The Alachua County Commission voted 4-1 to tear down a Confederate Veterans Monument in Gainsville, FL. The county is only about 20% black and the city of Gainsville is only 23% black. Unlike New Orleans, which is majority black, most of the people who voted to tear down the statue are white. They are giving the United Daughters of the Confederacy, which paid for the statue in 1904, 120 days to come up with the funding to remove the statue at their own expense.
It is noteworthy that a white female politician voted to keep the Confederate statues in New Orleans, while three white male “beta-cucks” voted to tear one down in Gainsville.
The following people voted to t
ear the statue down. Mike Byerly, Robert “Hutch” Hutchinson, Ken Cornell, and Charles “Chuck” Chestnut.
Only Lee Pinkoson of District 2 voted to let the statue stay.
The New Orleans City Council voted 6 to 1 to tear down four Confederate Veteran Monuments in the city. The New Orleans City Council is 66% black. The city council members who voted to tear down the monuments are Jason Rogers Williams, Susan G. Guidry, LaToya Cantrell, Nadine M. Ramsey, Jared C. Brossett, and James Austin Gray II.
Only Stacy Head, Councilman at Large, voted to let the monuments stay where they are.
Get the traitors first.
Maybe those statues can be better appreciated if placed in a classy museum or private park, because in the places where they originally stood they weren’t being noticed by most drivers or pedestrians anyway. But the fact that they were removed without the public’s consent, and the shabby, disrespectful way in which they were taken down really pisses me off. Jews, coloreds, women and homosexuals should have no place in politics.
A private donor paid for the removal of the NO Statues. The identity of the private donor was not disclosed. The Judah P. Benjamin Confederate statue was not removed.
Eisenhower’s legacy is coming to pass. The Red loving Bastard and his cohorts set this in motion in the 50’s and the failure of the Southern governments to openly rebel sealed our doom – unless we can reunite to defeat the Communist and the Jews !
At least we know who to hang on the Day of the Rope!
Only whites do this to their own. We really do need a culling. One of epic proportions absent of conscience. Just like the one our controllers are hoping for. And, instigating.
*unless we can reunite to defeat the Communist and the Jews !”
Communists and Jews. Same difference.
I totally agree with @Snowhitey, our Race would actually be better off if half of it was eliminated. We only need to save the attractive adult females of child bearing age, the healthy, normal children and a few warrior Alpha males. The fatties, cucks, boomers, fags and race-mixers can be turned over to the nigras and Mohammedans to do with as they please.
The New Reconstruction: Christopher Epps, Negro, Mississippi Corrections Commissioner, once called himself the “tallest hog at the trough,” but he was cut down to size Wednesday when a judge sentenced Mississippi’s former corrections commissioner to nearly 20 years in prison for crimes connected to more than $1.4 million in bribes.
This is the largest graft operation that certainly I have seen, and I have seen a lot,” said Wingate, a federal judge since 1985. “He has bruised tremendously the image of the state of Mississippi.”
The poster who criticized the White middle class is quite correct. They are useless appendages.
What’s the religious affiliation of the Gainesville group, and do any of them have any Confederate ancestors?
New Orleans was a Roman Catholic cake with Black icing.
Gainesville Florida this is pretty SELF-EXPLANATORY Hunter. The University of Florida is in Gainesville and that is where this is all being pushed from. I don’t care where you are in the USA, if there is a major University nearby you have LEFTISTS. Would North Carolina have it’s problems without her major universities? NO. Would Austin Tx have been seized by Lefties without UT? No. Certain areas of the South where the Universities are located in small towns they have a better shot at beating back the liberalism, but if your University is in a major city you are screwed. In the North its worth noting most major universities are located in major cities.
Notice so far most the trouble is coming from areas with major Colleges and Universities. New Orleans-Tulane, Gainesville-U of Florida, Charlottesville-U of Virginia. I AM SENSING A PATTERN HERE
Brad, who are these people and what is their role? http://www.cityofgainesville.org/CityCommission.aspx