Editor’s Note: This is a follow up to my appearance on Red Ice Radio. In that show, I mentioned how I had learned about Mike Cernovich’s past from Dr. Illusion. We explore that in much greater detail here.
On this episode, Doc and Andrew Keith are joined by special guest, Hunter Wallace of Occidental Dissent. Subjects discussed include the natural degradation of all-black towns, some amusing banter about the Alt-Light and their degenerate ilk, and the need for the Alt-Right to remain valiant and loyal.
Hunter Wallace: @occdissent
Andrew Keith: @AndrewK_3
The Mistress: @LadyMisogyny
If you wish to contact Dr. Illusion and are not sure how, please DM the Mistress.
Make sure to check out Hunter’s website, occidentaldissent.com and altright.com of which he is a contributor.
Thanks for listening, goys!
I got to the part about sex with a tranny and turn the broadcast off.
Great show, it made me laff 6 million times.