Politico, a bastion of establishment-friendly, Leftist commentary, has a surprisingly objective feature article on Patrick Buchanan. One of the pictures that accompanies the article shows him holding a revolver, seated in a chair in front of a portrait of General Robert E. Lee. The entire article is worth reading, for it re-caps Buchanan’s fascinating career and pioneering campaigns that advocated the “America First” platform upon which Donald Trump won the White House last November. It avoids the name calling (racist, xenophobe, bigot, etc.) that characterizes most mainstream political commentary in the USA. And it gives a fair analysis of the paleo-conservative’s rejection of globalism and Third World immigration.
The most interesting part of the lengthy article though is contained in the frank admission that “it may be too late for the nation he was trying to save.” Author Tim Alberta writes of Pat’s view:
[E]ven if Trump delivers on the loftiest of his promises, Buchanan fears it will be too little, too late. Sweeping change was needed 25 years ago, he says, before thousands of factories vanished due to the North American Free Trade Agreement, before millions of illegal immigrants entered the country, before trillions of dollars were squandered on regime change and nation-building.
He’s not unlike the countless Trump voters I met across the country in 2016, many of them older folks yearning for a return to the country of their youth, a place they remember as safer, whiter, more wholesome, more Christian, more confident and less polarized. The difference is that Buchanan refuses to indulge in the illusion that a return to this utopia of yesteryear is even possible. Economically and demographically and culturally, he believes, the damage is done.
“We rolled the dice with the future of this country,” he tells me. “And I think it’s going to come up snake eyes.”
This is what Southern Nationalists and many others of the Alt-Right have been saying for quite some time. We can not go back to the 1950s. Even if all further Third World immigration, both legal and illegal, were halted today – which is not going to happen under even the most positive scenario possibly imaginable – Whites would still become a minority in the USA in the near future. That means that the United States will surely become the sort of Leftist, overtly anti-White state that we all fear. Without dramatic demographic change the USA simply will not survive much longer in any recognizable form.
That is not to say that Trump can’t do good things for us. He certainly can. He can delay our coming minority status, buying us some time. He can help tear down political correctness. He can move people in a more identitarian direction. But ultimately, our salvation as a people and culture lies outside of the current political system. Pat recognizes this. And thankfully Alberta is honest enough to present Buchanan’s views in an objective manner for the public to consider.
Useless government is the mother of all revolutions.
Not thinking NK is much of a threat but actually the EU (a little later), Russia and China…
I actually think that Germany is going to be the one to nuke the USA and we deserve if for this lie that multiculturalism works and all the damage that lie has done to Europe…and what we did to them in WWII…
But whoever it is…may God save the South…
I don’t give a damn about the Jewnited Snakes any longer, I just want to save White people from extinction and start a global race war. Is that too much to ask?
@Turn Hearts…
‘I actually think that Germany is going to be the one to nuke the USA and we deserve if for this lie that multiculturalism works and all the damage that lie has done to Europe…and what we did to them in WWII…
But whoever it is…may God save the South…
Yes, m’am – God save The South.
Oh, yes, please don’t worry about Germany nuking anybody. I’ve lived there, speak the language, and they, the overwhelming majority, have gone on past the war.
When I was stationed there as a soldier, I was the victim of many many random acts of kindness by Germans.
They would never nuke anybody.
Also, please don’t play Armageddon around in your head. Other countries love themselves, too – and would never nuke The Yankee Government, because they, in turn, would not wish to be nuket.
God bless you!
How do you spell relief? R-E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N
– Thomas Jefferson
(I’ll be interested to see what happens next weekend in Pikeville, KY with Matt Heimbach).
God grant the people of Europe a homeland of their own, 14 words, and all the rest.
Our America was lost decades ago with the takeover by the anti-White traitors. Saving our race is priority one, not “saving” a country which is no longer ours.
America has become too big, too diverse, and too depraved to survive beyond a few more decades before it goes bottoms up like the Soviet Union. It is a system operating on deficit spending. There is still hope for the more politically sane AND majority whites areas of the United States if they secede and form their own nation.In other words it ought to be crystal clear by now that the Ethno-State resolution is now the only solution!
Yeah, he may be more right than he knows. Was interested in posting about a slightly different topic concerning the plight of Suidlanders in S.Africa. or more specifically, in my view, Christian’s in Americas plight if this nation becomes involved in a nuclear war. It may sound completely bonkers, but I am led to warn my people and point them in a possible direction if it all falls apart. That direction may be emigrating to S. Africa.
“But ultimately, our salvation as a people and culture lies outside of the current political system.”
Truer words were never spoken. Our salvation will be when White men finally give up watching Sports and White women give up watching television. Both rot the mind and the soul. This salvation will ONLY be obtained fighting a war here on American soil with real rifles, bombs and only AFTER the Mass-Media is targeted and destroyed.
Germany does not even have nuclear arms.