Nationalist candidate Marine Le Pen, who finished second in the first round of the French presidential election, is aggressively campaigning and out-maneuvering her globalist, establishment-supported opponant Emmanuel Macron, Reuters reports:
Far-right leader Marine Le Pen has made a more impressive start than favorite Emmanuel Macron to the last lap of the French presidential election, a poll showed on Thursday.
Macron, tipped in all opinion polls so far to win convincingly against the National Front chief on May 7, has made several potentially costly public relations missteps since they both qualified for the decisive run-off in a vote last Sunday.
…Striking workers jeered Macron, a 39-year-old former economy minister, on Wednesday during a visit to the Whirlpool tumble-drier factory in his hometown of Amiens in northern France after Le Pen unexpectedly turned up there hours earlier and posed for selfie photos with people at the site.
As the French media acknowledged successful one-upmanship by Le Pen, her second-in-command said that she, in stark contrast to Macron, had refused to stand by as firms like Whirlpool sought to shift production out of France to cheaper countries.
…With polls indicating Macron winning with around 60 percent of votes on May 7, he has also taken heat for seemingly acting as if victory were already in the bag.
Rivals and potential allies alike criticized his visit on Sunday night to an elegant Parisian restaurant for celebrations after coming out on top in the first round of voting.
Express reports on a poll shows that 61% of the French think Le Pen is running a successful second round campaign.
This is encouraging news. Le Pen will need a miracle to win, as conservative leaders have sold out France by joining with communists and socialists in an alliance against her.
She’s good for 40% imho. Which isn’t a bad showing for a nationalist directly associated with Anti-Semitic and Racist policies. No other majority white nation
has anything comparable. I think she’ll get 43% ultimately.
‘Anti-Semitic and Racist policies’ TRANSLATION: a White person looking out for White people.
Le Pen and Macron need to square off in a couple of televised debates-live. I just know she’d tear strips off him. She’d have an answer for everything he says. The public would then see through his leftie, globalist b.s.
To my thinking she has to go deep into the primordial psyche to win this –
She has to paint the enemies of France for what they are, and, by way of an antidote – she literally needs to wear a cockade hat, speak Napoleon, Louis XIV,and Jeanne D’Arc, and scream, ‘Vive Le France’, a million times.
She can win, if she goes for the guts with the rapier, but, anything less, and she will be buried.
Does she have it in her?
I’d like to think she does.
Time will tell.
Miss Marine can strip Macron’s candidacy of it’s legitimacy by calling him out for what he is : The Rothschild appointed Regent to rule over French lands – the very reason why France fought ‘Le Revolution’ in the first place.
She needs to remind France that they are under NAZI occupation, only, this time, it’s Les Juifs.
Frame the campaign as ‘Which do you prefer ” Free-France’ or ‘Le Vichy’? …
“Conservatives” always sell us out. They are more deadly and dangerous than the fiercest anti-White leftists.
Absolutely correct John Smith but that will be the headline when she gets 43%…Racist Antisemitic Candidate wins 43% of “French” vote.
She has apparently stepped down as the head of FN to “run on her own”, not a good sign.
Does any one actually want these “conservatives” on their side? The kiss of death!
We acknowledge the turning of the gears of history and the passing of this age; we build, the time to “conserve” is over.
We offer the only alternative to the anti-human New World Order!
“conservative leaders have sold out France”
Conservatism is less of an enemy than the cultural-marxism but it is an enemy none the less…