A Response To Jonathon van Maren

I had never heard of this Jonathon van Maren and The Bridgehead until this article was brought up in an Austin Petersen YouTube video. Apparently, he is an uneducated Millennial cuckservative in Canada who is some kind of a pro-life activist with a radio show.

Here are some thoughts on Jonathon van Maren’s most recent rant:

1.) He starts out by setting up a straw man that the Alt-Right believes Jews are “a homogenous and monolithic group, are responsible for all of the evils Western civilization faces.” No ethnic group is homogenous or monolithic in its opinions. It would be fair to say that American Jews are an extremely leftwing, wealthy and influential group who have pushed our culture in directions we dislike.

2.) Richard Spencer isn’t a Neo-Nazi. This is hyperbole.

3.) The United States has always had “racial theories.” A sense of White racial consciousness was central to American ethnic identity for centuries before the Third Reich. This is just a smear.

4.) It is fair to say that United States was a “racial collective” until the 1950s. It was seen as a White Man’s Country. American citizenship was rooted in whiteness. Well into the 20th century, the Supreme Court ruled on the whiteness of various groups of immigrants from Syrians to Hindus to the Japanese.

5.) We had internment camps for the Japanese in the Second World War. The United States that fought Nazi Germany had a segregated army, eugenic sterilization laws and restricted immigration to preserve its ethnic and cultural integrity for posterity.

6.) This is another straw man. Richard Spencer did not say “you have no rights.” Instead, he argued that rights are derived from your community. He’s saying that rights exist, but they are simply derived from tradition. English common law is an example of such a tradition. There are no universal human rights derived from nature or speculative abstract philosophy.

7.) We do care about our posterity. Granted, this is not something conservatives or libertarians care about or they wouldn’t be so heedless on immigration policy. They value The Family as an abstract ideal. Real families are based on kinship, genetic similarity and other affinities that create a prejudice in favor of an in-group that distinguishes it from an out-group.

8.) Christianity seemed to exist just fine in the United States with racialism, immigration restriction and eugenics. The Supreme Court sanctioned eugenics in the Buck vs. Bell decision in 1927.

9.) The current custom of “pro-lifers” adopting African children as a virtue signal, impregnating their wives with African embryos and basing their movement on “human rights” and railing against “black genocide” is really inseparable from late 20th century American and Canadian culture. It is modern liberalism. There was no need for a “pro-life movement” in early 20th century America.

10.) Conservatives claim their philosophy is based on classical liberalism. In a sense, this is true. At the same time, it is also true that most “classical liberals” in the 18th century and 19th century were “racists” or at least didn’t feel the same way about race as modern conservatives.

11.) The Alt-Right rejects the “mainstream” which is just a name for a cartel of mass media outlets that attempts to dominate public opinion. We reject “conservatism” which is a failed ideology. There was no such thing as the “mainstream” until the 1950s. Look it up.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. These people are worse than useless, they are a positive hindrance to us. Of course that’s what they’re here for.

  2. “No ethnic group is homogenous or monolithic in its opinions.”

    The Jews are pretty monolithic in their anti-White and pro-Jewish attitudes. Anyway, if you can say generalities about Americans, women, or old people, then there is no reason you can not do the same about the Jews.

    By comparison to the Jews, White people are very divided. And they are afraid to defend their own interests as a group.

  3. There may be a few Jews here or there that think Jews did 9/11, don’t believe the Holocaust happened, or find it hypocritical to promote a Jewish ethno state in Palestine while advocating against the rights of Europeans to maintain their own ethnically based nations. But show me just **one** with a major media outlet that is willing to say these things.

    Who are we trying to fool here, Jewish media outlets are extremely homogeneous in their opinions. Monolithic even.

    • I don’t get a low t vibe from that guy I get a stubborn conviction, unshaken by evidence, a firm belief in his own righteousness. These hard-headed types (think oreilly or hannity) are basically just followers, footsoldiers, rather than independent thinkers. Probably could be red-pilled, but without serious life experiences, might take decades.

  4. OK, so this fellow respects black life. In return, how have blacks repaid this respect:

    * Do we see a cessation of black perpetrated criminal violence, like driveby shootings and flashmobs?
    * Do we see blacks refraining from rioting in Ferguson, Baltimore and Milwaukee?
    * Do we see black civil rights organizations opposing mob violence against conservative speakers on campus?
    * Do we see black “refugees” from Africa who move into Europe respecting the lives and properties of White peoples therein?
    * Do we see blacks in the new rainbow nation of South Africa refusing to engage in farm-attacks?
    * Do we even see blacks voting in large numbers for conservative political candidates?


    You mean all this conservative respect is repaid with violence, race hustling, car burnings and non-stop terrorism against White people? How does that fit into this fellow’s equation?

    One can understand the value signaling among liberals, since in return they gain the black vote and some muscle in the streets. But when conservatives value signal on race, they give away the farm and get in return … nothing.

  5. It’s the same old anti-White crap anti-Whites play, replay and recycle again and again. Ask a “pro-lifer” if Whites have a right to life once out of the womb. Ask him if he disavows White Genocide even as he justifies it.

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