This Is The Future Liberals Want

This scene on a New York City subway became a viral /pol/ meme:

“When Sam Themer rode the subway dressed in drag last week—red wig, turquoise dress, face painted with make-up—he never considered that someone might photograph him as he commuted from Queens to a drag queen gig in Manhattan, sitting next to a woman wearing a niqab. …

A week later, it was appropriated by the alt-right for mockery and derision on 4chan’s “politically incorrect” /pol/ News Network message board, then tweeted by an account of the same name with the caption, “This is the future liberals want.” …

Until this week, Themer had never been targeted online, but nothing about the alt-right’s intolerance surprised him.

“On election night, I was sitting comfortably in a red, white, and blue pantsuit assuming Hillary [Clinton] was going to win,” he said, “but when that didn’t happen it really woke me up to the fact that all of this hatred exists throughout America.”

More surprising were the number of ordinary people who shamed the bigoted shamers. The alt-right meme of Themer was re-appropriated as a progressive rallying cry turned viral Twitter moment that was still trending on Friday afternoon. …”

According to The Daily Beast, it has been reappropriated “as a progressive rallying cry.” Progressives have embraced the image as an accurate representation of their ideal.

Why does this image strike such a chord? From an Alt-Right perspective, it is a drag queen seated next to a Muslim wearing a hijab. Both images are profoundly alien in their own way. The drag queen represents the degeneration of our traditional culture while the Muslim wearing the hijab represents its replacement by foreigners. The message is that liberalism is a cultural disease.

“This Is The Future Liberals Want” means liberalism destroys the social fabric. It makes us sick. We lack the will power to perpetuate our own existence. I haven’t seen this spelled out anywhere.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. There really is only one way to understand this freak show:it’s a political coalition that privately has intra-species hatred….In public:the COEXIST bumper sticker.

    The homosexual-pedophile-surgically mutilated tranny freak-Chaz Bono species time-frame is the time-frame of the biological nonreproduers….no longer than the extent of their life…then off to the oblivion of permanent extinction.

    The really big battle will be between The Historic Native Born White American Majority…or, as I am fond of saying:THE HISTORIC NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICAN MAJORITY=THE RACE!!!!!!!!!………and the nonwhite majority Democratic Party Voting Bloc.

    We are only a few matches away from race-war…for the basement of post-white toilet “America” has been filled to the brim with race-hatred gasoline.

    Young Native Born White American Males are in competition with Muslim “American” Males and commenter Walter Taylor’s precious high IQ Asian “American” Males for the precious Scarce Living an Breeding Space remaining in post-white Toilet “America”…

    • The Muslims and left/homo/femtards have nothing in common with each other- except a pathological hatred of white Christian culture. If Islam takes over in Europe-and it will- the first thing the koranimals will do is devour the degenerates like a chocolate desert. It would be entertaining to watch if I lived that long. Once muslims have killed all non- Muslims, they’ll start on each other. Its just how they are.
      The ‘progress’ and ‘enrichment’ the Left wanted…

  2. No Muslims in America=0 probability that 9/11 ever happens…

    The 9/11 Truther celebrities should be choked to death in public….for GD Treason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Humourously, the homo-pedophiles are in a political coalition with the anti-homo Taliban soccer mom on the subway with dynanmite strapped on…as Anne Coulter’s boyfriend was fond of saying on TV:DYNO….MITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The homosexual-pedophiles wlll never walk into a Muslim “American” Baker shop and demand a homo wedding cake to be bake….And Mike Pence is onboard with the Federal Government throwing White Christian Bakers into prison for homosexual rape if they refuse to bake two homo degenerates a wedding cake…Hey isn’t Pence Trump’s VP?

  3. Liberalism is cultural AIDS. It weakens the immune system of a society and renders it vulnerable to opportunistic parasites.

    • Liberalism is like salt in the soup, Dutchman – you need a little, like social security and workman’s comp, but, too much and you can no longer taste the soup…

      • Those kind of policies aren’t liberal as such. In fact they are attempts to mitigate some of the negative effects of liberalism without fundamentally altering the system. By liberalism I mean the radical individualism that denies the organic nature of society, denies objective moral standards or even the existence of an objective reality, and that preaches that the highest virtue is tolerance. No society can tolerate behaviour or beliefs that, if they were to become universal, would destroy that society. And it is precisely because we tolerate such things that we are in the shape we are in.

        • Dear Dutchman,
          I get your point. I was addressing the socialist politicks Liberals have long advancet, because of their desire to empower central government to empower individuals.
          In The South we have always believed that individuality, not negotiated through the crucible of faith, family, and community, is worthless … utterly.

          I think that this is what is so badly wrong about the agenda of this society, culture, and the government which claims to represent it’s values.

          I agree with you that we are become way too tolerant.

          Some tolerance is good, too much is bad.

          We’ve been way too tolerant – since the mid 1960s.

          Have a good day!

          • And I thank you, Dutchman – not only for your interesting and precise comment, but for the fact that you are not another man out there screaming for a return to a better society, whilst offering common platitudes and screaming profane epithets.

            You have good manners, and that is always a good sign!

            Be well.

        • Well, Liberalism was different when I was a kid, Mr. Whitaker.

          Today it’s just evolved into a totally nihilist style of Marxist-Leninism.

          In The South we always had great diversity in the cities, yet, it was not a problem because the majority Anglo-Saxon culture laid down the rules, folks followed them, and that was that.

          However, the mafia in Washington D.C., overthrew that, and what they have not yet overthrown, they are trying to.

          To be clear, Mr. Whitakaer – I enjoy people from many races and cultures. I’ve traveled the world and befriended many immigrants – from Poland to Venezuela, and i have benefitted enormously from all this.

          That said, I have never believed in a borderless world, or in a world where every majority must be overthrown for the minority in it.

          Listen, we, in The West, had this right for millenia – some foreigners welcome – those who will follow the laws and work – but not so many that the majority becomes the minority.

          What is different, nowadays?

          That certain interests and government USE political philosophy and immigration to overthrow nations and culture.

          I hate that, as, I suspect, do you.

          • You must add he hedonistic aspect of cultural Marxism which is attractive. But Hedonism based on self-worship is not sustainable, because it does not work for the good of society. One aspect of Hedonism, is lack of self sacrifice to raise children. Hence generation cannot be replaced, and that sort of society is dying, rapidly replaced by Islamism which is rich in self sacrifice.

  4. You know, I imagine that being a muslim female impersonator has got to be one of the easiest gigs in the World.

  5. “We lack the will power to perpetuate our own existence.”

    This is correct, and the question—as my every comment here these many years has communicated—is as follows:

    What does one avoid if such power is to form?

    • ‘What does one avoid if such power is to form?’

      The answers are always the same, John – a very complex array.

      Yet, in this I am reminded of Farrah Fawcett-Majors, who, when being interview in the 1990s, admitted to being sexually alone, the interviewers asked her if she knew what she wanted.

      Her answer?

      ‘I don’t know what I want, but, I certainly know what I don’t want, and I will no longer be with that.

      And so, for me, John, I start there : I don’t want North Carolina to be in a marriage with those who are not of her, and who, as I have witnesst, have very little affection or respect for her.

      To be, in life, one must know from whom to segregate, otherwise, one will be usurpt.

      That is why I believe strongly that this country must break, and, at the minimum, either remain a loose configuration, such as erstwhile Germany or Italy, or England; or, if it evolves, form a new Blue State socialist Union, and a new Red State capitalist Confederacy.

      Have a great day!

      • “To be, in life, one must know from whom to segregate, otherwise, one will be usurpt.”

        This, I would say, is true, Junius.

          • You’re welcome, Junius. In fact, yes, this evening is for me a good one, as I hope it is for you, too.

          • It’s great – my wife and I had our weekly date with each other, and it always sets me to right to spend my time listening to her voice and looking in her eyes.

            Good hickory-smoket Carolina barbecue and fried okra in the belly don’t hurt, neither.

            Thank you for your well wishes, My Friend.

          • Hmm. Didn’t really have a chance to see the news today, but I imagine you refer to Trump’s “wiretap” allegation. After I read your note here, I looked at a few articles about it. Trump hasn’t yet presented any evidence, as far as I can tell.

          • Good ppint, John; yet, as The Demonrats seem to need little or no evidence to bury him under a plethora of neverending allegations, designed to paralyze his administration, I’m not sure it is requisite.

            That said, this video would tend to suggest that the allegation is quite true…’

          • Essentially, what President Obama, and assorted associates seem to have decided to do is bury the Trump Administration under a melifluous flurry of calumny, the subtext of which is that President Trump is a traitor to the ‘American’ People & Way.

            They’ve obviously considered this with great care, and, until President Trump either shames President Obama beyond all repair, puts him in jail, or kills him, there will be no end to it.

            President Obama, I’m afraid, will insist.

            That, in and of itself, is as engrossing as Watergate was.

            Yet, what is considerably more interesting is how this is going to play out with the broader publick.

            Will they accept the decision President Obama has made to overturn the presidential election of 2016, by specious means; or will they react unpredictably?

            Have good night, My Friend!

          • The latest on tidbit on Trump, Nieto, the sneaky would-be dictator, President Obama, and the Deep State…

          • Thank you, John, for your reflective way of putting forth this interesting comment.

            The answer is yes ; President Trump is extremely worthy.

            Why, ask ye?

            Well, let’s back up : as you know, my premise is that we ought raise the Confederate flag, secede, and let the chips fall where they may.

            For this, I am often accused of lacking a certain finesse, and or subtlety, by my fellow Southerners – particularly by those who fancy the continuation of their pensions from the outfit at Pennsylvania Ave. Their idea, the majority of my fellow Southerners, is that we ought try to vote our way out of this mess.

            Thus, I have had to accede to their wishes and join in with the sending in of a proxy to do the fight.

            Initially, my favourite candidate was Ted Cruz, as was that of many Tarheels, not because I thought him entirely superior to Mr. Trump, but, because I had a hard time adjusting my notions of gentility with Mr. Trump’s approach.

            We Tarheels, in the primary season, were pretty much cut in half, on that score; yet, when it became clear that Cruz was finisht, I made my peace with Trump and came enthusiastically on board.

            How does Trump fit into Southern culture?

            On the surface, not at all, for, there, he is a Jewified WASP Manhatten shark. Below the surface, though, he is very similar to a certain type of man I know, in quite a few places in my state. He is the uneducated, rather uncouth successful businessman, with a heart of gold who, if you are nice to him, will go out of his way for you, and, if you are not, will go out of his way to cut you down – forever.

            In short, President Trump possesses a personality double of Nathan Bedford Forrest, in the early 1860s – the greatest of all generals on this continent, a ruthless, successful, thin-skinned, vain, combative, brilliantly intuitive, and possesst with a first rate combat judgement.

            And like Forrest, as Morgan Freeman has said – ‘Trump does not know losing, will not have it.’

            We need that kind of leader, John – someone who will wreck the Jew England Government and their system, or if, failing that, he will cut it down to size.

            We don’t need another Romney or Bush – such couth and inspiringly chivalrous gentleman who will basically continue the same policies that have brought us to the precipice of bankruptcy, cultural degeneracy and dissolution, and a looming civil war.

            That’s my thinking, on your question.

            Your thoughts?

          • As I was reading your reply, Junius, I was reminded of a friend of mine, who, I think, would say to me what you have said to me—though without the reference to Nathan Bedford Forrest. He is like you—and even like me, still, in a way—in that he loves Trump. During the Presidential campaign, the reaction of Mr. Wallace, our host here, at Occidental Dissent, passed as it were an electric current, through me and then onto my said friend. Maybe you can still remember those months before you yourself had warmed to Trump, when my arguments in his favor, here, did not undo your enthusiasm for Ted Cruz. At some point, you came fully into Trump’s party, so to speak, and you remain there, with Mr. Wallace, with my friend, and with countless others.

            Rather in the way that Nick Carraway sees what is great—and greatly to be loved—in Jay Gatsby, in the YouTube clip I included in my previous reply, you, along with Mr. Wallace, my friend, and countless others, see what is great in Trump; and you know—in the way that Nick Carraway knew—that it easily outweighs whatever in him leaves you with misgivings.

          • Yes, John.

            I have remained ‘enthusiastick’ for Senator Cruz – because I hate big government; hate unconstitutionalism, though, all in all, I am come to think that Trump is the better man for this hour – precisely because he is so vituperative.

            Vituperation is the order of the day.

            Of course, as there were only two real candidates for North Carolinians, when one fell, it was time to join the rest supporting the other.

            It’s important to move as a community, it at all possible.

            I admire Mr. Trump very much, beyond all policy issues, because he won’t quit, won’t effect more than a tactical retreat. He’s manly and chieftain-like, and God, how badly we need that.

            Thank you for the video. It has occurred to me, owing to this last remark, what you meant by it.

          • You’re welcome, Junius. Maybe the turmoil of this past month or so will eventually be seen as Trump’s adjusting to his new station.

          • It’s going to be hard for him, John, for as you say ,’his adjusting’.

            That said, something else is going on here – a first in the history of the governing edifice of Washington D.C. and that is the very calculated and concerted efforts of one outgoing president to, not only sabotage the administration of one incoming, but, to nullify the recent election, as a whole.

          • John, if I did not say this, let me say it now ; we need a president who is spoiling for a fight.

            Too few men are of this stripe, these days, and, if not the country as a whole, then, certainly North Carolina is suffering for it.

            Too many men, of our, and, even worse- the ensuing generations are too willing to be tactful, too willing to conform, too willing to live for self, to the exclusion of community.

            I won’t speak for your country, the north, but, speaking for us, The South, we desperately need those like Brad Griffin -men who are absolutely unwilling to let these gross abuses just slide off their backs.

            You and I were born into a time for getting high, a time for seduction, a time for material self-aggrandisement, but, that time is over.

            This time is a time of war, a time that will pored over by untold millions, coming, in the history books.

  6. “””…. The message is that liberalism is a cultural disease….””””

    Well, liberalism is not cultural.

    Researchers find a ‘liberal gene’
    Liberals may owe their political outlook partly to their genetic make-up, according to new research from the University of California, San Diego, and Harvard University. Ideology is affected not just by social factors, but also by a dopamine receptor gene called DRD4. The study’s authors say this is the first research to identify a specific gene that predisposes people to certain political views.

    New Studies Show Liberals and Conservatives Have Different Brain Structures

    Basically the study showed that if you just based it on brain structural size difference, you could predict who would be a conservative and who would be a liberal with a frequency of 71.6 percent; 71.6 percent is a pretty high ability to predict who is a conservative and who is a liberal just from brain structure,” Saltz said.“Basically the study showed that if you just based it on brain structural size difference, you could predict who would be a conservative and who would be a liberal with a frequency of 71.6 percent; 71.6 percent is a pretty high ability to predict who is a conservative and who is a liberal just from brain structure,” Saltz said.on-2016/new-studies-show-liberals-and-conservatives-have-different-brain-structures

  7. NEWSFLASH! Dems, women & government workers prefer McCain over Trump!

    Democrats See McCain As Better Role Model for GOP Than Trump

    Rasmussen Reports, March 03, 2017

    68% of Democrats think the Republican Party should be more like McCain.

    Women see McCain as a better role model for the GOP.

    Most government workers think the GOP should follow McCain’s example.

  8. “This is the future liberals want.” …

    Liberals don’t want a final future. That implies an end to the Revolution. The Revolution can never end, it can never be won. There always have to be new enemies to fight. Even if they no longer exist in fact, and have to be made up.
    “White Privilege,” for instance, is a nonexistent enemy that keeps the “revolution” going. And keep going it must, or else the SJWs are out of a job.

    • Brilliant comment!

      May I add? : Liberals don’t want any particular future, but the premise of a future that has no limits on their individuality.

      That is why they are such a threat to society, because they want to compose a society only of individuals, and individual victim groups.

    • This is so.

      It’s the old Trotskyite tactic of the Permanent Revolution. Keep everything in turmoil, whether via Arab Springs, coups in Kiev or violence in the streets of America. Then exploit the chaos to consolidate power. Rinse, repeat. Consider how the various “anti-racist” groups which perpetrate violence in the streets are carrying out the System’s program of civil rights.

      The Cold War was only half won. Communism might have been vanquished in the USSR, but it exploded in Western Europe and the USA.

      Time to recognize we are at war and smash marxism once and for all time.

  9. So in this reappropriation (doubling down) the progtards are doing our work? Ok sounds good

  10. As Michael Savage (yes, I know) put it, liberalism is a mental disorder. Liberals believe, among other things, that conflicting cultures and races can live in peace and prosperity, integrated and assimilated together. But only in White countries. This is so obviously false that it must be forced by an oppressive, anti-White state. The picture above is worth 1000 words.

  11. Neither of those things should even EXIST. We cannot tolerate their presence in our world. We have and this has been a horrific and tragic mistake. We must correct this mistake.

  12. FYI – Tucker has been featuring Dem Reps, who are pushing the Comrade Jeff Sessions lie. Both the RI guy and the NY guys are flaming faggots. Cohencidence?

  13. Two things going on in this picture.

    The drag queen represents the utter breakdown of norms and descent into degeneracy of Western Society. In a normal society, drag queens are viewed as the freaks that they are. Also Note that drag queens were quite numerous and popular in Weimar Germany. We are clearly in the Weimar period.

    The Muslim woman is adhering to norms of her own foreign culture. Thus, she is more “normal” than the Drag queen, but is still out of place in Western societies. Muslim norms, just like drag queens, have no place in Western culture. One can tell that the Muslim woman is disgusted by the drag queen sitting next to her. The Muslim woman should not be in America where cultural norms are different from her own.

    • Sinn Fein are Maoist assholes. It would actually be better for the Irish and Scots if some English Dictator conquered them and cured them of their Marxist infections.

      • Didn’t some portions of the IRA also allow Niggers to fight alongside them against the English?

        • I’m not sure about bringing in Africans to fight with the IRA. But Sinn Fein is in favor of massive immigration and the Provos were Maoist in the 60s and 70s. The IRA also received funding and help from the Warsaw Pact, Gaddafi, and the PLO. I don’t begrudge the IRA getting help from where they could get it, but the Troubles are over and Sinn Fein needs to move on.

          As someone of Anglo-Celtic descent(my mom is 100 percent Irish, Dad is 100 percent Anglo-Saxon), I find Sinn Fein and their cousins the Scottish National Party to be disgusting. Celtic Nationalists have an absurd hatred of the English that reaches far back to the distant past. Sinn Fein and the SNP would rather hate their English brethren and assert a false independence where they import third world immigrants who ruin the Celtic character of their lands.

          What good are independent Irish and Scottish nations if they import non-white immigrants?

      • Since the capital of not so Merry Old England is now ruled by a Pakistani Muslim mayor, the prospect of a strong, English nationalist dictator restoring British rule to Ireland – that’s not likely.

        About as likely as current PC/Islamist England restored White British rule to Rhodesia.

        Hey folks, we can’t live in the past. What is possible now?

        • The English are the only Right Wing nationalists going strong in the British Isles. Irish and Scots nationalists are all pozzed Leftist faggots.

  14. This image/meme is very powerful. Please save it, include the text:

    “This is the future Liberals want”

    Also consider making high quality post cards, Overnight Prints have great prices. A billboard in some not super expensive place is also good.

  15. All healthy White European oriented people are going to view both individuals, both cultures as alien, unhealthy and wrong.

  16. Hunter. Unless you have any objections, I’ll post my blog:

    “Invasion of the Russian Body Snatchers”

    I want to document the Atlantic Magazine, Deep State (Brookings Institute) insane efforts to restart the Cold War with Russia.

  17. Obviously the original poster was not being “bigoted”, but entirely factual, as evidenced by the appropriation of the image by “progressives” to be an accurate representation of their “rallying cry”.

  18. Why does this image strike such a chord? From an Alt-Right perspective, it is a drag queen seated next to a Muslim wearing a hijab. Both images are profoundly alien in their own way.

    Also, because it would be hard to find two worldviews so inherently opposed to each other as shitlib transgenderism and traditionalist Islam. Presenting these people as “natural allies” is applied insanity.

  19. Well, there’s that but also the shock and amazement that the transexual wasn’t beheaded.

    “Why does this image strike such a chord? From an Alt-Right perspective,
    it is a drag queen seated next to a Muslim wearing a hijab. Both images
    are profoundly alien in their own way. The drag queen represents the
    degeneration of our traditional culture while the Muslim wearing the
    hijab represents its replacement by foreigners. The message is that
    liberalism is a cultural disease.”

  20. The message is that liberalism is a cultural disease.

    “Liberalism is the ideology of Western suicide.” – James Burnham

  21. You must add he hedonistic aspect of cultural Marxism which is attractive. But Hedonism based on self-worship is not sustainable, because it does not work for the good of society. One aspect of Hedonism, is lack of self-sacrifice to raise children. Hence generation cannot be replaced, and that sort of society is dying, rapidly replaced by Islamism which is rich in self-sacrifice.

  22. You must add the hedonistic aspect of cultural Marxism which is attractive. But Hedonism based on self-worship is not sustainable, because it does not work for the good of society. One aspect of Hedonism, is lack of self-sacrifice to raise children. Hence generation cannot be replaced, and that sort of society is dying, rapidly replaced by Islamism which is rich in self-sacrifice.

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