1. After attending the ICE meeting it's hard not to conclude that President Trump has started his mass deportation plan.
— Joaquin Castro (@JoaquinCastrotx) February 16, 2017
2. Only Dreamers with no offenses (including traffic tickets) or perceived gang affiliations seem exempt.
— Joaquin Castro (@JoaquinCastrotx) February 16, 2017
3. ICE's abilities will only be affected by how big their budget is.
— Joaquin Castro (@JoaquinCastrotx) February 16, 2017
4. By Dreamers I mean DACA recipients.
— Joaquin Castro (@JoaquinCastrotx) February 16, 2017
5. Qs ICE didn't answer:
How many new ppl in detention ctrs
Breakdown of countries of origin
Breakdown visa overstays v "border crossers"— Joaquin Castro (@JoaquinCastrotx) February 16, 2017
6. thought about how to describe it; I know families are scared. But it must be called what it appears to be.
— Joaquin Castro (@JoaquinCastrotx) February 16, 2017
7. For those who argue it's the same as previous admins. ICE fully agrees mandate to deport is broader and will ask for larger budget.
— Joaquin Castro (@JoaquinCastrotx) February 16, 2017
Share your experiences here.
How was your life affected by the Day Without Immigrants? I sat around and wrote some blog posts like I did yesterday. I even managed to make my own taco salad for lunch. The point of this protest was to demonstrate my life wouldn’t be affected in the slightest way on the Day Without Immigrants. If they all disappeared tomorrow, I wouldn’t even notice they were gone.
Note: I made some YouTube videos on the Day Without Immigrants back in 2010.
Update: If you enjoy spicy food like I do, The Bald Chef has a great YouTube channel. Just watch his videos and learn how to make all the Mexican food you want from scratch.
One of the places I occasionally get breakfast tacos was closed. Still managed not to starve to death. Traffic was lighter.
Good riddance don’t come back!
Subway was still open, I didn’t feel a thing
Had no idea this was a thing until 30 seconds ago.
It was a big deal. The plan was to paralyze the United States.
LOL!!! No one told the Guatemalans, Mexicans, and Hondurans where i work.
Or the Jamaican “guest workers” who decided to stay a “little while longer” than their visas allowed.
I work in hospitality, and shame on the corporate scum who allow the use of illegal alien workers.
It failed
Hispanic hype.
For a while now I’ve been thinking of a White people strike. A man can dream.
Image a Day Without White People.
To the Stone Age and back in a work week
The air smelled better today.
Tactical Bowlcut Down!
Ben McDowell…hey kids let Trump handle this black, brown and yellow peril. Just go camping or hiking or the gym. And go to the fucking hairdressers. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4ba691a0bb9c2f3fc997e76de19fc5a12293189f1170259c47440b7bbc28d860.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cb5eae450e27b96723e61a19e5d77f956021dc33c0dbafe0a3665600e3c2121f.jpg
He doesn’t exactly look like a member of MENSA. The FBI loves to entrap feeble-minded victims and charge them with all kinds of crazy shit to make it look as if the Feds are doing something to “fight turrur”.
You are just talking about Marinus there too.
This Dylan Roof wannabe would have done some serious political damage had he followed through on his plans.
Didn’t notice. Maybe they should try a year without immigrants…bet we’d miss them then.
Yeah, right.
It’s worth a try.
A day without immigrants is business as usual for me. It doesn’t impact me. They don’t contribute to me and my world. They don’t make our society great. They DO negatively impact relatives of mine and for that they should be immediately removed. Maybe today will show that we don’t need these Third World invaders.
Sell that to the oligarchs, Mr. Cushman, and maybe we’ll get what you want.
I barely see any black folks, unless I go to town, let alone Mexicans.
any other time it would be called Christmas. Let us celebrate.
Let’s make it a week, a month, a year, forever.
They did this about 11 years ago. It had zero effect that time as well. As someone else noted, the traffic was a bit lighter though, which is a plus.
When my Leftist acquaintances say that we are all ‘immigrants’, and that, by inference, so am I, my reply is :
I was born here, and, though my daddy’s folks were immigrants, my mama’s folks were not.
Nope, they came here and took the land from The Indians, which is, as the world turns, the time-honoured way for being legitimate.
Conquerors NOT immigrants….
Settlers, too. We had a park in Sherman, Tx, where I grew up.
It was called Old Settlers Park, not Old Immigrants Park.
Actually the American Indians took the land from the original white inhabitants. Solutreans, Azgens, Clovis culture and the Cactus Hill VA site all prove this. The Indian tribal history of multiple tribes confirms this. I am from Appalachia and when whites came, it was uninhabited. The Indians believed it was haunted by the ghosts of the “moon eyed” white people that they slaughtered. The west coast Indians have a similar story about whites from the north that were technologically advanced and would trade with them until one day they disappeared. But of course this is never discussed. Doesn’t fit the “whites are evil” narrative and doesn’t push the white guilt agenda.
Just like every other day for me in rural north Alabama.
This seems to have affected only fashionable places in fashionable enclaves in the deep North and West Coast.
The local Taco Casa, with it’s all white crew, was unaffected, as was Ta’Mollie’s Mexican Cafe, and the Mexican Phone Company (Taco Bell). None of the BBQ pits, steak houses and catfish joints were affected, either. The local cafes continued to serve chicken fried steaks uninterrupted. Whataburger and Popeye’s Chicken stayed open. So did Atwood’s Farm and Ranch Store. Cattlemen from Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama continued to buy, sell and trade at the Cattlemen’s Livestock Commission Co. sale barn. I bought a cup of coffee and didn’t notice a lack of Messicans around.
I had a lovely day.
There’s hardly a family in Texas that doesn’t have a family enchilada recipe.
Or knows how to cook Mexican food.
Grocery stores naturally carry all the ingredients. Eating tamales at Christmas is an old tradition. None of this requires illegal Mexican Mexicans to make.
Seriously! I cook at least two meals a day from scratch (and I mean actual scratch, not boxes and no store bought bread etc) for five people (one is usually sandwiches or cereal because I get tired and have other chores!)
“Mexican food” in Texas is Southern cooking with Mexican ingredients. If you expect to get in Mexico, what you get in Texas and Oklahoma, forget it. It’s unique to the Western South. It’s different in some ways, even from New Mexico, Arizona and California.
Yeah I’ve been to Texas (although I’m sure food is different across the entire state as it’s huge and Houston is completely different in every way from Dallas and so on). I went to San Antonio and Austin and through Houston and you can tell the difference. The food in east Texas was more southern, with a lot of Cajun style items as well. San Antonio and Austin had more Mexican type food but with it’s own Texas twist. And the second best bbq ever (sorry but southeastern NC is #1)! NM seems to have more sauces and stuff, I tried it once and didn’t like it. So yeah I know there’s a difference as I’m kind of a sperg about food!
Like for example, I’m from Appalachia. Our food and culture is extremely southern. But we definitely don’t eat the same foods as is eaten here in rural Florida/gulf coast. There’s so much diversity in the south that the idea that we need any outside “enrichment” is ludicrous!
I just ate at Taco Casa. All white crew. They play country in the background and sweet tea is on the menu, too. No Mexicans anywhere about.
I would love to see the white area of Texas. I liked Texas a lot, I just hated feeling so out of place. Our blue eyes were relentlessly commented on and marveled over. Very unpleasant. But the weather is nice and the scenery is beautiful and interesting. Can I ask what general area of Texas you are in?
Northeast Texas, on the Red River, about 80+ miles from the Arkansas-Louisiana border. Here’s a map; https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e868c00c8b140fe3480ea9959a96ff4128f2e071f3654ff2bfc0d13dd5d6724f.gif
Cool! I’ve never been there but I hope to, one day. So are you culturally more like Houston and east Texas? Or something totally different?
Well, it’s East Texas. In Delta County, in 2014, they built the first, new cotton gin in East Texas in 50 years.
I live next to a cotton field. It’s really nice to see it and the peanuts. We don’t have anything like it in WV! I’ve never seen a cotton gin in real life, sounds like an interesting field trip one day. Do you grow rice up there? When we drove through Louisiana and East Texas, we saw so many rice fields, and the storage buildings for it. Lots of refineries too. I didn’t think a place could be more humid than Florida but Louisiana and east Texas managed it!
It’s dry land farming up here. Wheat, Corn, Alfalfa, Sorghum, Cotton, Peanuts, Soybean, Cattle, hogs, Horses. Same heat and humidity, though. Out in West Texas it’s dry heat. Lots of Cotton and wheat. Gins and elevators are common there.
A day without immigrants? That means several thousand restaurant customers didn’t get food poisoning.
They’re planning on doing it again on May 1st. Let them do this on Mayday, it’ll show Americans just how Marxist this mass immigration is.
I live as close as I could get to a former sundown town and here in rural Florida, diversity is not encouraged. So it didn’t affect me other than hearing the bull crap on the radio. But I rarely ever eat out, mow my own grass and clean my own house, and raise my own children. I also grow a lot of my own food and raise my own meat. If I didn’t, the people doing those things are almost all white. Construction crews and maids and all the “jobs Americans won’t do” are filled by….white people (and some blacks, but this is the deep south). Go figure!