Today on the Alt-South Memo:
- North Miami declares “We are Haiti.” City celebrates the “rich culture” of Third World savages whose founders committed White genocide.
- North Carolina Republican bill seeks to re-install gay marriage ban in open defiance of ZOG.
- Our official plan for the hopeless Cuck Knight. Hint: it sounds much like our plan for cucky Vermonters.
Alt-South Memo is brought to you by Occidental Dissent and Identity Dixie. Many thanks to Charlie Stuart from the Thistle and Brier podcast for all his help in making ASM possible!
Your solution to the Cuck Knight, sir, made me laugh out loud. Thank you!
I am glad you enjoyed it!
North Miami is a place so savage, even most upwardly mobile Negroes avoid it for the sake of their lives. Liberty City Fla gave us the rhymes of poet laureate Luther Campbell and his merry men of the 2 Live Crew, with such wonderful poems as ME SO HORNY, POP THAT PUSSY and others. Not to mention the wisdom of Rachel Jenteal aka Trayvon’s homegirl aka Jabba The Hut.
BTW Sorry for the obscenity
@Michael Cushman…
‘…it sounds much like our plan for cucky Vermonters.’
Mr. Cushman – Vermonters are quite naturally cuckers, as they have no Negroes there, no anyone else who is not Anglo-saxon White.
The wife and I live on the border between Vermont and New York for years, and, in our many many sojourns to Vermont, we never saw anyone less White than someone of Italian or Ukrainian descent.
Of course, if you talk to Vermonters about this, they will proudly refer to the 100 Negroes they might have, in their two eentsy-weentsy metropolises of Bennington and Burlington, as ample credentials why they have every right to regard their republick as a shiny example of anti-racist diversity.
@Michael Cushman…
I hope you will see that, in North Carolina, a big part of our plan for our survival and well-being is to pass enough ‘repressive’ legislation through, over the coming years, that, not only do prospective retired Yankees think again before moving here, those who are already here will, with numerous of our own home-grown scalawags, self-deport.
In this way, we can take advantage of wide open borders, so that those who belong not with us, can expeditiously find new homes in diverse anti-White, anti-Southron paradises.
Last, I appreciate your irony about the cuck-knight.
Cheek and irony is best in such dark subjects, as black is not black enough to describe how we feel about folks like ‘cuck-knight’, and his one-world, one-race paradigms.
Ah, “scalawag.” What a fine old word fallen into unfortunate desuetude.
Sounds like a paradise of cultural diversity and enrichment.
Whatever plan we come up with to encourage the self-deportation of liberal Whites needs to be put into effect immediately. Not sure what it could be since the courts will strike down anything too radical. I like the Flaggers’ idea of putting up giant battleflags. That will surely help. Whatever we do it needs to be absolutely repulsive to liberals and cucks.
@Michael Cushman…
In North Carolina we have a plan. Please feel free to borrow it and advocate it amongst your South Carolina brethren.
The plan?
Prayer in public school, no gay marriage, religious freedom acts restoring some of the lost right to freedom of association, liberal gun laws, a ban on abortion, no transgender accomodations, limits on Obama Care, new in-state welfare work rules,Confederate flags beside every highway etc…
Most of these will, with the new court appointments, hold up, in a sequence of many appeals.
The end result will be that, within another ten years, many many liberals and cucks will self- deport, and, as well, non White immigrants will, excepting Moslems who love these kinds of thing.
Also, local County Commissioners can adopt repressive acts. Even where things don’t hold up, over the appeal process, we win, because the news coverage we will receive, will do the job of a trillion dollars in paid advertising, which tells folks to go away.
This way, they go away of their own accord – and go away they will, which leaves us, in the ‘union’ or out, more and more in charge of our lands.
Is there any other readily accessible strategy than this? If there is, I don’t see it.
‘Ah, “scalawag.” What a fine old word fallen into unfortunate disusetude.’
In Southern cities, for sure, but, this word is still prevalent in the rural environs of the South, which, happily, makes up the overwhelming majority of territory of Dixie!
“Of course, if you talk to Vermonters about this, they will proudly refer to the 100 Negroes they might have, in their two eentsy-weentsy metropolises of Bennington and Burlington, as ample credentials why they have every right to regard their republick as a shiny example of anti-racist diversity.”
They also think they have the right to arrogantly and unceasingly lecture Southrons on the nature of Black folks and race relations
“This way, they go away of their own accord – and go away they will, which leaves us, in the ‘union’ or out, more and more in charge of our lands.”
However, it won’t stop the busloads of YJCs coming down from up North, to our respective state Capitols, to protest various bits of legislation. Southrons voting is antidemocratic, seditious and unAmerican®, after all.
@James Owen…
In this rare case, Mr. Owen, I am sceptical or what you surmise.
Because I believe that, as it sinks into YJCs, Scalawags, SJWs, ( and whoever else flees our lands) that despite 150+ years of the most mammoth war ever waged to subvert, usurpt, and change a nation (Dixie), it all failed; that, in the end, we had been, were, are, and ever will be, all they will ever despise.
At that point, I think they will be glad to be separate and that they will wash their hands of us.
I think that, in general, liberal disgust for the White Rural South is so profound that they will put up fences with us and, on their side of that fence put up a phrase from Dante, which reads…
P.S. 100 years from now, I venture to say that New England, Washington and Oregon will be in a new nation with Canada, – that California will be known as ‘New Mexico’ and that Dixie will be in this same country, with other Plains and Prairie Red States, it called ,’The United States’.
Only, in that case, it really would be ‘united’.
@James Owen…
“Of course, if you talk to Vermonters about this, they will proudly refer to the 100 Negroes they might have, in their two eentsy-weentsy metropolises of Bennington and Burlington, as ample credentials why they have every right to regard their republick as a shiny example of anti-racist diversity.”
They also think they have the right to arrogantly and unceasingly lecture Southrons on the nature of Black folks and race relations…’
Yes, well, in this case, as John Bonaccorsi might say – the Northeast has better maintained it’s English ways than The South.
I got a dose of this recently, when I met an Englishman, online at Discus, who had complete disdain for all Americans, no matter where, and an Australian man entered the conversation (whose views are much like yours and mine) and who remarkt : ‘they’ve always been this way – thumbing their nose at us, you, the Irish, the Scots, and the Zealanders, too.’
Enslave the cucks!
Mr. Daniel: those islands of blue that sent our electoral votes in Washington and Oregon can float off into their sea of fantasy utopia-land. DIXIE LIVES east of the Cascades in the hearts of pioneers who left the Reconstructed South, or came West before the war of northern aggression. The red counties in our states WILL NOT become part of some eco-topia socialist wonderland. Count on it.
Yeehah!- I like your spirit!
Bless you, I feel some real Southern steel, there!
This is for your Rebel Soul, from Northeastern North Carolina…