The Washington Times is deeply concerned about an endangered culture along Louisiana’s coast that is threatened by rising seas. If you have in mind the State’s historic Cajun culture and its deep ties to the region then you might want to think again. Sara Sneath writes:
What brought many Cambodian fishers to south Louisiana was the climate. Fleeing war, Phan Plork’s parents, for example, moved to Buras because it reminded them of their homeland.
“The weather of the South, especially the humidity, is almost like Cambodia,” Plork said. “Whatever they could grow in Cambodia, they can grow here.”
Sneath goes on to explain that Hurricane Katrina forced about 40 Cambodian immigrant families to leave the Buras area, but they returned and have (unfortunately for the native Southerners they are helping to displace) “built something that they insist cannot be washed away.”
The Times article goes on to applaud the “rich heritage” of these Cambodians, failing to mention the historic and rich heritage of the native people of Louisiana. It notes how they are essentially replicating Cambodia in Dixie, celebrating Cambodian holidays, cooking traditional Cambodian foods, participating in Cambodian rituals, playing Cambodian games and working together to form a close-knit alien community.
The writer continues, pointing out that a warming planet and rising seas threatens this new and growing non-Southern community. I guess the moral of the story is that we should carefully watch our carbon footprint so as to leave a healthy and sustainable environment for the Third World people who will replace us. What an inspiring message!
NOTE: Despite its natural resources Cambodia is an impoverished country. Its people have an average IQ about 10 points lower than ours. But even if Cambodians were more intelligent and prosperous on average than native Southerners, would we really want to allow them to colonize our land?
Wow. I did not know that there was a Cambodian community in Louisiana. This reminds me that I used to know a missionary to Cambodia, a white guy with discernible Negro admixture and a white wife. Their oldest daughter married an “American” guy who was 1/4 Philippine and 3/4 Euro (with a little Heb mixed in). Yikes. There are many reasons why I left that church several years ago…
Hey all, check out my piece on the Yankee origins of the NRA at: https://putnamlibertynotes.wordpress.com/2017/05/05/the-nra-a-yankee-organization/
Diversity means #ChasingDownWhites.
Another interesting article about how this migration came about. The article is though one sided. None the less, still interesting.
Federal endangered species lists.
It’s totally within our Southron Heritage to be a multicultural, though heirarchical, society and, as well, to be willing to help people across the world, and, if necessary, to shelter folks in our lands.
As Christians, we send our missionaries all over the world, to bring the light of The Gospel of Jesus Chryst to them.
That said, it is quite another matter to be a coercet dumping zone for the Yankee Empire, which fully intends to use these people to sow our ruin.
As a Southerner and a Christian, I find myself in a sad place, because being charitable is my nature, and yet, these days, I don’t much feel that way.
In the end I blame all of this Not on The Yankee Government, nor their Jewish dominatrixes, but, on my Southern White Brethren, who are so weak as to be unequaled experts in the sins of complacency, or is it just out and out too cowardly to enforce our own borders?
Cambodians are quite fond of fish sauce.
The roughneck and sometimes bloodthirsty Southern cracker, the basis of Southern life since the end of the war, a man who made moonshine and did whatever he had to do to survive and would kill a man for disrespecting him or cheating him in the pool hall or a card game, that man represented by the likes of Andrew Jackson, Bedford Forrest, Sam Bowers, and thousands of unnamed common men like a man my Daddy knew as a boy I forget how his name was spelled they called him Cy or Sy his surname was Collett, this man killed at least 5 people and never spent a day in jail. This man murdered his own son in law in his front yard with a 12 gauge. Men like him were gone by the sixties and this is the problem
I wonder if we ought avoid the intelligence criterion?
I think we ought stick to the time-honoured tradition of : whoever conquers a land, and holds it through physical occupation is it’s owner.
Whosoever is willing to spill their blood over a land has always been the determining factor, vis-a-vis ownership, and I think there is good wisdom in that.
Because it’s very difficult to lawyer around that reality.
Any other critieria can, one way or the other, be fairly easily manoeuvered around, in my view.
@Billy Ray…
The roughneck and sometimes bloodthirsty Southern cracker, the basis of Southern life since the end of the war, a man who made moonshine and did whatever he had to do to survive and would kill a man for disrespecting him or cheating him in the pool hall or a card game, that man represented by the likes of Andrew Jackson, Bedford Forrest, Sam Bowers, and thousands of unnamed common men like a man my Daddy knew as a boy I forget how his name was spelled they called him Cy or Sy his surname was Collett, this man killed at least 5 people and never spent a day in jail. This man murdered his own son in law in his front yard with a 12 gauge. Men like him were gone by the sixties and this is the problem.’
I agree with you, Billy Ray. In fact, I stated it in our long exchange just a few days back.
We’ll be slaves until we recover our collective will to be violent.
Mind you, I’m not talking about bombing a few Negroes in some unsuspecting church, but, about a collective pride and willingness to assert ourselves.
We’ve become weak and soft, and our enemies know it, because they worked hard to inculcate it in us.
What Southerners have yet to grasp is that the law once existed for us, but, now it is merely to shackle us. Once, being law-abiding meant going along with home-rule, but, now being ‘law-abiding’ means going along with alien rule.
We’ve got a tremendous gulf to overcome, but, I see signs that we are doing it, in North Carolina.
Though I am not posting any specifick info about what I just said, I am posting this brief video for you, from my social media page, as a sign of a changing tide, in my North Carolina.
This colleague of mine, Gary Williamson, is a great and true Confederate Tarheel, the likes of which we have not since since Grand Dragon Bob Jones, and, is, if you look into his eyes and manner of speaking, the sort of man to whom you are referring.
His existence strikes terror into the hearts of the aliens who are grown quite sure they have our testicles in their grasp.
I hope you enjoy…
There are similar Vietnamese groups in south Texas, on the coast.
I agree with everything that man said although there is one trope that needs to be done away with and it is that the Yankee actively supported race-mixing when in actuality what the Yankee is on the subject of race is simply short-sighted and horribly naive to the point of abject insanity.
Yankee naivety rested on this trope and that was that the Negro was an eternal child who needs to be babied and coddled. The idea that said Negro would come up Beacon Hill and ask to see your daughter, that was both to the Yankee IMPOSSIBLE and RIDICULOUS. He was in the Yankee mind too much of a child to think in those terms. Now if he screwed some syphillitic Irish Whore in the slums, we don’t care because to the Yankee she is on the same level as a Negro ie the eternal Anglo hatred for Irish. I have read Yankee manuals on proper behavior for women in the 1880’s and they were very clear. A lady DID NOT RECOGNIZE while on the street anyone below her station, she was to cut them cold. This meant Negro, Irish, Italian and the poor whites as well.
The basis of Yankee society was the community, the town the social group. As he believed that within his social group, his children would only associate and marry within their social group, because after all he approved their friends and eventual marriage mates, the idea that miscgenation could ever be an issue was looked at as foolish. Remember the Negro is an eternal child, he can’t harm us. Thus the Yankee believed that anti-mixing laws and school segregation was not necessary. Everyone was on the honor system, we’ll just agree to be separate. Now of course there was a tiny number of full human equality people, but these all but died with the abolitionist movement and after 1877 barely raised their voices in polite society.
This Yankee trait of horrible short-sightedness on the issue of race and his inability to form patterns is what is really the problem here. The Yankee never believed that the Negro could rise above his childhood buffoonery, never be anything but a shuck and jiving coon or a Magic Negro like Frederick Douglass, an oddity in line in the Yankee mind to the bearded lady. The Yankee would of course from time to time throw the Negro a bone, slap his back and talk about more jobs and cleaning up the hood, then he’d go back to his enclave and not say a word about them until another incident popped up. Safely protected by cops and his own guns, the Yankee said, IM CONFIDENT IM SAFE IM WHITE WHAT ELSE DO I NEED? He didn’t understand the Jewish idea of collectivism, that through forming collectives financed by Jewish philanthropy that yes the Negro unhindered by laws against him COULD RISE UP. This rising in the North was a long slow process and it took alot of indoctrination, a slow chipping away at traditional Yankee WASP ideas of civilization and society and TWO WORLD WARS to cause such societal chaos that it opened pandoras box. I doubt without either WWI or WWII that the Negro is any better today than he was in 1910.
Today those Yankee institutions such as Harvard, long taken over by Marxists, teach the young to hate whiteness and traditionalism, which yields race mixing race murders etc. This didn’t happen overnight, this was a slow long process. UNFORTUNATELY FOR US, the Yankee is short-sighted and incapable of understanding patterns of behavior and cultural patterns as well. He is simply UTTERLY Naive. The Earl Warren types epitomize this. Well let the Negroes go to White schools, theyll learn to be clean and speak good English. Yankee Naivety 101
The South had a large poor white trash population, leftovers from white convict slavery and very disjointed scattered communities, unlike the micromanaged Yankee ones. Southerners understood that the shucking and jiving could quickly turn Nat Turner on them, so they instituted strong laws because Southerners FORM PATTERNS, they understand PATTERNS OF BEHAVIOR they understand that the Negro without a firm hand to guide him will stray. The Yankee on the other hand was so naive/trusting because of his homogenous society establishing a problem with extreme trust like Sweden and his religious liberalism making it impossible for him to establish a real moral basis to anything he did, everything the Yankee did was BLIND TRADITION. The South didn’t do things via BLIND TRADIITON for the most part sure there is BLIND TRADITION in the manner of Football, but Southern Traditions were accompanied by LAW and the Gospel to build and sustain them. A House built upon a rock, versus the Yankee house upon the sand.
The concept to the Yankee of 1885 that Racial Equality could ever be agreed upon by any amount of people was about as ridiculous as saying pink elephants with wings flying around the room. Those were simply terms trotted out occasionaly at election day that were utterly meaningless. Malcolm X said in his book that the Northern Ghetto Negro learned to hate the Northern Man, because the Northern man was only capable of lies. Unlike the Southern man, who Malcolm offered begrudging respect for who Malcolm said was truthful in his dealings, The Yankee would pose for a photo op then high tail it back to his community and appear again months later.
A trait common in the Midwest, less so in New England is this trait where it is wrong to have strong opinions on any subject. Whereas in Mississippi you could stand up in a courtroom and say THEM NIGGERS DID IT, in Ohio that same phrase would be something like, THE COLOREDS ARE PROBABLY GUILTY. Do you see the difference? In the Midwest, being boisterous like George Wallace is VERBOTEN, because George Wallace would be guilty of breaking Proverbs 16:18 Pride Goeth before destruction and an haughty spirit before a fall. Even among the nonreligious in the older generation 65+ there was this strange obsession with not being obsessively boisterous or prideful, or being disrespectful. In fact it is well and good to say Hang Those_____ in your mind but don’t say it out because that’s a strong opinon and strong opinions are prideful. This is why things are so screwed up.
@Billy Ray…
‘Malcolm X said in his book that the Northern Ghetto Negro learned to hate the Northern Man, because the Northern man was only capable of lies. Unlike the Southern man, who Malcolm offered begrudging respect for who Malcolm said was truthful in his dealings, The Yankee would pose for a photo op then high tail it back to his community and appear again months later.’
Duplicity has long been a characteristick of Northern Culture, Jewish culture, and, yes, English culture. In fact, the triumvirate practice it so successfully that, not only are they become the unholy trinity Dr, Hill quite rightly refers to as ‘The Empire’, they even fool themselves as to what they are about.
In fact, watching them afar would be quite comical, but, alas, we have not yet seen fit to bequeath to ourselves an appropriate laughing range.
@Billy Ray…
‘Southerners understood that the shucking and jiving could quickly turn Nat Turner on them, so they instituted strong laws because Southerners FORM PATTERNS, they understand PATTERNS OF BEHAVIOR they understand that the Negro without a firm hand to guide him will stray.’
Southerners have practical experience with the Negro that I seen, time and time again, Northerners cannot comprehend.
When talking with a Yankee about Negroes, in recent years, you usually get two types –
A. Someone avowing complete anti-racism who proclaims for love of all, and who considers himself far more intelligent that those hateful Southerners who keep up on racism.
B. Someone who hates all Negroes no matter what.
When I was a kid, most Northerners have a view somewhat in the middle of these two, but, that sort seems to have disappeared.
A Billy Ray…
‘A trait common in the Midwest, less so in New England is this trait where it is wrong to have strong opinions on any subject. Whereas in Mississippi you could stand up in a courtroom and say THEM NIGGERS DID IT, in Ohio that same phrase would be something like, THE COLOREDS ARE PROBABLY GUILTY. Do you see the difference? In the Midwest, being boisterous like George Wallace is VERBOTEN, because George Wallace would be guilty of breaking Proverbs 16:18 Pride Goeth before destruction and an haughty spirit before a fall. Even among the nonreligious in the older generation 65+ there was this strange obsession with not being obsessively boisterous or prideful, or being disrespectful. In fact it is well and good to say Hang Those_____ in your mind but don’t say it out because that’s a strong opinon and strong opinions are prideful. This is why things are so screwed up.’
Yes, I do see it and recognize that from my associations with Midwesterners. Really, North Carolinians are a lot like this, however, I am an odd one out, in this respect.
South Carolinians, however, as well as others of The Deep South, are rather boisterous and prideful, in the collective sense.
I’m okay with being prideful. To my way of thinking, it’s being appreciative for what The Good Lord fave you…
@Billy Ray…
‘Today those Yankee institutions such as Harvard, long taken over by Marxists, teach the young to hate whiteness and traditionalism, which yields race mixing race murders etc. This didn’t happen overnight, this was a slow long process. UNFORTUNATELY FOR US, the Yankee is short-sighted and incapable of understanding patterns of behavior and cultural patterns as well. He is simply UTTERLY Naive. The Earl Warren types epitomize this. Well let the Negroes go to White schools, theyll learn to be clean and speak good English. Yankee Naivety 101’
Academick institutions are a very serious problem in North Carolina, as they teach people to be antithetical to their own kind.
I speak my own Southern tongue, replete with Southern jargon, vernacular, and syntax, with very little to no accent, this because my mama, who attended the University of North Carolina in the 1950s, (University of Niggers and Communists according to the late great Senator of ours, Jesse Helms) because she got the drift from her professors that the South was stupid, hateful, moronick, neolithick, and more or less all brand of noxious not already covered by the former qualities just mentioned, thus, she resolved to get rid of every trace of her Southern accent.
To this day, I have never heard my mama speak in what must have been her tongue, as her parents had a Carolina hill accent that would have set most city-slicker ears on end.
Needless to say, when I was a little boy, I remember all the diction lessons my mama gave me, and the corrections she made of my speech, if, perchance, on any given day I came home from school sounding too ignorant for her ears.
The University of North Carolina really did a number on my mama, and it’s been quite a damn shock for her that her son grew up to be a proud Confederate flag waving Southern Nationalist, and not the Yankee-loving progressive she so carefully groomed.
I dearly love my mama, who has been so kind to me, but, in this area, I ultimately came to model myself on her parents – who were fortunate they never made it past 8th grade….
You understood my explanation of the historical attitude that Yankees have about race-mixing right? Though I will hear some EXTREME Southern Nationalists think that Yankees all want the bucks chasing White girls the truth is that the so-called educated Yankee is incapable of thinking on those levels. The historical Yankee was a very micromanaged cold individual and his women were even colder. Now it wasn’t always this way the Puritans had A LOT of sex and in 1700 the Puritans in Colonial America had the largest families. The Puritans, like the LAW OF MOSES, wrote the laws of God upon their doors upon their gates, everywhere you couldn’t escape the Laws of God.
However the coming of Universalism removed the Laws of God from the public discourse and slowly replaced it with relativism. Harvard was the home base of this. As this happened, the relationships between men and women changed, women began to put demands upon men, the typical cold Yankee shrew who was seen by Southrons as over-opinionated and over-educated emerged. Southern women at the time in the Aristocracy were educated, but they were not educated the same as men. As a result the Yankee birthrate began to drop and as a result of the war, this population in New England was almost entirely obliterated.
The Yankee only sees the world through rose-colored glasses. He thought all women were like his women, cold, shrewish and typically unsexed. He always figured that as the Negro is a child he could always manage him, just like he managed his cold shrewish wives and daughters. As no one would socially destroy their family by associating with lower classes, no one would dare associate with Negroes except in some political capacity. The original BIRTH OF A NATION in 1915 which was based on THE CLANSMAN by Thomas Dixon shows this very well. The Republican Yankee Stoneman uses his mulatto stooge but never even understands that his stooge is gaining feelings toward his daughter, as Stoneman is totally enslaved to ideas of social impropriety, the concept that such a thing could ever happen evades his notice altogether. When Stoneman discovers this, he is enraged and his poor daughter is forced to flee. Thus you see the Yankee dilemma. He cannot comprehend sexual degeneracy nor can he comprehend the Negro’s penchant for it. Thus when horrible things happen he is horrified, but he cannot bring himself to deal with it, because he cannot admit there is a problem. Its like the Englishman being boiled in a pot by Cannibals saying CARRY ON STIFF UPPER LIP
The Northern belief on Negroes you are right does tend to be both extremes, most are more toward B than A but the old fashioned ones are like my mother. You can talk about class and impropriety and say well decent people don’t associate with THOSE PEOPLE and of course underneath in their psyche they actually agree with Segregation BUT they won’t say that aloud, they will merely elude to it and speak in codespeak. Northern codespeak is like this
“They’re just the wrong type of people and you don’t want to stick out like a sore thumb.” It means the exact same thing as what any Carolina Klansman is thinking, BUT they wont come out and say it. That would be improper.