Charles Krauthammer described on FOX News this afternoon how Trump has done a complete 180 from the foreign policy he articulated in the campaign and in his Inaugural Address. We traveled to DC to see that speech at the Inaugural. What is the point of having elections though if our elections only change the faces at the top of the system but never change our policies?
The message of the attack on Syria, sending the armada to North Korea and the MOAB strike in Afghanistan is that the US Empire is back despite what was said on the campaign trail. We’re going to continue to fight regional wars for other countries which exhaust our resources. We’re going to send our kids to die for places that 99% of Americans have never heard of and can’t identify on a map.
Team America World Police is here to stay.
Note: Ultimately, we’re going to have to secede from The Swamp.
Our “traditional” foreign policy = unrestrained by international laws and norms (“exceptional”), aggressive, entitled to meddle in all countries’ internal affairs, possessing the right to depose governments not to their liking, forcing other countries to abide by US laws. Rogue.
How are you Southrons going to plot secession when the South has more Patriotard flag waving “Pro Military” doofuses than any other region in America? I suspect most Southrons will fall in like cattle behind Trump should he start some stupid war.
Screw this Yankee trash TrumP
Hey DixieLanders- you do have to deal with the FACT that Southerners do go and fight ZOG’s Wars. You can blame Yankees all you want – but why do you guys keep signing up? The FIRST thing I wrote last week was “DON’T GO”.
Krauthamner’s breathing is annoying when he talks. It’s as if he struggling just to breathe, let alone talk.
Yehudah Finkelstein
April 14, 2017 at 2:58 am
“How are you Southrons going to plot secession when the South has more Patriotard flag waving “Pro Military” doofuses than any other region in America? I suspect most Southrons will fall in like cattle behind Trump should he start some stupid war.”
They are pro military, because there is no other work to get.
If this is true, the Alt-Right might reconsider its drama with Trump. You want to be inside subverting Trump’s base, not isolated from them, correct?
Charles [Jew] Krauthammer looks like he’s a poster child for doing too much cocaine with that botched Jew-job on his nose in the 1980s; it looks like his entire face is going to implode into itself. Which would not be a bad thing…
And the only thing “traditionalist” about this foreign policy, is that it is so completely Jewish in its’ world view.
It needs to be said now: we either overthrow the country, ( as every leftist lunatic was willing to do January 22, when it appeared that America might actually be making a comeback) or someone needs to assassinate Trump; precisely because he has broken the covenant with both America and with God- and is therefore, damned.
The evangelicals who said the Trump had “converted” back in June 2016, have been proven to have been duped, by an antichrist.
He is without grace, without merit, without legitimacy, and without a mandate.
He is the next Shabbos goy of the antichrist race. But he is worse than Obama, because he is a race traitor.
Nothing protects him; make YHWH God judge him, and right speedily. Donald Trump, you are a Judis. And on this Good Friday, may you suffer his fate.
Anathema, anathema, anathema.
(I really dislike this new posting method; Auto-Correct changes what I type, and this new function does not allow for editing. FWIW.)
To those Yankees complaining of Southerner complicity in y’all’s empire, y’all are right – too many of us have confused y’all’s government for ours, y’alls cultural idealogy for ours, y’all’s flag for ours.
And to those Yankees who suggest we don’t participate : I wholeheartedly concur, and speak that all around Northeastern North Carolina.
That’s been a Southern Nationalist message for a long long time.
Fr. John…
‘It needs to be said now: we either overthrow the country, ‘
That’s too big a chore for anyone less than The Almighty, Father.
What we will do is continue to make Southern Red States ‘oppressive’ and distant to The Blue States, until something breaks.
@James Owen…
‘Krauthamner’s breathing is annoying when he talks. It’s as if he struggling just to breathe, let alone talk.’
He can’t breathe for himself, Mr. Owen, it’s done mechanically.
Interestingly, one Jew, Michael Savage, is not particularly thrilled with the 180 turn Trump foreign policy has taken. Of course this is liable to change.
It has always been a mystery to me why the most hated and despised portion of America by the powers that be -DIXIE- is also the most patriotic. I constantly see American and Confederate flag flying side by side but if on a flagpole the U.S flag is always above the Confederate flag. As I have said before we don’t need only Southern secession hut Heartland secession which would include the South and all majority white and traditional red states. In all honesty every time I see a Confederate flag 9 out of 100 times its on a run down house with broken cars and trash in the yard. Not so much on middle or upper class white houses.
Hate the new posting system. No auto correct.
@More of the same…
‘Interestingly, one Jew, Michael Savage, is not particularly thrilled with the 180 turn Trump foreign policy has taken. Of course this is liable to change.’
Yes, and though he has never lived in Dixie, he is like the typical kind of Southern Jew that existed when I was a boy, as the first 4 minutes of yesterday’s show bear out…
Michael Savage-Weiner is not too bad as far as jews go. Charles Kikehammer is a Harvard-trained psychiatrist who is confined to a wheelchair for some reason. Probably due to some inbred genetic disorder peculiar to his vile race.