Nationalist presidential candidate Marine Le Pen started strong in the run-off against globalist Emmanuel Macron and recently won an important mainstrem Right endorsement. A week out from the second and final round of voting the good news continues for Le Pen, who has the BBC, The Telegraph, RT and others wondering if she can win. The Hill argues that she can win, despite trailing in the mainstream media’s polls by about 20 points, if turnout for her supporters is high and turnout for Macron is low. Happily, we have good news on that front.
The New York Times reports that poor suburbs in France full of Black and Muslim immigrants voted heavily for communist candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who won 19.5% of the vote in the first round. These immigrants, many of whom are strongly anti-White and consider their host country to be “racist,” are not enthusiastic about voting for cucked globalist Macron. The Times reports:
[T]he reality of this election cycle in towns like Stains, where public frustration is high over the failure of politicians to deliver on past promises, is that many voters may simply choose to stay home on May 7 for the critical, final vote.
“Don’t count on the working-class neighborhoods this year to save France,” said Inès Seddiki, a 26-year-old French Muslim in Stains, whose parents came from Morocco.
Although Ms. Seddiki said she would vote reluctantly for Mr. Macron, she feared she was an exception: “White people who say ‘You have to vote against Marine Le Pen because you will lose more than we will’ don’t realize that for us, we already live in a racist country.”
The irony that a Muslim immigrant who apparently hates the native French people thinks that her community can “save France” is hilarious. They can only save France by not voting or self-deporting ASAP. Notice too, that for all his cucking on immigration, Macron is still viewed as an racist White man by the non-White immigrants. His ideology matters far less than his race.
In France’s poor suburbs, many French are of Arab extraction with parents or grandparents who came from Algeria, Morocco or Tunisia. Many are also from sub-Saharan Africa; the former French colonies of Ivory Coast, Mali, Senegal and Togo; and what was once French Indochina, today’s Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. For them, neither the right nor the left has delivered when it comes to making jobs more available and reducing discrimination.
We can only hope that large numbers of these ethnic and racial aliens stay home on election day and that Le Pen maintains her momentum, giving her a long-shot chance at the presidency.
She’s in the best shape for any nationalist in Western Europe…
That’s not saying much…
Hearing ‘save France’ coming out of the mouth of a koranimal is utterly hilarious.
Thanks Mr Cushman…..you’ve brightened up my dreary old Monday!
…..save France from the French.
A Le Pen victory is about as likely as Trump nominating RAMZPAUL as U.S. Ambassador to Hungary. France will keep kicking the can down the road until the Muslims feel numerous to rise up and ignite a civil war.
‘These immigrants, many of whom are strongly anti-White and consider their host country to be “racist,”’
Hey, that’s good news, right?; because if the colonial Arabs think France is ‘racist’, it really means that they think France is still run by White…
What a dadgum idea that is!
Even if she wins we will see the Trump phenomenon repeat itself. All talk and no action and a retrenchment of Jewish power.
People are noticing that Literally Hitler is no such thing so Le Pen might win.
‘Even if she wins we will see the Trump phenomenon repeat itself. All talk and no action and a retrenchment of Jewish power.’
With respect, Ronnie, you don’t know that. Not every politician is a scalawag, nor is every Western Country run by Jews.
@Captain John…
‘People are noticing that Literally Hitler is no such thing so Le Pen might win.’
Most folks still think Hitler’s treatment of other peoples, White and otherwise, was completely abhorrent.
Nobody has ‘gotten over that’, and the reality of it is that it has stained nationalism and been an endless boondoggle for The Left.
On the other hand, more and more recognize that the fundamental principles Hitler had, of attempting to be sovereign outside the Jewish sphere of influence, are just as valid as they were then.