Today on the Alt-South Memo:
- Louisiana bill to stop the Left’s destruction of Confederate monuments. Too little, too late from the GOP. UPDATE: The bill passed the House on a party-line vote. The Republicans finally came through on something. Now it goes to the Senate.
- Celebrate the culture of the Third World invaders who are replacing you in Cary, NC. And remember, folks, it’s free!
- Fox News openly gay host Shepard Smith calls for Mississippi State Flag to come down.
- Some Boomer Cuckfederates counter-signal the glory of the torchlight march against the anti-Southern degenerates in Charlottesville, VA. What use are such people?
Alt-South Memo is brought to you by Occidental Dissent and Identity Dixie. Many thanks to Charlie Stuart from the Thistle and Brier podcast for all his help in making ASM possible!
Equal rights for equal anti-iconic advocates – How? Destroy the MLK travesty in D.C.
It’s that simple.
He who controls the present, controls the future.
Mr. Cushman
The Jews assassinated Lincoln I believe to stop meaningful debate about the legality of secession. In other words for 100 years following Lincoln’s death, to say one supported secession in public was to be portrayed as an accessory to murder. Anyone who publicly supported Secession after 1865 was likely to be beaten up, even in some places in Dixie.
LBJ did the same thing with Kennedy, he basically said anyone who supported Jim Crow supported the murder of JFK and of course he used the media to trot out the images of the Rebel Flags flying at Love Field to give the impression that Southern Rednecks killed JFK, never mind that Oswald was possibly a Communist and definately a Scalawag. Lyndon campaigned in 1964 that he was finishing the legacy of JFK and portrayed all of those supporting ((( Barry Goldwater))) as in a sense supporting the Ku Klux Klan. The ruse worked very well.
It took the death of the Civil War generation and the death of most of the WWI/WWII generations to get to the point where we could debate secession on it’s merits alone. The problem is now we have debated the secession topic to the point of stupidity. Dr. Hill has been at this for 20 plus years and he and others have done a great deal of work exposing the truth of secession. Now it is time to quit talking and move forward. The Cuckfederates never will take this step. Just like someone dipping a foot in cold pool water, eventually you have to jump in
Yes, at this point debating secession is not all that productive. Constitutionalism is basically pointless. Might will dictate the moral construct under which independence and racial issues are discussed and decided.
@Michael Cushman…
‘Yes, at this point debating secession is not all that productive. Constitutionalism is basically pointless. Might will dictate the moral construct under which independence and racial issues are discussed and decided.’
Thank you for saying that. It’s a kind of epiphany for me, because, when the government is lawless, and the political parties heavily complicit in that, ‘the technicality of ‘secession’ is really futile.
The reality of secession, however, such as continuing the fight to awaken our Brethren to the lunacy of remaining in this political configuration does continue to make much sense.
As to ‘might’, I assume you are talking of the popularity with which certain ideas are held.
@Billy Ray…
‘It took the death of the Civil War generation and the death of most of the WWI/WWII generations to get to the point where we could debate secession on it’s merits alone. The problem is now we have debated the secession topic to the point of stupidity. Dr. Hill has been at this for 20 plus years and he and others have done a great deal of work exposing the truth of secession. Now it is time to quit talking and move forward. The Cuckfederates never will take this step. Just like someone dipping a foot in cold pool water, eventually you have to jump in’
Yes, organizing, internet proliferation, and active face to face politicking, of every sort, is the only point that can bear fruit.
Dr. Hill waged a glorious and worthwhile war for many years, as he does now, but, lamentably, he had the problem that every seer has – this being that he is so far ahead of his time, it’s hard for his seeds to take root in an unwilling unseeing soil.
As to Cuckfederates – they will be very helpful a bit down the line. I see them as a strategick reserve’ yet, for that to happen, someone has to make a break in the enemy’s lines, and that can only be done by those upon whom epithets have no effect, and who understand that the only way is to successfully refute anti-racism to the wider public, or, if not refute in it’s entirety, de-taboo private thinking along those lines.
Not just Southern secession but take all of red state America- Heartland secession! Now that is the basis for one powerful Ethno-State. That would leave liberals with the remaining blue states
‘Not just Southern secession but take all of red state America- Heartland secession! Now that is the basis for one powerful Ethno-State. That would leave liberals with the remaining blue states’
That, I suspect, is the destiny of this nation – to divide up rather than make each other miserable.
The Establishment, however, would not want that, and, hence, they will do everything to prevent it – even having us killing each other, rather than split their power.