are called racist and exclusionary. That is a very dubious conception of equality. Actually, the Jews are just frauds. They are not left-wing, except in the sense that they want to destroy everything.

  5. “Days after the inauguration, the leaders of several building trade unions met with President Donald Trump at the White House”

    Trump is doing splendid work!

  6. We should interrupt these trends with Right Wing Safety Squads and street battles with Antifa. Or perhaps not.

  7. Strategically I’ve been wondering if it is a mistake for the GOP under Trump to support Right To Work, which was just passed in Missouri, making it the 28th state. While on pure policy grounds I’ve always supported it in the past, as a matter of cementing a new alliance with white union workers (those left) and a Trump led new GOP, it seems to me the GOP should pass on it since it is vehemently opposed by union rank and file and will be used politically against Trump and the rest of the GOP in the future.

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