MILO’s Redeeming Virtues

Derek Hunter writes at Townhall:

“It may not always have seemed like it, but there was a method to Andrew’s madness. The same can’t be said for Yiannopoulos.

Aside from being British, part Jewish, and a gay man who loves black men, I don’t know who Milo is. And I have no idea what he wants to accomplish beyond getting more people angry, making money and selling more books (which has now been canceled).

Anyone can make people angry, but that anger should be a means, not an end. With Yiannopoulos, that appears to be his brand. CPAC should have known this. A simple Internet search would have told anyone that. But they couldn’t be bothered.

CPAC’s leadership came off as the square old guy at the club who wants to appear cool so he speaks in hashtags to impress the young people. Their goal should have been to advance conservative principles; the only “hip” they should worry about is not breaking theirs. …”

I’m going to have to defend MILO here.

I’ve already spilled a ton of cyber ink explaining everything that is wrong with him. I won’t go through that well known list again, but there was another side of the ledger. MILO has done more to advance free speech on college campuses than all of these cucks combined over a period going back forty years. The fact that we live under an iron curtain of political correctness is a testament to the failure of conservatism.

In spite of all the faggotry, the makeup, the vaudeville act, you could at least say MILO was doing something productive. Conservatives weren’t doing anything about it. The situation was getting worse, not better. In fact, MILO had just scored a major victory over political correctness at Berkeley. Conservatives can’t take that accomplishment away from him. They only lose culture wars and neuter themselves.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. amen. i have to chime in that the media interviews/cross talk youtube snippets i’ve seen Milo on (fighting the lies of feminism, a la the honorable christina hoff sommers) he has always been devastatingly articulate, speaks very fast (which is good – otherwise i get bored), & makes the left look stupid. & he’s been brave to dive into the campus hotbeds of PC. his Joe Rogan interview was bad, b/c i think he was uhh attracted to Rogan (!) & so wasn’t his usual self & nervously said some silly things & made some silly claims. anyway, let’s move on:)

      • “…”political performance artist”, a “false opposition figure”, a “change agent”…”

        I definitely agree with this. I’ve said from the beginning he’s a Jew and can’t be trusted but as long as he’s on our side and pissing off the shitLibs I say cheer him on. We have the rest of our lives to hate him when he turns on us as all Jews do.

        • He never identified as a ‘Jew’ [ less than one half, ethnically] until Anglin and the rest harped on it. Then, of course,he gleefully embraced it. It’s what he does. To the horror of the JudenReich, he said, ‘Yes, Jews do control the media and finance-!’
          He tossed that grenade right into the synagogue.

  2. “…MILO has done more to advance free speech on college campuses than
    all of these cucks combined over a period going back forty years. The
    fact that we live under an iron curtain of political correctness is a
    testament to the failure of conservatism.
    In spite of all the faggotry, the makeup, the vaudeville act, you could at least say MILO was doing something productive…”

    Very true. I’ve come to the conclusion that we need all the help we can get. We’re the minority very soon. I’m even for the Jew run fake Nazi sites. They can only mislead for so long and eventually people get the real story because once they are red pilled they keep looking.

    A lot of the Alt-Right, WN divides still have a common message of White people being in control of the US and Europe. As long as they have that in their program I don’t care what else they stand for. I also believe any of them that take a serious look at our society will eventually come around to the idea that Jews can not be a part of our society. I know plenty of Jews are wonderful people, blah, blah, blah, but there’s so many that aren’t that they’re like Negros. You don’t want them around if possible. They’re just too much strain on the society and more trouble than they’re worth.

  3. I wasn’t at UW when Milo spoke, his campy silliness of a few months prior had turned me off. I was close enough to hear the blaring sirens, and the riot helicopters…

    Milo constantly defended ‘white, heterosexual males’ from the totalitarian campus feminists and anti-white activists.

    When a lib described his audience as virgins who lived in their parent’s basements masturbating to anime porn, Milo replied that perhaps some were not ‘socially fluent’ or ‘sexually fluent’, but so what? And added ‘Fuck you for saying that.’

    The day after the club massacre in Orlando, he was on a podcast, and the liberal host interrupted him to say, ‘I want to give you the opportunity to distinguish between radical Islam and most muslims’, -Milo said:
    ‘I’m sorry, I won’t take that opportunity. There is no difference. It’s all Islam’.

    I haven’t seen them, but apparently Milo argued against gay ‘marriage’ in at least three separate interviews. He said he would never raise a child, because the kid would grow up ‘confused’.

    I remember Christina Hoff Sommers and Milo picketing a ‘Slut Walk’ with posters that read ‘Regret Is Not Rape!’

    He said ‘Transgenders’ need psychological help, not surgery. Milo said any parent that encourages it is guilty of child abuse.

    Milo claimed that some young teens could ‘benefit’ from ‘mentoring’ [ugh] by an older man; if the teen was gay and sexually aware, and was in a difficult home environment.
    Wrong. There are organizations that counsel gay teens. No need to lose big at ‘Meet The Spartans’!
    He said biologically, sexually, the age of consent is a ‘blurred line’. That may be true, but blurring those lines is what led to the shit-show we’re in now. Society needs sharply defined lines in order to function, the whims and quirks of individuals notwithstanding.

    Milo is conflicted about his homosexuality. He said he’d rather be straight. I wonder if his sex life- his niche neocolonial bestiality, which he annoyingly keeps referencing -is Milo working out his self-loathing, while compartmentalizing it at the same time?

    I regret not being at U W. that night. I saw a guy, hit with a paintball by antifa, say his wife was hit in the head with one, and went back to the car with a headache. He said he used to be a full-tilt, passionate leftist. Both he and his wife were there to see Milo.

    I don’t know what, if any, role Milo will play in the future. But, in spite of my reservations, I believe Milo’s contribution was much more positive than negative.

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