Jared Kushner Is Sabotaging The Trump Administration

This is both unbelievable and yet so predictable.

What is Jared Kushner even doing anywhere near the White House? No one voted for Jared Kushner. No one believed that he would have any role in the administration. When Trump was on the campaign trail, he went out of his to portray his opponents as “puppets” of Goldman Sachs. After he won the election, he picked Gary Cohn, the president of Goldman Sachs, to be his topic economic adviser because he is Jared Kushner’s friend and was able to worm his way into the administration:

“It’s only been a few months, but it feels like forever ago that Steve Bannon told New York Magazine that he had “bonded” with Jared Kushner, who “really gets this grassroots, populist movement in a huge way.”

Now, the two men are at odds in an escalating conflict that might seem like just the latest twist in the constant palace intrigue emanating from the White House. But this clash, which threatens Bannon’s position and could further cement Kushner’s increasingly broad influence, has importance beyond the sort of petty infighting that afflicts any administration. For Trump supporters, this is a battle between the populist nationalist movement on the right, for which Trump is a figurehead, and the more pragmatic, less ideological approach exhibited by Kushner and his allies. The result could determine whether the Trump White House stays, well, Trumpian, or whether it begins to morph into exactly what someone like Steve Bannon hates: a more mainstream Republican administration. …

“I’m sure Jared and Ivanka are very embarrassed by Steve’s politics,” the source with inside knowledge of the White House said. “I know they’re not fashionable in Manhattan but those are the politics that got Trump elected. Clearly Jared wants the president to be a more mainstream political figure.”

It is unbelievable in the sense that the only reason Jared Kushner is anywhere near his White House is because he is Trump’s son-in-law. He has no qualifications whatsoever to be in his present role. And yet, it is simultaneously predictable in that Trump is a New Yorker and is surrounded by Jews like Kushner and lots of people spent months warning about it and predicting this would happen.

About Hunter Wallace 12397 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Sir, I’ve said this before : President Trump is the most jewified type of WASP.

    He has grown up in THE Jewish city of the world, and he has been surrounded by Jews the whole time. He relies on Jews, counts on Jews, mostly agrees with Jews, and even allows his daughter to marry one and become one.

    That’s what made his candidacy so peculiar, that, in light of all this, he sounded like someone quite to the antithesis of this.

    That said, I think President Trump has these two poles – one the old liberal Democrat, as typified by Ivanka and Jared, and the other new, a conservative nationalist, and, what is going on in his administration reflects that internal dialogue.

    Lastly, I’ll tell you this : if The Lord did not want Trump elected he never would have won, because the very fact he did win – under complete observation, with every element of the government, and their proxies, against him – including both parties, reads like a biblical tale.

  2. Last : if Bannon survives the year, in any role of influence, it will take god, because he does not have many natural allies in the administration.

    Priebus, Cohn, Kushner are likely something of a trio, with Pence sitting somewhere in between them and Bannon.

  3. I agree that unelected Jared Kushner is now wielding immense influence and power in the Trump White House.
    I would tend to agree with Mr. Daniel’s statement from an earlier comment which stated in part: “Sir, I’ve said this before : President Trump is the most jewified type of WASP.
    He has grown up in THE Jewish city of the world, and he has been surrounded by Jews the whole time. He relies on Jews, counts on Jews, mostly agrees with Jews, and even allows his daughter to marry one and become one.”
    On a side note, I see that the days of Disqus at OD are now over. I already have a WordPress account and blog, so it wills till be easy for me to comment. I believe that people can sign up for a WordPress profile without having to put up a blog, so commenting here should remain relatively easy.

  4. I don’t want to focus too exclusively on Trump, because he is a major —k stick.

    Let’s just think about any decision maker, when his own child is butting heads with another advisor: can he choose justly between the two? No. He will instinctively side with his own blood.

    If his child pushes something, will he weigh it dispassionately? No. He would have to think of the impact on their relationship.

    If a man was wise enough, then he would be wise enough not to have family around at all.

    As I have said before: it would take a fool to lose now, the trouble is there are many fools around, Trump chief among them.

  5. @Junius Daniel

    I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – some Whites are just too far gone and too much like Jews to even be distinguishable in most circumstances.

    You would think Trump would have become Jew wise over the years, and I think he might be aware of them as a distinctive group.

    But he’s letting in the worst of the worst in Kushner – a kosher Trojan Horse that is strangling his administration in the cradle.

    Miller is a Jew, but seems to be one of the best ones in the White House.

    Donald did ok with one Jew, but not with the rest…

  6. Donald Trump has one of two choices. Either go down with guns-a blazing on the side of RIGHT or allow these Jews to push them into the very thing he knows is wrong. He has to be willing to risk it all even his own family. The question is HOW FAR IS TRUMP WILLING TO PUSH IT?

  7. “the more pragmatic, less ideological approach exhibited by Kushner and his allies.”

    YOWL! Like hell it is! Who wrote this drivel?

  8. It was just a few days ago when Haley at the UN downplayed “Assad must go” and Tillerson said Syrians will decide who governs in Damascus. I guess either al Qaeda or ISIS or an American-Jew-picked government (as happened in Ukraine) will succeed Bashar al- Assad. Unless Russia and Iran stand by their ally.

    If Trump does this– the complete opposite of what he promised– I am ok with them impeaching him. And Bannon should definitely resign — very noisily.

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