Let’s count the ways that we win this struggle with the Left:
- Imprison foreigners who vote in our elections and crack down on voter fraud.
- Round up and deport illegal immigrants and send the Third World population back into the shadows until they can be sent home.
- Deport high profile cases to send a message.
- Appoint Right-wing Anglo-Saxon men to courts.
- Appoint strong men like Sessions who immediately state their intention of cracking down on Third World immigrants spreading “lawlessness” and “driving down wages of working Americans.”
- Berate and insult Leftist criminals such as Antifa who have rioted and declared war upon us.
- Declare Antifa a terrorist organization and imprison their criminal activists.
- Build the border wall.
- Form a new axis of nationalist-populist-conservative leaders around the world to crush our enemies. Form a new political order.
- Spread patriotic, anti-invasion messages at the local level.
- Hold high-energy conferences and get-togethers to network and build IRL bonds on the Right.
- Keep the Neocons out of power.
- Impose sanctions on anti-White regimes around the world.
- Enact a law-and-order agenda to crack down on street crime and the drug trade. Strongly support the police.
- Encourage California to secede from the Union – then send our Leftists and aliens there.
- Raise huge Confederate flags across Dixie. Put it back up at monuments where it was previously taken down.
- Appoint people to office who support Southern heritage.
- Mock Leftist fake news. Encourage journalists to go nuts.
- Eliminate vast numbers of regulations which destroy our jobs.
- Drink gallons of whole milk? Ok. I don’t really get this one. lol
We are destroying the enemy, folks. Feels good, huh?
We need to resolve now to turn up the heat on our enemies and never relinquish power.
Americans will be amazed at how much better life will be with out the aliens.
Win enough Congressional seats and state houses to amend the Constitution. I suggest:
“This Constitution is not a living document; it means exactly what it says, including the Second and Tenth Amendments. Any court decision not based on the exact text of the Constitution, as understood in the context of prior English Law, is not binding on either the States or the People.”
Until then, the courts may treat the Constitution as a living document (i.e. it means whatever the reader wants it to mean), but Trump will treat their decisions as living documents!
Revive the Anglosphere but on an Ethnostate Basis. Make it the bulwark against today’s globalization.
Make more babies.
Also buy rifles…Ruger have a nice little AR for around $600-700. Something that is reasonably priced and well engineered. Made in the Carolinas too.
Trump has this in the bag! Time to relax and enjoy.
The number one priority in the South is to get rid of the Cuckservatives and replace them with Southern Nationalists who will actively and aggressively defend and take up for the South.
The best defence of Southern Heritage is Southern Independence.
I worry about Trumps motives sometimes but when you line up his accomplishments like this it’s amazing. Think of all the time wasted on cucks. George Senior could have done all of this and think how much stronger the country would be.
One thing you didn’t list Trump not investigating White Nationalist anymore. I can’t find the link that said that. It wasn’t directly WN but that he felt investigating White groups was a waste of time. Here’s a link that mildly touches on it.
Trump has proposed having some ‘investigating violent extremism’ federal agency be reoriented to investigating “Radical Islamic Terrorism”.
This refocusing would leave WNs and Alt-rightists alone. (Well the SPLC would still be around)
Formerly defiant Mexican illegal aliens are Hispanicking in Trump’s America.
Wonder what the real numbers are? I’d love to see the 11 million lie disproven.
We must secure the existence of our people, and a future for white children. Minorities can have the rest of the planet, but the West is ours. Is that not reasonable?
Race is real. Race is not a social construct; but society is a racial construct.
White society belongs to white families.