As I said on Twitter, the major divide of the 21st century is nationalists vs. globalists. It isn’t nationalists vs. nationalists anymore. We’re fighting for the survival of our entire civilization. We’ve learned from past mistakes and moved on from litigating old quarrels:
“History is a whore of politics,” Björn Höcke, one of the party’s most radical politicians, said in an interview. “A great people like the German people, which lost two world wars in one century, no longer has a historical narrative of its own.”
In an ornate Dresden ballroom in January, local AfD candidate Jens Maier told the crowd that what he called Western Allies’ re-education efforts after World War II led to Germans being convinced “we are bastards, criminals, that we are worth nothing.”
As his voice rose, Mr. Maier hollered into his microphone, to applause: “I hereby declare this cult of guilt to be over! To be over, once and for all!”
To a political establishment for which Holocaust remembrance is an integral part of public life, the AfD’s break with the consensus is a shocking turn. …
The AfD is the most successful party to have arisen to the right of Germany’s mainstream conservative bloc, which Ms. Merkel now leads, since World War II. For decades, far-right parties failed to gain a foothold in Germany. Leading conservative politicians made it their stated mission to prevent the rise of nationalist movements. …”
Sweden remained neutral during the Second World War.
It is the same struggle there though. I’m told Sweden is a country overrun by McDonald’s and Third World refugees. Does that sound familiar? In the 21st century, Swedes live under the same Iron Curtain of political correctness, multiculturalism and mass immigration as the British, the Germans and the Americans. Do you know who really lost the World Wars? It was all of us.
The White race was the loser of the 20th century. We started the 20th century as the rulers of the planet and ended it under siege in our own homelands. Everyone who was unborn at the time was the loser of those disastrous wars. Liberalism was the victor. Globalism was the victor. Non-Whites were the victor. That’s who has been empowered over us everywhere you look.
Think about it: whether it is Australia, Canada, Ireland, Sweden, Spain or Greece, we’re all being dispossessed in our homelands by the same class of people who represent the same system. Why are the Swedes so self-hating? What did they do to deserve this? They didn’t even participate in the Second World War. They didn’t have large overseas colonies.
Note: “Conservative” parties everywhere exist to defend the liberal status quo. Angela Merkel is a “conservative.” ¡Jeb! is a conservative.
Note: In light of their staggering losses, I’m not sure I would call Jews the victor of the Second World War, but the creation of Israel was a result of that conflict. They certainly emerged from the war far more powerful and influential in the West than they had been before it.
What will Israel do without the free German subs and trains? Although Jews do have a lot of experience getting on German trains.
Never happened. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/05022cfb52d3bf1ef24121638202fa3176e934bb263ec52e1c38e35347660b3a.jpg
Hallo, Hallo – a great ridiculous show!
Yay! Good news, not even my grandpa who fought in the Red Army hated Germany.
Tucker’s coming around he’s read many posts of mine about the tought police.
Whether the losses were staggering or not depends on how you tally up the numbers. The gains the Jews made in obtaining their own country and immunizing themselves from criticism in the Eurosphere via White Guilt, in my eyes at least, outweighed whatever losses they suffered in the war.
I doubt there’s a Jew “in the know” today who would trade all of that back in exchange for a couple of million war casualties.
Indeed, this was the thinking of many Jews in Palestine during World War II.
Let the European Jews die so as to further the cause of Zionism.
“As his voice rose,Mr. Maier hollered into his microphone,to applause: ‘I hereby declare this cult of guilt to be over!To be over,once and for all!’ ”
It is heartening to see a new generation of German politicians rising up and emphatically telling the guilt merchants to go to Hell where they belong!
I can’t put into words how happy I am to see statements like these being made publically in Germany.
It’s as if the curse which has been hovering over Germany for decades is finally starting to break.
Yes indeed. I hope to see the German people raise their heads again after 70 years of lies about them. I am working on a shortened version of my Amerikaner piece, as you suggested a while back.
Glad to hear you’re working on the Amerikaner piece, mate!
When I read the original, I was immediately impressed by how accurately it fit the culture of rural Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and parts of the surrounding states. It’s a bit hard to properly define, but there really is a distinctive ‘heartland’ north of the Ohio River and ‘Amerikaner’ is the perfect word to describe the local folks.
Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing your new article!
I also have to ask, are you on Twitter / YouTube? If not, that could be a great way to spread your message.
Thanks for the encouragement. Disqus is about as close I have gotten to social media. I am not on YouTube, but I have thought about posting a few videos there, perhaps of me reading a few of me best essays. I might do that in the future.
Blonde hair, blue eyed, busty German girls are the best.
That is the group that is being targeted for elimination by the jews and their pet Mohammedan rape-monkeys.
And they will feel the wrath of the Saxon who is awaking.
Nothing new per se, blond girls fetched the highest price at the slave market in the Ottoman empire.
Time traveling race war when?
Don’t insult monkeys in that way- they’re Africas most intelligent species.
Mostly midwestern nowadays.
I’m glad to hear this. Germans, and Whites have done NOTHING WRONG – except believe the vile lies told against us. We must take our own side. Now and forever.
That’s a great meme. It deserves to be on Face Book pages and car bumpers everywhere (do people still even use bumper stickers? It seems like I don’t seem them much anymore).
Thank you.
Unfortunately, Mr. DeLarge, this metre may be accurate for those of us in the Alt-Right, but, speaking about society, as a whole, it seems quite to the contrary.
White guilt is next on the chopping block
FYI – the JEWS lost NOTHING. Their maximum death toll, during Jew War II, was approx. 800,000. Meanwhile, Western Whites were killed off to the tune of ONE HUNDRED MILLION, during Jew War II. And I’ve been saying for years that America, England, & France, as well as Germany, lost JW2.
I would tend to agree on your take on the “holocaust”. The white race lost that war, as I pointed in a brief blog post of mine back on the anniversary of D-Day in 2016. You might like the overall tenor of the piece.
D-Day critical factor lifted red army moral. Atlantic power prolonged the war for precise moment of Stalingrad Axis defeat.
Germany was utterly devastated, the European “Allies” lost their empires and huge percentages of their best male stock, and America lost sovereignty as the Jews gained total control over the Deep State, educational system, and media.
Agreed an awful business.
Infostormer and Occidental Dissent are easily among the best sites available for pro-White news and commentary. That being the case you MUST sign up with both of them, sir!
Hey there! Are you on Info Stormer? I am having the devil’s own time logging on…………
It won’t let you register on the forum?
Or maybe just try to change the password or just create a new profile (CelticDenise2 for example).
Just let me know what it’s saying when you try to log on, and we’ll go from there.
Madame Denise would be an invaluable addition to the infostormer lineup, Marcus Tullius.
She’s one of the best out there – I’m not joking.
She helps to keep us in line on a variety of subjects (including the Jewish Problem).
Too bad the Kikes banned Infostormer from Disqus, and made things more complicated.
The jews lost around 200K of their worthless kind, mostly from disease, malnutrition and other wartime-related hardships. I believe the total death count in WWII was around 35 million, w/ most of the deaths occurring in Germany, the USSR and China.
They had to invent a large number to dwarf the losses of any allied power.
“Western Whites were killed off to the tune of ONE HUNDRED MILLION”
Where did you get that number? I’ve seen several people here, all agreeing with each other, and yet all throwing out different numbers.
Numbers are supposed to mean something. They are supposed to quantify things that really happen – actual reality. Quoting false numbers only undermines your own credibility, and ultimately undermines the very idea of objective reality.
Here ya go.
I am also looking for USA stats, that I saw YEARS ago….
The largest figure I’ve ever seen was 60 million. I don’t believe 75 million. The second website you cited showed 3.5 million in the Dutch East Indies. Did that many people really die there? I don’t know. The number from British India was just over 2 million. 2 million? I don’t believe many Indians even fought in the war. The first website you cited – ~50 million – seems more plausible
Then do your own research!
PS – MILLIONS more Humans died than did Jews.
Here’s a better breakdown:
It doesn’t separate the Sacred Self Chosen out. People from other non-European countries like China and India are added in, and MY 100 million figure is counting the Russians slaughtered by Jews, during the Talmudic Regime called “Soviet Russia”. . I’m referring to Whites killed by Jew genocide machinations.
I am glad to see German patriots reemerging! I understand that a few, like legendary airmen Hans Ulrich Rudel, never bought into the guilt cult.
I believe that the late Willis Carto referred to WWII as “the suicide of the West” in his article/pamphlet “A Straight Look At The Second World War”.
“We started the 20th century as the rulers of the planet ….”
Illusorily so, as Lothrop Stoddard pointed out as early as 1921 …
“We started the 20th century as the rulers of the planet ….”
Illusorily so, as Lothrop Stoddard was pointing out as early as 1921 …
That’s a reasonable point. Nial Ferguson in his War of the World documentary essentially plagiarized Stoddard.
Ww1 started in Asia fought between Japs and Ruskies funded by Jews and ended in the American defeat in Vietnam at the hands of the rising Chinese.
Race was the organizing principle and to a degree is now. Again.
That the Japan that defeated Russia in 1905 owed its might to its absorption of Aryan ways is so obvious that it hardly needs to be mentioned—but Ferguson goes out of his way to avoid it, virtually to deny it …
8:14 – “In the press, the Japanese [had been] portrayed as puny, jaundiced monkeys, fleeing in panic before the giant white fist of Mother Russia, or as Oriental midgets, about to be gobbled up by a giant Cossack. Not for the last time in the Twentieth Century, notions of innate racial superiority were to prove deceptive.”
9:39 – “As the superior performance of the Japanese military clearly illustrated, there really was no inherent advantage to being a European ….”
Yeah, right.
The extracts in the four graphics below are two from, again, Stoddard and two from Mein Kampf. Both Stoddard and Hitler speak of the West’s impact on Japan (though Stoddard, in a sentence a little bit below the one I’ve red-blocked in the first graphic, adds that the rapidity of Japan’s acquisition of Western methods had been “almost unbelievable”). Stoddard also mentions Japan’s alliance with Britain. When first negotiated, in 1902, it was, he says, “directed specifically against Russia and represented the common apprehensions of both the contracting parties.” By 1911, when it was being renewed, with extensive modifications, “the English communities in the Far East generally condemned the new alliance as a gross blunder of British diplomacy.” What the people of Hiroshima thought of it—ultimately—we may guess.
The Japanese are very smart and it’s a huge mistake to underestimate them then and now.
A large part of White people’s success came from the large amount of raw materials and land freed up by the death of the American Indian from communicable diseases. This economic progress snowballed with the Industrial Revolution putting us on top. I think White SJW are idiots who, I believe, have this idea that Whites will always be special and everything will work out for us no matter how many stupid mistakes we make. Some on the Right are not any better and feel that Whites are some kind of supermen. I like Whites best and feel we are special but the race doesn’t always go to the swift and while bunnies are nice there’s a lot more cockroaches. We’re going down quickly. I;m not trying to be overly negative but rational. We face great challenges and if we’re not careful could fail.
I believe the single biggest problem we face is not sticking together like the Jews. They always look after their people first. Doesn’t mean they don’t argue but they will always throw the goy over the side first if the boat is leaking.
If it’s bad for the Jews it’s good for the USA.
Since I don’t expect you to be familiar with everything that’s ever been posted at this website, I’ll simply tell you that I have spoken quite admiringly of the Japanese here. That doesn’t mean that I don’t think the relation of the Aryan peoples to history is unique.
As to the possibility that everything will work out for whites no matter how many stupid mistakes they make, well, several other commenters here could tell you I am not of that view.
He’s hiding Jewish money funneled to Japan to help humiliate the Czar. He’s also hiding western expertise gifted to the Japanese by the US and U.K.
I don’t know whether Stoddard himself, later in that book or elsewhere, says anything about Jewish influence, in England, with respect to his remark that “the English communities in the Far East generally condemned the new alliance [with Japan] as a gross blunder of British diplomacy.”
The more excerpts I read from Stoddard, the more eager I am to start reading his book. Can’t wait until I actually get some free time for it.
Say what you will about the Jews, their Google Books enables you to read Stoddard at no charge—and without even a step away from your computer.
I know, but I’ve actually bought a physical copy…it’s just lying on my desk until I’ve got the time to devote to it properly.
That’s great. Having the physical book is always nice.
As the graphics below attest, there’s a sort of reference to Stoddard’s “Rising Tide of Color” in Chapter 1 of “The Great Gatsby.” There, it’s fictionally called “The Rise of the Colored Empires” and is attributed to a “Goddard,” which seems to be a combination of Stoddard and Grant, i.e., Madison Grant, Stoddard’s fellow racialist of that period around World War I. Being a good liberal, I guess, F. Scott Fitzgerald has the narrator refer to the “complacency” of Tom Buchanan, the character who has embraced Goddard’s views, just as Niall Ferguson, in the “War of the World” video, above, speaks of the “complacent” racist Europeans of the early Twentieth Century. A few pages later, as you’ll see, the narrator characterizes the racialism as “stale ideas.” Racialist ideas are always “stale,” “discredited,” or some such thing.
At 7:49 of the YouTube video below, Bruce Dern, as Tom Buchanan, in the 1974 movie of “Gatsby,” delivers the Goddard material.
Just thought I’d mention this, in case you weren’t aware of it …
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/883908fb734f5f2fec8daf8bd0f695ed46a0d772bc3e0c54fac7ad54ce959191.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2af5ff4ddfa484711218b7a6621daaf156286f734c44121f3fd6c9b9e1041807.jpg
It obviously escaped me when I read the book many years ago in grade school, but the reference is interesting now. Also notable that Tom is made to sound like an oaf when discussing the book. Racism is just for complacent old idiots, apparently.
Yes: “art, science—and all that.”
Demographics! Europeans haven’t been having many babies, and Asians and Africans have.
Population in 1907, and population in 2017:
U.K.– 40 million — 65 million
Nigeria — 16 million — 191 million
India — 290 million — 1702 million (British India included present-day India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Burma.)
France — 38 million — 65 million (with about 5 million of these being Moslem immigrants.)
Algeria — 4 million — 41 million.
“We’ve learned from past mistakes and moved on from litigating old quarrels ….”
Which is why, no doubt, Occidental Dissent flies a Confederate flag.
For someone posturing themselves as intuitive and intellectual, you sure do miss the obvious undertones, overtones and all of the noisy shit in the middle:
This is who we are; naked and unashamed, this is who we are.
Would you suggest a rainbow flag instead?
You haven’t taken the best approach to disproving my point.
Southerners can be proud of our culture and past without necessarily having anything to do with the civil war. Are you suggesting different? If so that would seem to suggest that we’re in the same boat as Germany and no matter what all that defines us is the civil war. I don’t believe that is true.
I find your question disingenuous.
I find your avoidance and skirting around direct questions telling.
Bonaccorsi is – and I am being generous here – a greasy turd.
I blocked that idiot ages ago. I rarely censor, or Block, but sometimes blocking just cleans up all the “noise”.
I guess I’m just a glutton for punishment. I’m not gonna lie, I like to fight and argue. Especially when it’s people who attack White people. Might be the Irish or Italian in me. Good thing the German always keeps me grounded and level-headed.
Your every reply is disingenuous, pustule.
You had no point. It’s the exact same rehashed argument over and over again. You’re on a mostly Southern Nationalist site, so if the labels, rhetoric and symbology offends you, then YOU are the fucking problem here. Your rationale and insinuations about “the flag being offensive and divisive” is no different than the SJWs and other anti-Whites who attack people for rallying around their own history, heritage and culture.
You didn’t mention rhetoric or any specific talking points. Instead, you mentioned a flag that has in many ways come to symbolize a fight between Whites and anti-Whites. No surprise which side you’ve taken.
The Confederate flag does not represent whites.
Neither do you, shithead.
It most certainly does represent a sect of White America. The fact that you can deny this while trying to pretend like you’re the gatekeeper of White identity tells most people all they’d ever need to know about you in a White vs anti-White context.
It represents Southern Nationalism.
You pompous, pretentious dickhead, I live around plenty of White people who’ve probably never heard of Southern Nationalism and still fly that flag wherever and whenever they feel like it.
Southern Nationalism, the Confederacy, call it what you will—or what you won’t.
What Confederacy? These people consider themselves American — White Americans. Again, I doubt they’ve ever heard of Southern Nationalism and I’m almost certain they’d laugh at you if you told them they were adherents of The Confederacy.
I’m not going to go back and forth with you on this.
Good choice, because you’re too fucking ignorant to do so. You have nothing but hyperbole and guesswork for things that I actually live around and have experience dealing with. If I want to know about guys who shit their pants in the face of hostility and run from shadows, I’ll be sure to get your sagely advice.
What you actually live around and have experience dealing with. You’ll get no pity from me.
Real men don’t ask for or expect pity. I certainly wouldn’t “ask” anything of you. I’d just take it.
Okay, tough guy. I can give no more attention to this our exchange.
Yeah, you’re much too busy infesting a Southern Nationalist site with diatribes about Confederate flags. Gotta save some of that BS for other articles, right?
There is NOTHING wrong with Southern Nationalism.
Mind you, I am hoping that where the federal government is concerned, the New England cultural dominance that Junius Daniels so deplores will be replaced by something that better reflects the diverse American regions. Because I LIKE having Southerners as fellow Americans.
I’d like to see the government get back to what it was originally intended to be before the Founding Fathers double-crossed everyone and imposed the Constitution rather than simply strengthen the Articles of Confederation as they led their constituency to believe.
Maybe in that way, they can make the union so attractive the South won’t want to leave. How’s that for a radical idea?!
The Dixie flag is a pro-white symbol all around North America, even in the North West – even in Canada.
Anywhere Southerners have oozed …
In putting “the flag being offensive and divisive” in quotation marks, you give the impression I used those words here—or somewhere. I don’t see that I’ve used them here, and I don’t recall using them anywhere else. In the first place, they look to be ungrammatical.
Your reading comprehension needs work. What noun precedes the quotation? What does that word mean? What/Who/Whom are you being compared to directly after the quote in question? Try and keep up, faggot.
Like I said, your insinuations and, in this case, your blatant attacks on pro-White people and their/our history and heritage showcase your true SJW mentality.
Your use of the quotation marks give the impression that those were my words. Your entire sentence, I’ll add, is a mess since you compare rationales and insinuations, on the one hand, with human beings on the other. Also, “different than” is ungrammatical. “Rationale and insinuations” requires a plural verb.
Maybe you meant to say something like this:
“In objecting to the Confederate flag, you are not different from SJWs and other anti-whites, who term it ‘offensive and divisive’ and thus attack people for rallying around their own history, heritage, and culture.”
Nope, I meant to say exactly what I said. You’re an anti-White faggot.
No, I’m a member of white civilization, of which the South is not a part.
But you sure do come here a lot for someone who belittles Southerners.
You also said “Okay, tough guy. I can give no more attention to this our exchange.” I think you’re not really sure what you want to do. I’m just gonna assume that your sexuality isn’t the only thing you find confusing.
My return to this exchange of ours was necessary, once I’d realized that your use of quotation marks had left a false impression, in one of your comments, that you were quoting me. I could not leave that error on the record without remark.
There was no “false impression.” You’ve made it abundantly clear that you have the same mentality as the SJWs and other anti-Whites who attack White Southerners. It literally takes a minute or so to look at your history to find the insinuations and blatant attacks. The only error is allowing your specific type of stink to permeate through a pro-White website.
Unless I spot another point at which this record itself has to be addressed, the present comment shall be my last one in this exchange.
Your not-so-subtle insinuations and innuendos are identical to the “White Southerners need to die” and “Southerners are inbred hicks” rhetoric that we hear coming from anti-Whites.
I didn’t hesitate to use quotations. Would you still like to recuse yourself, faggot?
Yes, good point. Southern Nationalists are well known for having moved on from old quarrels.
Whereas the crapulent swine known as J Bonaccorsi has not moved on from petty internet quarrels he had yesterday. He is a movement of one (a bowel movement at that) – a lone voice howling in the wilderness. He belongs with the autistes on 4-chan, not here.
Slavery is a justification of White Genocide.
Not persuasively, in my view.
Pot, meet kettle, J_Bonaccorsi. This petty sniping is unworthy of someone of your intelligence. And it smacks either of ignorance or hypocrisy. New England wanted to secede from the union, but their leadership was more moderate, because they did not want to give up their national standing. NO coercion by the South or anywhere else compelled them to stay.
My great-great grandfather fought for the Union. It never bothered him or anyone else who followed that the South continued to fly the Confederate flag even after (and especially after) it was forced to stay in a union that it didn’t want. I strongly suggest that you visit the Confederate War Memorial at the Arlington Military Cemetery, which was partially funded by Union soldiers. If you can’t be bothered, the inscription on the plaque is as follows:
Not for fame or reward
Not for place or for rank
Not lured by ambition
Or goaded by necessity
But in simple
Obedience to duty
As they understood it
These men suffered all
Sacrificed all
Dared-all and died
What I took away from it is not that they were evil White racists who wanted to hold on to their slaves but Georgians, Floridians, etc who defended their nation-states and family against Northern aggression. Much the way even though many American colonists didn’t particularly care one way or another about independence from England still fought with George Washington to defend their nation-states from British aggression.
Remember that old Chinese proverb about he who saves someone’s life becomes responsible for them forever? Well if the Northern leadership had muzzled the Abolitionist movement and just let the South and its slaves leave the Union, Philadelphia and Detroit and Trenton and Gary would still be nice little White enclaves. Yankees who had never owned slaves would have never been roped into taking care of emancipated, enfranchised freedmen. It wouldn’t be a USA problem, it would be a CSA problem. It never hurts to heed the eleventh commandment and mind thine own business.
Moreover, if the North had let the South go, it wouldn’t have taken long for pragmatic people on both sides to effect trade deals and mutual defense pacts beneficial to both countries. Close to a million American men would not have died and opportunistic Marxists could not have exploited regional grudges to impose their Anti-White agenda on us all.
If the South had won the War Between The States, their leaders would be given the same treatment as the Founding Fathers. Now the way I see it is since we forced the South to stay the least we can do is give Southern culture the same respect we give to New England culture. If you can’t do that, J Bonccorsi, then you should make common cause with Hunter et al to finalize the divorce the South requested over one hundred fifty years ago.
My great-great grandfather was an Ohioan who fought on the Union side of the War Between The States. Mind you, this was at the time where despite the double-cross the Founding Fathers did when they promised only to strengthen the Articles of Confederation only to install a federal government with the Bill of Rights, North and South believed the union was voluntary and composed of nation-states which all had a right to leave. New England seriously considered secession but decided to stay without any coercion from the rest of the country.
He was one of many soldiers who understood what the Southerners were fighting for and the concept of duty as inscribed on the Confederate War Heroes Monument in the Arlington National Cemetery:
Not for fame or reward
Not for place or for rank
Not lured by ambition
Or goaded by necessity
But in simple
Obedience to duty
As they understood it
These men suffered all
Sacrificed all
Dared-all and died
These were not American traitors; they were all patriots. Georgian patriots, Floridian patriots, etc. Their nation-states were invaded and they defended their families and their countries like any good patriots would do.
Not only that, but even though their ancestors were forced to remain in a union they no longer wanted, the Southern men answered the call to arms in many wars since. They fought for the USA in every war and did not dodge the draft like many leftists deriding them over their antebellum past. If they want to keep raising the Stars and Bars and honoring their Confederate war dead, it is no skin off my nose or yours, for that matter.
It’s their culture, it’s part of American history and it should be respected as such.
I rejoice greatly to hear this. My grandfather, fortunately, mostly fought in the Pacific; the Japanese were such ghastly wretches, and made the cardinal error of jabbing the White colossus to the east to boot, that the thrashing they received was well-merited. It’s unfortunate that Hitler allied with them. They were nothing but a liability, considering that they contributed nothing to the war vs. the USSR, and merely added to the Germans’ enemies list. The cautionary lesson there is “don’t ally with non-Whites, you can’t count on them at all, other than to make more trouble for you.”
Anyway, I have nothing against the average American soldier, or even most of the commanders, in Europe; they thought they were were fighting for the right. Similarly, I have nothing against the German soldiery. It’s just regrettable that so many brave White men killed each other, in both directions.
But the German “cult of guilt” is ridiculous. All cults of guilt are ridiculous, actually; as we can see, they are a spiritual poison that erodes an entire people’s will to survive, as in the case of both “muh Holocaust” for Germany, “muh slavery” for the U.S., and “muh colonialism” for England and France.
Let us hope this is a new dawn for German national pride. It’ll still take years, of course, and the globalist scum and (((scum))) will continue milking the Holocaust as long as they can, but that speech and the applause greeting it shows there’s now hope. I think that national pride is a more positive and rewarding emotion than ethnomasochism, and will eventually emerge victorious because we’re programmed to respond powerfully to it.
Going back further there was a certain Jacob Schiff who financed Trotsky (Bronstein) with some 20 million and sent him back to Russia to start the revolution which killed some 60 million of the prime of what was to become Soviet. Today it is virtually unknown how much the communist party and the NKVD were a certain (((tribe))). And before that Schiff actively worked to arrange war bonds for Japan in their 1904 war with Russia, that ended quite badly for Russia and destabilized the country. The irony is that many doctors were Jewish and served with distinction. THAT was dangerous…
Ww1 started with the Russo-Japanese war.
A magnificently well written and robust comment!
Unfortunately, most Goyim assume that ignoring the matter of Jewish dominance, not only in the Bolshevik (“Russian”) revolution and the Soviet era but also today – will spare them from being branded Nazis. This chicken tactics however has not prevented Jews from labelling Sweden Democrats – the only political party with representation in the Riksdagen with guts to question mass immigration from MENA – as Nazis. Loving Jews is thus not enough, you must also embrace the agenda of multiculturalism.
You’re right, Miss Lucy – not just about in defending white society against Jewish assertions, but, in general – that, when you are systemically attackt, over and over, you just cannot afford to ignore it.
Doing that does not work.
Whites don’t owe ANYTHING to ANY-ONE, except a once-and-for-all boot OUT of our world.
The Germans are awesome. I would say there is something great about every European country in the world. Every European in Europe and in the European Diaspora needs to recognize that and support each other. The one thing we need to take away from the White debacle of the twentieth century is that we must stop fighting in a burning house. We nearly wiped each other out. The mop up crew are the hordes from the Mideast, Asia and Africa. Let’s celebrate our great European diversity, but also unite to preserve it. Germany for Germans, Ireland for the Irish, etc. Support them in their defense of our indigenous Europa.
After much study of the issue, it seems the American and English navy’s being located to the Pacific, and the sanctions put on Japanese imports on oil and rubber left them no alternative then to attack, and were kept from helping Germany in Russia.
I believe the communist financiers out of wall street double crossed the Japanese in China also.
Good night Timber
FYI the Pudding clone has been posting today on the Bond Institute & Breibart , I’m sure its the same poster behind the cloned thegreenthingymybob , watch out for it on SG & any other ID’s pretending to be me. https://disqus.com/by/puddingbluedress/
the new ID on SG is not mine , its copied an idea of mine, I told you not to hesitate but ban any new troll ID pretending to be me
The only thing the Germans have to feel guilty about is that they went far too easy on the jews. Instead of fighting the French, British and Soviets they should have focused like a laser beam on eradicating the source of ALL the world’s problems. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e89385a0a4a77a6a696b874336e0a962d17b1fc30db35b4c9fd7110b53224c57.jpg
No, Mr. DeLarge – Germans, collectively, have had a lot for which to feel genuinely guilty.
With respect ; their burning of over 400 Byelorussian villages, the reprisals against so many occupied Europeans, the wholesale compulsory conscription of French, Dutch, Poles, Czechs, Russians, Belgians, Ukrainians, and God knows who else into their slave labour camps, for the manufacture of weaponry is a dark page in modern history.
How they starved occupied Russia and Holland, and, as well, vindictively reduced all of Warsaw to rubble, is a wretched thing.
The sending of not only millions of Jews, but, homosexuals, disabled, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and gypsies, not to mention dissidents, to their deaths is, at the least, a damn scandal.
That the Soviets would, inevitably, rival this unwarranted cruelty still does not change the heinous crimes of The 3rd Reich upon the whole peoples of Europe.
Let me be clear, here – I have many of these reports firsthand – from those I have known, who lived under the German thumb, and everything they said about it confirms the conventional narrative.
Also, on a final note, The way the Nazi Government forcet practically every German to be an active part in all this, or face death, is sickening.
Nothing I would want for my children or yours.
That said, I have know and loved some wonderful Germans, and been loved by them.
It’s time to move past this nightmare, and get on to the business at hand – destroying the Merkel administration, and replacing it with something that is truly ‘other’.
Have a good night.
BULLSHITE. The only crimes Germans committed was allowing Jews in. You DNA is showing…………..it always does.
JEWS need to pay for their millennia of crimes against HUMANS. The Day of Reckoning is COMING.
Dear Miss Denise,
Thank you for your thoughts, here.
If it is my DNA which accounts for what I have written, then what would you attribute it to for all those Europeans I have known, without a drop of Jewish blood, who testified about the horrors of living under Germans, during that time?
The government of Germany, during the 1940s, treated their fellow Europeans with such disdain that it is truly appalling.
That the Soviet Government did likewise does not excuse it.
However! Don’t send armies into Slavic lands again. Try to get along with the French too.
Your comment misses the mark, implies guilt on Germany and a threat too.
The fact is Operation Barbarossa was necessitated by the fact that the (still at that time largely jew controlled – though Stalin was rising in power), Russians had massed 5 million troops and all the trimmings to back-stab Germany and try to conquer ALL of Europe – right there on the border.
Plenty of reconnaissance film and documents on the German side prove this. And the outcome of the initial battle was so devastating to the Russian rulers evil ambitions precisely because the Red Army was forward deployed with everything it had and could spare — just waiting to attack German from behind while the useful idiot Ango-Americans kept them distracted and facing West. That forward deployment allowed the Germans, with half the men, to punch through and encircle the Russians. If the Russians hadn’t been sneaking up behind like that the Germans couldn’t have smashed them like that.
Pre-emptive strikes like that, aborting an attack being readied by another party, are honorable, and legal and still legal to this day.
The German’s did nothing wrong.
And in fact they had not choice, it wasn’t some whim for you to warn and threaten against: “Don’t invade Slavic countries”.
If the Germans hadn’t made that heroic effort the Russians might have ended up with ALL of Europe under their bloody tyranny. The Soviet Union might never have fallen, and a Putin may never have had the chance to kick out the high parasite Jews and bring Russian discreetly around to a more healthy form of nationalism.
The Germans SAVED Europe, half of it anyway even after the stupid allies gave so much away to Stalin, saved Europe from Soviet murderous tyranny, and all they got was shit on for it.
There should be gleaming golden monuments to the Germans who accomplished this even as they tragically lost their own nation. There should be golden monuments to the glory and generosity of the German warriors for this in every town and city of Europe, especially Western Europe.
(Perhaps removing the disgusting fakery of the Holohoax monuments would provide some initial space to begin.)
And again, the white race cannot truly be secure if it allows such lies and deceptions to stand.
We need to build our future, the future of all the white race and sub-races, on TRUTH, not lies.
What’s happening to the unraveling EU is both a danger and an opportunity. That’s all I’m saying.
Destroy white guilt, not white people.
“In light of their staggering losses, I’m not sure I would call Jews…”
What losses?
According to the Red Cross, who were there in the German work camps, 271 thousand died during the war, most of them in the last few months as result of typhoid caused by the war crime bombing and strafing of anything that moved — AND, only about half of the camp dead were Jews.
You have to give up the Holohoax lie, it has done too much harm to the world and to the white race, and it is done, over, finished…
The holocaust was of the Germans, 6-7 million murdered after the war alone, not to mention the rapes, beatings, and myriad other evils — not least of which was the “re-education” forced on them as Jens mentions above.
It is spiritually impossible to recover the balance without facing this horrific lie and its horrific consequences, and the real victims of holocaust. We cannot secure our race and a future for white children, not really and truly and for the long run, without securing truth and justice for the German people.
…Otherwise yet another good article — thanks!
Where’s the official Red Cross document/statement?
Here’s one link. I know it’s not the official Red Cross link:
‘”In light of their staggering losses, I’m not sure I would call Jews…”
What losses?’
I know many Jews, personally, whose family members disappeared in the camps, or in the killing fields outside of villages.
I’ve known them, personally, from the erstwhile East Prussia, Hungary, Lithuania, Russia, Poland, the Czech Republick, Holland, and the Ukraine.
You can say it was deserved, but, it did happen. Whether it was 4, 6, or 8 ,million, is irrelevant.
It was huge, systemick, and barbarick,
That horrible suffering was, in the end, visited upon The Germans, does not change this.
Most who suffered in the conflagration are worthy of sympathy.
Millions more Humans died, in the JewWars. I don’t shed ONE salt tear for ANY JudenTeufel deaths, and simply wish Hitler had done what he’s been accused of, and MORE.
I agree, Miss Denise, that it is very important to bring a focus on what Jewish has been in international matters, and for the crimes to be highlighted.
The world needs to know.
Where I don’t agree is in the notion that I ought not feel sympathy for Jews, or anybody else, who was the victim of criminal behavior up top – whether that was Jewish Banksters and communists or German militarists or Nazis.
I do feel sympathy for the average Joe, everywhere.
Don’t forget the unspeakable horrors of the lampshades, the soap, and of course the poop diamonds. Terrible.
White self hatred is sick!
Prior to the out break of WWI Existed coat of arm of British gov,French gov,and Russia gov Germany was always on defensive mode all the way to the second front called world WWII.
While it’s a good thing that some Germans are showing signs of self-respect, Germans are anti-American down to the deepest recesses of their bones. We are not talking about a fully morally developed people here. They envy the US, and they are eaten alive by it. The reasons they give for their anti-Americanism are just excuses. The World Wars were irrelevant – it’s in their DNA to hate us and want to see us destroyed. Prove me wrong.
I’ve met several Germans and I don’t get any hostility from them. Several Germans have gone to school here and love our country and our people. I don’t even think that the average European hates the average American. They are a little bemused by us at times and I’ve been cornered by them so that I can explain our attachment to God and guns.
Despite the media brainwashing about Trump, I don’t get any sense of resentment out of the Europeans over Trump’s America First stance. There was a darling little You Tube response to America First put out by the Netherlands which caused all the European countries to get competitive and clamor to be second. Germany, too. Check it out:
But for the sake of argument, the Germans have every reason to hate Americans. Before the Americans got involved in WWI, every European nation involved had gotten to the point where they all realized that no one could win. They were all ready to take their soldiers and go home, sadder but wiser.
But England signed the Balfour Agreement so that American Zionists would involve the Americans and have them help the British defeat the Germans. It also helped that American so-called neutrality involved lending more money to the English than the Germans for their war effort.
The irony of this is that if the American had not allowed themselves to be sucked into WWI, we might have seen all the European countries get together and form some kind of European Union or United States of Europe that would have benefited Europeans and ultimately European-Americans. German innovation and engineering could have powerhoused the overall European economy with Brittannia still ruling the waves and ultimately sparing the USA from becoming subject to the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned against.
Instead of a real armistice where everyone just quit fighting and went home, Germany was scapegoated as the real villain behind WWI and forced to agree to the unfair and humiliating Treaty of Versailles which led to such abysmal conditions that Hitler seemed like the Germans’ only salvation, ultimately leading to millions of German lives ruined or lost when the Allies defeated them in WWII.
No way, no how would your average German sit on his hands and allow all of Africa and the Middle East to invade his homeland if there weren’t still American bases and tanks occupying their country. Do you think he likes watching his sons bullied and his daughters raped? Why would Germans love Americans? Give me one good reason.
This is Pollyannish. Your anecdotes aside, hating and wanting to dominate others is in the German DNA. Anyone or anything they don’t control, they hate and feel a compulsion to attack and try to control. This compulsion overrides any other sentiment or sensibility. These are the people who created a word, schadenfreude, because the feeling was so common in their population. The idea of American decline fills them with glee which they try not to show but can’t prevent from seeping into their eyes and voice when you offer the right bait and observe carefully. They would feel this way about us with or without the world wars. And it’s not just America. Before that, they were obsessed with the Romans. They currently enjoy yanking the Greek chain, over and above any desire for Greek austerity. They also hate the British, the Swiss, the Spanish, the French, whoever. They have an excuse for hating everyone, and they offer it.
American bases have absolutely nothing to do with their rapefugee policy. None. You have to accept the evidence of people’s behavior. Germans are not ignorant about the world like Americans. They know what Middle Easterners are like. Yet they bring them in and support the politicians who promise to do so. They know their children are vulnerable to rape because of it, and they choose this policy anyway. THEY ARE WILLING TO ACCEPT THIS OUTCOME. They don’t have the Anglo view of sex and the body which is the manifestation of self-respect and self-esteem. They have a self-loathing stemming from egalitarian premises. On a fundamental level, they do not believe themselves better than the Arabs or anyone else. They are therefore not inherently disgusted by the idea of sex with them. It is important to understand that Aryan ideology was a shallow and late-developing overcompensation for them. Germans were breeding with Jews for centuries, and lots of camp guards were having sex with Jewesses.
When pressed, Germans make up weird justifications for their irrational migrant policy. If you think your friends wouldn’t ultimately accept the government’s justifications for bringing in rapefugees, you haven’t pressed them hard enough. They will say bizarre things like, “There has to be immigration to keep the population from becoming inbred,” “Turks, Syrians, etc. look white,” and “Turks integrate well and consider themselves German.” I am talking about conservative Germans here, not just lefties.
You really don’t understand how crazy Germans are. They know how to hide it well until the bitter end. They need a psychiatric intervention, not Anglo projection onto their mentality. Remember, they continue to allow the hordes in without revolt, and their two LEADING candidates promise to bring more in. Accept the evidence.
“This is Pollyannish. Your anecdotes aside, hating and wanting to dominate others is in the Jewish DNA. Anyone or anything they don’t control, they hate and feel a compulsion to attack and try to control. This compulsion overrides any other sentiment or sensibility. These are the people who created a word, ??? What’s the Hebrew word?, because the feeling was so common in their population. The idea of American decline fills them with glee which they try not to show but can’t prevent from seeping into their eyes and voice when you offer the right bait and observe carefully. They would feel this way about us with or without the world wars. And it’s not just America. Before that, they were obsessed with the Romans. They currently enjoy yanking the Greek chain, over and above any desire for Greek austerity. They also hate the British, the Swiss, the Spanish, the French, whoever. They have an excuse for hating everyone, and they offer it.
American bases have absolutely nothing to do with their rapefugee policy. None. You have to accept the evidence of people’s behavior. Jews are not ignorant about the world like Americans. They know what Middle Easterners are like. Yet they bring them in and support the politicians who promise to do so. They know the Goyim children are vulnerable to rape because of it, and they choose this policy anyway. THEY ARE WILLING TO ACCEPT THIS OUTCOME. They don’t have the Anglo view of sex and the body which is the manifestation of self-respect and self-esteem. They have a self-loathing stemming from genetic corruption. On a fundamental level, they do not believe themselves better than the Arabs or anyone else. They are therefore not inherently disgusted by the idea of sex with them. It is important to understand Talmudic ideology is a deeply psychotic and ancient overcompensation for them. Jews were breeding with any-one that would allow it, for centuries, and lots of Humans were suicidally destroying their genetic line via sex with Jewesses.
When pressed, Germans make up weird justifications for their irrational migrant policy. If you think your friends wouldn’t ultimately accept the government’s justifications for bringing in rapefugees, you haven’t pressed them hard enough. They will say bizarre things like, “There has to be immigration to keep the population from becoming inbred,” “Turks, Syrians, etc. look white,” and “Turks integrate well and consider themselves German.” I am talking about conservative Germans here, not just lefties.
You really don’t understand how crazy Jews are. They know how to hide it well until the bitter end. They need a psychiatric intervention, not Anglo projection onto their mentality. Remember, they continue to fund and support the hordes in without revolt, and their two LEADING candidates promise to bring more in. Reality is the evidence”
There! Fixed it for ya!
Ha ha. Pretty good. Ashkenazis got 40% of their DNA from the Germans. That’s probably where they got the psycho from.
‘In light of their staggering losses, I’m not sure I would call Jews the
victor of the Second World War, but the creation of Israel was a result
of that conflict. They certainly emerged from the war far more powerful
and influential in the West than they had been before it.’
The bible says that those who curse Jews will be curset, and those who bless them will be blesst.
Though I often suspect that passage as being self-serving, it’s hard to view what happened to Germany and The Jews, after 1933-1945, than to think it a confirmation of that passage.
Furthermore, I will note that this country, which has been the kindest to Jews of all, is the most blesst country in the world – it’s present difficulties notwithstanding.
On a final note – I will say this – Jewish power began building in the northeast in the late 19th century. I’m NOT talking about Rothschild, but, about the community as a whole – it rising in the court system, taking over the most powerful city, New York, and then mass communications.
When 1945 came, The Jewish community was, in this country, at the precipice of a power to influence events and policy they had never dared dream of; and, like kids in the candy store, for the first time, they have overplayed their hand, and, now, everybody’s got a tummy ache.
My experience with Germans is that they have long gotten over their guilt. I would say that, by the 1990s, when half of the country had never known WWII, in person, they were there.
The problem is that, for those on The Left, they benefit greatly by extending guilt, where it exists, and or manufacturing it where it does not.
There is a lot of this in the Angela Merkel phenomenon, both in the existence of her person, and how she thinks, and, as well, all those many who have, and still do, support her.
“Staggering” Jewish losses in World War 2 were around 1.2 million Jews.
Is the NPD a legit party, or is it full of spies and snitches, like our “KKK”?
Think about it: whether it is Australia, Canada, Ireland, Sweden, Spain or Greece, we’re all being dispossessed in our homelands by the same class of people who represent the same system. Why are the Swedes so self-hating? What did they do to deserve this? They didn’t even participate in the Second World War.
It was in fact Jewish moralistic terrorism that murdered the Swedish nation. It might be fair to say that a very common self-image as a “humanitarian nation” among the Swedes was a necessary precondition. But the terroristic exploitation of that self-image by a certain Jewish clicque in Stockholm was the major active ingredient in this genocidal witches’ brew. The newspaper mentioned in the long quote below was, and still is, owned by the Jewish Bonnier family. In that sense they were the main instigators of the murderous “multicult” in Sweden. And that same newspaper, still owned by that same family, has also been the most aggressive promoter of mass immigration during the last couple of decades.
Lars-Erik Hansen’s dissertation Equality and freedom to choose. A study in the emergence of Swedish Immigration Policy (Stockholm University, Department of History, 2001) lists the actors who were a driving force in the debate to introduce the new multicultural policy. Regarding the actors, the study confirms previous academic research on how multiculturalism arose, such as Henry Román’s study En invandrarpolitisk oppositionell : debattören David Schwarz syn på svensk invandrarpolitik åren 1964-1993 [An immigration policy opponent: commentator David Schwarz’s view of Swedish immigration policy 1964-1993] who attributes Schwarz “a crucial role” in the game behind the introduction of the new policy. Thus, the ideological change started in 1964 when David Schwarz, a Polish born Jew and “Holocaust” survivor who immigrated to Sweden in the early 1950s, wrote the article “The Immigration problem in Sweden” in Sweden’s largest and most important morning newspaper – the Jewish-owned Dagens Nyheter (“Daily News”). It started a rancorous debate that mostly took place in Dagens Nyheter, but which subsequently continued even in other newspapers, on editorial pages and in books. Hansen (2001) writes in his thesis (p. 115):
Besides Schwarz, Gottfarb had Jewish descent. Kiviaed was Estonian, Géza Thinsz immigrated from Hungary in 1956 (the same year as the massive persecution of Jews started which would have the effect that within a few decades half of Hungary’s Jews had fled the country) and Lukasz Winiarki immigrated from Poland. Schwarz was by far the most active opinion-former and accounted for 37 of a total of 118 contributions to the debate on the immigration issue in the years 1964-1968. Schwarz and his co-thinkers were so dominant and aggressive that debaters with an alternative view were driven on the defensive and felt their views suppressed. For example, Schwarz played the anti-Semitism card efficiently in order to discredit his opponents. Hansen writes (pp. 114, 126-128, 217):
The debate gave rise to government investigations such as Invandrarutredningen (The Immigrant Investigation) 1968 which formed the basis for the government’s bill (1975:26) on guidelines for immigrant and minority policy which was adopted by a totally unanimous Swedish Parliament in 1975. David Schwarz got what he wanted, which was to be a fateful decision whose consequences we see the results of today. Red Ice, 13 July2015. How and why Sweden became multicultural
Very informative. Thank you, Steinadler.
Britain’s first legislation containing any such provision as prohibiting ‘group libel’ was introduced in Parliament by Frank Soskice, the son of David Soskice — a Russian-Jewish revolutionary exile. Scholars Mark Donnelly and Ray Honeyford state that it was Soskice who “drew up the legislation” and “piloted the first Race Relations Act, 1965, through Parliament.”[7] The Act “aimed to outlaw racial discrimination in public places,” though it was soon felt, in Jewish circles, that it hadn’t gone far enough. Crucially, the 1965 Act created the Jewish-led ‘Race Relations Board’ and equipped it with the power to sponsor research for the purposes of monitoring race relations in Britain and, if necessary, extending legislation on the basis of the ‘findings’ of such research. The Occidental Observer, 12 March 2017. Free Speech, Jewish Activism, and the Trial of Jeremy Bedford-Turner.
You provide a ton of great information. Thanks, Steinadler.
What “massive persecution of Jews” in Hungary is that, if I may ask ?
Well, my guess would be that the thesis quoted, written by Lars-Erik Hanssen, is rather positively slanted towards the Jews. I very much doubt it would have had any chance of being approved otherwise. So, the explanations given by Jews arriving in Sweden during and in the aftermath of the uprising in ’56 would tend to be accepted at face value. But all the more reason to believe that this Schwarz character and a few other very active Jews, backed by the Jewish newspaper Dagens Nyheter, really were the main instigators. The purpose from Hanssen’s side would certainly not have been to cast Schwartz and the Bonnier family as villains, rather the opposite. His thesis was approved in 2001, so written at a time when the prospects of “multiculture” and the consequences of non-western mass immigration surely must have seemed somewhat brighter than the last few years. Rather improbable that the main culprits would have been pointed out that way if anything like that thesis had been written and approved by a Swedish university these days.
Retaliation by the Hungarians against their (((Communist))) overlords in the uprising of 1956, of course. But you knew that.