Let Cucks Fight Their Own Battles

James Kilpatrick writes at VDARE:

“The desire of many right-wingers and nationalists to simply operate in the same unapologetic way as the Left, in defiance of the self-appointed policing role of Conservatism Inc., was one of the powerful drives behind the Trump campaign. Of course, since Trump’s election and his baffling decision to staff his administration with many of the same Conservatism Inc. types who opposed him, that alliance has splintered.

But one place where it had largely held up was in the increasing street battles between Left and Right. During the repeated protests in Berkeley, both explicitly ethno-nationalist and civic nationalist forces joined forces against Antifa protesters. Mainstream conservatives are also now explicitly denouncing Antifa—a practically unthinkable development only a few years ago [The New Civil War: Radical Communists vs. Conservatives, WND, April 29, 2017].

Yet even there the alliance may now be over. After Berkeley, a member of the constitutionalist Oathkeepers organization threatened violence against young Alt Right supporters for “racism”—not that it will prevent the Oathkeepers from also being called racists. …”

It is over. After we had fought off two “Patriots” in New Orleans, the Take Em Down NOLA crowd finally arrived on Sunday evening. It contained New Orleans Antifa and the New Black Panthers.

What did the “Patriots” do? They assembled at the top of the hill on Lee Circle and said let the mob fight the “hate groups” and “racists.” It’s not our fight. We will stand up here in our gear on top of this hill. If the mob pushes through their line on the barricades, then will defend ourselves. Everyone who was actually standing on the barricades in New Orleans facing the mob was some shade of Identitarian.

The lesson of New Orleans is that cucks are more interested in proving they are not “racists” to Antifa, Take Em Down NOLA, Black Lives Matter and the New Black Panthers than anything else. They were even willing to fight us in order to virtue signal to random black people that they were not “evil racists.” By the end of the event, the cucks who came to New Orleans even asked the New Black Panthers if they could stand with them.

This was all captured on video. All I can say is that if you are any type of Identitarian and go to one of these events you will be fighting enemies at your front and your back. I wouldn’t recommend it.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. That moment in Braveheart when the light cavalry canter off the field.

  2. A great post. Good points all and spot on. At one level I sense that more color blind conservatives are leaning our way, but many are not and many never will. Sparing no effort to run away from encroaching MUD intrusion into their communities, they still feel compelled by some weird self-destructive impulse to try to prove they’re “not racist.” Of course it will not protect them from being slaughtered and consumed tomorrow by the blacks with whom they had their picture taken today to prove how open minded they were. MUDS don’t care and never will.

    Based Stick Man (aka Kyle Chapman) is facing five (5) felony charges based on his actions in Berkeley. I was sympathetic until I learned he was a cuck who denounced “racists”, even after all that. Some never learn. No fund raising for him. Let his fellow cucks dig into their wallets instead. Maybe a few years in state prison with MUD room mates will teach him the error of his ways. Sad but true.

  3. This guy isn’t a cuck he’s a full on Jew. At 9 minutes on the interview he literally echoes too.

    No better than Shia Leboeurf.

  4. lol, so funny when they made it clear to the cuck knight that they view the American flag he was wearing as the same as the Confederate flag. These cucks don’t realize that’s the next step.

  5. Oath Keepers is utterly useless (so is the NRA and groups like them). There are plenty of cucks in Oath Keepers. All mainstream organizations are useless when it comes to conserving anything of value that is white or American. In the end, their courage is nonexistent and they do everything possible to conform to mainstream standards. They’re weak and they always stay within the parameters of a safe zone. They aren’t willing to actually fight anyone or anything. It’s all a façade and the controllers know it and keep them that way. After LaVoy Finicum was shot, where were the protests and the riots? They made excuses as to why they didn’t stand behind those folks in Oregon. And, anyone here who things members of the military or police are aligned against the system is only fooling themselves. We are on our own and have been from the beginning.

    On another note, did you see that Trump met with Kissinger? Don’t fool yourself, Trump is one of them.

  6. Well, they’ve proven themselves unfit to survive. I guess whites are going to end up as a few isolated tribes in a pole-to-pole sea of brown, like the Copts or certain whiter Syrians.

  7. @Don

    Based Gook Lover is looking at a potential life sentence under California’s three strikes law – at least some are interpreting the information this way.

    He’s currently looking at 5 more potential felonies, and is still talking about organizing some sort of gay Patriots militia.

    My advice would be to stay away – not claiming anything, but maybe it’s just safer to err on the side of caution with that guy.

  8. None of the cucks understand that Lincoln was a tyrant who sicced the knee grows (USCTs) on us during the WBTS and the hostility continues until this day…Take the Lincoln Memorial down and throw the statue of Lincoln into a land fill and leave the South alone….We need many pro South movies, books, etc produced to present our side of the story to counter this Left propaganda…

  9. At the end of the day, the only true SORT OF ally Southern Nationalists have are other White Nationalists. Notice the SORT OF in there because there are ideas some WN’s embrace that SN’s would find repugnant. Call it an alliance of conveinence.

  10. @Turn Hearts

    Lincoln was right in the sense of what needs to be done in a state of emergency that is you seize control of all faculties of government. Davis should have done the same in the CSA and the Union would have fallen to defeat.

    Jefferson Davis tried to walk a tightrope between States Rights and Freedom of the Press and direct leadership. The thing was the scummy States Right bunch wouldn’t give Mr. Davis a single inch. Not to mention you had Benjamin and the Jewish cabal stabbing the CSA in the back the entire time. Every single time Jeff Davis attempted to marshal control, they trashed him in the media called him a tyrant and even worse. You ended up having the Governors of North Carolina and Georgia flipping the bird to Richmond and holding back supplies such as UNIFORMS, GUNS, MEDICATIONS, with the excuse that it was necessary to arm their state militias. Not to mention in many states you could get a waiver from front line service if you signed up as a State militaman, Georgia and North Carolina held back thousands of troops this way.

    At war’s end, the Union Army found entire storehouses full of Confederate Uniforms, guns, medicine, shoes, ammunition, literally enough supplies that could have kept the Army of Northern Virginia going until at least 1867, most of these in North Carolina and Georgia. In a sense they had one excuse, the South was short horses and the trains were falling apart so it became more difficult to ship goods. However where there was a will, there was a way, no horses? You use oxen and i know they did have cows. albeit slow going but things would have eventually got there. The thing was Gov Vance in NC and Gov Brown of GA under States Rights claimed that all these supplies were necessary for their state militias. Lee’s barefoot ragged troops never had to be barefoot and ragged. Had Mr. Davis seized control as a Tyrant, Vance and Brown should have been tried and shot for not adequetly helping the war effort. That was treason

    The movie BIRTH OF A NATION filmed in 1915 used NOS Confederate Uniforms that had been seized after the war and sold to collectors.

  11. @ Michael Cushman

    “What the hell does Israel have to do with Confederate monuments in New Orleans?”

    That’s a good question. If the NWO is really the JWO, everything. Who has been behind everything destructive toward whites? I guess it’s just a cohencidence.

  12. @billyrayjenkins

    BRJ, Here is a “what if” (and probably no “what if” would have given the South the victory because of the odds stacked against them). If the South had delayed setting up the CSA and instead just selected a Commander in the field of all military forces and each state sent men and material requested to fight the war until they had won, all the wasted time of trying to put on a show that this was a legitimate government to the world would have been avoided and all energy and resources could have been sent to the army out in the field to win the war. In other words, win the war first and then set up the CSA and leave the governing during the war to the individual states.

    As far as NC and GA go. I would never say anything against the men who fought from those states. And if you think they held back too much then both states paid dearly — NC lost more men than any other state and GA took the brunt of Sherman’s march to the sea.

  13. The Cuck Knight has apparently been identified as one Sean van Duser, a paramedic from Oxnard, California.

  14. It’s almost as if the entire white racialist movement is divided into three reactionary factions and all are by definition reactionary because all are backward looking. 1/3 thinks America is still the land of Maybury and the Brady Bunch, 1/3 thinks it is still the day before Gettysburg when all things still seemed possible, and 1/3 thinks it is the halcyon days of 1938 Germany before all went to pot.So I say no Southern secession, no Northwest secession, No Texas secession, but one united red state America secession! After all, did not Barry Goldwater once speculate the United States would be better off if the entire eastern seaboard was sawed off and allowed to fall in the sea? Screw blue state America. Let them form their own nation dedicated to their ideals and let red states do the same and we shall soon who survives!

  15. @Don…

    ‘At one level I sense that more color blind conservatives are leaning our way, ‘

    No, probably not, as you carefully said.

    In fact, they are probably worse than liberals, because you can count on the latter to be evil, whereas with the color-blind conservatives, they wave back and forth between a sublimated tribal instinct and a conscious desire to show how good they are, by betraying their extended family.

  16. @Ethnostatist…

    ‘Screw blue state America. ‘

    Yep, I think that pretty much covers it…

  17. @Michael Cushman…

    ‘Funny how that interview devolved into a cuck for Israel. What the hell does Israel have to do with Confederate monuments in New Orleans?’

    Flashing and authenticating his badge of anti-Southern Whiteness…

  18. @Michael Cushman…

    ‘Funny how that interview devolved into a cuck for Israel. What the hell does Israel have to do with Confederate monuments in New Orleans?’

    After 60 years of being portrayed by the Jew England government as hateful ignorant bullying bastards, it still feels too good for people NOT to notice that WE … are the ones BEING bullied and hated on.

    Americans just can’t seem to get it through their thick head that, whenever The Yankee Empire wants to murder someone, they paint a sign on the target’s back, which read, ‘unworthy to be left alive’.

    Then, everyone cheers, and the bombs start to fly, Fox News and The New york Times get to hummin’, and the courts get to undoin’ another element of a 400 year old culture…

  19. @

    I used to be a “colorblind conservative” as many other WN’s who have been “red pilled”.

    A movement that does not welcome converts is probably doomed to defeat. We need to get our numbers up and I think lots of WHITES are going to go our way. If they don’t, we’ll never be able to be very meaningful.

  20. If cuckservitives feel they are winning they will never change. WN need to organize between groups and get the message out to white men 16-45 and quit sticking their necks out for people who have proven to be back-stabbers. The fight doesn’t scare antifa ,its the message they are trying to stop. You need to develop a spy network with stealth tactics and humiliate them. People wont to join they just don’t want to be cannon fodder.

  21. @Billy Ray…

    ‘Every single time Jeff Davis attempted to marshal control, they trashed him in the media called him a tyrant and even worse. You ended up having the Governors of North Carolina and Georgia flipping the bird to Richmond and holding back supplies such as UNIFORMS, GUNS, MEDICATIONS, with the excuse that it was necessary to arm their state militias. Not to mention in many states you could get a waiver from front line service if you signed up as a State militaman, Georgia and North Carolina held back thousands of troops this way.’

    As usual, Billy Ray – extremely well said.

    I would like to point out one thing, however -the coast of North Carolina was invaded in 1861, and, thenceforward, the Yankees came into our inland areas – many times to my town, Murfreesboro, and, ultimately, by January 1865, even past where I live, to Weldon, where they wreckt the main railroad supply line to Petersburg.

    Before that they, and their scalawags and runaways, wreckt the railway line around Washington.

    Now, we were the principal suppliers of The Army of Northern Virginia, and notwithstanding the fact that Governor Vance did retain a lot of supplies here, during the last year and a half of The War of Northern Aggression, we, alone, supplied Lee’s army.

    We had to supply ourselves, however, as there was a continuous and serious ongoing war right here in North Carolina and we had to go it all alone – not to mention the fact that we still supplied a ton of men to Lee’s army.

    No Confederate state made such a contribution to the Confederacy as did North Carolina, both in men and materiale.

    But, yes, there were upper class slackers, particularly in the central part of the state, who used militia service to avoid the real fight.

  22. @Turn Hearts…

    ‘As far as NC and GA go. I would never say anything against the men who fought from those states. And if you think they held back too much then both states paid dearly — NC lost more men than any other state and GA took the brunt of Sherman’s march to the sea.’

    Well said, indeed, M’am!

  23. @Don…

    In reply to a comment by Juniusdaniel1828…

    ‘I used to be a “colorblind conservative” as many other WN’s who have been “red pilled”.

    A movement that does not welcome converts is probably doomed to defeat. We need to get our numbers up and I think lots of WHITES are going to go our way. If they don’t, we’ll never be able to be very meaningful.’

    I’m glad you got over it, Don. If Whites don’t stop this ridiculous charade of showing how non-White they can be, we will be doomed by our own altruistick natures.

    How sad that something so good could lead to so bad.

    Yet, our Lord & Saviour, Jesus Chryst spoke of this, when he talkt of The Good, not being of this world, but, of His.

  24. Meanwhile: Another monument goes down.

    So the Southern Resistance, objectively, has utterly failed to protect Southern Heritage. No one was even symbolically arrested. No attempt was made to stop the proceedings, either, to actually make it impossible to do by destroying the cranes, putting armed guards on the monument.

    So Dixie goes. Not with a bang, but with a a whimper.
    Second time a farce.
    Such is life.

  25. Cucks believe that underneath the skin of every non White, no matter how savage and stupid, there’s a Whiteman struggling to come out. That’s why they’re fine with having unlimited numbers of them in White countries. That’s why they’ll always turn on you.

  26. @Xeroxero…

    ‘Meanwhile: Another monument goes down.

    So the Southern Resistance, objectively, has utterly failed to protect Southern Heritage. No one was even symbolically arrested. No attempt was made to stop the proceedings, either, to actually make it impossible to do by destroying the cranes, putting armed guards on the monument.

    So Dixie goes. Not with a bang, but with a a whimper.’


    I don’t how you can make this statement. In North Carolina we have protected every single one of our Confederate monuments, and, believe you me, we have many, and many prominent, such as the extremely tall monument on our historick legislature lawn.

    Furthermore, ACTBAC, in concert with the SCV, have been placing tall and prominent Confederate flags by the interstates.

    Additionally, we have pioneered the fight against the LGBT, not just with HB-2, but, additionally, with a new bill striking down Gay marriage.

    Further, we reorganized politically, and have such a lock-tight control over our legislature, that the Soros-appointed governor has almost no power, other than to speak.

    Yes, we’ve got more work to do, but, The Olde North State is far from ‘going out with a whimper’…

  27. @juniusdaniel1828:

    “At war’s end, the Union Army found entire storehouses full of Confederate Uniforms, guns, medicine, shoes, ammunition, literally enough supplies that could have kept the Army of Northern Virginia going until at least 1867, most of these in North Carolina and Georgia. In a sense they had one excuse, the South was short horses and the trains were falling apart so it became more difficult to ship goods. However where there was a will, there was a way, no horses? You use oxen and i know they did have cows. albeit slow going but things would have eventually got there. The thing was Gov Vance in NC and Gov Brown of GA under States Rights claimed that all these supplies were necessary for their state militias. Lee’s barefoot ragged troops never had to be barefoot and ragged. Had Mr. Davis seized control as a Tyrant, Vance and Brown should have been tried and shot for not adequetly helping the war effort. That was treason.”

    My great great grandfather was a French Swiss emigre who was drafted into the Union Army close to the end of the Civil War. He got lost during one melee and ended up in Confederate ranks. The reason this happened is that many of them were wearing blue instead of grey. He didn’t realize who they were until he saw the battle flag once the smoke cleared. The reason why he wasn’t captured and shipped off to a POW camp was because he spoke English with a thick French accent and they thought he was from Louisiana.

    My ancestor stayed with them until he could discreetly make his way back to the Union troops. He was very impressed with their fighting ability and tenacity. He said that if they had been properly equipped and not had their hands tied by generals who were too squeamish to be as ruthless as Grant and Sherman, the South would have won or at least negotiated better terms than those at Appamatox. They were formidable fighters even though they were in such dire straits that they had to strip Union dead for clothing and arms.

  28. As far as NC and GA go. I would never say anything against the men who fought from those states. And if you think they held back too much then both states paid dearly — NC lost more men than any other state and GA took the brunt of Sherman’s march to the sea.

    @Turn Hearts.

    My criticism was not of the men, it was of Governor Zeb Vance in NC and Gov Joe Brown in GA who were engaged in holding back supplies that the Army of Northern Virginia could have used to continue to keep the war going. This was the problem. Zeb Vance and Gov Brown did have a point, North Carolina did need supplies for its own people, so did Georgia but when you had entire stockpiles of new weapons and ammo sitting in warehouses while Lee’s Army was starving and running low on everything, that smacks of corruption. When they discovered whole warehouses at the end of the war full of supplies, that could have kept Lee in business for another year or two, that was sad. Of course there were reasons that happened, such as severed supply lines, shortages of horses, etc. The governors felt themselves justified, but Gov. Browns open criticism of the government was unproductive, he was an extreme states rights guy. However in time of war, a leader needs all hands on deck.

  29. @xeroxero

    “Meanwhile: Another monument goes down.

    So the Southern Resistance, objectively, has utterly failed to protect Southern Heritage. No one was even symbolically arrested. No attempt was made to stop the proceedings, either, to actually make it impossible to do by destroying the cranes, putting armed guards on the monument.

    So Dixie goes. Not with a bang, but with a a whimper.
    Second time a farce.
    Such is life.”

    No one is more disappointed or less surprised than I am. But it comes down to this: It seems that the Southerner prefers to go down fighting in glorious defeat rather than beating a tactical retreat.

    This anti-Southern agitation had been building for years before Dylann Roof happened and it only occurred to a Yankee Republican governor like Jeb Bush to quietly gather up all of Florida’s Confederate artifacts and secure them in a museum.

    You have Mitch Landieu, a Southerner, who did nothing but leave New Orleans Confederate artifacts out to be defaced and then torn down.

    Jeb Bush saw (and maybe even sympathized with the anti-Southern propaganda) but preserved the artifacts in a museum, but Landrieu had a blind spot leaving those artifacts vulnerable to destruction. By the time the protestors showed up, it was too late to save them.

    In the same way, the South lost its Segregation Now, Segregation Forever war. The unwillingness to beat a tactical retreat and present Northern agitators with de facto rather than de jure segregation. They had years of advance warning about the desegregation agitation in the North.

    Rather than blowing money to bolster up separate but equal, they could have worked collectively to get every White child out of their public school system and into parochial schools, because the most segregated hour, even today, is on Sunday, at church.

    Imagine if, when the US marshals were dispatched to the South to escort Black children into formerly White public schools, there were simply no White children to mix with. It would have been a sweet, classy way for the South to shove a middle finger up the nose of Northern agitators. And it would have inspired Northern White separatists to do the same; get their kids out of the public school system.

    The South could have been instrumental in saving White children throughout the country from the poisonous education of Cultural Marxism if they had just believed in beating a tactical retreat and going full-scale guerrilla warfare.

    For the love of all that’s holy, please, please, please consider safeguarding your historical artifacts in museums (which you have to pay to enter) with cameras and armed guards to secure them. Once this madness passes, they will be there. If you allow these precious artifacts to be destroyed, the true story about your great ancestors will never be known.

  30. @juniusdaniel1828

    Well said, indeed, M’am!

    Since I can no longer deadlift over 600lbs like I could in my 20’s when I owned a weightlifting gym I sort of feel like one…:)


    “My criticism was not of the men, it was of Governor Zeb Vance in NC and Gov Joe Brown in GA who were engaged in holding back supplies that the Army of Northern Virginia…”

    R E Lee had some harsh words for the politicians in Richmond:

    “I have been up to see the Congress and they do not seem to be able to do anything except to eat peanuts and chew tobacco, while my army is starving.”

  32. @Turn Hearts.

    That’s about the long and short of it. The backstabbing politicians when you read that even in 1862-65 were truly sicking.

    The same thing is going on now. No statue or memorial would be touched anywhere if not for backstabbing politicians. The best thing that can happen now is for a memorial society to be formed to salvage them and place them somewhere, say in a memorial park or something. As sickening as it is to lose, we have to endeavor to snatch victory from the arms of defeat.

    Next on the list, have the US GOVT declare the Jackson Statue federally protected.

  33. clytemnestra57
    MAY 11, 2017 AT 7:15 PM

    In the same way, the South lost its Segregation Now, Segregation Forever war. The unwillingness to beat a tactical retreat and present Northern agitators with de facto rather than de jure segregation. They had years of advance warning about the desegregation agitation in the North.

    Jewish agitation you mean. The North already had pretty strict De Facto Segregation in most places except for the tiny towns were it wasn’t necessary. Almost all of the agitators were Jews and a few saps who followed them around. CORE aka the CONGRESS ON RACIAL EQUALITY first began their sit-in crap in Chicago in 1942 protesting lunch counter segregation. In the North the lunch counters werent segregated by law, they just refused to serve Negroes or gave them such awful service they left. CORE was the first time that the JEWS really saw that they could exploit the nonviolence trope against Whites. In 1948 the Supreme Court invalidated Covenant Housing, that case was ENTIRELY prepared by Jews.

    CORE found out as the Northern Schools were not officially or completely segregated that it was much more difficult to legally go after them. Brown v Board gave them the power to do so, as once legal school segregation was invalidated, and the premise that the US Court System had jurisdiction over local schools established, then they began bringing the small lawsuits over racial balance, over redlining, over all the rest of the stuff. However it didn’t hit the North bad until the 1960’s when MLK began turning his attention to Chicago.

    I think suburbia was really the only reason there was not more fights over this issue. Whites, especially in the North and West just moved out. Remember in 1955, these housing developments were new homes. Today these homes are sixty plus years old and the outer rings are old as well. The older your housing stock gets, the more likely muds will come. This is why I support burning all of the suburbs to the ground and then rebuilding them. New Homes=few minorities.

  34. @Billy Ray…

    ‘I think suburbia was really the only reason there was not more fights over this issue. Whites, especially in the North and West just moved out.’

    Same thing happened all over The South, Billy. Even in this here small town.
    In my case, however, I live in the historick district, so we have Negro and White neighbours.

    In Northeastern North Carolina, almost no White kids go to publick schools – the vast majority attending Christian private schools that were started in the mid-1960s.

    Only the poorest Whites attend publick school, here – so, it’s yet another example of how this area has thumbed it’s nose at change.

    I kid you not – where I live, people carry on just like they did when I was a kid.

    Maybe the only exception is that most Whites have been bullied by the Jewish media into not saying the words ‘White’ or ‘Negro’.

    I do my best to help them get over that little compromise with the New England Yankee system.

  35. @Billy Ray…

    ‘In the same way, the South lost its Segregation Now, Segregation Forever war. The unwillingness to beat a tactical retreat and present Northern agitators with de facto rather than de jure segregation. They had years of advance warning about the desegregation agitation in the North.’

    My parents generation had lost the desire to organize and shoot meddling Yankees, Billy Ray.

    I haven’t however – or, at least, not at their godwaful usurpt government.

  36. @Clytemnestra…

    ‘My great great grandfather was a French Swiss emigre who was drafted into the Union Army close to the end of the Civil War. He got lost during one melee and ended up in Confederate ranks. The reason this happened is that many of them were wearing blue instead of grey. He didn’t realize who they were until he saw the battle flag once the smoke cleared. The reason why he wasn’t captured and shipped off to a POW camp was because he spoke English with a thick French accent and they thought he was from Louisiana.

    My ancestor stayed with them until he could discreetly make his way back to the Union troops. He was very impressed with their fighting ability and tenacity. He said that if they had been properly equipped and not had their hands tied by generals who were too squeamish to be as ruthless as Grant and Sherman, the South would have won or at least negotiated better terms than those at Appamatox. They were formidable fighters even though they were in such dire straits that they had to strip Union dead for clothing and arms.’

    My Dear – I’m so very sorry I did not see this till now.

    What a great vignette!

    Yes, Southerners are very tenacious and love a good fight. The greatest weakness we, as a culture, have, is that we are so straightforward and honourable, we are loathe to conceive of wars that are made without declarations, flags, and shooting guns.

    We have also been badly hurt by decades of media attacks, always portraying us as ignorant hateful brutes. It’s had a devastating effect on the Southern Psyche, this because, deep down, every Southron Man wants to see himself as standing for right, as a protector of all that’s good and holy.

    This has led to an extinction in our midst of the bully-protector types.
    When I first stumbled across the League of the South, some years back, I was immediately impresst by, and attracted to, the fact that I saw this old type of Southerner, even with the youngsters, in their midst.

    Being a bully and a duellist, myself, I feel at home with these kind of people who are tough, aggressive, and willing to risk to protect our kind.

    This time in history is no time for nice guy Southerners. We need steely people who won’t be talked or reasoned out of our values & grudges.

    All the best to you, M’am!

  37. Even though they were unskilled and ineffective, to the credit of the courage of the GA militia who fought when Sherman was coming through:

    So far, except for skittery detachments of butternut cavalry, not so much opposing as observing Kilpatrick’s movement down the Macon & Western, neither Union column had encountered any organized resistance. One reason for this, in addition to their confusion as to Sherman’s whereabouts or goal, was that the Confederates had little or nothing with which to confront him except Wheeler’s 3500 scattered horsemen and an overload of brass. Within a week of his departure from Atlanta, both Hardee and Richard Taylor were at Macon, ordered there from Charleston and Selma by Beauregard — who himself was on the way from North Alabama — to confer with the Governor and his two chief military advisers, Howell Cobb and Major General G. W. Smith. Of these four high-ranking commanders, only the last brought any troops along, and all he had was 3000 Georgia militia summoned back into service by Brown to help meet the impending crisis. Learning that the blue infantry had left the railroad at Jonesboro, Hardee decided that Milledgeville, not Macon, was Howard’s intermediary objective on a march that would continue southeast, through Millen to Savannah, and that Slocum would most likely push on eastward, through Augusta, to reach Charleston. He therefore advised that the militia be shifted northward to stand in Slocum’s path, while he himself returned by rail to Savannah to prepare for its defense. Brown approving, the four makeshift brigades — so called, though none was much larger than a standard regiment — were ordered to set out at once, commanded by a militia brigadier named P. J. Phillips; Smith remained behind to make arrangements for supplies. That was on November 22, the day Sherman had one of Slocum’s divisions clean out Cobb’s plantation, ten miles north of Milledgeville, and that was how it came about that a brigade from one of Howard’s divisions, ten miles east of Macon, fought that afternoon the only sizeable infantry action of the campaign between Atlanta and the Atlantic.

    Aside from the high rate of casualties on one side, in contrast to the low rate on the other, there was little to distinguish the engagement from other such exercises in futility, staged for the most part in the early, picture-book days of the war, when blue and gray were green alike. Howard had bypassed Macon the day before, quarter-circling it clockwise from the north, and today, while Brown and the four generals were conferring, had posted a rear guard beyond Griswoldville, nine miles out the Central Georgia Railroad, which he crossed at that point on his way toward the Oconee for a crossing about midway between Milledgeville and Dublin. This rear guard, a single brigade from the tail division of Osterhaus’s corps, had taken position along the crest of a hill one mile east of the station,its flanks protected by swampy ground and with open fields in front. So far, there had been no threat except from rebel troopers, who were easily kept off, but late that afternoon the 1500 defenders saw a heavy column of infantry moving toward them through the town. To their surprise, the marchers formed for attack and came straight at them across the stubble of the fields, displaying what one Federal called “more courage than discretion.” With accustomed ease, the XV Corps veterans leveled their rifles and blasted the attackers back, only to see them reassemble and come on again, in much the same style and with similar results. Three times they charged uphill in close formation, and three times they were blown rearward by heavy volleys from the breastworks on the crest; until at last they gave it up and limped away, back through Griswoldville, toward Macon. Whooping, the victors moved out into the field to gather up the booty. Soon, however, the cheers froze in their throats at the sight of what lay before them in the stubble. They saw for the first time, to their horror, that they had been fighting mostly old men and young boys, who lay about in attitudes of death and agony — more than 600 of them in all, as compared to their own loss of 62.

    “I was never so affected at the sight of dead and wounded before,” an Illinois infantryman afterwards wrote home. “I hope we will never have to shoot at such men again. They knew nothing at all about fighting and I think their officers knew as little.” A comrade, reacting not only to this but also to the pillage he had seen and shared in, put his thoughts in stronger words. “There is no God in war,” he fumed. “It is merciless, cruel, vindictive, un-Christian, savage, relentless. It is all that devils could wish for.”

  38. ethnostatist,

    being “reactionary” suggests one is merely reacting to changes, especially “inevitable” and “progressive” changes.

    Pride in and love for the South is not reactionary.

    Nationalism is not a reaction. It’s blood. I’ve said before, if I’m not a Southerner, then I’m a Brit. And my British blood at least partly predates the union of England and Scotland. I’ve been here awhile.

    Red State is not nationalism. That might be a useful vehicle for secession, but that’s not nationalism. I am not saying you are wrong in wanting a Red State polity, but I am saying you’re wrong to accuse Southerners of being “reactionaries”.

    These terms, “conservative”, “reactionary”, “nationalist”, “liberal”: They should be used more carefully. We’re losing the ability to communicate.

    When China’s president recently talked with Trump, he told Trump their history goes back at least 10K years. They view the US as young. I say we are not young. Our history goes back a similar amount of time in Europe. We are ancient too. But we should also appreciate later heritage, including our roots in the South.

  39. Hunter Wallace,

    we should focus on preserving what we can. I don’t know what’s possible.

    Are we still going to be in the South in 2100? What’s the long term strategy?

    I just assumed defending monuments was a recruiting strategy. A lady ran in SC recently for the SC-5 US House seat. She ran on defending Confederate symbols. She received few votes.

    I’ll just say, the Left Wing nightmare is that nationalists find profitable ways to plug into the economy and then produce many children.

    Kiryas Joel is an impoverished baby factory. That we set something like that up is the Left Wing nightmare. I’m not saying that’s the best strategy. I’m just saying that’s the nightmare scenario for the Left.

    Can you imagine 12 or 14 little Hunter Wallaces running about? And if they followed suit, you might have 100 grandchildren. One couple, 100 grandchildren: All of them raised well. That’s a Left Wing nightmare.

    But to place that in perspective: Just as activism tends to harm financial well-being, so too does raising so many children. It’s neat to me how the oil jobs and other economic hot spots can offer such rich wages. That might be an opportunity. Oil booms and busts though.

  40. I just say, I always get happy when reading an activist having a child. The monuments are just there for the children. And we might not be able to defend our territory anyway.

    If my folks are still in SC in 2100, we’ll likely be as foreigners living here. Everything we’re fond of will have been torn down. But if there are children, and if they remember, then there’s hope.

    The ideal is an ethnostate that cares for its own people, doesn’t exploit them, doesn’t fall into degeneracy as a result of prosperity. Just to endure, to have a home, to build for the future: That’s my dream anyway. I hate how nothing is permanent in the modern world. What is SC going to be like in 10, 20, 50 yrs? Who could build in such an environment? You can legally own land in SC, but is the land truly yours?

    If an investor builds in France for his family, he might find in 50 yrs that his investment has turned Muslim. Because France will turn Muslim. And that Muslim society might confiscate his property. So, the investment is then for naught. There’s no future in that sort of unstable society.

  41. Over the last 50 years, most white Southerners have lost any real sense of identity as Southerners.

    Southern Nationalists have a lot of work to do in the cultural and social arenas before a significance number of white Southerners will follow them.

    Since the segregationists were defeated in the 60’s, the South has developed a new culture focused on small government cuckservatism, Israel first cuckstianity, militaristic globalist imperialism and worship of black football teams. Southerners have embraced these things with real enthusiasm that often seems strange to Northern whites of all political descriptions from leftists to nationalists. There is a kind of fanatical quality to this embrace. They have replaced Southern identity and white identity with false idols like free markets, low taxes and black football players.

    Southern Nationalists need to put more effort into cultural nationalism. The South has a wonderful culture that is loved around the world. Nationalists need to start their own explicitly nationalist organizations for Southern food, music, history and other things. Southern nationalists need to have their own barbecue competitions, music scene and stock car racing.

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