The Sweden Democrats, a moderate nationalist party which campaigns against mass Third World immigration and multiculturalism, have surged into either first or second place in the polls, depending upon which you believe.
Reuters reports they are at 19%:
The anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats have overtaken the center-right Moderates and are the second most popular party in the Nordic country, polls showed this week.
Growing worries about immigration in Sweden, which received a record 160,000 refugees in 2015, have boosted support for the Sweden Democrats, echoing the rise of populist parties across Europe.
The party got 19.2 percent support in a poll published on Thursday by Novus for Swedish Television, up from 18.5 percent a month ago. That compares with the 13 percent they polled in the general election in 2014.
The Independent reports even more positive results from YouGov putting them at 23.9%:
The anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats are the most popular political party in the Nordic country, according to a new poll.
The YouGov poll showed nearly a quarter – 23.9 per cent – of people said they would vote for the party if an election were held now, meaning its support is at nearly double the level of what it was during 2014’s general election.
…YouGov has had the Sweden Democrats ahead of their government rivals for most of the last six months, though Reuters reported that a separate poll on Thursday found the party had 19.2 per cent support, making it the second most popular.
The next national election in Sweden must be held on or before September of 2018. Much like the situation for nationalists in the Netherlands, France and Germany, the other major parties have pledged not to form a coalition with the Sweden Democrats.
Unfortunately they need to get to 51%, since all the other parties will simply form a coallition to keep them out of power. And that may not be possible under their system.
Only a few Swedes are worth saving. The rest deserve their grisly fate.
If a pseudo nationalist party can rise in Sweden, in 2017, just imagine where things will be in 2022?
If you have Sweden Democrats in mind, you are correct, Winbornmill. For being able to establish a nationalist party worth the name, Swedes would need to get rid of the hypocrisy that reigns supreme – or at least to soften its grip on every corner of the society. As Swedes do not even have the courage to acknowledge that hypocrisy has become their national virtue, there is no prospects for a truly pro-Swedish party.
@Miss Lucy…
Yes, Sweden seems to be in quite a mental funk.
As bad as everything seems, I tried to stay focuset on the positive – and there are many things, over the last year, we can say are that.
By the way, what town on Polska were you raised?
All the best to you and yours, Junius
As someone who knows Sweden very well, and SD, this means nothing. They are still off their highs in the post-2015 refugee crisis. They have basically stagnated around 18-24%.
Much worse, however, is how they have steadily moved to the left over the last 10 years. They won’t even acknowledge that Swedish ethnicity exists. Their top leaders have promoted forced bussing of Swedish kids to MENA-dominated schools. Their deputy leader was caught out collaborating with Expo in secret, which is the Swedish answer to $PLC.
They are horrific. Hilariously enough, their refugee policies are now softer than those of the mainstream center-right party. And that’s not because the mainstream right is that harsh, it’s that SD has sold out so much. Sweden is creamed. As someone stated before, the vast majority of Swedes deserve what’s coming to them.
Sweden is a Sewer and New Sweden aka Minnesota is the same, Both inundated with Somalis and stupid humanitarians. WTF would we be without the Swedes? Oh I know, stable
“They have basically stagnated around 18-24%.” – That has been my impression as well, every 2 years we hear about how they have gained and are at… around 20%.
Sweden is on its way to become a third world. Nothing can change it