Peter Spiliakos has a really dumb blog post about us over at National Review:
“The fascination of liberal-leaning outlets with a fringe character like Richard Spencer is a cowardly attack on Trump voters. Liberal journalists focus on Spencer not because they want to understand why people voted for Trump but to marginalize and stigmatize people who did vote for him by associating them with a white nationalist they had never heard of. …”
Why is the media suddenly so interested in the Alt-Right and a “fringe character” like Richard Spencer? Let us review some of the reasons:
1.) If we are really so fringe on the Right, why is Dan Schneider denouncing us on the floor of CPAC? Why is the executive director of CPAC devoting so much time to making up fanciful stories and calling us out by name? If we were really so marginal, it wouldn’t be worth his time to publicize our movement now would it?
2.) The fact that National Review and CPAC are responding to us illustrates that they have lost their former power to police the Right, that a significant faction of the Right doesn’t even identify with antiquated movement conservatism and that young people increasingly don’t care what these cucks are saying in publications they don’t read.
3.) What is Trumpism? How is it different from movement conservatism? The primary reason the media is so interested in us is because it is our ideas that have entered the political mainstream. For years now, we have been the ones calling for an America First trade policy, an America First foreign policy, an American First immigration policy, rapprochement with Russia, scrapping the refugee resettlement program, stressing our interests as opposed to liberal ideology, strong borders and a crackdown on immigration, assaulting political correctness, making peace with the labor movement, etc., etc. We are the ones who have been writing about the Cathedral and how it operates to police discourse and homogenize thought.
4.) What has National Review been doing? It published the “Against Trump” issue on the eve of the Iowa Caucus. It spent the the whole primary season and general election attacking President Trump in an unsuccessful bid to stop him from winning the presidency. In contrast, the Alt-Right supported President Trump from the moment he announced his candidacy. There was the stillborn David French presidential bid. There was Jonah Goldberg endorsing Egg McMuffin. Do you remember the time Rich Lowry went on Megyn Kelly’s show to say that Carly Fiorina had cut President Trump’s balls off?
5.) Is there a better illustration of National Review‘s declining influence over the Right than this cover?
What a difference a year makes: pic.twitter.com/DgU1PsSNCA
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 5, 2017
6.) Let’s be honest with ourselves: the traditional cuckservative organs like National Review and The Weekly Standard now have less influence over the course of the Right than we do whether it is acknowledged or not. Their writers like David French and Peter Spiliakos are living in our world now. They are along for the ride. The tables have turned since a decade ago when these neocons led the country into the quagmire in the Middle East.
7.) CPAC doesn’t matter anymore because the “mainstream” is dead. For decades, you were “mainstream” on the Right if you were on television or if you were writing for some dead tree publication like National Review. Now, we are living in the digital world of social media and young people are watching us on YouTube and Periscope. They are interacting with us on Twitter. We don’t need the “mainstream” to network or spread our ideas. Every Millennial who decides he wants to be a Joe Sobran or Revilo Oliver has all the tools he needs to bypass and skewer National Review.
8.) Peter Spiliakos is writing for National Review. He has been certified as kosher by the “mainstream.” And yet, that doesn’t mean anything anymore. It doesn’t follow that that his thoughts and ideas have any real influence over the Right. In the free market of social media, Paul Joseph Watson is a far more influential figure.
We are the vanguard now. The world has changed, the “mainstream” is dead and the media is trying to catch up with the times. Rich Lowry’s National Review and Bill Kristol’s The Weekly Standard are at the nadir of their influence over the Right. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if flyover country conservatives are familiar with Richard Spencer and the Alt-Right. If our ideas are triumphing over David Frum’s ideas and Bill Kristol’s ideas, it doesn’t matter. If our discourse triumphs over and displaces “mainstream” discourse, then we are having a massive impact whether the “mainstream” cartel acknowledges it or not.
Man o man are they shitting bricks.
Death to cuckservatism,
Long live the new right!
I am glad that “establishment” conservatism appears to be in retreat. Nice to see Richard Spencer get a mention by the mainstream whores-against-our people.
If I recall correctly, George Lincoln Rockwell (way back in the 1960s) called out Buckley “The National Review” as an outfit that had Jews in high places -and thus would not address all the issues. Next up on the list for the Alt-Right and WNs of all sorts is to bring about a honest conversation on race into the mainstream. Let’s tug that Overton Window farther to the right!
Rockwell was right….God he was so right..
But not because he was a national SOCIALIST, but because he recognized white Supremacy as the cataclysmic paradigm.
Without question, Socialism is a sinking ship, National/Racial is just the ship that sinks last.
The alt-rite fails at the most anti-egalitarian position thereby dispossessing white man of his God-ordained free will.
The alt-rite is anti-white Supremacy AND THEREFORE only “vanguard” in relation to its leadership role in authoring the Narrative.
I’d prefer to say it’s the only live political force.
A socialist, whether of the “nationalist” or “globalist” bend, is not, can not and will not EVER BE an individual of the Right.
The Right IS NOT conservatism. Ideally, conservatives conserve the Right, but if done liberally then all may be lost. Yet, the RIGHT will still exist.
Alt-rite is merely a different ritual of liberation. Alt-rite is not Right nor the desire to conserve the Right.
A Hunter Wallace as racialized Christian JUST IS a white Supremacist.
The white Supremacist is the only true enemy of the Zeitgeist anz ze zaiz ziz zevryzay.”
If our ideas are triumphing over David Frum’s ideas and Bill Kristol’s
ideas, it doesn’t matter. If our discourse triumphs over and displaces
“mainstream” discourse, then we are having a massive impact whether the
“mainstream” cartel acknowledges it or not.
But you trip back in to the old, wrong paradigm. “ideas” = ideology.
“Our discourse” is “We’re white and we will fight for our Christendom culture” (or something close).
Looking backwards, the only thing most people can’t determine is if the cuckservatives were really principled so kept losing (Charlie Brown and Lucy football style), or were actually leftists – and communists (The irony for National Review is delicious) creating a false front to distract, deflect and dispirit those who wanted to stop the leftism. In any case, we now look at Trump and the Alt-Right in all its divisions (and the Alt-lite auxiliaries) and wonder why we bothered with these castrati cucks in the first place. And plan to shoot the incumbents at the first sign of being traitors.
Besides the NR and WS having been commie enablers for the last decade, they are now shouting and trying to argue “But we’re still relevant!”. No, they went into a coma early last year and the plug was pulled on 11/9.
Remember, remember, the 9th of November,
The Trump campaign wins the whole lot.
I can’t think of a reason,
the Trump campaign winning,
should ever be forgot!
“the only thing most people can’t determine is if the cuckservatives were really principled so kept losing (), or were actually leftists – and communists () creating a false front to distract, deflect and dispirit those who wanted to stop the leftism.”
The hijackers of the National Review are worse than leftists posing as conservatives: they are Jews bent on destroying the White race. The cuckservatives who work with them are not principled: they are conformists who only respond to the carrot and stick approach.
Looking backwards, the only thing most people can’t determine is if the cuckservatives were really principled so kept losing (Charlie Brown and Lucy football style), or were actually leftists – and communists (The irony for National Review is delicious) creating a false front to distract, deflect and dispirit those who wanted to stop the leftism.
Oh, most definitely crypto-commie closet leftists AKA Fabian Socialists. Or how else can you explain how much REPUBLICANS tried to sabotage Donald Trump when he took the lead even though he had a passionate electorate coming out to vote Republican? How else can you explain how quickly the Democrat Left collapsed into utter chaos the moment it was clear that Trump had won the general election? Hunter Wallace is one thousand percent correct that the only thing that those nice, nuanced, reasonable, soft-spoken bow-tied Republican “conservatives” did was police the right.
They did nothing to roll back any gains the left made, the gains they initially opposed. Indeed, after they lost, they then pushed the new normal on the right, i.e. gay rights and gay marriage. Transgendered men in the little girls room. All they were about was token resistance and then meek subservient surrender. “True conservatives” only conserved every gain the left made. The fall out validated my OWN long-standing opinion through the years that the true obstacle to Whites was NOT the Democrats but the Republican controlled opposition.
By now, the bulk of the nation is in the vanguard. Anyone aware of the JQ or the race replacement problem can be seen as vanguard.
And the rearguard laggards are mainly to be found in the jewstream jewsmedia, the Democratic Party, the GOP establishment, the CIA, the FBI, and the National Review. The phony elites that drag their feet can all be said to belong to the rearguard.
The jewstream is the one that’s dead. We are the real mainstream.
Whether they know it or not, most White people have always shared the same opinions as White Nationalists. For example, most White people did not approve of the race replacement program. It’s a matter of common sense. White Nationalists are simply the voice of normal White people.
It’s time to avenge the memory of Mary Phagan, and all White Christians, from the evil machinations of the Jew.
Spencer wasn’t an early Trump supporter. MPC was. What’s Ricky Vaughn upto?
What IS Ricky Vaughan up to?
He’s back on shitter. I’m following him there.
He’s on gab and recently back to Twitter. But he had bigger more strategic ideas. His input on the general direction of the Alt-Right would be useful.
Also it was the high IQ trolls + Breitbart populism which were at the core of the Alt-Right. Not Spencer.
NPI was a screw up. Spencer didn’t even mention Sam Francis and MARs. The new journal American Affairs did. So we are giving away our intellectual crown jewels. Bannon is well of Francis.
Spencer has become very good on his feet re QA’s. But the issue is strategy.
Brad’s instincts are correct. But AltRight.com doesn’t have the jokey irony that pulls in and red pills people under the age of 45.
That awkward moment when your ideology is completely useless for understanding surrounding reality, let alone bend it to your will. No wonder your American cucks are loosing. As Hegel wrote “all that is real is reasonable, and all that is reasonable is real”. Considering that cuckservatism has no practical effect, it is clearly a figment of a really dull and foolish minds, little more.
That’s unintentionally humorous. Yes, they’re loosing off futile tirades by the dozen. The alt right remains serenely amused.
Race is Nation Nation IS Race! HEIL THE WHITE RACE!
Neocons and their useful idiots the Cuckservatives gained a new, albeit brief, lease on life with the 9/11 attacks. But the Freedom Fries and Flag Pin doofuses and Israel Firsters quickly blew their wad on Iraq. Their time is past, they must content themselves with testosterone patches and sniping from the Sidelines.
Our time is now.
The Neo Cons are acting like rats leaving a sinking ship. Many of the worst Jewish Neo Cons have made it over to traditional Lib Left places like The Atlantic Magazine or just the New York, California Democrat party. Robert Reich has a nice gig $300,000 a year to teach one political science course at U Cal Berkeley and he has lots of time to get on CNN and spread lies that the Antifa mobs beating up people who wanted to hear Milo do a comedy routine were secretly paid and organized by Breitbart News.
The News will always find some new place to go, some new name change, some new disguise, some new Host.
The irony is that Lowry and Ponnuru were the editors put in charge of NR by the neocons after the paleocons were purged. To have them writing in praise of nationalism is a sign of desperation. Lowery is a classic intellectually dull, goyische kopf type that Jews love to manipulate. He is a figurehead editor in chief who has no power.
Ponnuru is the hatchet man who wrote the article officially declaring Pat Buchanan not a conservative because of his “white identity politics” around 1999. The NR editorial line at the that time was that opposition to mass immigration was racist and no longer an acceptable position for conservatives to have.
Yeah, and how I’d love to rub their nose in that sh*t today! Pat was right, Wallace was right, Lindbergh was right.
It never needed come to this. If the mainstream right had stuck to their guns and told the truth about race, about Jewish influence, and about sexual reality, and weathered the inevitable storm we’d all be far better off today. Instead cuck scum like William Buckley thought they could ‘clean up’ the right and reach a compromise with shitlibs. That didn’t work out so very well.
<I?What has National Review been doing? It published the “Against Trump” issue on the eve of the Iowa Caucus. It spent the whole primary season and general election attacking President Trump in an unsuccessful bid to stop him from winning the presidency. In contrast, the Alt-Right supported President Trump from the moment he announced his candidacy. There was the stillborn David French presidential bid. There was Jonah Goldberg endorsing Egg McMuffin. Do you remember the time Rich Lowry went on Megyn Kelly’s show to say that Carly Fiorina had cut President Trump’s balls off?
I remember when National Review published Kevin Williamson’s article that White working class communities are “negative assets” and “morally indefensible” and “deserve to die.” Would-be Republican candidate and President David French doubled down on Williamson’s position. I guess National Review suspects that they are going to beat us all to an early demise if they don’t make us forget about that little screw-up. We must not forget what they really think and remind everyone anytime they raise their heads over the horizon lest they oust the Alt-Right like they did the Paleocons to subvert any White Identity Movement.
Judging by the talk show radio that I listened to the other day where two idiots sneered at nationalism and referred to Trump and his Jobs for Americans Agenda as “welfare for workers,” it’s going to take a while for the rest of the cuckservative collaborators (especially those who label themselves as libertarian) to get the memo that they have to give up their God-given right to Chinese slave labor for at least four years.
In any case, I believe that cuckservatives are morally indefensible and not only a net loss, but a major impediment to White Americans. We need to ignore anything they have to say to moderate the alt-right and consign them to the trash bin of history where they belong.
Whoops! Was trying to highlight one of Hunter’s talking points, and screwed up.
I want to add that these National Review Types better stop obstructing and interfering. If Trump doesn’t succeed, Soros Astroturf Protestors Inc. is going to be the least of their problems.
I can honestly see a French-style revolution in the wind as the working class rises up and actively goes after anyone, big or small, they believe has profited in their own dispossession. With the French it started with King Louis and Marie Antoinette and the French aristocracy, but it worked its way down to the petit bourgeoisie pretty damned quick.
Who is going to forget Kevin Williamson and David French? More than Soros or Adelson, they would be the poster boys of such a movement. And for any who feel the way they do, unless you have your own private island and private jet fueled up to go at a second’s notice, it’s a lot smarter to keep your damned mouths shut and stay out of Trump’s way!
How many powerful influential people are secretly reading these websites? Has Trump been reading VDARE type stuff for the last decade? Liberals certainly believes he has and his more orthodox public utterances about civic nationalism that annoys the purist commentators here is just for public consumption and he secretly doesn’t believe all these brown people are good for America.
You’d be surprise he reads up commentary posts.
Corner stone , A st. anyone here post at foxnews websites?