Politico: Trump’s Base Turns Against Him

I signed up for “America First.”

It might not have been a White ethnostate or an independent South, but I thought it would be a step in the right direction. I assumed “America First” meant a sharp break with the status quo. It meant a triumph of nationalism over globalism. We would stop fighting all these stupid foreign wars in places we don’t care about. We would change our trade policy and start rebuilding our industrial base. We would secure our own borders and deport illegal aliens. It was music to my ears.

How much of Trump’s campaign rhetoric was ever real? What happened to Drain The Swamp? Was it all just marketing to get Trump elected president?

“Donald Trump’s true believers are losing the faith.

As Trump struggles to keep his campaign promises and flirts with political moderation, his most steadfast supporters — from veteran advisers to anti-immigration activists to the volunteers who dropped their jobs to help elect him — are increasingly dismayed by the direction of his presidency.

Their complaints range from Trump’s embrace of an interventionist foreign policy to his less hawkish tone on China to, most recently, his marginalization of his nationalist chief strategist, Steve Bannon. But the crux of their disillusionment, interviews with nearly two dozen Trump loyalists reveal, is a belief that Trump the candidate bears little resemblance to Trump the president. He’s failing, in their view, to deliver on his promise of a transformative “America First” agenda driven by hard-edged populism. …”

The 2016 election was about “replacing the failed and corrupt political establishment” If it wasn’t about overthrowing the political establishment, what was the point?

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Brenda Sparks, an “angel mom” whose son was killed by an illegal immigrant, appeared onstage with Trump at an August campaign event in Phoenix. She said he promised her that he would overturn the program known Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, in short order.”

    If Trump cucks on immigration, a nationalist needs to challenge Trump in the GOP primaries. The nationalist should announce his candidacy at the Mexican border with some of the very Angel parents onstage with him who previously supported Trump.

  2. It’s interesting that these creatures who write these pieces describe “bombing everything in sight” as “political moderation.” That, right there, is surreal.

  3. ‘As Trump struggles to keep his campaign promises’

    Here’s the problem: his base feels he’s not struggling AT ALL. Not even trying!

  4. I think that Trump’s intelligent supporters are waking up, but the masses of “conservative” Republicans have not woke up -and probably never will. Trump has indeed done a 180 since his election.

  5. One thing is sure. Trump is not doing what he promised to do out of ignorance but of of betrayal. He clearly outlined what America needed to do to save our country but has reneged on those promises. Aux la barricades!

  6. @Joe Putnam…

    ‘I think that Trump’s intelligent supporters are waking up, but the masses of “conservative” Republicans have not woke up -and probably never will. Trump has indeed done a 180 since his election.’

    Yes and no, Mr. Putnam. Many of us are now wary, but, reluctant to pronounce judgement on an administration after only a few months, and in view of the fact he has done some very good things.

    Those who have jumpt off the Trump Train are assuming that he has jumpt off, and will never get back on.

    There is no basis for that assumption, as Trump, with no political experience, is on a huge learning curve, and, as well, is philosophically fickle.

  7. Maybe Trump’s betrayal of the millions of decent White people who voted for him will result in a backlash that brings the whole rotten system crashing down. Maybe.

    At any rate I am convinced at this point that he will not run for re-election. Agents of the (((Deep State))) must have either threatened his family or threatened to expose some dark secret that Trump thought no one would ever learn about.

  8. We didn’t have any good candidate with any chance of winning, so we voted for who we thought would be the lesser of two evils. Still, I’m starting to regret not writing in a vote for Bob Whitaker, the only candidate who represented my interests. Even if he had no realistic chance. Trump is beginning to scare me.

    He seems to have absolutely no sense of guilt for the innocent life already taken in just these two attacks alone. Collateral damage is just doublespeak for murder of the innocent; it shouldn’t even be considered unless absolutely necessary. That Trump has gone willingly on this twice, so early in his term, both times on things that we really had no business doing in the first place, is troubling. Not just the act itslef, but his apparent reaction to having been responsible for it. I just don’t sense even a twinge of guilt, of a conscience.

    Considering he’s disavowed the alt-Right, and his son Eric said Dr. Duke obviously deserves a bullet, it’s all very concerning to me. Internet prifact signed away by his pen this week, no problem murdering his enemies openly with whatever “collateral damage” it takes, he and his whole family identify with Jews. Yeah what could go wrong here.

    Down here in the lower South, all these Mexicans haven’t gone anywhere, and they’ve lost that happy easy vibe they had before Trump. There’s an edge to them now that wasn’t there a year ago. Trump will turn out to be worse than Hillary if he’s gotten them riled up, but can’t or won’t deport them. Interesting summer ahead.

    Off topic: Does anyone know what happened to Counter Currents? The site has been down for at least a couple of days.

  9. There is nothing wrong with Counter-Currents. It has not been down. The trouble must be on your end.

  10. @Triuwida…

    ‘We didn’t have any good candidate with any chance of winning, so we voted for who we thought would be the lesser of two evils. Still, I’m starting to regret not writing in a vote for Bob Whitaker, the only candidate who represented my interests. Even if he had no realistic chance. Trump is beginning to scare me.

    He seems to have absolutely no sense of guilt for the innocent life already taken in just these two attacks alone. ‘

    Triuwida – as I’ve said many times – Trump is a 19th century man, and that means he leaves easily with life and death.

    Although he is a Yankee, he is much as was Andrew Jackson, in both dimeanour, politicks, and sensibility.

  11. @winbornmill

    It’s interesting that you said that. This past week I’ve been reading personal accounts of the gold rush days in California, and the way they dealt with death seemed pretty remarkable to me.

    They had such hard lives, by the time a guy was 20 he already had known dozens of friends and relatives that had lost their lives. So death was very familiar to them.

    Gotta wonder where Trump gets it from, certainly he hasn’t had a hard life like that.

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