They’ve made good on their threat to destroy us. We haven’t suffered such a devastating attack since John Oliver’s barrage.
Note: I think this is what is going to convince all those people in Vigo County, Indiana to stop supporting Trump. Maybe it could be combined with dressing up like vaginas and smashing Starbucks.
Niggas! Drop The Dead Donkey!
Beautiful. The lefties really are showing their true faces now!
When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that a leftist!
Those “bums” have only succeeded in making “asses” of themselves.
These people have no dignity or self-respect. What kind of parent produces this kind of offspring? It appears that extreme vetting should have been instituted a long, long time ago.
Sadly, it is mostly white cheeks I see. Oh, how far we have fallen.
Negroes only care about the Negro world. They only get active when their non Negro handlers stir them up. Mooning Trump Tower is a SWPL/WSJW thing.
Not all white people are going to like a one leader.