Antifas Are Feeling Threatened

I can’t say that I disagree:

“The neo-Nazi rally that happened in support of Confederate statues in the South should be seen as the threat and danger that it is. Far-Right and white nationalist groups across the US are putting differences aside and coming together. The rallies on Saturday were organized by a coalition of neo-Nazi groups from across the United States; the leadership of which lives largely outside of Virginia. If people are not ready to confront, out organize, and push back against this threat, then they will only grow in size; attacking anyone that gets in their way or who is seen as an enemy to “the white race” that should not be allowed to live within the borders of their sought after “ethno-state.” …

To stop the growth of a new fascist movement we have to physically oppose it. We have to out organize it, and we have to counter it with everything we have.

People didn’t laugh the KKK out of existence. They fought back, they armed themselves, and they stood their ground. The question is, what will we do?”

In order to stop antifas, we must physically oppose and out organize them:

“When we arrived, settled in and got to planning, it became clear that the bloc would be outnumbered by a factor of at least four or five to one. Fascists were expected to draw about 100 people from paramilitary Oath Keepers groups, Proud Boys, and whatever white nationalist filth answered the call. A Daily Stormer post confirmed their intention to have “a popular front to drive the communists out of the public space…for actual free political discourse to take place,” indicating attempts at aggression. Hopeful estimates of 30 and realistic estimates of 20 total were expected to show up in bloc against this incursion.

Self-crit is important if we want to do better, and if more people aren’t showing up to bloc when a 100-strong fascist group shows up to rally in public, then we need to ask ourselves as Left organizers on how we might be able to improve. Things like flyering beforehand could have improved our numbers. Also, developing realistic win conditions by planning to use appropriate tactics based on our numbers and capacity is vital if we want to keep the morale of our troops high going into a fight. …”

They were heavily outnumbered in Boston this weekend.

If you had told me six months ago that antifas would be getting shut down in Berkeley, CA and Boston, MA and we would be pushing into Washington, DC, I wouldn’t have believed you.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Tell them not to worry. Hillary is back to extorting money and Soros is doing great in the market. They will be able to hire more anarchists soon.

  2. We need to keep up the pressure – and EXERT MORE. And PLEASEPLEASE PLEASE call every Gubmint Rep breathing oxygen, with explicitly pro-WHITE messages. CALL CALL CALL. Write Write Write. EVERY Rep, and Gubmint official has CONTACT info. CALL them. Be formally pro-White.

  3. “Antifa” are bullies and bullies are cowards. The masked snowflakes in particular will scatter at the possibility of someone bashing their empty skulls in. They feel threatened? Good. They need to feel threatened enough into civil protesting or not showing up.

  4. It’s great news, and, bad news for Antifa, because this is just the very beginning rise of The Great White Wave…

  5. “People didn’t laugh the KKK out of existence. They fought back, they armed themselves, and they stood their ground. The question is, what will we do?” ”

    LOL! Who’s “they”? The Klan was taken down by Federal government action and NOTHING else. By infiltration and subversion. By entrapment and disinformation. By false charges and imprisoning innocent people. In short by the use of government backed totalitarian NKVD-like tactics. Tactics that are used against the Dissident Right to this very day while the Bolshevist Left is allowed to run wild and free. Of course maybe that’s one reason the Dissident Right is getting traction. Trump has ordered Federal law enforcement to concentrate on foreign terrorists in our midst rather that violating the free association rights of American citizens. It’s not much. But it’s a start.

  6. I hope those jew commie faggots are feeling threatened. And I certainty hope their fears are justified. The Saxons are beginning to hate.

  7. @ Old Hickory

    “LOL! Who’s “they”? The Klan was taken down by Federal government action and NOTHING else. By infiltration and subversion. By entrapment and disinformation. By false charges and imprisoning innocent people. In short by the use of government backed totalitarian NKVD-like tactics.”

    Exactly. But, unknown to many, that is because the FBI, ATF, BLM, IRS, EPA, FDA, and all the other “enforcement” and intelligence agencies get their orders from the corporation THE UNITED STATES (Admiralty Law) and not the Republic of the United States of America (Common Law).

    “After the Civil War, the United States was in terrible financial condition. Congress agreed to a Rothschild plan in exchange for financial assistance. This is when Congress passed “The Organic Act of 1871” which created a separate corporate government for the District of Columbia which was called “THE UNITED STATES” (all caps). This treasonous act allowed the District of Columbia to operate as a corporation called “THE UNITED STATES” outside of the original Constitution of the republic of “the United States” (lower case “t” then initial caps) and outside the best interests of US citizens.”
    (c) 2014 The Secret History of the New World Order, Herbert Dorsey, Pages 53-54

    THE UNITED STATES, a corporation (See 15(A)):

    The Organic Act of 1871:

    Look at your social security card, there are two numbers, one on the front and one on the back. You use the front side one, they use the backside one.

    Oh, what a web of deception they weave.

    For All – don’t believe me, please look it up yourself. It’s out there. Stop living in the dark grasping at straws. It’s far bigger and even far darker than you think.

  8. Someone at OD, PLEASE write a LONG article on the Boomer Oathcucks and their subversive Mestizo leader Stewart Rhodes. The Alt-Right must call out these despicable anti-White traitors, NOW.

    And Denise, many of us fellow women who never/rarely comment on here really enjoy reading your comments… comment more, please!

  9. I would urge everyone to contact your Congressional representative and persuade them to enact a Federal Unmasking Bill. Unmasking laws were enacted against the KKK in the South. In fact, it was those very laws in the South that took the air out of Antifa’s tires at Auburn. If you go to Youtube, there is lots of video showing Antifa protestors, throwing away their weapons and walking away in disgust after the police insist that they unmask before they go to protest “the Nazi.”

    If any masked Antifa bully attacks any Alt-Right protestors, the first thing that needs to be done after disarming him/her is unmasking him/her. Cockroaches scatter in the light. It’s time to shed the light on who these people really are.

  10. Historically revolutions do not happen when people lose faith and despair. Revolutions happen when things appear to be getting better and expectations are raised only to be cruelly betrayed or crushed. It is not the Trump effect that is causing this. It is because people feel betrayed by Trump when he was co-opted by a cabal of Jewish Neo-Conservatives in the unprovoked and dastardly attack upon Syria. That is what is causing the angst, anger, and alienation leading to an Alt Right revolt and that is a good things.

  11. The fast pace of operations is what is tripping up antifa. They were used to having a handful of nationalist demonstrations a year that were announced months in advance and being done by groups like the KKK and NSM who are easy to get people worked up about.

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