We are in a cultural and heritage “cold” conflict. This should be crystal clear.
The line in the sand has been drawn in New Orleans and in my opinion, the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue is ground zero. It is time for ordinary white Americans to forget the high mindedness of the American mythos and understand that these statues are not symbols of “white supremacy.” No. They are symbols of white solidarity, white history, white culture, and simply put, whiteness. In a very real sense, they have no place in New Orleans.
They have no place standing in a square, circle, or park full of people who hate whiteness. That also includes white people who hate themselves. Nevertheless, ordinary white Americans must also understand that the consequence of this conflict will ultimately be their sub-servitude, unless we respond.
In Alt-Right circles there are many voices who suggest that we must somehow retake New Orleans. I agree that this must be our ultimate goal. But without a clear plan, this is just lofty rhetoric. Post-WWII Weimarica has guaranteed our impotence as a people by discouraging solidarity. That alone should make our situation crystal clear to what few men of honor we have left.
But all hope is not lost. There is a way to restore white American solidarity. The seeds for this are already sewn. It is imperative that we take decisive action now to fertilize and accelerate the growth of our movement and New Orleans holds the key if we smartly use the decline of Detroit as a model.
Counterintuitively, the first step toward taking New Orleans back is to – let it go. Think of this as a divorce. Any man who has been through a divorce will tell you that obsessing about getting his ex back was emotionally crippling and doomed to fail. It clouds the mind and prevents a man from working for his own interests because he mistakenly believes that her interests are the same as his. I think it’s pretty obvious that the black residents of New Orleans do not share our interests. The egalitarian whites in New Orleans who believe otherwise and side with the blacks will ultimately be collateral damage. Let them go too.
Can you accept that New Orleans is already lost? Detroit has been lost for a few decades now – do you lose any sleep over that reality?

New Orleans and Detroit are not the same. The situation is similar, but the forces at work are decidedly different. Detroit was once a thriving industrial city. The jewel of the automotive industry. Geography had little to do with Detroit’s rise in the first half of the 20th century – at least, not consequentially enough that dozens of other locations couldn’t have been a substitute for “Motown”.
New Orleans, on the other hand, has always depended on geography for its prosperity. It is a port city located at the mouth (or more accurately, anus) of the Mississippi River. Unfortunately, Mother Nature dictates that New Orleans will continue to serve as the access point to America’s most important river-way.
There are, however, critical similarities between Detroit and New Orleans. White flight has played a role in both cities’ demise. For Detroit this occurred practically overnight as factories were shuttered and mothballed. Once the auto industry abandoned the city, there was very little motivation for whites to stay. However, white flight out of New Orleans has been gradual (with the exception of Hurricane Katrina). The industries that have always fueled the economy in the area are still robust enough to keep a white merchant and blue collar class anchored there. As such, white professionals such as doctors and lawyers remain so long as they can commute from the affluent Northshore and Metairie suburbs.
The backbone port industries of New Orleans are indeed healthy, and if Hurricane Katrina wasn’t enough to make New Orleans a ghost town, it’s hard to imagine what could – that is, outside of tourism.
2015 and 2016 have seen New Orleans’ tourism numbers return to pre-Katrina levels after a decade of struggle. In anticipation of the 2018 tricentennial celebrations in New Orleans, the city announced that 2016 saw 10.45 million visitors, who added 7.41 billion dollars to the economy. In my opinion, the removal of the confederate monuments was motivated by this upcoming tricentennial as much as politics. Mitch Landrieu is hedging his bets that New Orleans will now be more inviting to pro-diversity American and foreign visitors. It is up to us in the Alt-Right to undermine this decision and teach New Orleans a lesson.
This will be challenging. The people who typically visit New Orleans are, in fact, drawn to the diversity and debauchery it offers. The variety of foods and multicultural celebrations are akin to international tourist cities like Rio de Janeiro. New Orleans tourism is fueled by consumerism – gluttony, debauchery and vice. I would be lying if I claimed to never have indulged in it myself.

We must mobilize and target New Orleans. It must be ground zero. After the Lee statue came down, I swore to myself to never spend another dime in that city. Calling for boycotts is easier said than done. I say to this, however, that if we can’t organize a boycott, we’ll never succeed at anything our movement hopes to accomplish.
We must compile a list of popular consumer goods that are made in or associated with New Orleans. Brands like Zatarain’s, Tony Chacere’s seasonings, Louisiana hot sauce and Tabasco. We must boycott Saint’s Football and stop purchasing sportswear and memorabilia associated with that team. We must avoid traveling and doing business in New Orleans at all costs. We must hold every company that has economic interests in New Orleans accountable for the political decisions made by that city.
We must lay economic siege and treat New Orleans as the Sodom and Gomorrah on the Mississippi it has become.
Listen. This absolutely has to happen and I want to take this moment as an opportunity to find common ground with all politically minded Americans – Southern Nationalists, libertarians, III%ers, oathkeepers, the greater Alt-Right, hell, even basic bitch Republicans and “based” minority groups who understand the disaster that is occurring before our very eyes. There are rational minded realists, plenty of us, who understand what is at stake.
You don’t have to be white or even “conservative” really to comprehend that there is no future for Western Civilization if you subordinate the ethnic European people who created it. This isn’t about white supremacy. This isn’t about idol worship of Confederate figures. It’s about preserving the heritage and monuments to history that our (yes, white) ancestors created – not because a bronze statue really matters at the end of the day. It’s because of what it symbolizes, what it really means, not to leave them up, but rather to tear them down.
Our warnings that monuments to Thomas Jefferson and George Washington aren’t sacred, are not hollow. With SJW extremists, there is no end to the perceived wrongs or the lengths they will go to to “right” them. It’s worse than that though. With the corporatist oligarchy pulling the strings, nothing is sacred. The only thing these people understand is money. The bizarre alliance between self-proclaimed anarchists and Marxists and corporate interests is stunning. But it is a fact we must face and we can (and must) unravel their efforts by hitting them in the wallet.
Trust me, you can live without hot sauce. You can live without Saint’s football. You can live without Mardi Gras beads. It’s an easy decision for me because I want to take everything back. I’ll start by letting go of New Orleans and everything associated with it.
Will you?
Finally, for the naysayers who say economic boycotts don’t work – that is demonstrably false. It is one of the most effective tools used by leftists. Even apolitical boycotts have worked in the past. Coca-Cola can attest to their 80’s mistake of reformulating their brand. Resolve is the only obstacle and leftists have shown time and time again that solidarity in a boycott works. Here are some recent examples of effective boycotts.
We must do this. A full-on boycott of everything associated with New Orleans is easy and an attack on multiple brands will be more effective than a single company. You don’t even have to leave your home to participate. Let the globalists eat their own feces by using the global nature of the market against them.
There’s really no other way.
-Submitted by an anonymous member of the Alt-South. Originally published at identitydixie.com
In addition to boycotting the Big Sleazy, I am boycotting Subway, Target, Starbucks, Apple, Jew York City and all other companies/places that have shown an open hostility towards White culture and values.
Before we ever make measurable progress, we must first self-assess.
How many here have cancelled their cable/satellite? How many don’t watch TV or movies at all? We have got to give up the toxins (((Hollywood))) in our lives before we are healthy enough for bolder steps in my opinion. Finally, New Orleans won’t get a dime of my money, they never have. It’s much more important to be preparing for what’s on the horizon. It won’t stop with monuments.
I have been carrying on a one-person boycott of numerous brands for some time now and for various reasons. For example, Bertolli, Cheetos and Cheerios because of obnoxious commercials. The cable tv was cut years ago (no loss there at all– it’s 95%+ crap). I would be interested in a comprehensive list of NOLA products. Anyone know a good substitute for Tabasco?
Technically Tobasco is made in Avery Island but that’s not far from New Orleans and they certainly have ties to New Orleans…but there are dozens of hot sauce brands. Franks is a good one but I have no idea where it is made.
Zatarain’s is now owned by Mc Cormick. Most all the food brands are owned by some damn yankee Corp, now.
Make your own hot sauce. We should have our own gyms so shrieking harpies can’t get us expelled from them. We need our own White economy to survive.
They’re owned by McCormick but still made in New Orleans
The remaining Whites in New Orleans are the ones most familiar with “diversity”.
Boycott McCormick, not just the Zatarain’s division. Boy Howdy, just wait until the antifa commies and their fellow useful idiots go after LSU about having halls named after Confederates like Kirby Smith.
I don’t know how effective or even how important a boycott of NO can be, since I have no idea what is made there and who uses it. For all the raving about great restaurants in NO, I never got a decent meal there except at the Hyatt Hotel where I ordered a steak. The famous French Quarter was like a slum. Never liked it. I always thought that the real Louisiana and the real wonderful southern people were outside of NO, just like good people in California don’t live in Hollywood, which is a slum.
That being said, I don’t recognize any of the products in this story which means I already boycott them through non-use. I don’t know how well this will work, but I think it’s too much of a stretch to say that if we can’t bring down NO we’re doomed to failure. I don’t think NO is that important. But, I will support the boycott and the movement.
That’s not the point, I don’t think. I think the point is that if we can’t organize with enough solidarity to have a boycott, no matter how successful or unsuccessful it is, we will never be effective enough to grow as a movement.
For instance, nobody should depend on this article for their information on products made in New Orleans. Google “products made in New Orleans” and create a list and use a meme generator to compile the list in an low agency easy to read way. Post it on social media. Find the products that you yourself use and boycott them. Have the agency to not depend on an already in-motion boycott with well defined goals. Help become the mechanics behind the boycott and be energetic about it.
Point being, the article lists several effective boycotts. Those people who made the boycott happen had passion behind it, energy. They didn’t second guess how effective it would be. They didn’t concern themselves with doubt or what-ifs. They just DID IT.
This is why the left moves the Overton window consistently and right-wing movements Peter out. They walk the walk.
I’m not picking on anyone. I myself have expressed doubt. But I’m actively researching what products I can boycott. Everyone should do the same and spread the measage.
Here is a link that I got from Googling “products made in New Orleans”
There aren’t hundreds of national brands on this list but I know, for instance, that Camilia beans are sold nationally. Steen’s sugar cane products are sold nationally. Perhaps you don’t use those products but you might know people who do and compiling a list and spreading it on social media might have an impact. Also, remember that just because the aren’t produced directly in New Orleans doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider a boycott. Harahan, LA is very nearby. Set aside your altruism toward others or your guilty conscience. We have to be vigilant and ruthless in our methods if we are to win.
Boycotting products made in Avery Island, Laffayette, Abbeville, etc. is NOT getting back at New Orleans.nor hurting Commisar Landrieu You are only hurting those companies and the people employed with them who didn’t have a damn thing to do with the crap they pulled in New Orleans.
Do you like punishing people that don’t live there, work there or endorse what the hell they did there ?
Good grief.
Sigh. Good grief. I think I’m going to go volunteer to help haul off some statues. At least that side knows how to win.
I’m just going to leave this comment and then drop it. Every big company within 2 hours drive of New Orleans that has any political clout in that state is culpable. They are corporate America, they are the lobbyists and political donors and string pullers and grease palmers who make everything happen in Baton Rouge. You don’t think Tobasco has any clout on New Orleans? You don’t think Community Coffee has any clout? What about the Copeland family? They ALL could be on TV buying ads to rally support behind history monuments and landmarks. Voicing their displeasure at the choices being made. If this were 50 years ago some of them would be. But no. They want the multicultural stew like everyone else because it is profitable. If fear of causing economic pain and hitting the rich fat cat globalists in the wallet is too hurculean a task or if boycotting “innocent” companies is too immoral for America, well then we are just gonna have to get used to money>morals and sit back while the economy keeps on churning with cheap Mexican labor and the growing welfare state. Spinelessness is cancer.