With unanimous mainstream media support and the backing of both Socialist and Republican leaders, globalist banker and open borders enthusiast Emmanuel Macron looks to have won over nationalist Marine Le Pen, as expected, in the French presidential election.
The mainstream media is calling it a “stunning achievment” even though the young banker had the entire system on his side and the outcome has been expected from the beginning. The establishment darling reportedly got 65.5% to Le Pen’s 34.5%. France24 puts the results slightly better at 65.1% for Macron to 34.9% for Le Pen. The only other time a National Front candidate made it to the second round was in 2002. In that run-off Jean-Marie Le Pen won 17.8%. So, the party has essentially doubled its appeal since then, but is still a significant distance from power.
Politico reports that turnout was low, down 7 points from the last election, which was seen as helping Le Pen.
Also, media companies are boycotting the Le Pen party now because Leftist, anti-Le Pen companies such as Politico were not allowed entry.
Le Pen is defiant in defeat, saying, “I will head the fight for those who choose France.”
The nationalists did well, all things considered, and the task is to become the undisputed #2 party in France. When you are #2, you will eventually get your chance as the #1 falters.
Macron will drive voters into the hands of nationalists if they are prepared to receive them. Right wing branding is baggage. There are just too many people who will not support “right wing” anything, by nature, or by habit, which is second nature.
Even though Macron was a far left literal Rothschild banker, he was able to market himself as a “centrist”. Why cant we do that?
If this is true France just committed suicide.
The West chooses suicide in country after country, election after election. But we are closer than ever since WWII to power in the heart of Europe. Le pen is not going anywhere. Her party will almost surely pick up National Assembly seats. And 2022 was always seen as her best shot to win. Lots of work to be done between now and then but we are building and growing across the West.
Hitler never surpasst 36% of the popular vote, yet, came to rule the land.
Instead of focusing on the disappointment, focus on how far Miss Marine came, and all the possibility for failure Macron will face – because the very same problems which sank Hollande,will sink him –
And Miss Marine will be waiting in the wings.
The future is a million times brighter for Nationalists, than it was just a few years ago.
‘Even though Macron was a far left literal Rothschild banker, he was able to market himself as a “centrist”. Why cant we do that?’
Because the Jews won’t let us.
Pay attention to Mr. Cushman – for he is telling you the truth.
I agree. She has grown her party by many millions of votes. And the old communist voters of the northeast are firmly on her side, as well as the conservative voters of the southeast. She just has to make more inroads in other parts of the country and, as Afterthought says, position herseld as the #2 – waiting for the #1 to fall (as Macron inevitably will) – and take the reigns of power.
Maybe this is another case of “who counts the votes”?
@Sam J.
No, it isn’t. France is a country long devoted to Judeo-Bolshevist ideas, and the fact that Miss Marine got over a 1/3 of the vote is simply amazing.
Stay tuned – lots of positive possibilities, for the future.
After all, never forget our allies – roboticks, globalist piracy, Jewish overreach, and 4th Generation Islamick warriors.
All these things will continue to do wonders for us!
@Michael Cushman…
‘I agree. She has grown her party by many millions of votes. And the old communist voters of the northeast are firmly on her side, as well as the conservative voters of the southeast. She just has to make more inroads in other parts of the country and, as Afterthought says, position herseld as the #2 – waiting for the #1 to fall (as Macron inevitably will) – and take the reigns of power.
Yes, to all these, Mr. Cushman. Moreover, Miss Marine will reflect and learn. She will build on this, and she has an endless resource in Czar Vlad’s intelligence, financial, and political support.
Macron is a desperate stop-gap for the globalists – a mere poster child for the same puppet-masters whose failures brought them to the very brink, in this year.
The future reads Orban, Wilders, Le Pen, Farage, Putin, and, dare I say it – a burgeoning Southern Nationalism…
The fight doesn’t end with LE PEN. All this does is solidify MY position and the position of others. Our enemies will be forced to do one of two things in the end, KILL ALL OF US or Capitulate.
Expect a lot of bloodshed between now and the next election if open borders Macron follows through on his stance. The majority of all Western populations are heavily controlled by the system. We should just sit back and watch nature take its course. It will be tempting but save your ammo for central command.
I bet Macron is nothing like he appears. He is in the mold of purely manufactured political fronts. The Rothschild man will represent only the best interests of Rothschild. The French are beyond saving. Any survivors are more likely to be LePen supporters. And, survivors will be few in numbers.
Remember that the goal of the globalists is to usher in such extreme chaos and bloodshed (in order to weaken the will of the people) so that the masses will beg for globalism.
If Macron fails to deliver, Marine 2022, no doubt about it, I appreciate your analysis Mr Cushman by the way.
“Because the Jews won’t let us.”
Anyone not on board with their agenda is labeled an “extremist.”
Maybe, just maybe 2022 will be bright, but I cannot help but think that 2/3 of France actively voted for globalism, banksters, loss of sovereignty, African and Islamic colonization, and considers Islamic mayhem just an “imponderable” and no big deal. Ok. Their choice.
I don’t believe this wasn’t rigged.
@ Sam J
“Maybe this is another case of “who counts the votes”?”
This is always, always, always a possibility. I don’t believe that Macron won by a landslide and I do question if he won at all.
Well Le Pen got 4.9% more than I predicted. But I think she really pancaked in the end. She backed off of emphasizing immigration and according to Jared Taylor gave a poor performance in the last debate. The National Front needs new leadership. I was surprised that she’s only 48. She comes off as a 65 year old granny. She’s actually 7 years younger than Ann Coulter but she acts like she’s ten years older. But I also think that Denise is right that there is rigging going on in the election and Mestigoit is right that there is major cucking going on in the French electorate. I think that things are hopeless throughout the West unless the various militaries decide to mutiny. But then there are plenty of cucks in the military too. Soooo?
I was not surprised. I have long since realize our destiny will not be achieved through the ballot box. Now now, not ever. Secession or extinction through assimilation seems to be our lot.
Based on what I could quickly find out about French demographics, I guesstimate she got about 44% of the French (white) vote. In the next five years, we will see if the French have any fire left in them. As ethnostatist said, ”our destiny will not be achieved through the ballot box.”
34.5% for an avowedly nationalist party is good. The Tory party in the UK have formed Parliamentary majority around such numbers. That’s a powerful political force she’s built.
I had hoped she would get 45% though.
Nationalists in France should use any means necessary to shut down Macron NOW.
this is an excellent result in what was, contra Denise, a free and fair election. Macron, like Mrs. Clinton, is massively incompetent and completely crooked: he will do an excellent job of further polarizing France. And those who voted for fake-nationalist, Jew-stooge Le Pen will be spared the buyer’s remorse now affecting ‘Murkan Trumpaholics.
@Miss Denise…
‘I don’t believe this wasn’t rigged.’
You may be right, and, if you are, it will boomerang on the riggers, pretty hard and quick.
‘34.5% for an avowedly nationalist party is good. The Tory party in the UK have formed Parliamentary majority around such numbers. That’s a powerful political force she’s built.’
Hell yes, it’s good! Imagine if there were a nationalist party in in this country, or in any region of it, and it score 34.5%.
How proud and hopeful we would be!
The numbers are perfect to make it seem like there are far fewer Le Pen-leaning types than I think there are in reality, and to simultaneously justify massive repression tactics installed against a just-virile enough ‘rising tide of extremism.’
France will be less French for the next election. I vote for a candidate on where he/she stands on issues not how well he/she does in a stinking debate. A fool and his country is soon parted. France’s destiny with Islam may now be sealed. But, really, will any of us miss those pansy-assed, quiche-eating French supposedly men? Not me.
Au Revoir France…
I was hoping Le Pen would at least make it close, what with all the favorable factors that ended up coming into play over the course of the campaign. I never thought she would actually win, but I thought a vote share of 40% or more might have been attainable. But alas, I was wrong.
If it had been close, I would have pointed to the results and said “Alright, well, we’re not far away…maybe next election, the nationalists will have a good shot.” But a 30-point defeat against a rather uninspiring opponent is far from encouraging. The French are more than one election away from buying into nationalism. Far enough away that it may be demographically impossible to vote a nationalist in by the time they are.
Apparently, the threat of mass-casualty monthly terror attacks and the growth of no-go zones and blight in migrant-populated areas isn’t enough. The French are fucked, at least as far as democratic solutions are concerned.
Only thing that can save them now is some of that good old French revolutionary spirit. Do they have enough patriots left?
France will be majority Moslem in fifty years if a grassroots revolution doesn’t occur.
Yeeeeeeah! this is a good thing right? The establishment bitch and her elite family have lost. This guy has come from nothing and can now run France a bit more like a business!
Haxo, I think you’re on the right track. I suspect she would have been a big let down just like Trump. Whites worldwide are just starting to become aware of the White Genocide agenda. The little Macron shithead will help to make them more aware.
@moreofthesame. White Genocide…? That’s not a thing.
I don’t think a Nationalist has won a country wide election in western Europe since Hitler.
Paris at war. What the media won’t show you.
@copperhead. Franco? Not elected he just killed ppl that didn’t want his nation. Europe’s had some very strong states. Doesn’t need nationalism much.