Occidental Dissent is not an anti Semitic, Jew hating blog. I don’t waste a lot of time here on the Jewish question. I spend way more time exposing the traitorous, idiot loons in the Libertarian “movement” – nut jobs like failed Libertarian Presidential candidates Gary Johnson or crazy old Ron Paul who was pretty much out of it, senile on border control/immigration in 1980. But, there are certain days where you sort of have to ask questions like:
“Are there Chinese people in China?” Or….
“Do the Jews Control the American Mainstream Media?”
I’m answering “Yes” to both those questions.
The New York Post/Jew York Post ran a vicious Lugenpresse hit piece today smearing the very beautiful White British born wife of Syria’s president Assad. (link)

The NY Post is all over the beautiful Asma Assad for posting photos of herself with Syrian children, or the relatives of brave Syrian and Russian soldiers killed fighting the worst ISIS Islamist rebels. Strange as it seems to most Americans in the South, in Red States, the American Jewish media, the state of Israel and the Zionists and Christian Zionists in the US are taking the side of ISIS and other Saudi Sunni extremists Islamists rebels fighting against secular Arabs in Syria. The supposedly “Conservative” Jews running the New York Post and the Jewish investment banking firm Goldman Sachs are now taking over most of the Trump Administration and they want:
“War, War, War – with Syria’s Assad and the Russians because, well….”
Well why not? Plus Assad is supposed to be Hitler or worse than Hitler same as Saddam Hussein was in 1991 and 2002 and plus these Goldman Sachs, Neo Conservative war mongers just think American wars of pretty much any kind are a lot of fun, good for business and good for Israel because they take attention away from Israeli’s F*(*((( with the Palestinians.
I also think a lot of this Jewish hatred for beautiful White Gentile women/Shiksas like British Born Asma Assad is based on Jewish American women’s jealousy and hatred of attractive women as pretty much no one is sexually interested in dating or marrying any Jewish American woman over the age of 23. These Jewesses really age badly – look at Ruth Bader Ginzburg or Tamar Jacoby. Jeeeees.
What do we do?
It seems pretty simple, but our people often miss the easy Q & As
We just don’t go for the lying Zionist, Neo Conservative, American Jews media lugenpresse propaganda demanding new US attacks on Syria or the Russians. The enemy is ISIS, Islamic extremists like the ones slaughtering Swedish children in Stockholm Sweden. And beautiful, well educated, modern but modest British white women like Mrs. Asthma Assad are most definitely not
The enemy.
Neither are beautiful Russian women tennis players like Anna Kournikova or Maria Sharapova.
Life isn’t complicated and…
If the shoe fits…
Mr. Ryan, there is nothing wrong with being “anti semitic”, it’s simply a natural and normal reaction that humans have when exposed to the jew bacillus.
The above photos of Asma Assad and that jewish stick bug speak volumes about the differences between Aryan human beings and the lowly KIKE.
How much of the hostility to the Czar was simply the aesthetic jealousy, look at his daughters and son Lovely looking youngsters.
I would say the true enemy is the great Tri-Axis of evil, coincidentally all located in blue states, that really dominate the United States-Wall Street, Hollywood, and DC.
(((Wall Street))), (((Hollywood))) — that one, even the echoes have echoes — and (((DC))), eh?
Asma is truly beautiful. The Assad’s are a handsome couple, their opponents, the “rebels,” are ugly as all get out; inside and out. That said, I wan’t to express embarrassment on behalf of us all, for the recent week of this bizarro-Trump behavior. Hey guys, at least we all got to feel what it is like to have a little solidarity wit each other for a while, it was really nice. Sigh.
Anyway, Jack, Hunter and fellow readers: Happy Easter.
The deceitful Jewsmedia echo chamber.
Syrian First Lady Asma Assad’s social media posts reflect ‘alternate reality,’ critics say
Fox News – ?Apr 13, 2017?
The Instagram account of Bashar Assad’s wife is adorned with tender snapshots: Asma Assad reading to Syrian children; holding an infant inside a maternity hospital in Damascus; embracing the family of a Syrian who was killed in the nation’s civil war …
Syria’s Asma al-Assad: once adored, now abhorred
The Australian – ?6 hours ago?
Asma al-Assad, the British-born wife of Syrian dictator, Bashar al-Assad, is now 41 and the mother of three young children. Once so pretty, she is now a repugnant creature, the first lady of hell. As mentioned, her story had started so well: Asma was …
Assad’s wife shows how out of touch she is
New York Post – ?Apr 13, 2017?
The British-born wife of Syrian butcher Bashar al-Assad appears to live on a different planet from other Syrians caught up in the country’s brutal civil war — posting cuddly Instagram photos of her holding children with the hashtags #love and …
Bashar al-Assad’s British wife posts Instagram pics of her cuddling kids while his regime kills children in gas attack
Mirror.co.uk – ?11 hours ago?
But Asma Assad prefers posting cute photos of herself cuddling little ones and supporting Syrian youths on social media. The Syrian First Lady, 41, a British-Syrian dual citizen who was born in London, posts images on her social media account of an …
Asma al-Assad portrays alternate reality of life in Syria
Daily Mail – ?21 hours ago?
While her husband faces calls to tried as a war criminal, Mrs Assad, who was born in London and grew up in Acton, described the world’s reaction as ‘propaganda’ against the regime. On her Instagram account, she wrote in Arabic: ‘The presidency of the …
@Mr. Ryan…
Yes, you right to balance out the focus on ‘the Jewish Question’, with a due note of White Treachery and tomfoolery.
That said, I have always thought that the merit of Mr. Griffin’s blog comes from the fact that he tosses due criticism to the gang of criminals who are, and long have been, conspiring to pull Southern Society up by the root.
The essence of this site is ‘anti’, and well it ought be, because, few have the convictions and guts to be so, anymore.
Jews and Southern White Scalawags are headed for a day of reckoning – and it ain’t gonna be pertee.
Thank you for your contributions, and for being, as is Miss Denise, a Copperhead of your own sort.
The truth about the Syrian war missing from the Jewsmedia.
For The Third Straight Month, The US Killed More Syrian Civilians Than Russia
The jews are despicable creatures. I’m sure they would love to murder the Assads the same way they did with the Romanovs and Bourbons. But thankfully Russia and Iran won’t let that happen. And kudos to HW for pointing out that it’s the Sunni moslems who are inflicting terrorism on the West, not the Shiites.
Thank you winbornmill for your kind words
And I am honored
“The North is a direction, the South is a place”
James Edwards
I think the South is a great place
That s why I sort of “noticed” that South Carolina didn t have a heterosexual Southerner in the offices of US Senate or Governor
Maybe they do know after that dot head indian whore got sent to New York City to do Neo Con Jew war propaganda at the UN
great post…and thread, esp. the info about how the global (((MSM))) is demonizing the Assad’s. Minor correction: Kournikova is a Jewess, crypto variety. They breed some of them this way, via genetic capture, the more effectively to blindside you; @ http://seductivejewess4.net (Type IV/#C23)
@Jack Ryan…
‘Thank you winbornmill for your kind words. And I am honored. Remember :“The North is a direction, the South is a place” James Edwards
I think the South is a great place That s why I sort of “noticed” that South Carolina didn’t have a heterosexual Southerner in the offices of US Senate or Governor. Maybe they do know after that dot head indian whore got sent to New York City to do Neo Con Jew war propaganda at the UN.
You’re very welcome, Mr. Ryan. Please remember that when I am calling out the Yankee Empire, it’s not directed at every individual Yankee, as many, such as yourself, Mr. Putnam, Fr. John, John Bonaccorsi, the Captain, Miss Denise, etc, etc., are NOT the ones ruining The Yankee Empire, NOR oppressing The South.
The South, ultimately, is being oppresst by a severe lack of balls on the part of the Southern White Race. As Louis Beam said : we’re greedy, submissive, selfish,weak, materialist etc, etc … and let us not forget, confused as all get-out.
It’s a grieving time to be a Southern with even a small set on you, and see your fellow countrymen so low down on the manhood pole.
As to our sister stater, South Carolina – they do have one heterosexual representative, high up, and his name is Tim Scott, and though he be a Negro, he’s more of a Southern White Man than many, today.
It is not the fault of the people that Haley is treacherous.
Anyway, all the best!
Syrians are Caucasoid which is why the alien Jew species is attacking them.
Anybody know what is going on in Antarctica? With Buzz Aldrin being emergency evacuated from Antarctica to a hospital in New Zealand and John Kerry also visiting the area fairly recently, what the heck is going on down there? There were even reports that a lot of Israelis were heading to Patagonia (close enough) and the Argentinians were not happy about it.
winbornmill writes:
“You’re very welcome, Mr. Ryan. Please remember that when I am calling out the Yankee Empire, it’s not directed at every individual Yankee, as many, such as yourself”…
I respond:
If we ever meet in person and you ever again call me that “Yankee” curse word name then the fist fight is on.
You sound like a tough proud Southern man – God bless you. If you win the fist fight, you win but if you lose…..
“The Devil Gets Your Soul”.
Charlie Daniels
“”The Devil Went Down To Georgia”
The Devil went down to Georgia. He was lookin’ for a soul to steal.
He was in a bind ’cause he was way behind. He was willing to make a deal
When he came across this young man sawin’ on a fiddle and playin’ it hot.
And the Devil jumped upon a hickory stump and said “Boy, let me tell you what.”
“I guess you didn’t know it, but I’m a fiddle player, too.
And if you’d care to take a dare I’ll make a bet with you.
Now you play a pretty good fiddle, boy, but give the Devil his due.
I’ll bet a fiddle of gold against your soul ’cause I think I’m better than you.”
The boy said, “My name’s Johnny, and it might be a sin,
But I’ll take your bet; and you’re gonna regret ’cause I’m the best there’s ever been.”
Johnny, rosin up your bow and play your fiddle hard.
‘Cause Hell’s broke loose in Georgia and the Devil deals the cards.
And if you win you get this shiny fiddle made of gold,
But if you lose the devil gets your soul.
The Devil opened up his case and he said, “I’ll start this show.”
And fire flew from his fingertips as he rosined up his bow.
And he pulled the bow across the strings and it made an evil hiss.
And a band of demons joined in and it sounded something like this.
When the Devil finished, Johnny said, “Well, you’re pretty good ol’ son,
But sit down in that chair right there and let me show you how it’s done.”
“Fire on the Mountain.” Run, boys, run!
The Devil’s in the house of the rising sun;
Chicken’s in the bread pan picking out dough.
Granny, does your dog bite? No, child, no.
The Devil bowed his head because he knew that he’d been beat.
And he laid that golden fiddle on the ground at Johnny’s feet.
Johnny said, “Devil, just come on back. If you ever wanna try again,
I done told you once—you son of a bitch—I’m the best that’s ever been.”
And he played:
“Fire on the Mountain.” Run, boys, run!
The Devil’s in the house of the rising sun;
The chicken’s in the bread pan picking out dough.
Granny, will your dog bite? No, child, no.
And kudos to HW for pointing out that it’s the Sunni moslems who are inflicting terrorism on the West, not the Shiites.
I took a class that covered the Shia-Sunni feud. Mohammed died without naming his successor. The Shia assumed that his sister’s son, Ali would be the new leaders, but his friend (and father-in-law) Abu Bakr (who gave the prophet his nine year old daughter Aisha to wed) wanted leadership. They fought and Abu Bakr killed Ali.
But what is interesting is that while the majority of Sunnis are Arabic, the majority of Shias are not. It seems like when the Arabs forced conversion on Persians, etc., they chose to embrace the Shia religion as some kind of defiance.
“Anti-semite” is a hugely successful and devious trick to deflect all criticism of jewish perfidy. An enormous percentage of “jews” are not semites but descended from the Khazars, an incredibly evil empire based on slavery and domination. Once you study some real hstory, eat a few red pills and understand they are basically the mystical body of satan in the world it becomes quite reasonable to despise them and try to protect yourself and your folk from them.
@Jeff Moore…
‘“Anti-semite” is a hugely successful and devious trick to deflect all criticism of jewish perfidy.’
Life is a vicious struggle of ideas and, as well, the cultures and people who embody and advocate those ideas.
The point is to deflect your opponent’s blows and keep him on the run.
Time to come up with some deflections of our own.
@Jack Ryan…
Winbornmill wrote:
“You’re very welcome, Mr. Ryan. Please remember that when I am calling out the Yankee Empire, it’s not directed at every individual Yankee, as many, such as yourself”…
Jack Ryan responds:
If we ever meet in person and you ever again call me that “Yankee” curse word name then the fist fight is on.
You sound like a tough proud Southern man – God bless you. If you win the fist fight, you win but if you lose…
We will, Jack, meet one day at some League event, at which time I’ll be happy to shake your hand as a true friend of The South.
Yankee is a term I aim at Northern culture in general, or those who are the enemies of The South. They don’t like it, which is why I use it.
I never refer to a man perjoratively, whom I respect, neither in front of his face or when his back is turned.
As to being proud and tough, I don’t think I can see myself as you, or others, do.
What I can say is that what has been inflicted on Dixie, my whole lifelong, has left me in a shooting mood. I wake up this way, and I turn in this way.
I’m civilized, though, so I keep biding my time until some Southern legislature begins to share my mood and someone tries to cure them of it.
Meanwhile, I attend to the political war.
All the best to you.
Thanks winbornmill
Let s meet in the real world
Stay strong
@Jack Ryan…
Anytime you’re down Carolina way, let me know and we’ll do that.
Yes, I will. I have no choice – weakness is very unflattering, to both me AND my wife!
@ Jeff Moore
Agree. I am beginning to suspect that the real anti-Christ is not a he but a them. At the inner core of modern “Judaism” is evil central. What triggers them to act as one organism? Take this one paragraph and sit on it a little while:
“Thus, a community of Jews may live torpidly in its ghetto for centuries, seemingly self-absorbed in its own parochial existence, and having little effect upon its gentile host, under some combination of factors will cause it to become furiously active. In a short time, it
permeates every aspect of the host people’s existence, and brings it to the point of destruction. The community of Jews in the Frankfort ghetto in Germany is a good illustration of this type of parasitic dormancy. It remained dormant for three hundred years, and within the span of a single generation, produced a group of bankers and traders who soon won control of the destinies of Western civilization.”
(c) 1968 The Biological Jew, Eustace Mullins, Page 17
With them, everything is a ritual. Their god has no image. Who or what the heck do they worship?
winbornmill thank you so much for your offer, I would love to meet up with you in SC or the still not spoiled Southern parts of NC.
Though I have to warn you I just might flirt with some of the pretty guys there and maybe insult some local men for keep re-eletcting that Fag Zionists Lisping Lindsey Graham.
Jack Ryan one correction, Mrs. al-Assad isn’t White British, she is of Syrian Heritage
Asma al-Assad (Arabic: ????? ???????, Levantine pronunciation: [?as?ma?? el??asad]; née Akhras, Arabic: ????? ???? ????????: [??asma faw?wa?z el??axras]; born 11 August 1975) is the First Lady of Syria. Born in London to Syrian parents, she is married to the 19th and current President of Syria, Bashar al-Assad.[3][4]
Born and raised in the United Kingdom, Assad graduated from King’s College London in 1996 with a bachelor’s degree in computer science and French literature. She had a career in investment banking and was set to begin an MBA at Harvard University when she married Bashar al-Assad in December 2000.