Editor’s Note: We need to start putting some serious pressure on the Trump administration over the South African Question.
South Africa, the so-called “Rainbow Nation,” has always been for our community the definitive proof that the colorblind multiracial utopia pushed for so hard by the Left would prove to be a dystopia for the White minority. South Africa and Zimbabwe are examples of the future we DON’T want for our descendants. This is the reason why multiracial democracy ought be avoided:
“South African President Jacob Zuma pledged Thursday to break up white ownership of business and land to reduce inequality, in a State of the Nation address disrupted by a fistfight, walkouts and a release of pepper spray in the parliamentary chamber.
The speech, as well as the verbal and physical clashes inside the legislature, highlights increasingly fraught divisions over the future course of Africa’s most developed economy. Mr. Zuma’s focus on redistribution comes as his African National Congress party prepares to elect a new leader to succeed him in December and as he finds himself under growing pressure over corruption allegations. …
“Today we are starting a new chapter of radical socioeconomic transformation,” Mr. Zuma said, adding that 22 years after the end of apartheid “white households earn at least five times more than black households.”
Mr. Zuma said that his government would this year propose changes to the country’s competition rules to make it easier to “deconcentrate” high levels of ownership in certain sectors and open up the economy to black-owned businesses.
He also said that he planned to send back to Parliament a bill that will make it easier for authorities to redistribute land taken away from blacks during colonization, although white landowners will still receive market prices for any seized land.”
This is a declaration of war on the White community. It is the end of law and order. It is the end of property rights. It is the final nail in the coffin of multiracial democracy and the beginning of unshackled black supremacy. Soon, the result will be the decimation of civilization in South Africa. Look no further than Zimbabwe to see what is about to happen to South Africa.
South Africa has a “Toilet Valley”:
“It is a surreal, instructive sight.
On steep green hillside north of the windswept city of Port Elizabeth, hundreds of tiny brick cabins – each not much larger than a telephone booth – stretch out into the distance in neat rows.
“We call this place Toilet Valley,” said 36-year-old Suzanne Stoltz, opening her cabin door to reveal a solitary plastic toilet and a few bags of clothes that she’s stacked beside it to keep out of the rain.
The toilets – well over 1,000 in all – each sit on a larger slab of concrete, as if builders had started to erect proper homes, but lost interest early on. They are a vivid symbol of the failures of the local authorities here in Nelson Mandela Bay.
“It’s crazy. They tell us we’re going to get houses in three months’ time. But we’ve been waiting for three years,” said Ms Stoltz, a mother of three, who like her neighbours has built herself a small shack out of corrugated iron beside her toilet. Like many here, she has no job.
The same complaints – in varying permutations – echo across the surrounding townships.
Toilets without houses. Houses without water. Whole neighbourhoods without sewage pipes. Schools so overcrowded they’ve been closed down. Thousands of people dependent on a single tap in a muddy field.
In Port Elizabeth, whistleblowers have uncovered billions of rand that have either been misspent, stolen, or are simply lost.
We saw a depot holding two dozen expensive – and now rusting – Volvo buses, bought for the 2010 World Cup, which have been sitting idle ever since. …”
Misrule. Corruption. Violence. Poverty. Decline. Black Supremacy. These are the fruits of the “Rainbow Nation.” The fake news Lügenpresse doesn’t talk much about South Africa these days.
Julius Malema, the leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters, is famous in South Africa for singing “Kill The Boer.” He seems to have been pushing the South African political spectrum toward its logical conclusion over the past few years. The moral of the story here is that someone always rules and in multiracial democracies it will be one race or the other.
Eugene Terre’Blanche was so right. If you are new to our movement and aren’t familiar with the martyrdom of Terre’Blanche, it was one of the signal events of the last decade.
Note: We all need to contact our representatives in Congress and tell them that we support the United States imposing sanctions on South Africa.
I say bring it on.
Bring all the whites in South Africa to Europe, and send all blacks in Europe back to Africa.
That would be the best case scenario.
On the matter of the GLOB and the Proglodytes.
I think we should make a distinction between the Syndicalists and Cynicalists.
In the end, Syndicalists turn into Cynicalists if they win. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Or Cynicalists attach themselves to every movement. They either ride it to victory and manipulate it OR they appropriate it to control it for their own interests.
Take BLM. We know that Jewish elites don’t like black violence and thuggery. We know that they know the REAL problem with blacks is aggression, crime, and lunacy.
BUT, Jewish elites still see white gentiles as their main rivals for power, and therefore, Jews seek to paralyze white pride and unity. This is done by ‘guilt-baiting’ whites about Jimmy Crow and Slavery. And so, Jews maintain the fiction that blacks are still oppressed by ‘racist whites’. And that is why Jews supported BLM even though, deep down inside, Jews know that black violence is the #1 threat to cities, the foundation of Jewish power. So, much of Jewish ‘leftism’ is really Cynicalist.
There was once a time when many Jews were in the working class or even worse. Plenty of Eastern European Jews living under the Russian yoke were desperately poor, not least due to high birthrates. And even many Jewish merchants were peddlers and others who were just eking out a living. Back then, we can understand why a bunch of Jews were genuinely into Marxism, anarcho-syndicalism, and etc.
But today, the last thing that Jews want is a bunch of angry mobs with class consciousness taking from the rich to give to the poor. The rich would be the Jews.
So, much of Jewish ‘leftism’ has turned Cynical-ist.
‘Leftism’ is a broad category, and it can be just about anything depending on who gets to write its codes. Calling something ‘leftist’ is like calling something a search engine. Who gets to write algorithm for the software? Google writes its in a way that favors certain sites over others. Surely, search engines work differently China. Try looking up anything about Tiananmen Incident there.
To be sure, one could argue that ‘leftism’ is broadly about equality and universalism. But there are so many ways to define ‘equality’ and ‘universalism’.
When Vietnamese fought to drive out foreigners and create a homogeneous national state, that was called ‘leftism’. In that case, leftism was nativist and anti-invasivist.
But in the case of France, we have a ‘leftism’ that calls for invasivism and displacement of native folks.
Is ‘multi-culturalism’ leftist? Some may say so, but others would argue it is ‘rightist’ because, for example, it allows Muslims in Europe to maintain their reactionary and arch-traditional value systems and habits. Indeed, we often have the so-called Right in Europe making the ‘leftist’-seeming argument that Islam must be banned because it is too reactionary and ‘tribalist’.
And just how did Jewish ‘liberals’ and ‘progressives’ make peace with Zionism that is fiercely nationalist and tribalist?
We need a fascist theory of politics and history because, all said and done, it’s really about the Power, especially among the intelligent. While dummies may earnestly and stupidly believe what’s been crammed into their heads, People of Intelligence are too smart to fall for all the highfalutin politico-babble. Rather, they manipulate such rhetoric to gain power. It’s like Stalin really knew that all the official rhetoric was a cynical ploy to concentrate all the power in his hands. And Mao knew that the Cultural Revolution was a power struggle between himself and his perceived rivals. It was the dummies, the Red Guards, who swallowed the rhetoric hook, line, and sinker. And when they got out of hand, Mao decided to come up with a new idea and send them to the countryside where they couldn’t make so much trouble.
Recently, look how all those Jewish ‘progressives’ pretend to care about all those ‘refugees’ as they invoke the Statue of Liberty. But they’d been utterly silent when Obama, at the behest of Zionists, pushed a foreign policy that turned Middle East into a hellhole and reduced people into refugees. So, ‘leftism’ depends on partisanism and who-gets-to-control-the-contextual-narrative. Jewish progs leave out the stuff about Obama’s wars and focus ONLY on sympathy for those ‘poor huddle refugees’. It’s pure Cynicalism.
Because we don’t have a fascist theoretics of power, we have too many people acting in naive sincere-ist mode. They don’t know that they are a bunch of dupes who are easily swayed this way and that. They don’t know why they are made to feel so righteous and impassioned about certain things than others. There was a time when the Left associated homo culture with capitalist excess and decadence. So, how did the new ‘left’ become so homopathic and homomaniacal? Isn’t it because many of the former leftists got rich and became addicted to wealth and power? This was true esp with Jews. With Jews having so much dough and privilege, why would they feel much affinity with the working class who make Labor troubles that undermine Wall Street and urban rich class? Why not favor the homos who, btw, are also useful for gentrifying cities of them pesky Negroes? So, a bunch of vain, egotistical, narcissistic, self-indulgent, and neo-aristocratic whoopsy-doers became the #1 face of ‘leftism’.
It was part of the Cynicalism of Power, but so many people fell for it because they are dumb.
Americans are still naive and easily duped because they begin with ideas, ideals, and rhetoric. They don’t begin with the Power. They aren’t Machiavellians.
Now, it may be that even the powerful actually believe in the bogus crap that they peddle. Consciously, people can easily dupe themselves… but subconsciously, of course, they are driven by power. Bill Gates acts like Mr. Humanitarian, but how did he amass all that fortune? He was one of the most ruthless and cunning monopoly-capitalists that ever lived, that’s why. And Soros acts like he’s Mr. Progressive, but what really animates and drives him? He loves to play the money game to win. And he supports ‘progressivism’ to weaken and break down national barriers so that his ilk can penetrate markets and manipulate currencies.
What we need is a magazine called THE POWER. Before it discusses politics, ideologies, rhetoric, and partisan talking points, it would focus on the personality, ethnicity, economics, and mechanics of Power. Its perspective would begin with the notion that people(at least those with talent, vision, and etc) are driven by Will to Power.
This isn’t to say ideologies and values aren’t important. They do shape, limit, and direct the ways in which power manifests itself. Surely, power flows and grows differently in Saudi Arabia, Cuba, North Korea, South Africa, Brazil, Israel, Germany, and the United States. Given the founding principles of Israel, one is advantaged in power by invoking blood and soil. Given the guilt-ideology of Germany, it is fatal for any politician to invoke blood and soil. Still, whatever the ideologies or societal limits, the fact is all peoples of all nations want the power, and the Power is their main goal than serving some ideology. Anyone who thinks that knaves like Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama, Lindsey Graham, or Paul Ryan are about ideology first and power second is a fool.
While it’s true that some men of power are more idealistic and more principled than others, they all want the thrill of power. Trump is a strange case because he’s been one of the most cynical businessmen of all time. Yet, he ran a campaign that pissed off both parties, and in office, he’s done things that offended the powers that be that are trying to destroy him. Why would Trump do this?
Anyway, if we are to understand the psychology of those who have power over us politically, economically, and culturally, we need to probe into the part of the brain that is power-obsessed. Granted, except for gangsters and thugs, people are not ONLY FOR POWER. Power for power sounds too much like prostitution, orgy, or porny stuff. Just like people ideally want to associate sex with love and devotion, people want to associate power with ideals and cause. But the nature of globalism is to pornographize power. Is it any wonder that so much of current political culture is about homo anus and pussy-hats or vagina monologue or pussy riot?
Sex used to be justified in relation to love and marriage. No longer. It is flaunted and indulged in as pleasure for its own sake.
We haven’t gone that way with Power yet, at least not fully. But after the End of the Cold War, so much of what has happened has been about naked power grab and indulgence. Consider the Jewish oligarchic looting of Russia. Look at Wall Street predatory behavior and how it got away with bailouts. Look at all those gratuitous wars in the Middle East to serve Israeli supremacism and bankers. Look at the rotten behavior of the Chinese Rich and Russian oligarchs who’d rather invest their money in mega-rich condos in NY or real estate in Canada or California. Look how whore politicians like Trudeau ignores his own countrymen while sucking up to rich oligarchs from China, Gulf States, and etc.
Power too is turning porny. More and more, as the culture grows shameless, we are seeing power for power’s sake, like in the Ridley Scott movie THE COUNSELOR.
But unlike sex, naked power is still officially repressed or dressed up in ‘righteous’ feathers, and the globalist elites pretend that they are for justice and sound values. But this charade was blow up in the Hillary campaign. Here she was sucking up to every oligarch from Israel, Saudi Arabia, China, and Wall Street. Here she was being so cozy with the War Machine. Here she was rubbing shoulders with the self-indulgent and piggish celebs of Hollywood and music industry. Yet, she was supposed to be about decency and sound values. Enough Americans woke up and didn’t buy it. What they saw the pornography of power masquerading as morality. The reason why WOLF OF WALL STREET was a big hit was not cuz of its moralism. If anything, it was a porny celebration of power. Oliver Stone’s WALL STREET was plenty sensational too and Gekko became a cool anti-hero to many. Still, there was still a sense of right and wrong, a sense of shame on the part of Sheen character when he gets caught. But in WOLF OF WALL STREET, there is no shame. It’s the game of power all the way.
Fascist theoretics would make us aware of that because it would probe into the power-psychology of the elites. END OF HISTORY is THE BEGINNING OF PORNOGRAPHY OF POWER.
Now, fascism is NOT about the indulgence of power for power’s sake. Rather, it is an understanding of what the Power really is and understanding the relations of power among the various classes and between the sexes. Once that is understood, fascism tries to find a most sane, sound, and moral way to coordinate those powers and arrive at a moral unity. For there to be true morality, there has to be an honest understanding of truth.
Mussolini and esp Hitler did a bad job with this — though they were right about some key things — , but failure doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try again. After all, there were many failures in the space program before a rocket was finally launched into space.
It’s about Power. You are absolutely right. People need to start thinking about this in these terms and not fear it. Whatever political suit Power wears the value it has to the people is up to the quality/value character of those people. Please continue writing on this subject.
Your knowledge, insight and passion are truly impressing qualities, Ms Gubbler Chechenova.
End of History is a Gangster Paradise.
Gangsterism was institutionalized and industrialized.
Power was always dirty and low-down. People were always pigs, and the powerful were always exploitative and nasty.
But the difference is that the element of Shame and Ideals are gone, along with borders and rule of law.
Francis Fukuyama said ‘liberal democracy’ is the final ideology and value system that all should aspire to. But the problem is ‘liberal democracy’ can mean just about anything. It has no Core Vision or Set of Ideas. Rather, it is a game theory that says democratic political system and capitalist economic system work best. That may well be true, but what would people do with freedom? A liberal-democratic-capitalist ideologue might argue that the Rule of Law and Market Dynamics will ensure individual liberty and equal opportunity for everyone for all eternity.
But in the end, do people live for ‘liberty’? Isn’t freedom just a means to Power? And isn’t power about gaining control over others?
Also, do people seek success & power only on the basis of individual ambition? Or do they have wider identities by race, tribe, religion, and/or ethnicity? After all, Mormons do have think in terms of Mormon power and not just individual success.
Also, what if people who use their freedom to gain great wealth decide to support the kind of ideologues who serve their tribal or ethnic interests. And suppose these ideologues push for selective liberty, the kinds that favor the ruling elites while shutting down everyone else?
Even in a liberal democracy, most people will believe what they’ve been taught and drummed into their skulls. Their ideological conviction could easily come to trump the ideal of ‘liberal democracy’. (After all, there was hardly any outrage upon the revelation of Edward Snowden.) So, if young ones in a liberal democracy are raised to believe that ‘hate speech’ is wrong, then they will call for censorship, like in the EU and Canada. And even in the US, despite its First Amendment protection, economic and political forces can act in concert to effectively shut down certain voices despite it being a violation of “no discrimination based on CREED”. Young ones think they believe what they believe out of freedom, conscience, and knowledge; they don’t understand that those ideas and views were planted in their minds by the powers-that-be. They fail to understand that stuff like homomania has been formulated to favor elite minority privilege, thereby favoring the power of the globalist elites who are a minority in all nations except their own. Globalists of all color favor elite minority privilege because, on the global scale, every nationality is a minority. Jewish elites are minorities in gentile nations, Chinese elites are minority in non-Chinese nations, Asian-Indians elites are minorities in all non-Hindu nations, Mexican elites are minorities in all non-Mexican nations, and etc. So, for them to play on the global level, they must make the entire world submit to elite minority demands.
Also, freedom isn’t the same as power. For example, a Palestinian-American and Jewish-American has the same rights of speech and freedom guaranteed by the US Constitution. But Jews control media, politicians, and industries. In contrast, Palestinians don’t have much. So, when powerful Jewish people use their right of speech, it is infinitely more consequential and influential than when powerless Palestinian-Americans use their freedom of speech. Liberal Democracy ensures equality of basic rights, not equality of power and influence.
So, the groups and individuals who are better at gaining wealth, power, and influence through industry, institutions, and government will have much greater power than everyone else. (And even though liberal democracy is about one-man/one-vote, those who control the media and can afford the ads have the power to sway millions of minds. So, the system is more like one-man-with-million-dollars-sways-million-votes.) Worse, they may then manipulate the rules of ‘liberal democracy’ in gangster-like ways to entrench their power and destroy their enemies. So, today, Jewish-Americans have much greater power over Palestinian-Americans because Jews are better at making money and gaining control of media. But tomorrow, Jews might use their power to pressure politicians to push through laws against ‘antisemitic’ speech, which could be interpreted to include anti-Zionist speech, in which case even the basic right of liberal democracy will be denied to Palestinian-Americans.
Consider the rise of homo power. In a sane liberal democracy, homos should be tolerated and allowed to do their own thing. But the powers-that-be didn’t end there. They spent massive fortunes and media control to promote homomania as the dominant Culture and the neo-religion of America. They even associated homosexuality with marriage, thereby changing the entire meaning of matrimony. And then, the powers-that-be forced bakeries to make wedding cakes for homo ‘couples’. And the powers-that-be used terms like ‘homophobia’ to create the impression that those who oppose the homo agenda are sick in the head. And then, the powers-that-be hyped and celebrated homo-stuff so much that American sheeple think homo-ness is the happiest and most cheerful thing in the universe.
In this way, liberal democracy is undermined. It went from guaranteeing tolerance for homos to forcing school-children to accept and praise homosexuality as the New Normal associated with the ‘rainbow’. It ended up destroying businesses that won’t go along with the desecration of marriage by Jewish supremacists in the Supreme Court.
So, in the end, liberal democracy leads to Gangster Paradise of those who have the power. Also, the cases of EU, Canada, and US have demonstrated that just because people live in a liberal democracy doesn’t mean that they will support the principles of liberal democracy. They can be indoctrinated to be selective in their support of freedom. They will go along with the brand of ‘liberal democracy’ to support that which is deemed ‘correct’ in accordance to the ideas and passions approved by the powers-that-be. So, we have lots of influential people who will say, “I believe in free speech but not hate speech” — of course, they get to decide what is ‘hate’. And we have hardly any condemnation or actions taken to stop the violence against Trump voters who are deemed as ‘nazis’. If anything, the Jewish-controlled media have sent signals that it’s okay to punch and attack people like Richard Spencer. They called for Open Season.
And in the Muslim World, we saw how liberal democracy heralded by Arab Spring was soon undermined by Islamists who came to power. For the Islamists, democracy and freedom don’t mean guarantees of free speech to criticize Islam or Muhammad. Certain things are sacrosanct and cannot be touched. Islamists may want democracy, but they are willing to sacrifice certain tenets if they offend their sense of righteousness. In this, they are no different from Jews of EU who demand that ‘liberal democracies’ clamp down and silence anyone deemed ‘antisemitic’ or ‘anti-immigrant’. People in Germany have been silenced, fined, or even jailed for uttering views that were regarded as ‘offensive’. This way, patriotic people of Europe cannot even say what is necessary to defend their own nations. Their hands are tied behind their backs.
Liberal Democracy has become the plaything of globalists since they got all the power, wealth, media control, institutional control, and politicians in their pockets.
Globalist version of Liberal Democracy is no longer constrained by communism that insisted on the moral imperative of the working class. Communism said the elites must serve the workers and couldn’t just serve themselves. So, even though communist nations were repressive and corrupt, the elites couldn’t just be gangster-gangsters. They had to be morally-justified gangsters with some restraint.
Nationalism also had a constraining effect on the elites. It said the elites must be representative and responsive to the people of the nation. So, liberal democracy within a nation must serve that nation.
But globalism that triumphed with the End of History was constrained by nothing. It didn’t have to answer to the proletariat like communism did. It didn’t have to answer to the patriots like nationalism did. Globalism said the elites of the world could just work on the individual or tribal basis to become as rich as possible. And globalism was weak on Rule of Law since different nations have different laws. So, if American businesses wanna override regulatory environmental laws in the US, they could just send their factories to Mexico or China. Rule of Law is effective only within national borders. Across borders, it turns into shambles since different nations have different laws. Of course, globalists call for a set of standards that is to apply across national borders, but they write and rig these laws to maximize their own power, position, and wealth. Look how the erosion of national sovereignty in the EU has led to rise of the elites and the fall of the national masses.
Is it any wonder that the favored musical form of the globalists is rap music. It’s about Gangster Paradise. If kids are brought up with a culture that glorifies the gangster and thug, then they will be less appalled by such behavior among the globalist rich. If kids are dancing to Jay-Z’s thuggery or some other gangsta paradise trash, why would they be appalled by the gangster-behavior of so many rich folks, celebrities, and politicians? In a way, the rise of Trump owes to this gangster-narrative. He’s been effective at flaunting his prowess as a man of toughness and power. The odd thing is he has signaled against globalism-as-gangsterism-against-the-people. He is a real contradiction.
Also, consider the rise of casinos. It used to be seen as a decrepit Vice Industry for degenerate gamblers that should be limited to Las Vegas and Atlantic City. But as the West grew more and more shameless and immoral, gambling spread like cancer all over. It was even moralized as the economic savior of depressed communities and those poor Indian-Americans. So, the immoral was made moral, and the globalist gangsters got to rake in more and more for themselves. Gambling was once considered seedy and sleazy, esp. when it was associated with the Italian Mob. It was a sin. But it was turned into a family-place-to-be with excessive advertising and promotion campaign. It goes to show that people can be sold anything. It’s like advertising long ago convinced women that it was ladylike to smoke. Spread images of glamorous women smoking, and people will associate glamour with smoking.
If Las Vegas was made into a-family-place-to-be, Disney(once an industry for family entertainment) was turned into a whorehouse-for-kids. It spawned the likes of Britney Spears, Christian Agorilla, and Miley Cyrus. Disney would get these ‘wholesome’ kids and start them on whore-lite(which is ‘innocent’ by today’s standards), but they would invariably grow up into total skanks.
Las Vegas was made ‘family-ish’, and Disney was made ‘porny-ish’.
And look at the rise of MMA fighting. It used to be that boxing had boxing rules, wrestling had wrestling rules, and other sports had its own rules and limits. But MMA is about using all manner of nasty techniques to destroy the enemy and even ground and pound him when he’s down. And as athletes and celebrities now have tattoos all over, the message is loud and clear that excess, egocentism, and exhibitionism are what life is all about.
And there is the globalization of both porn and pornification of culture. The internet has made porn global, and that means tons of young girls grow up seeing porn people as just another bunch of ‘cool ‘celebrities. And music culture has stuff like bumping-and-grinding and ‘twerking’ that was ‘invented’ by blacks who are the most uninhibited, savage, and aggressive race on the planet. Even though most blacks lack the brain power and ingenuity to rise to the top(like Jews have done), their cultural influence of gangsta-ism and punkass-ism legitimize globalism’s gangster-paradise-anti-ethos.
So, even though Mark Zuckerberg and George Soros don’t act like rap music gangstas, their worldview is one of total monopoly, manipulation, and power-hunger.
Also, globalist gangsterism is protected and promoted by diversionary tactic of making people focus on the wrong things as the source of evil. For instance, consider how the globalist media have so many morons worried that the West is about to be taken over by Nazis, KKK, or ‘fascists’. It is so laughable.
Imagine a slave-owner who dupes his slaves into thinking that he is a noble protector of them against the Chupacabra monster. Even though HE is the one who is oppressing and exploiting the slaves, his moron minions cling to him for protection and ‘liberty’ from the Chupacabra monster that is supposed to be lurking all over.
All this stuff about ‘Nazis’, ‘hate’, and ‘fascists’ is very useful for the globalist gangsters since it diverts the gaze of the masses away from the Real Power(held by globalist) and makes them focus on imaginary ‘Nazis’. Indeed, this is the profound stupidity of much of the ‘leftist’ bottomfeeders. Even though the West is really ruled by the financial crooks on Wall Street and degenerate homo-imperialists, they think the real danger comes from ‘nazis’, ‘kkk’, and ‘alt right'(which, as yet, is still a nascent movement, if it can be called a movement. The media promoted the ‘alt right’ in collusion with the Clinton campaign to smear Trump with it. Hillary’s speech on the ‘alt right’ was a giveaway that the media had been making a big stink about the AR for a purpose. Now that their ploy failed with the victory of Trump, the media are now scrambling to crush the Alt Right as fast as possible by having people punch ‘nazis’).
The End of History is the End of Shame and the Beginning of Nihilism.
Or, it’s about Inversion of Shame. In the Current Year, defending true marriage from degenerates is shameful while ‘gay marriage’ is ‘pride’. In the Current Year, a woman who opts for love, courtship, and marriage ought to be ashamed while skanks should flaunt their ‘slut pride’.
Not “black supremacy…”
Black degeneracy is what’s on display.
Refugee Status for Afrikaners now!
Zuma is comparatively a moderate. He won’t move too hard against the remaining Whites because he knows they’re needed for the economy.
What is scary is what will happen in South Africa after Zuma. A demagogue like Malema will take power and then Whites in South Africa will suffer a genocide. SA will end up just like Zimbabwe.
Courtesy of Dr. David Duke:
White Genocide in South Africa!
Share with all!
This White Genocide at the hands of Black savages (and supported by the Jews there and abroad) must be exposed to all.
We are betraying our White brothers by ignoring this…
The crazy thing about that video is that Sun City was located in the Bantustan (Black Homeland State with Black Rule) of Bophuthatswana that had been declared an independent state by South Africa’s aparthied government.
So by boycotting Sun City, they were boycotting one of the major revenue streams for blacks in the only Tswana black ruled state in Africa.
The virtue signalling never stops with liberals, even when it is to the detriment to those they are signalling.
White Genocide in South Africa
This video concerns Genocide against the White farmers, Graphic scenes have been sanitized so it is no more graphic than a typical TV news broadcast.
How White people are facing an ongoing genocide in South Africa and the vital need for people all over the world to raise their voice to stop this Genocide.
The world was told that the White Government in South Africa was evil. Yet, the White people made a great nation and Black people thrived and prospered there. Far from genocide, Blacks came from all over Africa to enjoy the prosperity, medical care, education, and relative freedom that the White people created there.
My friend Gunther from Joberg just married his gf and has begun naturalization in the U.K. He’s the gchild of Swiss missionaries from the last century. Man did he dodge a bullet.
Fucking Bantus.
Moving to Britain? Out of the fryin pan into the fire.
The UK is still overwhelmingly White outside major cities like London and Manchester.
The archangel Gabriel was chatting with Beezlbub and they agreed to report to their respective bosses their responsibility for and progress in Bourton-on-the-Water and Manchester respectively.
The anti-White establishment will go down in the UK. Their time is running out.
I was about to say that, but he got out with his property.
The future of the United States (along with war with Russia) unless Trump and the military seize power. Honestly, having a Chinese style government with our people as rulers is probably the best thing that could happen at this point.
Getting involved in South Africa right now would be a big distraction, Middle America needs to consolidate power first which will be a very difficult thing seeing how entrenched the enemy is in the media, judiciary, education system, and our big cities. If civil disorder breaks out let Russia and China go into S. Africa and restore order for now.
Just dreadful.
What can we do?
Hey Hunter, can I post my blog about #*$&# Bruce Springsteen?
As we’re going down, I think we should out/dox some of the worst 4 multi millionaires still raking in the $ betraying us.
How about we petition Trump to make a safe space for Whites in South Africa?
Complete idiocy and utter inability. It is madness.
I don’t know if the great, late Eugene Terre Blanche actually said this or not, but he should have.
Trump should offer aid and Federal land to the Afrikaners. And he should label the SA government a terrorist organization.
That’s a good idea, Mr. Cushman.
It’s the very least the Yankee Government could do.
An apology would be nice, too, but, then, the Yankee government cannot apologize, for they never do any wrong…
Democracies change their governments so often, so no one can be held responsible for anything.
Good point, Mr. Jackson.
In either case, democracy has failed The South, because we’ve been unable to keep The North from forcing us to adopt their egalitarian way of it.
Have a good night!
I’d like to see fistfights in the US Congress, British and Canadian parliaments, German Bundestag…
The only way to know we’re having an impact.
I bet Merkel could smash a few skulls though.
United Cuckdom chant:
To my eternal shame I was there at Wembley. Punch me in the face, I deserve it.
Here… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2a5919bd4f75fe64f108fb93f90a5ea13968c9f9ad502f6cfcef2488b2e2f89a.jpg
Gutterslut Nina Hagen – South Africa the Nazinest – IQ could not be too high:
while we were fighting so that the Wall could fall:
Dumb ass white anti-Whites don’t care what happens to their race once they become a minority. Keep an eye on CA.
White self hatred is sick!
It is very sad what is happening to the Afrikaner people in South Africa. The end of apartheid was the beginning of the chaos now assaulting the Boer people. About a week ago I read a piece on the Kinist site Faith&Heritage by an white Afrikaner talking about a new “hate speech” bill coming down the pike at South Africans. This bill will criminalize speech against Negroes, Jews, and homosexuals.We are seeing South Africa sink into Neo-Babelism.
Watch South Africa…it is one version of our possible future.
The future of America is South Africa. That’s why we must work together for the peace and survival of the White Race. WPWW !
We should stop all immigration and start accepting white South Africans as refugees and offer them asylum.
There needs to be sanctions against South Africa immediately , just like there was during white rule. Oh hang on, its the blacks discriminating now, so….thats fine, not necessary.
Blacks attacking whites in America, Zimbabwe , South Africa……Muslims attacking Whites in Europe….racist anti-white pigs.
We talk about energy security and food security. What about racial security snd cultural security ? We’re under threat everywhere we are in the world. There isn’t a country anywhere in the world where the white percentage is increasing.
Without us the world will go headlong into the abys.
Jacob Zuma needs to realize that white lives matter.