Rod Dreher has shared this little story on Alt-Right’s influence from one of his readers:
“As someone who’s seeing the rise of Milo’s ideals specifically in teenagers raised in a conservative context in my Christian high school, I feel like I have a perspective that you don’t.
Milo isn’t getting conservative ideas out there in a subversive label that’s appealing to Millenials. He’s a prophet of the deeply un-conservative alt-right. He’s not creating a climate that’s accepting of conservative ideals. He’s creating one that specifically rejects those values as hallmarks of a system that they view as a failure through not being radical enough.
That’s why all the good little Christians at my high school are falling in behind him — not because they actually give a crap about conservatism but because he’s giving angry, aimless young men whose church hasn’t given them anything solid to fall back on an alternate source of values that happens to be steeped in fascist and white supremacist ideals. …
It has swallowed up most of the guys in the senior class at my school, and I’m tired of it. You can’t just not talk about politics with them, because everything is politics to them. Every discussion devolves into things like which girls are “feminazis,” celebrities dating outside their ethnicity being “white genocide,” and so on. It’s suffocating to feel like if you say “actually, that’s really racist” you’re going to be brushed off as some liberal or a cuckservative. I’m genuinely scared that it’s going to spread to the point where I won’t have anyone I can talk to like a normal human being. This isn’t hyperbole. …”
My term for it is “discourse poisoning.” That’s what we are doing.
BTW, everything we talk about on this website used to be completely normal until the Baby Boomer generation. They were raised at a time when the mass media was consolidated, White identity had become taboo and the Lügenpresse had the power to drive the Narrative.
The funny thing is, these Boomers haven’t realized that they are ones who are unusual in the larger scheme of American history. They have spent their entire adult lives in a Jewish-dominated discursive bubble in which a positive sense of White racial consciousness was held to be taboo.
It didn’t used to be taboo though. Every previous generation up to the Baby Boomers had a positive sense of White identity. The term “racism” didn’t even exist until the 1920s. It was popularized in the 1950s and 1960s by a new form of media – television. We are told by our elites today that all these -isms and -phobias are synonymous with morality. These concepts didn’t exist a century ago.
In the late 20th century, television controlled the Narrative. If you were on television, you were “mainstream” and “respectable.” The elites who controlled access to television had the power set taboos and redefine morality by ostracizing folks like us to the “fringe.” These Boomers like Rod Dreher grew accustomed to policing their own thoughts and speech in order to be “mainstream.” You didn’t want to be seen as “fringe” in the 20th century because it would ruin your career.
But now? Breitbart and Infowars have shown you don’t have to be “mainstream” to be successful anymore. We have all the tools we need to poison discourse. We can attack and dismantle the Narrative. We have the tools to finance our operations, create networks and find each other all over the world. If I don’t want to watch Chris Hayes talk to a bunch of faggots tonight on MSNBC (his show should be airing live on MSNBC right now), I can watch someone else like Stefan Molyneux.
The world of these conservatives is crumbling. It is unwinding because their world was really the exception. It was a product of a confluence of historical events that was unsustainable.
Seriously, “discourse poisoning” is just about the worst phrase you could have come up with. Do you actually want to push people away instead of convincing them?
The idea is right. The term is pointlessly negative.
It is idiotic to cast oneself as the villain when one is in the right.
It is THEIR discourse that is poison!
Have you been to Loetzen?
I don’t see it as negative.
It’s true that we are “poisoning” their narrative. We are pushing ideas, memes, and counter-narratives which disrupt their ability to mold opinion and drive the news cycle. It is negative in the sense a gun is negative!
This is ridiculous. A gun is, to all but the die-hard Leftists, a noble means of self-defense. Poison — NOT. To all and sundry, only villains use poison. Poison only has negative connotations.
You cannot tell me that you can’t come up with a better term for exactly that — “pushing ideas, memes, and counter-narratives which disrupt their ability to mold opinion and drive the news cycle” — than POISON.
It is a stupidly counter-productive term for a process that deserves a more favorable, more heroic moniker.
Good point. It’s their discourse that’s poison, but I understand what he means.
The thing to notice is it was no discussion – a narrative is a conformity test, a dogma, not a proposition which can be argued. It can only be “poisoned” or shattered.
Also notice the overshoot to hypocrisy. They say “equality” is what they wanted but instead we got black pride and white shame, girl power and male oppression, etc. Equal to the extent natural inequalities would allow? No, it has descended to the point there are demands for – I don’t know what, or if they will actually stop screeching if they get it.
The good thing is these students have figured it out.
It’s suffocating to feel like if you say “actually, that’s really
racist” you’re going to be brushed off as some liberal or a
I can only laugh. Because “racist” is a stale insult. Pick any of the issues listed. Note it isn’t “actually, that’s really incorrect”. You end up with TRUTH itself being “racist” under those conditions. It isn’t talking points, they have the information down better than Ann Coulter. It would be possible to debate the students instead of hurtling the insult, but you’d need facts.
Vox points out the Alt-right will win, among other reasons, because of science, reason, and truth.
What you are describing is the Invisible College.
This Reader is showing us young white men have copied the talking points.
That’s right, Captain. The seeds from which they will create the next era are already in them.
I see The Lord’s hand in this.
Very good observation Mr. Wallace and correct. You know, you are very influential now also, there is not a day goes by that your name does not come up in political discussions from my kids.
I’ll say it again : I’m glad you are raising your kids right, Mr. Saint.
I’m honored!
Dear Mr. Griffin,
You ought write down, now, what it is you expect from your work, at Occidental Dissent, and, in 40 years, see how far off you were from what came of it.
‘It’s suffocating to feel like if you say “actually, that’s really
racist” you’re going to be brushed off as some liberal or a
cuckservative. I’m genuinely scared that it’s going to spread to the
point where I won’t have anyone I can talk to like a normal human being.
Actually, Mr. Dreher, you have to face rejection and derision if you are going to be honest. It’s always been this way.
Nowadays,. however, no more example better than if you are prepared to say, ‘that’s anti-White’ or ‘anti White-Southern’ in publick.
‘Every discussion devolves into things like which girls are “feminazis,”
celebrities dating outside their ethnicity being “white genocide,” and
so on’
At least the basick concepts them younguns need to understand are out there and they have them on their tongue.
In my day and time, no teeen had the faintest idea what was REALLY going on… NOBODY.
We were completely awash in dreams of sinful degeneracy, with no aspiration to anything else.
If this school is in Dixie, Southern Nationalism needs to be spread among the students. Back when I was in school, we were Southern Nationalists without realising it. It was what we were taught by our parents and teachers in school.
‘Back when I was in school, we were Southern Nationalists without realising it.’
As you well know, Mr. Owen, y’all were prevented from consciously realizing it. That’s the New England Government system, poxy proxies, willing collaborators, and all, in action.
‘It was what we were taught by our parents and teachers in school.’
It was neither taught in either private or Publick schools, in Raleigh, during the 1960s and 1970s, nor was such ever implied.
Many of our teachers were Yankees. One such who comes to mind was our 7th grade teacher – a certain chain-smoking Massachussets man, by the name of Mr. Andrews.
He was a riveting and interesting teacher, and, as well a dyed in the wool New England Government Liberal.
In 8th grade, we had a Tarheel lady by the name of Mrs. Barham, and she was definitely NOT as interesting as Mr. Andrews, and yet, there was this one day when, reading about ‘The Civil War’ in our textbooks (unlike the much older Mr. Andrews – who taught off the cuff, she, then only 27, always dryly followed the textbooks) she had a conniption fit and her face got red.
On that day, and only that day, she taught off the cuff, and for every Northern half truth or lie by omission in our texbooks, she provided the actual history of our culture – OUR history, during The War of Northern Aggression.’
And she did it like she was belching Jehovah’s righteous fire – which was strange, because she was a very very friendly, chatty person, who, outside of class, follow the traditional Tarheel edict of being easygoing in all company.
Ironick that it was she, the inexperienced and dry Southern teacher who gave me my most memorable class. Certainly it was not my intention to remember it, BUT, it, unlike all the other umpteen zillion classes I took, has stayed with me.
As matter of fact, Mr. Daniel, all of my teachers were Southern. We didn’t realise that we were being raised Southern Nationalist, because we took it for normal. For instance, we only had Texas flags in our classrooms.
Wow, Mr. Owen!
I’m sorry I missed that!
That’s alright. I didn’t know that there were people who didn’t know what Dr Pepper was, or put peanuts in their cokes, or ate moon pies.
I love it!
That’s hysterical1!
I was told that in New England, especially, Dr Pepper was unheard of and unavailable. Coke, too, for many years before the 1920s.
Wow. That’s weird. Here we have ‘Cheerwine’
They sell it a Atwoods in
Paris. But only in the bottle. I put some in the icebox, to cool down. Then head to Bodacious BBQ for some brisket, sausage and ribs. Then the wife and I have a feast. They’re not lying when they say Cheerwine goes good with BBQ. Goes good with Golden Chick or Catfish King, too.
It’s the nuts and plums in that pop that make it go so well with BBQ.
If y’all are ever travelin’ through North Carolina, let us know.
Tarheel Barbecue is different than down y’all’s way.
We have some great Negro BBQ masters in this part of the world, and they work their butts off from O-dark thirty, every day, makin’ it right.
We’ll stop off at the neighbouring BBQ buffet, get all the hog and fixin’s, some Cheerwine, and then go picnick, down at the waterside.
We’ll have such a good time, we might likely could get arrested.
Thanks, Mr Daniel. Here’s the menu from Spring Creek BBQ in Dallas. My friend and I went there with his girlfriend, who is from Boston. She was mighty nervous and a bit leary of the food. But she found it to her liking. Up to that point, she’d never had BBQ before, in her life.
Holy cow! This menu is a testimony to Southern Nationalism, because it looks pertee much the same as any restaurant, here – even the ‘Carolina BBQ’.
I’ll have one order of BBQ and a couple of baskets of fried okra, if you don’t mind, Sir!
As to Boston, and the fare that they have up there : it’s pathetick, unless you order ethnick food. The Northeast has a dang pathetick cuisine of their own, if I dare call it that.
‘I didn’t know that there were people who didn’t know what Dr Pepper was, or put peanuts in their cokes, or ate moon pies.’
I know a Negro preacher, Mr. Owen, who likes to tell people this : ‘every opportunity was not meant for you.’
“And she did it like she was belching Jehovah’s righteous fire – which was strange, because she was a very very friendly, chatty person.”
That’s the Southern Nationalism that lurks beneath the surface and has to be brought out again.
I pray you are right, Mr. Owen,
Certainly I have seen it come out in certain younguns.
That said, most of our generation is three sheets to the wind on the issue of Southern Nationalism.
My wife, who preceeded Mr. Griffin by 30 years from the same part of Alabama, says Southern Nationalism can only be brought back by Mr Griffin’s generation, and the ones behind it, because our generation has spent too many years being punch drunk on bull-dinky, and we cannot seem to break the habit.
What do you think?
In some respects, Mr Daniel, your wife is correct. However, in my experience, her assessment is applicable to many twenty somethings, as well. I’ve seen more older folks fired up for SN, than the younger crowd. But most of the younger crowd can be fired up, as well. Especially away from the big cities and away from the influence Northern transplants.
That’s good news, Mr. Owen. Thank you.
True, the one thing they could not stop. No matter how many lectures, book reports and posters they put up of that rat bastard Lincoln, we came home and heard the truth.
No matter how much our teachers and media bad mouthed George Wallace, our fathers told us the truth.
Now no matter how much cultural rot they broadcast or preach, sites like this and twitter get the truth out.
Speaking of George Wallace, Mr. Saint ; I know you came a bit after Mr. Owen and I, so I’ll share with something you might not know…
George Wallace, in the 1960s and 1970s was such a big boogie man, he was even beyond Satan.
You cannot imagine, during that time, how The White Left, The Jews, and The Scalawag Southerners, in concert with the New England Government, demonized and villified that man.
Words cannot convey it, though, perhaps an analogy can be made to what has, and is occurring, to President Trump.
If you go back to the year 1968, the names Kennedy & King seemed to symbolize ‘ascending the Stairway to Heaven’, whereas the names ‘Wallace’ & ‘Maddox’ & ‘Barnett’ (erstwhile governors of Alabama, Georgia, and Miss’ippi, respectively) seemed to conjure up the trinitrarian image of Albrecht Durer’s ‘Knight, Devil, & Death.
In Texas, the War for Southern Independence and Reconstruction were chapters in Texas History. We didn’t have posters of Lincoln. We studied the exploits of the Texas regiments and brigades in the war. Neither Lincoln nor his bluecoats were heroes. They were the enemy, period. Reconstruction was taught from the Texan perspective, not that of the North. There was none of that how hard the war was on the poor, pitiful, hapless Yankees bullshit that passes for most of the history of the war, nowadays. In elementary school we sang “Texas Our Texas”, ” The Eyes of Texas,” ‘Cotton Eye Joe” and “Kill That Yankee Soldier.” Communists, Yankees, and other enemies of Texas and the South were objects of scorn and contempt. I didn’t know what “Political Correctness” was until 1992.
A great testimony, Mr. Owen – thank you.
I would like to see somebody start a movement to take old grave diggers’s ugly face off of the five dollar bill and the penny.
If true and not a troll job on that cuck it means Yugoslavia times 10
I’m a baby boomer and I cannot imagine the racial hatred white kids face in school, but I have an inkling they will get payback
How did you vote in the past primaries?
See The Homecoming of Odysseus.
There’s a problem with this logic.
“When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn’t a Jew.
When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.”
Who’s to guarantee that communists, social democrats, trade unionists, and Jews would have stood up for you? If the Nazis came for you last, it probably means you’re right-wing, and those on the left would have seen you as ‘Nazi’, and if they had the power, they would have come for you first. After all, progs today seem happy with mob violence against Trump supporters. Progs love to see ‘nazis’ get punched.
Another spin:
When Jews sneaked into my country,
I said nothing
because I didn’t want to be called an ‘anti-Semite’.
When Asians came to invade my country,
I remained silent
because I didn’t want to be called ‘exclusionary’.
When Mexicans came to invade my country,
I remained silent
because I didn’t want to be called ‘intolerant’.
When Arabs came to invade my country,
I did not speak out
because I didn’t want to be called a ‘xenophobe’.
When Africans came to invade my country
I remained silent
because I didn’t want to be called a ‘racist’.
When the invaders all screamed for my head,
no one could hear my cry of ‘innocence’.
While no one could hear me scream, I heard the Jew’s laughter.
“Racist” always meant anti-Black. Or anything Black people don’t like. SBPDL.
That is sooooooooo on target! thank you.
Very interesting, Miss Andrea.
Thank you for having shared that insightful thing with us.
I mean Sweden survived as Sweden because it EXCLUDED itself from the rest of the world that is NOT Sweden. And Norway got independence from Sweden in 1905. How did it do this? It excluded itself from the Sweden-Norway Union.
This ‘inclusion’ fixation is totally nuts. It is especially hilarious when peddled by elite institutions that retain their power and privilege by excluding most peoples.
How can any system sustain itself by open-ended inclusion? Sure, inclusion can be beneficial if good things are added. But globalist meaning of inclusion means lack of discriminating standards. It means include everyone. What kind of system can sustain itself under such madness?
Inclusion is Invasion.
When a people say ‘include us’, it really means ‘let us invade you’.
Speaking of, I’m starting to read a lot of articles about Generation Z (aka “Homelanders,” the generation that comes after Millennials), especially its whites, having really right wing tendencies.
2000 is speculated as a crossover year between Millennials and Homelanders, which means the oldest Zs turn 17 this year. Which means Dreher’s story checks out.
A big reason for this might be that they’re the first generation to have SJW crap pushed on them 24/7 in the media and schools. They’re rebelling against that indoctrination, which I see as a healthy sign. It always worried me the way Millennials were like little robots, miming exactly what The Cathedral taught them. I’m impressed with a younger generation who says “eff you” to their didactic, controlling elders. Teachers should stick with reading and writing and MTV should stick with music.
Aren’t non-whites all “really right wing” if you consider their own ethnic loyalties? And, isn’t Generation Z majority non-white in the United States? Perhaps that is what your finding is actually about, and therefore that doesn’t help.
I call the young punks “Generation Bastard” both figuratively and literally. With out of wedlock births the norm we quite simply can’t have democracy, large numbers of the population are going to be quite simply ruined by fatherlessness the same way a kitten who goes without human contact for it’s first few critical months will be feral by nature and can never be a good pet.
Great piece, one of the best assessments of what’s happening now I’ve read anywhere. Whatever your political point of view, it shouldn’t be verboten to be pro-white or pro-European. Whoever thought this up did it for a reason, and it needs to be undone for a reason. Glad to see a generation of kids instinctively get this.
“BTW, everything we talk about on this website used to be completely normal until the Baby Boomer generation. They were raised at a time when the mass media was consolidated, White identity had become taboo and the Lügenpresse had the power to drive the Narrative.”
This succinct observation compresses what happen in our history perfectly. It’s perfect.
“My term for it is “discourse poisoning.””
As others have pointed out, Mr. Wallace, “poisoning” has a bad connotation. One does not usually brag about poisoning something.
How about “discourse fracking”?
Or, to ape the left, “discourse jamming”.
White high school kids brushing off the “racist” slur. That’s the best news I’ve heard today.
Same here, it made my week. I needed some really good news.