This is why Sleeping Giants is trying to shutdown the OD commentariat:
This is Lena, from SolidOpinion.
Each month Comment1000 tracks the most popular sites for commenting. Your site occidentaldissent.com ranked as a top commenting site for February 2017.
Visit Comment1000 to see:
– Your overall rank on the list
– Total number of comments
– Total number of unique commenters
– Your category rank
and a lot more…View all that info and check out your competitors for free at Comment1000.com.
Plus turn your active comment community into revenue with the only commenting service that generates revenue without banner ads. Watch this video to find out how.
Go to Comment1000.
Best regards,
I’ve been getting these emails for a few months now.
I dismissed our success. I was like no way that can’t be true. I never bothered to go over there and check out our ranking. It turns out Occidental Dissent is ranked #305 out of the top 1000 commenting sites. Splcenter.org is ranked #936 which is pretty funny considering how much Google traffic they are buying. We’re spending nothing on keywords.
Yeah you are getting too big for your jackboots. RWDS Now!
This is why it would be a mistake to move comments to forums. At least exhaust all the options for real comments first before resorting to the forums.
The forum is simply a bonus. We’re going to switch to a different comment system. Most likely WordPress Jetpack
Agreed m.
Forums are preaching to choir then everyone turns on each other when we suffer setbacks
Congratulations on a job well done, HW.?
SPLC is too busy deleting and banning more comments and commenters than it posts. Perhaps that explains #926.
Exactly. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/98407fb3b33d4b31d0eb96d439fb031d625f14ac06dc4415d53b9991ed7459c5.jpg
Hey that s great!
I think this strongly supports OD ‘s comment guidelines that promote intelligent discourse and discourages flame wars, conspiracy theory loons, perverts etc
Well done.
Now let s get some advertising revenue.
This one is for the history books. That said, the best is yet to come.
Congratulations. Next year this time I want to see OD in the top 10. Got it?
I think the site has done a real good job, too many sites I’ve been on, there are trolls and other type dumb asses that just want to start arguments and don’t have anything constructive to say.
Ding, ding, ding, Congratulations!