I’m live tweeting the London Terrorist Attack on Twitter:
Yeah, our hearts go out to everyone who so bravely lost their lives protecting US from the terrorists WE let into the UK https://t.co/Lvo5McQWrV
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) March 22, 2017
It makes me sick to my stomach that Keith Palmer had to take the knife from that terrorist to protect all those traitors in Parliament
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) March 22, 2017
Teresa May was Home Secretary for 6 year when over a million illegals were allowed into our country. I don't think I've ever felt more sick. https://t.co/K9wMxQfb3f
— Arron Banks (@Arron_banks) March 22, 2017
RIP PC Keith Palmer. The brave 48 year old father and husband who gave his life fighting terror in London today. #Westminster pic.twitter.com/tgJquetDdd
— Jack Slater (@Jack_Slater) March 22, 2017
Death cycle of the West:
Muslim terrorist attack.
Candlelight vigil.
"Not all Muslims"
More immigration."London"
— Appalachian Son (@KinFolkFirst) March 22, 2017
I strongly condemn the terror attack in London. The Turkish people share the pain of the United Kingdom.
— Recep Tayyip Erdo?an (@RT_Erdogan) March 22, 2017
[VIDEO] Erdo?an threatens Europe: No European, no Westerner will walk safely on streets https://t.co/emeHSmToEj pic.twitter.com/RR1Z80aTsa
— Turkish Minute (@TurkishMinuteTM) March 22, 2017
Rivers of Blood … https://t.co/b0FmJpRBiT
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) March 22, 2017
You're the disgrace. It was the police officer who lost his life defending traitors like you from the terrorists you have coddled https://t.co/vb6JHFc3fq
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) March 22, 2017
Londoners will never be cowed by terrorism. pic.twitter.com/LTLhgZ7OLQ
— Sadiq Khan (@SadiqKhan) March 22, 2017
BREAKING: British police raise death toll in attack outside Parliament to five; 40 people injured.
— The Associated Press (@AP) March 22, 2017
Who do you think is banned from the UK? #Parliament pic.twitter.com/79YBvjDEha
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) March 22, 2017
Would a Muslim ban from America and Europe be fair?
Must it be done.
— Richard ? Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) March 22, 2017
The United Kingdom is trying hard to disguise their massive Muslim problem. Everybody is wise to what is happening, very sad! Be honest.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 10, 2015
I'll just leave this right here. #London pic.twitter.com/ocuzviVso8
— Cristina Laila (@cristinalaila1) March 22, 2017
Westminster eyewitness claims to have seen 'an Asian guy in about his 40s carrying a knife about seven or eight inches long'
— Julian Druker (@Julian5News) March 22, 2017
This is your life every week now in Europe thanks to "anti-racism" #Parliament pic.twitter.com/U3K8awTk10
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) March 22, 2017
And the Oscar for Best "Asian" in a Terrorist role goes to….Mohammed Bin Goatfucker https://t.co/9Yuds9mO4f
— Leftism is Autism (@PunishedAutism) March 22, 2017
This would make a good poster for the cause of "anti-racism" pic.twitter.com/WO2pHeJ38q
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) March 22, 2017
— Terreur Nieuws (@DreigingNL) March 22, 2017
New photo of alleged terrorist in London. pic.twitter.com/r4xbs6R9lB
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) March 22, 2017
Injured people are seen on Westminster Bridge in London after a major incident. Keep up to date with our live blog: https://t.co/rqYw0ZjWh5 pic.twitter.com/ZlPRlH8MF4
— David Sim (@davidsim) March 22, 2017
Video of the aftermath of today's terrorist attack in London pic.twitter.com/B7iqssZFt5
— Tommy Robinson (@TRobinsonNewEra) March 22, 2017
Apparently a car mowed down at least 5 people on Westminster Bridge, and two attackers were shot at the gates to Parliament.
Another die versity attack. They often say in the left media that it ‘had nothing to do with religion’. They just always happen to be Muslim .
Coming to a city near you.
The British elite will now front the cameras and ‘condemn the attacks in the strongest possible terms’….that’ll help. They helped cause the bloody thing!
Deportations are the cure….not useless statements.
Airy Neve was blown up as he drove out of the Parliament building.
Fucking CIA…ahem…I mean IRA.
Lmao I didn’t think the Eurocucks had it in them
Right a year after Brussels airport and Metro attack.
Taste the enrichment, stupid Goyim.
It tastes just like copper – or blood.
Luegenpresse will blame the IRA.
Enjoying your cultural enrichment, goyim?
But- but…..not all Muslims are like that. The motive is yet to be established. We can’t alienate people based on religion. London will rise above this. We can’t refuse entry to an entire people based on religion. We will continue to successfully integrate people into our culturally enriched nation. Oh, and the candlelit vigil is tonight. Please join in unity with the victims and show we won’t be beaten….
This is getting to be a daily thing. “Look over there goyim, nothing to see over here.”
Nothing to see here folks. He’s “Asian.” Lol.
In the U.K. “Asian” includes middle easterners and Indians/Pakis.
You’re such a Limey Lover, what are doing in Laguna Beach ? Or is that where your fantasy takes you – stuck in Muzzie London are you ?? Dumbfuck.
I know. It’s still funny how they call them Asians.
It’s a Greek word describing Anatolia…
“yawn” just another day in the neighborhood…
The Jew media has been deceiving the American and European people for decades. Israel, US, Europe and Saudi Arabia have been backing Al Qaeda and ISIS for years because it is in the interests of Israel and Saudi Arabia to destabilize secular Arab countries. Americans and Europeans have to deal with the blowback. It shows how spineless Christians are that they cannot stop American and European leaders from supporting Wahabist groups which are beheading Christians in the Middle East.
I would say ignorant more than spineless.
In the end, the spineless plead ignorance. Good luck divining the difference.
Good point.
Europe and the USA are de-Christianized to a remarkable degree, seems like a lame shot at Christians to blame them for the deeds of Anti-Christian western leaders.
Franklin Graham has called for an end to Muslim immigration to America. There are very few Christian leaders like Graham. Unfortunately many Christian leaders in the US have to chosen to accept the money of Jewish groups to put the interests of Israel and Jews before Christians.
True. Jewish money must be broken in order to break Jewish power.
Webster’s Dictionary, 43rd ed., 2015:
Kike (n.): One who opens gates.
You need to understand that the groups who try to control the culture have more or less subverted the leadership of Christian groups in the USA. It is part and parcel of the de-Christianization process. Certainly the negligence of Christians is to blame for much of what has happened, but this process that is occurring is accompanying de-Christianization, in fact, that is in part the REASON for bringing these aliens in.
Glad that Graham has spoken out on this issue. But worse yet is that Franklin Graham supports Israel and the Jews, who opened our borders and started this madness. Here is a quote from his bio page at billygraham.org: “So at age 22, after a period of rebellion and traveling the world, Franklin committed his life to Jesus Christ while alone in a hotel room in Jerusalem”. What was a young rebel against God doing alone in a hotel room in Jerusalem at age 22?
The call center phone number is :
Toll-Free: 1-877-2GRAHAM (1-877-247-2426)
Local: 1-704-401-2432
Call Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. – 11 p.m. ET, Saturday 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. ET (January – August) and 9 a.m. – 11 p.m. ET (September – December), closed on Sundays.
Call. Voice your support. Tell him to go FURTHER.
Too many American Christian ZIonists did back the cursed Neo Conservative wars against secular Arabs under Bush I, Bush II, also didn’t do anything against the Neo Conservatives under Clinton bombing our kinsmen the Serbs in to “submission” to create a Turk Muslim beachhead state in Central Europe.
Ahh the joy of diversity. They need to invite more Mooslims in to their country because they obviously enjoy entertaining such insanity.
‘an Asian guy in his 40’s carrying a knife.’
Damn Asians with their squinty little eyes….he’s probably an exceptionally poor driver.
The “suspect” had a very curly black beard for an Asian dude. Maybe Southwest Asia…
“Asian” in Britain normally implies being from the Indian subcontinent.
Asian means Sand Nigger or Swamp Nigger (Paki vermin). .
Muslims bring war, even the turkish dictator says so, so it must be true.
Stupid Limeys.
Fuck off.
True. The English have been a water carriers for the Kikenvermin DEVILS from 400 years. Nothing is stupider than allowing KIKE FILTH to EXIST.
To see and hear this sickens and saddens me. It’s one thing when it happens here. But to see it happen in the European motherlands makes me fear and despair for the West and Whitemankind.
London has fallen! England needs Right Wing Death Squads!
After asking; “Is Paris burning?”
The best they can hope for is a Russian invasion
Candle lit vigils don’t really cut it anymore. Its ok though…Teresa May has just condemned the attack. They’ll be right now then…
It’s a matter of time before a platoon of Muslims assault the Whitehouse. Who’s going to stop them TBH?
September maybe?
All the Trendy-Lefty SJWs would certainly be happy about that.
SHOT: “We’re not entirely sure about a motive”
CHASER: “We’re worried about an Islamophobic backlash.”
One of their pets blew a head gasket. falls under radicals islamist,terrosism, or extreemist but never racial crime whitey is left holding the bag of hate speech incites race riots .
Future is here The Blade Runner where big cities is common of racial violence and terror.State security military only protects dirty politicians.
In a couple of days this will forgotten. What if a white guy plows a truck into muslim community,invoke cosmic justice.
Hey English….
Have you apologized to the Germans yet?
Have you told them how sorry you are for two completely pointless Angles and Saxons/Norman civil wars (World War I, World War II) against your German kinsmen?
Don’t you wish England had lost World War I and/or World War II?
Don’t you wish the Germans INVADED England FROM Normandy Beach?
Don’t you wish that German troops still occupied England and there were no, Zero Islamists driving cars in to English pedestrians?
Don’t you wish there were NO/Zero instances of Paki Muslims sexually grooming poor English girls in Rotherham England but….
There were some instances of fraternization between German occupying troops and English girls – what will they name their sons:
John Smith or Johann Schmidt?
Oh to have these inter German “issues”!
Yes, English I just must ask you this…
Have you apologized to the Germans yet?
Have you told them how sorry you are?
Don’t you wish some German who looked surprising like that Austrian corporal was patrolling Westminister England in a big Panzer tank?
Don’t you wish this guy got out of his tank so you could lick his boots and tell him over and over again…
How really sorry you are?
Don’t you wish?
Lost might not be the right word.
Accommodated a German assault on the USSR perhaps.
Were the English at fault for World War One? Germany was looking for a fight to come out as the new Top Dog with all their industrial growth. Russia and Germany were the first to pile on and throw gasoline on the fire. All of them should have come to their senses in 1915 and brought the thing to an end.
Hitler went out of his way to get Germany involved in another war, true the English should have let him take out the Communists, but being a sensible ruler involves not getting involved in biting off more than you can chew. Displayed on a minor scale with Bush Jr. foolishly stirring a hornets nest in Iraq after we were stuck in God knows what would happen trying to stabilize the terrorist infested failed state of Afghanistan. That foolish adventure brought an end to the 90s economic boom.
You hear about a muslim ban but we’ve successfully implemented a pretty tight Christian ban from those same seven countries …
The Jews will of course attempt to bury this, so we cannot let them
I keep thinking the Europeans will finally get enough of this, but they never seem like they do. The same old excuses and the same of bullshit gets put out there. There are people who are angry to be sure, but not enough.
Because these attacks are occurring in different states each nation can turn a blind eye. Or their media can.
Imagine this frequence of attacks in the US?
How could this have happened? I had no idea. What a shock. It’s just unbelievable. Muslims need more understanding (and money).
He was just misunderstood and a little angry, and a knife and vehicle just happened to be near by, then he had urges he couldn’t control…
“The (((Devil))) made me do it.” “It wasn’t my fault”.
Impeach Khan!
I think Khan should be deported to one of the lamp-posts in the side of the London Bridge.
A picture paints 1000 words… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b2679c42544de1888a68dca548a9af2fe0096e4e09bbe3c1286b32cfbd00599e.jpg
Why wasn’t that UGLY shitskinned NIGGER gash thrown right over the side? Why?
This whole scene is so wrong.
Mayor of Londonstan blood thicker than water.
Just blame the mass deportation on the fact that some have ruined it for all. Sending them all back will show that the West has a backbone. Bullies don’t respect us, until we stand up to them.
Lead is an excellent and permanent method of deportation. I’m just sayin……..!
True. The actual British people must be protected and have their lands returned to them.
Another brutal depressing day in not so “Merry Old England”.
If you’re feeling down, read up on French counter terrorism actions in French Algeria 1950s. Our side won the war, politicians lost the peace.
Outside of Chilean patriot Gen. Pinochet – there haven’t been such great down and dirty White Western guys as the French that won the Battle of Algiers:
The problem with “our soldiers won the war” is what they were fighting for exactly ? Sure they may have killed some dangerous people, but the problem with Algeria is that they declared the majority non whites as equal citizens, the end outcome was inevitable. No matter how much of a tough guy image these soldier were supposed to have, they were still ideologically fighting for cuckservatism.
The last true Western guys fighting were the ones in the battle of Berlin, after that there have been no white soldiers fighting for their people.
Even then the Germans fatally weakened French and British imperial domination of the dark hordes. See Indochina.
Remember people – JEWS DID THIS. Jews brought them in. Don’t forget this.
And traitors, aka white British elites, facilitate it and allow Jews to get away with it. Don’t forget about the traitors.
Two images that should be mashed… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/28cbbc6824e58e130bcc09e4c7981ce55376f6d6d26a6a7ee10851636fc9046d.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/39aa496ad5a74b488ec40a3dca28bf0330e9d2cd91745f2423654dd4c65c2eb2.gif
You’re kicking ass on Twitter today. Some awesome memes are coming out of TRS too with the headscarf shitskin strolling casually by with her iPhone.
‘Londoners will never be cowed by terrorism’ ……nice sentiment- doesn’t make the victims any less dead though. Sue the traitors now, then jail them. They’re a disgrace.
Build a Meme https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/51ad5ecfdd67c0ddbd48d0711ce0c9c564be154cb6c399c92301ce0d2b70b936.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5742741dfed80bf73b5bc4dd1bb03e65132063bcb19b54c54edc19a2fd239aae.jpg
Sheik Sadiq Khan reassures residents of al-London.
The Kyke runs London and the Jew K.
Sheik Khan is The Kyke’s wh*re.
The Mirror:
And yet he (or she, if it happens to be a bearded person who self-identifies as a woman) still remains nameless.
Thank God we have a WHITE CHRISTIAN POWER!
Operation Reinhard