Assad is Literally Hitler, Says Sean Spicer

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer confirmed Godwin’s Law IRL today, falling back upon the Neo-con tried-and-true method of comparing each and every foreign leader whose country they and their allies wish to bomb to Hitler. The New York Times reports:

Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, set off an intense backlash on Tuesday when he suggested that President Bashar al-Assad of Syria was worse than Hitler and said incorrectly that Hitler had not used chemical weapons during World War II or against his own people.

Mr. Spicer was attempting to lend gravity to the actions of Mr. Assad, who United States officials believe used sarin gas, a lethal chemical weapon, in an attack on a rebel-held area of Idlib Province last week that killed dozens.

Qaddafi was Hitler.

Saddam was Hitler.

Milosevic was Hitler.

Everyone is Hitler.

UPDATE: Spicer has apologized for offending the sacred memory of the Holocaust after Jewish groups attacked him for using the wrong words to support their war against Assad.

About Palmetto Patriot 242 Articles
South Carolinian. Southern Nationalist. Anglican.


  1. Don’t forget that they compared Putin to Hitler last year.

    The (((head))) of the National Endowment for Democracy also said that the US needs to summon the “moral will” to effect regime change in Russia.

    I’m sick of these bastard warmongers.

  2. Hitler certainly didn’t use chemical weapons on anyone. Especially his most trusted enemy.

  3. Still probably the funniest thing Spicer has ever done in his entire life.

    “Hitler took them into the Holocaust Center.” LOL!!!

    Let’s see if Trump goes after him for that hilarious comedy routine mixed with a little bit of truth – sucks that Assad had to be the fall guy for it, though.

  4. Still probably the funniest thing Spicer has ever done in his entire life.

    “Hitler took them into the Holocaust Center.” LOL!!!

    Let’s see if Trump goes after him for that hilarious comedy routine mixed with a little bit of truth – sucks that Assad had to be the fall guy for it, though.

  5. Awesome. Spicer actually violated holy holohoax protocol by not referring to them as “concentration camps” or “death camps”. Spicer said he took the Jews to “Holocaust centers”! Ridiculous; they were labor camps. The entertainment for Washington, D.C. continues…This tempts me to go to a normie site and drop off links to Barnes Review videos…

  6. ‘Qaddafi was Hitler.

    Saddam was Hitler.

    Milosevic was Hitler.’

    Trump was literally Hitler until a few days ago.

    Now, he is considered an heroic statesman by the same people who previously despised him.

  7. If I was labeled Hitler, it would be a badge of honor. Also, its normal to be labeled when you’ve won an argument with a leftard or cuck.

  8. Yes, Hitler — a permanent Get Out of Jail Free card whenever anyone notices or calls them out for their many misdeeds and miserable behavior. “Hitler, the Holocaust, 6 gazillion up the chimney!” Their targets silenced, fired, dispossessed. And a new round of money on the way.

  9. I love the unintentional sacrilege of calling them “Holocaust Centers.” Probably the closest we’ll ever see to a major American political figure openly mocking the Holocaust.

  10. If you haven’t been called Hitler by a Jew or a liberal then you must be a Jew or a liberal…

  11. @Micheal Cushman, Mr Orban has FIVE children! So he’s breeding and standing up for his race, culture and greater Europe. What a legend!!

  12. @ Turn Hearts…

    ‘If you haven’t been called Hitler by a Jew or a liberal then you must be a Jew or a liberal…’

    This is true, for many times, even I have been called, ‘Hitler’ or a ‘Nazi’.

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