This is Carissa Nicole Oakman.
She was 36-years-old, the same age as me, and was from Toledo. She was recently found dead inside two black trash bags in a garage in an abandoned vacant home on Detroit’s west side:
“DETROIT – A 44-year-old Detroit man has been charged in connection with the death of a woman whose body was found in a garbage bag inside a Detroit garage.
Police said they found Carissa Nicole Oakman, 36, of Detroit, in a garage in the 4500 block of 28th Street. Oakman’s body was discovered inside a garbage bag.
Antenidus Montrell Collier allegedly assaulted Oakman on Jan. 19 and fatally smothered her.
Collier is charged with first-degree murder and first-degree felony murder. He was arraigned at 2:30 p.m. Friday. …”
This is Antenidus Montrell Collier:
He is charged with assaulting Carissa and smothering her to death on Thursday, January 19th, 2017 at 2:30 AM. She was found with her feet wrapped in a white extension cord. Her hands, wrist and face were wrapped in duct tape. She was found dead with a rope around her neck.
Only in the D.
Note: The SPLC has condemned the CofCC for spreading a “false narrative of a victimized white majority under siege by allegedly violent people of color in the United States.”
Some White women will never, ever learn….no matter how friendly the coloreds may seem they are not your friends and will turn on you like wild animals with little or no provocation.
Or as my dad used to say: ” They’ll nigger on you every time. “
How utterly horrible.
And what really blows my mind is that, as things like this go on, day after day and week after week, in the present, The New England Government and all it’s academick and media proxies continue carrying on about vicious White Supremacist crimes against the wonderful Yankee ‘civil rights’ demonstration volunteers (paid Yankee agitators – wholly similar to BLM and Soros) in the 1960s.
To be sure, in the olde Southern system such a thing did happen like this much more than we care to believe, (I know some former participants in the flesh) but, on the whole, with much much less frequency; this owing to the fact that most White Women were not only sensible not only of the risk, but, more importantly, of the horrors of miscegenization, just as The Negro men were aware of the noose just around the corner, if they made an unGodly and unnatural choice.
Yet, thanks to The New England Government system, all the barriers to tragedy have been removed.
Junius, respectfully, NEG has long been superseded and absorbed by ZOG. Same mentality, different bosses.
This ZOG is been torn apart as we speak.
What makes you so sure?
The main goal, as always, is to exonerate the North and SJW’s so that they can continue to feel morally superior. An attitude necessary for SJW work, and without which, the whole thing would collapse under its own weight.
“Antenidus Montrell Collier”
Back in the Nineteenth Century, they had simple names like “Pluto” or “Cupid.”
Or “Toby”
Jewish conceived, financed, and directed. It’s all part of the Satanic Cult’s plan, to destroy the Goy. From constant encouragement of White-Black fornication on TV series, movies, preference and equivocation of perversions, and much more, the Jews are demonically and manically driven to wipe out Caucasians. After achieving that, they will go after Asians.
I don’t know for sure, but she has the appearance of a mudshark. That doesn’t make her death ok but if she hasn’t popped out a bunch of mulattoes, maybe it will be a good thing. Speaking of mud sharks, I just saw one with three mulattoes in tow. Shockingly the father was present. We just openly stared in disgust. It’s disgusting.
The first few news articles stated that she was murdered by her “Landlady and a Maintenance man” over stolen money that didn’t have to do with rent. She previously had a crack problem but has white children. She was a previous co-worker of mine. She did not date mudsharks.
It takes a Village and a Lousy Mother and Feminism and Anti-Racists and an Injun Tribe and Social Services and Bleeding Heart Judges and Prison to raise a “Child”/Killer
He’s a fine upstanding citizen! He’s just misunderstood! He fell through the cracks!