SPLC Cries About Alt-Right Free Speech Rally In Washington, DC

Richard Cohen of the SPLC is having a fit about the failure of President Donald Trump to condemn the Alt-Right free speech rally at the Lincoln Memorial:

“The Lincoln Memorial, the scene of some of the most riveting and consequential moments in the history of our country’s civil right movement, will on Sunday be the site of a decidedly different sort of event.

The white nationalists who will hold a rally there will not be striving to “form a more perfect Union,” as was Abraham Lincoln, but rather to break it part.

They will not be demolishing racial barriers, as was Marian Anderson when she sang to thousands in 1939, but rather erecting them.

They will not be dreaming about ending racism, as was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. when he spoke in 1963, but rather defending it.

It seems almost sacrilegious that white nationalists will be using the Lincoln Memorial as a backdrop for what they are billing as a “Freedom of Speech Rally.” …”

Strangely enough, Cohen seems to believe there is a contradiction between “free speech” and White identity politics. It would have confounded the Founding Fathers who restricted American citizenship to Whites in the Naturalization Act of 1790. The US Constitution was written and signed exclusively by White males and includes the 3/5ths and Fugitive Slave Clauses. The same men who ratified the First Amendment also provided for the capture of their runaway slaves.

President Thomas Jefferson would have understood the fear that unless “drastic action is taken” that the grandchildren of white people in America will “live in a country that is alien and hostile.” In the aftermath of the Haitian Revolution, Jefferson wrote “But if something is not done, and soon done, we shall be the murderers of our own children.” He later wrote, “Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them.” Jefferson advocated peaceful ethnic cleansing, “It is still in our power to direct the process of emancipation and deportation peaceably and in such slow degree as that the evil will wear off insensibly, and their place be pari passu filled up by free white laborers.”

When President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, he was entertaining the possibility that some black Union war veterans in Louisiana could be extended voting rights. In Lincoln’s America, non-Whites were excluded from American citizenship by the Dred Scott decision, which is why the 14th Amendment was necessary to establish black citizenship. Lincoln told Frederick Douglass that the black race was the cause of the War Between the States and advocated racial separation, “See our present condition—the country engaged in war!—our white men cutting one another’s throats, none knowing how far it will extend; and then consider what we know to be the truth. But for your race among us there could not be war, although many men engaged on either side do not care for you one way or the other. Nevertheless, I repeat, without the institution of Slavery and the colored race as a basis, the war could not have an existence. It is better for us both, therefore, to be separated.” During the war, Lincoln attempted to colonize free blacks in Haiti and Panama.

Slavery wasn’t abolished in the District of Columbia until 1862. In the 19th century, White Americans didn’t believe that “racism” was a sin. They didn’t believe that “xenophobia” or “hate speech” were a bad thing either. Even in the 20th century, Congress was banning the “feebleminded” and “anarchists” from American shores and extending the China ban – the Chinese Exclusion Act – to include immigration from all of Asia and Africa. In the Roaring Twenties, President Calvin Coolidge was able to say, “There are racial considerations too grave to be brushed aside for any sentimental reasons. Biological laws tell us that certain divergent people will not mix or blend. The Nordics propagate themselves successfully. With other races, the outcome shows deterioration on both sides. Quality of mind and body suggests that observance of ethnic law is as great a necessity to a nation as immigration law.” The Supreme Court upheld eugenics in the Buck v. Bell decision in 1927.

There’s nothing unusual about Richard Spencer’s politics. The Founding Fathers would have been perplexed by the need for “free speech rallies” though. They would have been astonished by the idea that their descendants would be denied employment for engaging in “White identity politics” since that was the only type of politics in their day. No one else had a credible claim to America in their time. It was MLK who captured the imagination of White Americans about “ending racism” in the 1960s. The present day immigration and federal civil rights laws only date back to that period.

Americans have had many such moral panics throughout history – the temperance movement, which culminated in Prohibition in the 18th Amendment, is one such example. The crusade to stamp out the evil of “racism” is driven by the same utopian spirit that once tried to stamp out alcohol. This wasn’t a part of our culture until a generation ago and we can move beyond this failed experiment.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The power of the jews and shitlibs has gone about as far as it can go. I think the tide began to turn in 2014, when the Supreme Court ordered all the states to recognize fag “marriages”. Then then the issue of allowing cross-dressing perverts in ladies’ rooms suddenly became a national crisis/civil rights cause. The (((Enemy))) should have been happy with all the dark victories he won over a period of 70 years but he is an eternal troublemaker who can never be satisfied. Hopefully he will be soon be permanently removed from our midst, through oven-fire and crucifixions.

  2. What a time to be alive. I remember when we used to react to the SPLC, like when fat Heidi went to Long Beach State to get Kevin MacDonald fired. Now we just ignore them, were even gonna kick their ads in court with the Anglin case.

  3. Erecting racial barriers is what creates unity. Knocking down those barriers is what destroys unity. That’s why the cucks, kooks, kikes, queers and commies are always against those barriers.Racism=unity. I know that everyone who reads will say to themselves, “well, duh.” 😉

  4. Richard Cohen of the SPLC……..his name alone tells me all I need to know about this corrupt and anti-white racist outfit. They’re a hate group who should be monitored and reported.

  5. The real reason the Left always seems to progress is that it’s taking most of the “opposition” in the direction they want to go. Newly minted “conservatives” are happy that society has moved so far Left that they get to pretend to be on our side and profit from it while standing against everything the true Right stands for..

  6. @JPS
    The ‘Conservatives’ these days don’t actually stand for anything conservative and the word really means nothing anymore- and is used to death.
    Conservatives=supports immigration, faggotry, diversity, renewable energy, foreign aid and free trade.
    The Left? Well they support immigration, faggotry, diversity, renewable energy, foreign aid and free trade.
    The left opposes war ( I think ) , and so do I, but other than that……
    I’m sure they suck eachothers penises behind closed doors.
    I’m indeed alt- right, not conservative.

  7. “It is still in our power to direct the process of emancipation and deportation peaceably and in such slow degree as that the evil will wear off insensibly, and their place be pari passu filled up by free white laborers.”

    The Massachusetts Yankees weren’t about to let that happen unmolested. Their ideological descendants, the SJWs, aren’t, either.

  8. “President Thomas Jefferson would have understood the fear that unless “drastic action is taken” that the grandchildren of white people in America will “live in a country that is alien and hostile.”

    Unfortunately, Jefferson was stuck in a Union® with hostile people who meant him and his mortal harm, and who viewed negroes as pawns in their struggle for power.

  9. M’thinks the Trump administration might be about to throw the Alt Right under the bus. The statements coming out of the Trump press secretary about Russia and Assad about to Gas little children and how the Trump Admin would deal with this new Hitler – that’s about as bad as it gets.

    A huge crackdown on open “Racists” would be a big push to get the Conservative inc and impeachment talk to calm down and Trump doesn’t want to be completely on the outs with the American Jewish community.

    Think folks should tone things down – all activism should be against new Neo Conservative wars with secular Arabs in Syria and restarting the Cold War with Russia – this can’t be popular in the South. But, you never know.

  10. With the rise of the new Gentile Media, the influence of the SPLC can be perceived to be waning – palpably.

    Of course, they will cry, but, it will be to no end.

  11. ames Owen
    JUNE 27, 2017 AT 12:10 PM
    “President Thomas Jefferson would have understood the fear that unless “drastic action is taken” that the grandchildren of white people in America will “live in a country that is alien and hostile.”

    Unfortunately, Jefferson was stuck in a Union® with hostile people who meant him and his mortal harm, and who viewed negroes as pawns in their struggle for power.

    Thomas Jefferson was no friend of the South or Southern values. Read his statement on the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom stating that he believed all religions should be allowed in Virginia. His first sin in this endeavor was the Land Ordinances of 1784 1785 and 1787 and his hair brained idea that slavery could be banned by the Government. In 1784 Virginia was forced to cede the entire Ohio Country it was her land. In the 1785 and the 1787 land ordinance, Jefferson said that slavery must be henceforth and forever banned in the Ohio Country and he even expanded his ban to all lands west of the 13 colonies THAT was voted down. Now consider this, Jefferson felt that in the unorganized land, once Virginia ceded it that Congress had the right to ban slavery there. Now it is true in 1785 that the USA was under the Articles of Confederation basically making us 13 Independent nations and that as independent nations, the nations could outlaw slavery within their own boundaries. In 1780 Pennsylvania had instituted a phase out for slavery and in 1783 the Massachusetts supreme court outlawed it altogether. The citizens of the Bay State never got to vote on the matter.

    When the Constitution was written by James Madison in 1787 he was Jefferson’s twin in ideas, the passage about the Trans-Atlantic slave act called the slaves PERSONS. Now under the Common Law PERSONS are human beings. The problem here being a misunderstanding of the Common Law. Under British Colonial Law, there were Freemen and Slaves. Negroes were considered the same as Whites under British Law but the British allowed the Colonies some leeway into regulating the Negroes. Virginia and South Carolina did so in law. At the time of the Constitution Virginia and South Carolina were the only states banning Negro voting, Georgia was silent on the subject but it was banned there in practice as well. All of the laws passed under the Articles, predating the Constitution under the doctrine of Ex Post Facto law, were carried over.

    The Immigration Acts of 1790 and 1795 allowed for thousands of French Revolutionaries to claim refugee status in the US and many did. John Adams stopped the flow in 1798 but Jefferson reopened the borders in 1802. Mind you, in 1802 there was not any real organized hostility in the North toward the South, there were just basic economic differences and social differences. Jefferson knew that to grow the Democratic Party in the North and displace the Federalists, open borders were the key. Thousands of Revolutionaries from France and Europe streamed over, including thousands of Jews, which grew by every year. Of course in the mind of Jefferson this was a GOOD thing, the Immigrants, especially Jews, were all good Democrats. This was a case of the Democrats going for Short Term Gain over Long Term stability.

    Of course the European Revolutionaries and Jews continued to stream in by the hundreds of thousands and by 1850 there was a genuine effort of hostility toward the South, but was it truly a Yankee thing or was it a continuation of the French Revolutionary-Marxist revolutions in Europe thing? The answer is BOTH. The Revolutionaries had already seized a great deal of influence at our universities, we allowed scholars from Europe to come and go as they pleased. You had revolutionaries like Guisseppi Mazzini and others pushing abolition and a great flow of money coming from Europe. Frederick Douglass’s Freedom was purchased by English abolitionists while he was in England, spirited out of America. No better source than Sam Houston said this entire thing was a European Revolution funded from London.

    The truth is had there been no Jewish Power Structure, no international funding, no Revolutionaries in academia, abolitionism would have been just as irrelevant as the catapult was in warfare. Yankee crackpots didn’t by any stretch of the imagination run that show, the money had to come from somewhere. Unfortunately thanks to Jefferson’s OPEN BORDERS, we had no way to stop it. It could be well said that without Immigration, there would have been no Southern Secession, nor would Virginia have ever lost control of the government!

  12. Jack Ryan
    June 27, 2017 at 12:30 pm

    “M’thinks the Trump administration might be about to throw the Alt Right under the bus.”

    What? Again?

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