Paul Wolfowitz: What Comes After the Syria Strikes

We have returned to George W. Bush’s foreign policy:

“Strong American action can dramatically change the attitudes of other countries. It makes enemies more cautious, friends more supportive, and fence-sitters more cooperative. It provides leverage in negotiations and improves opportunities for coalition building. Last week President Trump demonstrated American resolve by retaliating against the Syrian government after Bashar Assad used chemical weapons. Now Mr. Trump must follow through with a broad diplomatic effort to end the country’s bloodshed.

Among the most interesting reactions to the American strike were two from Iraqi Shiite leaders. Last Thursday Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, a moderate, and the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, a firebrand, both called for Mr. Assad to step down. Mr. Sadr predictably denounced the American strike. Mr. Abadi indirectly praised it by noting how Iraqis had suffered from Saddam Hussein’s chemical weapons. …

America can now lead the effort to bring some semblance of stability to Syria. Washington should recognize that peace is impossible with Mr. Assad still in power, but also that millions of Syrians—particularly the Christian and Alawite minorities—may feel endangered by the strongman’s departure. The aim should be to replace Mr. Assad’s regime with new governance arrangements that can provide assurance to these minorities while also ending the current government’s oppression of the country’s Sunni majority.”

Read the whole thing.

There is no daylight here between Paul Wolfowitz and Rex Tillerson, H.R. McMaster and Nikki Haley on Syria. I’ve seen Trump apologists try to say that this is a Ronald Reagan “peace through strength” foreign policy, not a George W. Bush neocon foreign policy. No, it is a regime change policy.

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hey Hunter who is this H.R. McMaster ?

    He isn’t the Mcfuffin LDS Mormon guy that ran for President to try to steal the election for Hillary? Who is this guy?

  2. Why is Wolfowitz still around? Were Ribbentrop and Tojo permitted to stick around after they lead their countries into disasters?

  3. When is someone going to fashion a gallows for this demon?

    That, and only that, ought be what ‘comes after’ …

  4. And, no, Sir – I ain’t gonna ‘read the whole thang’.

    One phrase is too depressing as it is.

  5. Oh look. It’s JEWS. Again. ALWAYS. Here is what the statement says:

    We Jew demons are in total control, We will do what we want, and we will kill when and who we want to kill. Hahahaha! Fuck you Goyim”.

  6. Devil’s Advocate. Let us say for a second that Trump was honest during his campaign. He still had to staff a government full of (((DEEP-STATE)))trained folks, he still has to get intelligence that is entirely controlled by them and still has to deal with the entire financial industry controlled by the them. The Pentagon is entirely within their hands.

    Even if Donald Trump wished to rid himself of the Deep State exactly how would he do it? Not only does the Deep State have leverage via his daughter, the President just cant fire 80% of the government to rid himself of them. If he declared martial law, the Generals who are part of the Deep State would likely use it to overthrow him. Literally with this system its almost impossible to win

  7. The rank and file military needs to stage a coup against the Pentagram and the Swamp. Bomb them to the center of the Earth cause that’s how deep the Deep State is.

  8. “Strong American action can dramatically change the attitudes of other countries. ”

    Yep. It makes them hate the U.S. even more.

    Future Headline I’d like to see.

    Outer Slabobia Elects New President:
    U.S. doesn’t bomb Slabobagrad; Accepts the Slabobian People’s decision.

  9. Instead of hiring all these war mongers, why doesn’t Trump just hire Neegan and put him in charge of taking over everything?

  10. I don’t think he was lying all along.

    Maybe Flynn was the turning point. But I can’t make head nor tail of Flynn’s position based on what he said at the convention.

  11. Yes indeed Mr. Wallace. It does seem that Dubya’s foreign policy is back. at this point, I am hoping that we will not have another boots on the ground regime change, or a major confrontation with Russia.

  12. @Billy …

    ‘Literally with this system its almost impossible to win’

    Dr. Michael Hill, of The League of The South, – ‘Reform is Impossible.’

  13. @Mr. Putnam…

    ‘I am hoping that we will not have another boots on the ground regime change, or a major confrontation with Russia.’

    I know, Mr. Putman, but, maybe The Lord would use Czar Vlad and Mother Russia to sober up the power mad New England and Jewish establishments that, no, the world does not belong to them.

    Somebody is going to have to give Pennsylvania Ave. a bloody nose, and as most Americans seem preoccupied, it will fall to someone else.

  14. @Captain…

    ‘I don’t think he was lying all along. ‘

    Trump[ wasn’t lying. He’s changed his mind, without having given much thought about the obligations that come with promising things, and fighting to see them through.

  15. @Mr. Finkelstein…

    ‘Why is Wolfowitz still around? Were Ribbentrop and Tojo permitted to stick around after they lead their countries into disasters?’

    Ideally, Wolfowitz will soon follow in Ribbentrop’s ultimate footsteps.

  16. How long until Iran inoculates itself against what happened to Iraq, Libya and, almost, Syria?

    Nukes and delivery systems.

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